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3657 lines (1699 loc) · 54.8 KB

Node Docs

Here's a list of all 96 current nodes, their descriptions, and i/o.

Vector 2D

A two dimensional vector with keys x and y


x: number

y: number


out: Vec2

Vec2 A 2D Vector with keys x and y default: `{x:0,y:0}`


A WebGL mesh


geometry: Geometry

The geometry to use with this mesh

Geometry An abstract geometry that describes verticies in space

material: Material

This mesh's material

Material An abstract material, usually applied to geometries

rotation: Vec2

The rotation of this mesh node, in radians

Vec2 A 2D Vector with keys x and y default: `{x:0,y:0}`

scale: Vec3

The scale of this mesh node

Vec3 A 3D Vector with keys x, y, and z default: `{x:0,y:0,z:0}`


mesh: Mesh

The resulting Mesh

Mesh A mesh that can be added to a scene and rendered


A WebGL Points


geometry: Geometry

The geometry to use with this mesh

Geometry An abstract geometry that describes verticies in space

material: Material

This mesh's material

Material An abstract material, usually applied to geometries

rotation: Vec2

The rotation of this mesh node, in radians

Vec2 A 2D Vector with keys x and y default: `{x:0,y:0}`

scale: Vec3

The scale of this mesh node

Vec3 A 3D Vector with keys x, y, and z default: `{x:0,y:0,z:0}`


mesh: Mesh

The resulting Points object

Mesh A mesh that can be added to a scene and rendered


A WebGL Line


geometry: Geometry

The geometry to use with this mesh

Geometry An abstract geometry that describes verticies in space

material: Material

This mesh's material

Material An abstract material, usually applied to geometries

rotation: Vec2

The rotation of this mesh node, in radians

Vec2 A 2D Vector with keys x and y default: `{x:0,y:0}`

scale: Vec3

The scale of this mesh node

Vec3 A 3D Vector with keys x, y, and z default: `{x:0,y:0,z:0}`


mesh: Mesh

The resulting Line object

Mesh A mesh that can be added to a scene and rendered

Torus Knot Geometry

A torus knot (buffer) geometry, with most attributes encoded in buffers so that they are more efficiently transported to your GPU.


radius: number

The radius of this geometry

tube: number

The tube radius

tubularSegments: number

The number of tubular segments for this geometry

radialSegments: number

The number of radial segments for this geometry

p: number

The torus knot p

q: number

The torus knot q


geometry: Geometry

this particular geometry

Geometry An abstract geometry that describes verticies in space

Plane Geometry

A plane (buffer) geometry, with most attributes encoded in buffers so that they are more efficiently transported to your GPU.


width: number

The width of this plane

height: number

The height of this plane


geometry: Geometry

this particular geometry

Geometry An abstract geometry that describes verticies in space

Sphere Geometry

A sphere (buffer) geometry, with most attributes encoded in buffers so that they are more efficiently transported to your GPU.


radius: number

The radius of the sphere

widthSegments: number

The number of segments along the geometry width

heightSegments: number

The number of segments along the geometry height


geometry: Geometry

this particular geometry

Geometry An abstract geometry that describes verticies in space

Box Geometry

A box (buffer) geometry, with most attributes encoded in buffers so that they are more efficiently transported to your GPU.


width: number

The width of this box

height: number

The height of this box

depth: number

The depth of this box


geometry: Geometry

this particular geometry

Geometry An abstract geometry that describes verticies in space

Geometry Base

Geometries store attributes, e.g. vertex positions, faces, colors.


vertices: Vec3[]

The array of vertices holds the position of every vertex in the model. To signal an update in this array, verticesNeedUpdate needs to be set to true

Vec3[] An array of Vec3s. A 3D Vector with keys x, y, and z

appendVerts: boolean

Whether or not incoming verticies param should be appended. If false, incoming params will override verticies.


geometry: Geometry

this particular geometry

Geometry An abstract geometry that describes verticies in space

Lambert Material

A material for non-shiny surfaces, without specular highlights.The material uses a non-physically based Lambertian model for calculating reflectance. This can simulate some surfaces (such as untreated wood or stone) well, but cannot simulate shiny surfaces with specular highlights (such as varnished wood).Shading is calculated using a Gouraud shading model. This calculates shading per vertex (i.e. in the vertex shader) and interpolates the results over the polygon's faces.


