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velti (from βελτιστοποίηση meaning optimization in Greek) for CRYStals is a collection of modules with functions useful for geometry optimization of ionic structures. It involves energy calculation with the Buckingham-Coulomb energy function potential and analytic first derivatives along with some local optimization methods. The input should be a collection of parameters that represents a unit cell with N ions, including a Nx3 (each row corresponding to a 3-dimensional ion position) and a 3x3 numpy array (each row corresponding to one 3-dimensional lattice vector).

The energy and derivative calculations are written in Cython and optimization step methods are written in Python.



The software's functionality have several dependencies, thus it is advised to create a virtual environment using either Python's venv or Anaconda. If you prefer venev and pip then use the instructions below:


Create a Python environment as shown

  python -m venv ~/envelti

and activate the environment like so

  source ~/envelti/bin/activate

then you have two options:

1. Manual

You can use pip and install the required packages with the command pip install (please use a recent version of pip e.g. 23.0). The essential packages for the software to work include:

  • numpy
  • ase
  • cython
  • jupyter notebook (optional, only if using the run.ipynb file)

2. Requirements.txt

Otherwise, while the Python environment is activated, you can install the required packages using the given requirements text file (please use a recent version of Python e.g. 3.11)

   pip install -r requirements.txt


If you are familiar and are using conda, it is advisable that you create a virtual environment using this option.


1. Manual

You can create the environment as shown here

  conda create -n envelti

activate the environment as below

  conda activate envelti

and install

  • numpy
  • ase
  • cython
  • jupyter notebook (optional, only if using the run.ipynb file)

using the conda install command.

2. Requirements.yml

Otherwise you can create an environment using the requirements file and a Python version 3.6.13+ like so

  conda env create -f requirements.yml

with the corresponding requirements file.



In order to install the package, please clone this project and run the following command inside the main folder of the repository:

  python build_ext --inplace

Any files and folders produced with this operation can be removed by running the bash script from the root folder of the project.



In order to perform a geometry optimization calculation, run the Python script in file with

  python [-h] [-i --input] [-r] [-u] [-out --out_frequency]
                             [-o --output] [-s --max_step]
                             [-m --relaxation_method]

  Define input

  optional arguments:
    -h, --help             show this help message and exit
    -i --input             .cif file to read
    -r, --relax            Perform structural relaxation
    -u, --user             Wait for user input after every iteration
    -out --out_frequency   Print files every n iterations
    -o --output            Output directory
    -s --max_step          Use upper bound step size
    -m --relaxation_method Choose updating method
    -res, --reset         Force direction reset every 3N+9 iterations.
    -d, --debug           Print numerical derivatives.

You will need to add the necessary elements with their charge in charge_dict of file run and adjust the corresponding input paths in DATAPATH of DATAPATH needs to contain the library files buck.lib with the Buckingham parameters and radii.lib with the radii information of the element ions in a folder libraries. Such files can be found in the corresponding folder of the current repository. These contain the required information for the dataset data.

Alternatively, you can open the jupyter notebook file run.ipynb.


The essential classes for energy calculation are the Cython extension types Coulomb and Buckingham. These include methods for evaluating both of the energy potentials using the Ewald summation expansion. They can be accessed by adding the following lines to a Python script:

  from cysrc.buckingham import *
  from cysrc.coulomb import *

The class objects are defined as follows:


Coulomb energy

This is the electrostatic energy existing due to positively and negatively charged ions in the structure. It is a summation of terms each one of which corresponds to a pairwise interaction dependent on the distance between the ions. The alpha parameter depends on the cutoff values and is defined according to Catlow's work. The cutoff value is then used in the inflated_cell_truncation method of cutoff.pxd, a proposed geometric method of finding the images of neighbouring ions.