color: Color

Color of this material

Color Hex color


material: Material

The resulting material

Material An abstract material, usually applied to geometries

Shader Material

A material rendered with custom shaders. A shader is a small program written in GLSL that runs on the GPU.You can use the directive #pragma unroll_loop in order to unroll a for loop in GLSL by the shader preprocessor. The directive has to be placed right above the loop. The loop should be formatted with the standard spec (normalized, var i, paren spacing)Additionally, all shader materials will be subscribed to global uniforms: u_mouse (vec2), u_time (float), and u_resolution (vec2)


vertex: ShaderProgram

Vertex shader for this shader material

ShaderProgram An OpenGL compatible GLSL shader

fragment: ShaderProgram

Fragment shader for this shader material

ShaderProgram An OpenGL compatible GLSL shader

transparent: boolean

Whether or not this material responds to an alpha component


material: Material

The resulting material

Material An abstract material, usually applied to geometries

Particle Material

A material of particles


color: Color

Color of this material

Color Hex color


material: Material

The resulting material

Material An abstract material, usually applied to geometries

Load Texture

Load a texture into the global uniform set


url: string

The url to fetch this texture at

name: string

The name to export this sampler2D as


Render Scene

This node renders a WebGL scene, by default with a perspective camera


child: SceneElement

Any scene element[s] to be added

SceneElement Anything that can be added to a scene, including Meshes, Lights, & Cameras

fx: PostEffect[]

Post render pass(es)

PostEffect[] An array of PostEffects. A post production render effect

clearColor: RGBColor

The renderer's clear color

RGBColor RGB representation of a color

clearAlpha: number

The alpha component for the renderer's clear color


camera: Camera

The scene's camera

Camera A camera that exists in a scene

scene: Scene

The scene

Scene A 3D Scene


A DuoSynth is a monophonic synth composed of two MonoSynths run in parallel with control over the frequency ratio between the two voices and vibrato effect.


frequency: number

The frequency control

volume: number

The volume of the output in decibels

harmonicity: number

Harmonicity is the ratio between the two voices. A harmonicity of 1 is no change. Harmonicity = 2 means a change of an octave.

vibratoAmount: number

The amount of vibrato

vibratoRate: number

The frequency of vibrato


out: Synth

Resulting Synth

Synth Any kind of synth


A Synth is composed by routing an OmniOscillator through a AmplitudeEnvelope.


volume: number

The volume of the output in decibels

oscillator: OscillatorType

The type of oscillator

OscillatorType The type of the oscillator: either sine, square, triangle, or sawtooth. Also capable of setting the first x number of partials of the oscillator. For example: sine4 would set be the first 4 partials of the sine wave and triangle8 would set the first 8 partials of the triangle wave.

envelope: AmplitudeEnvelope

The amplitude envelope for this synth

AmplitudeEnvelope AmplitudeEnvelope is an Envelope connected to a gain node. Unlike Envelope, which outputs the envelope’s value, AmplitudeEnvelope accepts an audio signal as the input and will apply the envelope to the amplitude of the signal.


out: Synth

Resulting Synth

Synth Any kind of synth


Trigger the attack and then the release after the duration. Omitting a duration and calling call results in an attack without release.


synth: Synth

The synth to use

Synth Any kind of synth

note: Note

The frequency to play

Note Note encoding, can be something like A4, a midi index, or a raw frequency in Hz

duration: time

The duration to play the note for

time: time

When the note should be triggered

call: Call

Certain nodes are designated 'callable', i.e. they are operator nodes. Sending a truthy call signal will invoke that node's handler over its parameters

Call Something that is callable


draw: object

An note / duration object that is signalled when this node triggers its attack

object An object with arbitrary keys and values

Audio Master

Connect an audio node to the master audio output


node: AudioNode

Any Audio node to connect to the audio master output

AudioNode Any kind of audio node


out: AudioNode

The same node, connected to the master output

AudioNode Any kind of audio node

Audio Panner

An equal power Left/Right stereo Panner


node: AudioNode

The audio node to connect to this panner.

AudioNode Any kind of audio node

pan: number

The pan control. -1 = hard left, 1 = hard right


out: Panner

A node panned to the pan value

Panner An audio pan

node: AudioNode

The node that was passed in, connected to the panner

AudioNode Any kind of audio node

Feedback Delay

A DelayNode in which part of output signal is fed back into the delay


node: AudioNode

The audio node to connect to this feedback delay

AudioNode Any kind of audio node

delayTime: time

The delay applied to the incoming signal

feedback: number

feedback The amount of the effected signal which is fed back through the delay.


out: FeedbackDelay

The resulting FeedbackDelayNode

FeedbackDelay A feedback delay

node: AudioNode

The node that was passed in, connected to the feedback delay

AudioNode Any kind of audio node

Audio Delay

A node which is used to delay the incoming audio signal by a certain amount of time


node: AudioNode

The audio node to connect to this feedback delay

AudioNode Any kind of audio node

delayTime: number

An a-rate AudioParam representing the amount of delay to apply


out: AudioNode

The resulting DelayNode

AudioNode Any kind of audio node

node: AudioNode

The node that was passed in, connected to the delay

AudioNode Any kind of audio node

Audio Gain

The GainNode interface represents a change in volume. It is an AudioNode audio-processing module that causes a given gain to be applied to the input data before its propagation to the output


node: AudioNode

The audio node to connect to this feedback delay

AudioNode Any kind of audio node

gain: number

An a-rate AudioParam representing the amount of gain to apply


gain: Gain

The resulting GainNode

Gain An audio gain

node: AudioNode

The node that was passed in, connected to the gain

AudioNode Any kind of audio node



input: object

object An object with arbitrary keys and values


out: object

object An object with arbitrary keys and values


A node which emits any value and a count at a regular time interval.


value: any

Any input to emit at this interval

interval: number

The interval at which this node will emit, in miliseconds


count: number

The number of times this node has emitted so far.

value: any

The input value passed in

Set Note

Set the note for a Synth


synth: Synth

The synth to use

Synth Any kind of synth

note: Note

The frequency to set on the synth

Note Note encoding, can be something like A4, a midi index, or a raw frequency in Hz

time: time

Time which the note should be set on the synth

call: Call

Certain nodes are designated 'callable', i.e. they are operator nodes. Sending a truthy call signal will invoke that node's handler over its parameters

Call Something that is callable


Time Loop

Set the note for a Synth


interval: time

The interval at which this node loops

playbackRate: number

The playback rate of the loop. The normal playback rate is 1 (no change). A playbackRate of 2 would be twice as fast

iterations: number

The number of iterations of the loop. The default value is Infinity (loop eternally)

mute: boolean

Muting the Loop means that no callbacks are invoked

humanize: boolean

Random variation +/-0.01s to the scheduled time. Or give it a time value which it will randomize by


i: number

The number of times this node has looped so far.

Start Transport

Start a transport time. This will put all Transport time schedules into motion


transport: object

The Transport Time to start

object An object with arbitrary keys and values


Transport Time

Transport for timing musical events. Supports tempo curves and time changes. Unlike event-loop timing (IntervalNode), events backed by this scheduler need to specify the exact time of their schedules. It is useful to think of there only being one governing Transport Time for your whole graph, i.e. don't define more than one of these, or if you do, recognize that you are modifying a single global transport time.


bpm: number

The tempo to set for this transport. See the docs on the time type to understand how time can be expressed in terms of metered time.


out: object

Resulting transport

object An object with arbitrary keys and values


Connect one audio node to another


from: AudioNode

Connect from any audio node

AudioNode Any kind of audio node

to: AudioNode

Connect to any audio node

AudioNode Any kind of audio node


from: AudioNode

The same node, connected

AudioNode Any kind of audio node

to: AudioNode

The same node, connected

AudioNode Any kind of audio node

Context Destination

The current context destination



node: AudioNode

The current context destination node

AudioNode Any kind of audio node

To Context Dest.

Connect an audio node to audio context destination


node: AudioNode

Any Audio node to connect to the context destination

AudioNode Any kind of audio node


out: AudioNode

The same node, connected to the context destination

AudioNode Any kind of audio node


A virtual Salamander grand piano as a Tone Node



out: AudioNode

A piano node

AudioNode Any kind of audio node


Arpeggiate between the given notes in a number of patterns


notes: Note[]

Notes to arpeggiate over

Note[] An array of Notes. Note encoding, can be something like A4, a midi index, or a raw frequency in Hz

interval: time

The interval at which this node loops

pattern: Pattern

The arpeggiation pattern. See the Pattern type for options.

Pattern Arpeggio pattern. Possible values areup - cycles upwarddown - cycles downwardupDown - up then and downdownUp - cycles down then and upalternateUp - jump up two and down onealternateDown - jump down two and up onerandom - randomly select an indexrandomWalk - randomly moves one index away from the current positionrandomOnce - randomly select an index without repeating until all values have been chosen.

humanize: boolean

Random variation +/-0.01s to the scheduled time. Or give it a time value which it will randomize by

probability: number

probability that each iteration will play, [0,1]


note: Note

The note

Note Note encoding, can be something like A4, a midi index, or a raw frequency in Hz

time: time

Time accompanying the note

Audio Compressor

A node which compresses signals from its origin. Compression reduces the volume of loud sounds or amplifies quiet sounds by narrowing or "compressing" an audio signal's dynamic range.


node: AudioNode

The audio node to connect to this compressor.

AudioNode Any kind of audio node

threshold: number

The value above which the compression starts to be applied.

ratio: number

The gain reduction ratio


out: Compressor

The compressor node

Compressor An object with arbitrary keys and values

node: AudioNode

The node that was passed in, connected to the compressor

AudioNode Any kind of audio node


A Reverb based on Freeverb (


node: AudioNode

The audio node to connect to this reverb node

AudioNode Any kind of audio node

dampening: time

The amount of dampening of the reverberant signal

roomSize: number

The roomSize value between [0,1]. A larger roomSize will result in a longer decay


out: Reverb

The resulting Reverb Node

Reverb An object with arbitrary keys and values

node: AudioNode

The node that was passed in, connected to the reverb

AudioNode Any kind of audio node

Remote Player

Play a sound file from a remote source


url: url

the url to fetch the sound file from.

url A basic string type

call: Call

Certain nodes are designated 'callable', i.e. they are operator nodes. Sending a truthy call signal will invoke that node's handler over its parameters

Call Something that is callable

loop: boolean

Whether or not the player should loop its contents indefinitely


player: Player

The player node

Player An object with arbitrary keys and values

Audio Volume

A simple volume node, useful for creating a volume fader.


node: AudioNode

The audio node to connect to this Volume node.