  Cpot = Coulomb(chemical_symbols, N, charge_dict, alpha, filename)

Arguments of this function include:

Argument Function
N Number of ions in unit cell
chemical_symbols Ions' chemical symbols in resp. positions
charge_dict Dictionary of ion charge per element
filename File with Madelung constants (optional)
alpha Balance between reciprocal and real space (optional)


Buckingham energy

Buckingham energy potential accounts for Pauli repulsion energy and van der Waals energy between two atoms as a function of the interatomic distance between them. The two terms of each Buckingham summand represent repulsion and attraction respectively. Parameters A, C and ρ are emperically determined in literature. These parameters have to be defined in a library file (here buck.lib) in the following format:

element_name_1a core element_name_1b core  A   ρ C min_dist max_dist
element_name_2a core element_name_2b core  A   ρ C min_dist max_dist
  Bpot = Buckingham(filename, chemical_symbols, alpha, radius_lib, radii, limit)

Arguments of this function include:

Argument Function
filename Library file with Buckingham constants
chemical_symbols Ions' chemical symbols in resp. positions
radius_lib Library file with radius value per element ion
radii Array with radius per ion position (optional)
limit Lower bound limit of pairwise distances
alpha Balance between reciprocal and real space (optional)


Both classes need to be set with cutoff parameters using method

  set_cutoff_parameters(self, vects, N, accuracy, real, reciprocal)

before each energy calculation, if the unit cell undergoes any changes. The cutoff values are then used to calculate pairwise distances of ions in neighbouring cells using the inflated_cell_truncation method in cutoff.pyx. Each class contains also the methods

  energy(self, atoms, pos_array, vects_array, N)
  gradient(self, atoms, pos_array, vects_array, N)

Arguments of these functions include:

Argument Function
N Number of ions in unit cell
pos_array Array with the atom positions (Nx3)
vects_array Array with the lattice vectors (3x3)
atoms Object of ase Atoms class (optional)

Both energy (energy) and derivatives (gradient) can be calculated either by defining parameters N, pos_array, vects_array or atoms.



This class instantiates the optimization procedure. Its method repeat performs repeated iterations iter_step of nonlinear minimization. It can be configured with various tolerances that will make up the stopping criteria of the minimization. Every iter_step call returns a dictionary with all values related to the current iteration, so that the returning values include the gradient of the current configuration, the new direction vector for the next step, the ion positions' array, the strains tensor, the lattice vectors' array, the iteration number, the step size used, the gradient norm of the current configuration and the energy value of the current configuration You can always import the Descent class from and define an object for running optimizations with

  descent = Descent()

Arguments of this function include (all optional):

Argument Function
iterno Maximum iteration number
ftol Energy value difference tolerance
gtol Gradient norm tolerance
tol Step (step*direction_norm)/||x||) tolerance
gmax Gradient component tolerance

The method that executes the optimization is

  repeat(self, init_energy, atoms, potentials, outdir, outfile,
    step_func, direction_func, strains, usr_flag, max_step, out)

Arguments of this function include:

Argument Function
init_energy Initial energy value
atoms Object of ase Atoms class
potentials Dict. with potential objects indexed by name
outdir Folder containing any output files
outfile Name for output files
step_func Function for line search (optional)
direction_func Function for calculating direction vector
strains Initial strain array (optional)
usr_flag Initiative to stop for input after each iteration (optional)
max_step Upper bound for step size (optional)
out Interval of output production (optional)

where step_func and direction_func should be procedures. Line minimisation procedures can be defined in and procedures for the direction vector can be defined in Please refer to the examples already defined.



The crystal structures whose energy is to be calculated need be in a .cif file or be defined with the Atoms class of ase. Example structures can be found in the folder data, which contains a set of 200 crystal structures produced with a stable Strontium Titanate (\ch{Sr_3Ti_3O_9}) as a reference point. The length of each lattice vector is chosen from the values 4, 6, 8, 10, and 12 Angstroms and they form an orthorhombic unit cell containing 15 ions -- 3 strontium, 3 titanium and 9 oxygen ions. These ions are placed in a random manner on grid points defined by a 1 Angstrom grid spacing. The placement is such that the negative ions are placed on grid points with even indices, and positive ions and are placed on grid points with odd indices.