AudioNode Any kind of audio node

volume: number

The volume, in decibels


out: Volume

The volume node

Volume An object with arbitrary keys and values

node: AudioNode

The node that was passed in, connected to this volume node

AudioNode Any kind of audio node

Signal Ramp

Ramp a signal to a value over a time


signal: Signal

The signal to ramp

Signal An audio signal, like volume, pan, frequency, etc.

toValue: time

The value to ramp to

rampTime: time

The amount of time it takes to ramp



A noise source


type: string

The type of noise. One of pink, brown, or white.

volume: number

The volume of the noise, in dB

rate: number

The playback rate of the noise [0, 1]


noise: AudioNode

The noise

AudioNode Any kind of audio node


A virtual instrument


name: string

The name of the soundfont to use. Possible values:accordion, acoustic_bass, acoustic_grand_piano, acoustic_guitar_nylon, acoustic_guitar_steel, agogo, alto_sax, applause, bagpipe, banjo, baritone_sax, bassoon, bird_tweet, blown_bottle, brass_section, breath_noise, bright_acoustic_piano, celesta, cello, choir_aahs, church_organ, clarinet, clavinet, contrabass, distortion_guitar, drawbar_organ, dulcimer, electric_bass_finger, electric_bass_pick, electric_grand_piano, electric_guitar_clean, electric_guitar_jazz, electric_guitar_muted, electric_piano_1, electric_piano_2, english_horn, fiddle, flute, french_horn, fretless_bass, fx_1_rain, fx_2_soundtrack, fx_3_crystal, fx_4_atmosphere, fx_5_brightness, fx_6_goblins, fx_7_echoes, fx_8_scifi, glockenspiel, guitar_fret_noise, guitar_harmonics, gunshot, harmonica, harpsichord, helicopter, honkytonk_piano, kalimba, koto, lead_1_square, lead_2_sawtooth, lead_3_calliope, lead_4_chiff, lead_5_charang, lead_6_voice, lead_7_fifths, lead_8_bass__lead, marimba, melodic_tom, music_box, muted_trumpet, oboe, ocarina, orchestra_hit, orchestral_harp, overdriven_guitar, pad_1_new_age, pad_2_warm, pad_3_polysynth, pad_4_choir, pad_5_bowed, pad_6_metallic, pad_7_halo, pad_8_sweep, pan_flute, percussive_organ, piccolo, pizzicato_strings, recorder, reed_organ, reverse_cymbal, rock_organ, seashore, shakuhachi, shamisen, shanai, sitar, slap_bass_1, slap_bass_2, soprano_sax, steel_drums, string_ensemble_1, string_ensemble_2, synth_bass_1, synth_bass_2, synth_brass_1, synth_brass_2, synth_choir, synth_drum, synth_strings_1, synth_strings_2, taiko_drum, tango_accordion, telephone_ring, tenor_sax, timpani, tinkle_bell, tremolo_strings, trombone, trumpet, tuba, tubular_bells, vibraphone, viola, violin, voice_oohs, whistle, woodblock, xylophone

attack: number

The attack to use for this instrument

decay: number

The decay to use for this instrument

release: number

The release to use for this instrument

sustain: number

The sustain to use for this instrument


out: SoundFont

Resulting SoundFont

SoundFont A sample set assembled to be a virtual instrument

SoundFont Player

A Node which plays tone data to a SoundFont instrument


soundFont: SoundFont

The particular sound font to use.

SoundFont A sample set assembled to be a virtual instrument

toneData: ToneData

Data fed in through this channel will be sent to the sound font instrument to play

ToneData Directives for an instrument / synth to play.

midiData: MidiData

Data fed in through this channel will be sent to the sound font instrument to play

MidiData Midi signal. Usually a note, action, velocity, and channel information

midiDevice: MidiInput

Optionally attach a midi input to this node to send signals to the soundfont

MidiInput A connected MIDI input



Divide one number by another


dividend: number

divisor: number


result: number

int: number

remainder: number


Sum across numbers


numbers: number

All numbers to add together


result: number



Multiply over numbers


numbers: number

All numbers to multiply together


result: number


Math: Int -> Int

Admittedly a node borne of laziness -- given a standard js math package operation name, this node performs that operation. Constants are included. Full signature list in MathFnIntInt help. For non unary functions like min, an array argument can be spread into the args.


fn: MathFn

The function name. Check type info for options

MathFn Signatures for the available functionsE: number; LN10: number; LN2: number; LOG10E: number; LOG2E: number; PI: number; SQRT1_2: number; SQRT2: number; abs(x: number): number; acos(x: number): number; acosh(x: number): number; asin(x: number): number; asinh(x: number): number; atan(x: number): number; atan2(y: number, x: number): number; atanh(x: number): number; cbrt(x: number): number; ceil(x: number): number; cos(x: number): number; cosh(x: number): number; exp(x: number): number; expm1(x: number): number; floor(x: number): number; fround(x: number): number; log(x: number): number; log10(x: number): number; log1p(x: number): number; log2(x: number): number; pow(x: number, y: number): number; random(): number; round(x: number): number; sign(x: number): number; sin(x: number): number; sinh(x: number): number; sqrt(x: number): number; tan(x: number): number; tanh(x: number): number; trunc(x: number): number; max(...args: number[]); min(...args: number[])

in: number


result: number


A color representation


r: number

red channel, [0,255]

g: number

green channel, [0,255]

b: number

blue channel, [0,255]


hex: number

hex representation of this color

rgb: RGBColor

rgb representation

RGBColor RGB representation of a color

Directional Light

A focused light, intended to be added to a scene


color: RGBColor

The color of this directional light

RGBColor RGB representation of a color


light: Light

The directional light source

Light A light source in a scene

Ambient Light

An ambient light, intended to be added to a scene


color: RGBColor

The color of this ambient light

RGBColor RGB representation of a color


light: Light

The ambient light source

Light A light source in a scene

Glitch Pass

A holy perturbation


delay: Vec2

the min and max delay between glitches, as a 2d vector in second units

Vec2 A 2D Vector with keys x and y default: `{x:0,y:0}`


glitch: PostEffect

glitchy pass that can be applied to a render

PostEffect A post production render effect

Scanline Pass

A scanline post-process effect



pass: PostEffect

a scanline pass that can be applied to a render

PostEffect A post production render effect

effect: object

the effect info

object An object with arbitrary keys and values

DotScreen Pass

A Dot-screen post-process effect



pass: PostEffect

a dotscreen pass that can be applied to a render

PostEffect A post production render effect

effect: object

the effect info

object An object with arbitrary keys and values

Vignette Pass

A Vignette post-process effect


opacity: number

The vignette opacity [0,1]

offset: number

The vignette offset [0,1]

darkness: number

The vignette darkness [0,1]


pass: PostEffect

a vignette pass that can be applied to a render

PostEffect A post production render effect

effect: object

the effect info

object An object with arbitrary keys and values

Noise Pass

A noise post-process effect


opacity: number

the blending opacity


pass: PostEffect

a noise pass that can be applied to a render

PostEffect A post production render effect

effect: object

the effect info

object An object with arbitrary keys and values

Vector 3D

A two dimensional vector with x y and z components


x: number

y: number

z: number


out: Vec3

Vec3 A 3D Vector with keys x, y, and z default: `{x:0,y:0,z:0}`


Logical AND over inputs


input: any

Any set of members to logical AND over


result: number

Logical and of inputs


Logical OR over inputs


input: any

Any set of members to logical OR over


result: number

Logical OR of inputs


logical not


in: any

anything. negation follows regular js semantics


result: boolean


Strict equals operator


input: any

Any set of members to perform strict equals over


result: number

Logical equals over inputs


An If-Else switch on value equality


value: any

Any value, as input to the switch

not: any

Any value to use to compare the input to

else: any

Any value to return if not logically equal


result: any

Result of the switch

Music RNN

Sample an RNN model trained on the Yamaha e-Piano Competition dataset


scale: PitchHistogram

This pitch distribution will be used as a tonic to condition this model

PitchHistogram A scale represented as a distribution of pitch classes. Valid inputs are either an array of numbers (len 12), or a single string of len 12 that describes relative semitone distributions (ranged 0-9). 0-indexed at C.e.g. F Major could be either array: [1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 2, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0] or string:"101012010110"

density: number

A density conditioning variable between 0-6 that serves as a directive for how many notes will be generated per step, in exponential scale. i.e. notes generated per step will be 2^density

stepsPerSecond: number

number of steps per second. effectively a tempo measure for note generation / playback

synth: Synth

Optionally attach a synth to this node and trigger its attack / release

Synth Any kind of synth

midiOut: MidiOut

Optionally attach a midi output to this node and send midi signals to that device

MidiOut A connected MIDI output


midiData: object

midi data out

object An object with arbitrary keys and values

toneData: ToneData

tone out node

ToneData Directives for an instrument / synth to play.

MultiRNN Cell

Computes the next states and outputs of a stack of LSTMCells.


lstmCells: Tensor

The weights for the cell

Tensor n-dimensional tensor

data: Tensor

The input to the cell

Tensor n-dimensional tensor

c: Tensor

Previous cell state

Tensor n-dimensional tensor

h: Tensor

Previous cell output

Tensor n-dimensional tensor


newC: Tensor

Next cell state

Tensor n-dimensional tensor

newH: Tensor

Next cell output

Tensor n-dimensional tensor


Computes the next state and output of a BasicLSTMCell


forgetBias: Tensor

Forget bias for the cell

Tensor n-dimensional tensor

lstmKernel: Tensor

The weights for the cell

Tensor n-dimensional tensor

lstmBias: Tensor

The bias for the cell

Tensor n-dimensional tensor

data: Tensor

The input to the cell

Tensor n-dimensional tensor

c: Tensor

Previous cell state

Tensor n-dimensional tensor

h: Tensor

Previous cell output

Tensor n-dimensional tensor


newC: Tensor

Next cell state

Tensor n-dimensional tensor

newH: Tensor

Next cell output

Tensor n-dimensional tensor


Log any inputs as they come to console info


anything: any

Anything you would like to log


anything: any

The input, passed through

Music Scale

A Musical scale


tonic: string

The tonic for this scale, e.g. "C" or "Ab4". You can optionally specify the scale name here too, and omit the name input, e.g. "C minor pentatonic" See the name param info for possible scale names.

name: ScaleName

The name of the scale. Check type for possible values

ScaleName One of:major pentatonic ionian pentatonic mixolydian pentatonic ritusen egyptian neopolitan major pentatonic vietnamese 1 pelog kumoijoshi hirajoshi iwato in-sen lydian pentatonic malkos raga locrian pentatonic minor pentatonic minor six pentatonic flat three pentatonic flat six pentatonic scriabin whole tone pentatonic lydian #5P pentatonic lydian dominant pentatonic minor #7M pentatonic super locrian pentatonic minor hexatonic augmented major blues piongio prometheus neopolitan prometheus mystery #1 six tone symmetric whole tone messiaen's mode #5 minor blues locrian major double harmonic lydian harmonic minor altered locrian #2 mixolydian b6 lydian dominant lydian lydian augmented dorian b2 melodic minor locrian ultralocrian locrian 6 augmented heptatonic dorian #4 lydian diminished phrygian leading whole tone lydian minor phrygian dominant balinese neopolitan major aeolian harmonic major double harmonic major dorian hungarian minor hungarian major oriental flamenco todi raga mixolydian persian major enigmatic major augmented lydian #9 messiaen's mode #4 purvi raga spanish heptatonic bebop bebop minor bebop major bebop locrian minor bebop diminished ichikosucho minor six diminished half-whole diminished kafi raga messiaen's mode #6 composite blues messiaen's mode #3 messiaen's mode #7 chromatic


notes: Note[]

The notes in this scale

Note[] An array of Notes. Note encoding, can be something like A4, a midi index, or a raw frequency in Hz

intervals: Interval[]

The intervals between notes in this scale

Interval[] An array of Intervals. Natural interval name, e.g. 1P, 2M, 3M, 4P, 5P, 6m, 7m

Scale Chroma

A chroma representation of a pitchset as a 12-digit binary array, with each index presenting one semitone of the octave


notes: Note[]

A list of notes to compute a chroma for

Note[] An array of Notes. Note encoding, can be something like A4, a midi index, or a raw frequency in Hz


chroma: number[]

the chroma output: 12-digit binary array, with each index presenting one semitone of the octave

number[] An array of numbers. A basic number type

Music Chord

A Chord


tonic: string

The tonic for this scale, e.g. "C" or "Ab4". You can optionally specify the chord name here too, and omit the name input, e.g. "E Maj7" See the name param info for recognized chord names.

name: ChordName

The name of the chord. Check type for possible values

ChordName One of:5 M7#5sus4 7#5sus4 sus4 M7sus4 7sus4 7no5 aug M7b6 maj7#5 7#5 7b13 M maj7 7 6 7add6 7b6 Mb5 M7b5 7b5 maj#4 7#11 M6#11 7#11b13 m#5 mb6M7 m7#5 m m/ma7 m7 m6 mMaj7b6 dim oM7 m7b5 dim7 o7M7 4 madd4 m7add11 +add#9 7#5#9 7#9 13#9 7#9b13 maj7#9#11 7#9#11 13#9#11 7#9#11b13 sus2 M9#5sus4 sus24 M9sus4 11 9sus4 13sus4 9no5 13no5 M#5add9 maj9#5 9#5 9b13 Madd9 maj9 9 6/9 maj13 M7add13 13 M9b5 9b5 13b5 9#5#11 maj9#11 9#11 69#11 M13#11 13#11 9#11b13 m9#5 madd9 mM9 m9 m69 m13 mMaj9b6 m9b5 m11A m11 b9sus 11b9 7sus4b9b13 alt7 7#5b9 Maddb9 M7b9 7b9 13b9 7b9b13 7#5b9#11 7b9#11 13b9#11 7b9b13#11 mb6b9 7b9#9


notes: Note[]

The notes in this chord

Note[] An array of Notes. Note encoding, can be something like A4, a midi index, or a raw frequency in Hz

intervals: Interval[]

The intervals between notes in this chord

Interval[] An array of Intervals. Natural interval name, e.g. 1P, 2M, 3M, 4P, 5P, 6m, 7m


A Musical note


name: string

The name of the note. e.g. A or Gb4


chroma: number

Chroma index of this note, normalized on C

frequency: number

Frequency of this note

octave: number

Octave of this note


A tuning system


scale: string[]

A list of either ratios or cents, omitting the tonic, and including the octave (i.e. .scl format lines)

string[] An array of strings. A basic string type

tonic: string

Either a raw value in Hz, or a tuple pinning a scale degree to a frequency, e.g. [440, 6]


frequencies: number[]

Frequencies of the scale, beginning at the tonic

number[] An array of numbers. A basic number type

tuning: TuningSystem

The output tuning system for use in e.g. Tuning Frequency node

TuningSystem A tuning system

Tuning Frequency

Given a Tuning system, compute a frequency for a scale degree and octave offset


tuning: TuningSystem

The input Tuning system, as given by a Tuning node

TuningSystem A tuning system

degree: number

The scale degree to get a frequency for, zero-indexed

octaveOffset: number

The octave offset from the tuning system tonic for the scale degree, optional.


frequency: number

Frequency of the scale degree, given the tuning system


Transpose a note by an interval. e.g. transpose(A4, M3) -> C#5


note: string

The note to transpose. This can be abstract or a concrete pitch, i.e. C or C4

interval: string

The interval to transpose by, e.g. P5 or M3


out: string

The note, transposed by the interval

Key Triads

Triads For a Key


key: string

The name of the key (a tonic + a mode), e.g. C major, Db dorian


notes: Note[]

Triad lead-sheet symbols for this key

Note[] An array of Notes. Note encoding, can be something like A4, a midi index, or a raw frequency in Hz

Chord Detect

Given a list of notes, get possible chord names.


notes: Note[]

List of input notes

Note[] An array of Notes. Note encoding, can be something like A4, a midi index, or a raw frequency in Hz


chords: ChordName[]

Possible chord names

ChordName[] An array of ChordNames. One of:5 M7#5sus4 7#5sus4 sus4 M7sus4 7sus4 7no5 aug M7b6 maj7#5 7#5 7b13 M maj7 7 6 7add6 7b6 Mb5 M7b5 7b5 maj#4 7#11 M6#11 7#11b13 m#5 mb6M7 m7#5 m m/ma7 m7 m6 mMaj7b6 dim oM7 m7b5 dim7 o7M7 4 madd4 m7add11 +add#9 7#5#9 7#9 13#9 7#9b13 maj7#9#11 7#9#11 13#9#11 7#9#11b13 sus2 M9#5sus4 sus24 M9sus4 11 9sus4 13sus4 9no5 13no5 M#5add9 maj9#5 9#5 9b13 Madd9 maj9 9 6/9 maj13 M7add13 13 M9b5 9b5 13b5 9#5#11 maj9#11 9#11 69#11 M13#11 13#11 9#11b13 m9#5 madd9 mM9 m9 m69 m13 mMaj9b6 m9b5 m11A m11 b9sus 11b9 7sus4b9b13 alt7 7#5b9 Maddb9 M7b9 7b9 13b9 7b9b13 7#5b9#11 7b9#11 13b9#11 7b9b13#11 mb6b9 7b9#9

Midi Out

A midi output device. If no id / name are provided, the first midi device found will be used


id: string

The midi out device id or name. The first matching one will be used in the case of collisions


device: MIDIDevice

The midi output, or none if none were found

MIDIDevice Web MIDIDevice object

Midi In

A midi input device. If no id / name are provided, the first midi device found will be used


id: string

The midi in device id or name. The first matching one will be used in the case of collisions


device: MIDIDevice

The midi input, or none if none were found

MIDIDevice Web MIDIDevice object

Midi Devices

Find system MIDI devices



outputs: MIDIDevice[]

MIDI outputs found on your system

MIDIDevice[] An array of MIDIDevices. Web MIDIDevice object

inputs: MIDIDevice[]

MIDI inputs found on your system

MIDIDevice[] An array of MIDIDevices. Web MIDIDevice object

Midi Listen

Listen to events from a MIDI device


id: string

The MIDI device ID to listen on

eventType: string

The type of event to listen for. One of noteoff, noteon, midimessage


event: MIDIEvent

Output event

MIDIEvent Either a noteon, noteoff, or midievent message

notes: string[]

Currently playing notes

string[] An array of strings. A basic string type

JSON Parse

Parse a string into an object


in: string

String serialization


out: object

Parsed object

object An object with arbitrary keys and values


Extract a value from an object. Complement of SetNode


from: object

Object to extract from

object An object with arbitrary keys and values

get: string

The key to get. You can traverse an object with dot notation, i.e.


out: any

The extracted value, or undefined

Set Value

Set a value on any object / array. Complement of ExtractNode


target: object

Object / array to set to

object An object with arbitrary keys and values

path: string

The path to set at. You can use dot notation, i.e.

value: any

The value to set at path.


out: any

The extracted value, or undefined

Stephen Wolfram

Stephen Wolfram is an operator that, when given a 1D cellular automata rule number [0-255] and a binary representation of the world, outputs the subsequent state of the world according to that rule. He can do this indefinitely and is, in fact, Earth's first eternal human.


rule: number

The rule number. Given a binary state and two neighbors (2^3 states), a transition rule set can be encoded with a binary number with each digit slot representing the next state of that configuration (2^(2^3) rule sets).

initialState: any

He doesn't know or care where it comes from, but Wolfram needs an initial state in order to operate. His world is probably circular, so the first index and last index are assumed to be neighbors for rule application. Both binary strings and binary arrays are acceptable.

call: Call

Certain nodes are designated 'callable', i.e. they are operator nodes. Sending a truthy call signal will invoke that node's handler over its parameters

Call Something that is callable


out: number[]

The resulting binary array

number[] An array of numbers. A basic number type


Buffer values from an input stream. If memory capacity is reached, oldest values are purged first


capacity: number

The max number of elements to keep. Omitting this means no limit

value: any

Any value. This will be pushed into the output collector


out: any[]

The collected queue, oldest to newest.

any[] An array of anys. This can be anything


Join an array of values together with a separator


array: object

Array of any data. Ideally this data is string serializable.

object An object with arbitrary keys and values

separator: string

Separator string to join elements together with


out: string

The joined array, as a string

Regex Replace

Replace a regex match with something else


string: string

The string over which to perform the replace

regex: string

the regexp

replacement: string

The string to replace matches with


out: string

The joined array, as a string

Array Fill

Create an array filled with a value


length: number

The length of this array

fillWith: any

The value to fill with


out: any[]

An array, filled to length by value

any[] An array of anys. This can be anything

Count Source

Create an array filled with a value



count: number

The output count


Zip elements from an input stream


arg1: any

Any object to zip

arg2: any

Any object to zip

arg3: any

Any object to zip

arg4: any

Any object to zip


zipped: any[]

The zipped object

any[] An array of anys. This can be anything


A passthrough node. Useful to name streams or to organize edges


input: any

Any input. Will be passed directly to output


output: any

The input, passed through

HTML Element

A node that renders HTML to the screen


html: string

The html for this element

text: string

The inner text of this element

style: string

The style attribute for this node



A plus operator. Usable with both strings and numbers.


left: any

left hand side

right: any

right hand side


out: any

The result

GPGPU Program

Define a GPGPU program to be run on your machine's compatible backend


userCode: GPGPUKernel

Your user code for the kernel to be uploaded to your graphics hardware. Syntax is specific to your backend, but a good strategy is conforming to the OpenGL/WebGL standards that most GPUs will support. In order to set an output to your kernel call setOutput in your kernel's main function. To get the output coords in your computation call getOutputCoords.

GPGPUKernel An open frameworks compliant shader program

outputShape: number[]

A tensor shape describing the kernel output, e.g. [100, 100]. if omitted, output shape is assumed to be the same as the input shape

number[] An array of numbers. A basic number type

variableNames: string[]

A list of variable names that your kernel will use. This gives you access to functions inside your program kernel. i.e. variable named X gives you the methods getXAtOutCoords and getX

string[] An array of strings. A basic string type


program: GPGPUProgram

Program info output. Use the "Run GPGPU" node to compile and run this over inputs

GPGPUProgram An uncompiled GPGPU program


Compile and run a GPGPU program. Kernels passed in will be compiled and cached, so that subsequent calls to kernels will not create new binaries.


program: GPGPUProgram

The uncompiled program info to be turned into a full WebGL shader

GPGPUProgram An uncompiled GPGPU program

input: any[]

The input tensor to run through the compiled program kernel

any[] An array of anys. This can be anything


result: any[]

Program output

any[] An array of anys. This can be anything


Define arbitrary JS code in this node. Runtime compatibility is based on your browser


userCode: JSFunction

A JS code block that returns something over the inputs. You can reference variables by input name, e.g. arg1

JSFunction A valid JS code block. You should call return at the end of your function to provide an output.

arg1: any

Any arg to supply to the user code block, accessible via arg1

arg2: any

Any arg to supply to the user code block, accessible via arg2

arg3: any

Any arg to supply to the user code block, accessible via arg3

arg4: any

Any arg to supply to the user code block, accessible via arg4

arg5: any

Any arg to supply to the user code block, accessible via arg5


return: any

Whatever was returned in the userCode block

error: any

If the user code errored, this is the exception and function




out: number




out: string




out: boolean




out: date