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Kottans-Frontend MIT Licensed Entry level: beginner

Git workflow and GitHub

This module looks big. Actually it is more about concepts and tasks per se are tiny.

Table of Contents

A. Why mastering this?

Git is not only about storing versioned code but is also about communication. There are some communication patterns to follow that will make interaction with your peers and superiors easier and better structured, i.e. more efficient.

The collaboration flow highlighted in this module comprises:

  • keep you local code base in sync with shared remote
  • work in a topic branch
  • open a pull request to submit code changes
  • have code reviewed, change requests served and/or approved
  • merge into development or master branch

B. Intro to problem solving

A problem solving workflow, in general, comprises:

  1. Problem identification
  2. Solution suggestion
  3. Solution alignment and approval
  4. Putting solution into life

In software development the above maps as follows:

B1. Problem identification

A problem can be e.g.:

  • lack of a feature
  • a bug (whether it is a logical or a functional bug, or a typo)
  • a need of improvement

When a problem is identified it should be reported as an issue in relevant repo context.

Issue details can contain Steps to Reproduce and environment details (bug), suggestions on the solution (feature or improvement request).

B2. Solution suggestion

Once a problem is documented as an issue it can be assigned to someone. Issue reporter can assign himself or herself, or a team lead can assign the issue to someone from the team.

Solution suggestion itself is a commit of code (or text) that solves the problem (normally in a feature branch) submitted with a Pull Request (Merge Rerquest in other cloud VCS).

B3. Solution alignment and approval

Solution alignment is a process where stakeholders or peers, or supervisors have an opportunity to conduct code review (cross-check the solution for correctness or safety, or ability to achieve the solution goal).

Depending on conventions in a team, a Pull Request author may assign a team lead or peers to review the PR. Alternatively peers may assign themselves to review the PR as per their capacity. The team lead may re-assign the PR to someone else.

Changes can be requested in the course of the Pull Request review.

Solution approval is a process where key stakeholders or decision makers confirm that the solution is appropriate.

Normally, review from at least two peers is required. This also depends on the team conventions.

B4. Putting solution into life

Putting solution into life means it becomes a part of the code base by merging into (or rebasing onto) master or other production streamline branch.

This is normally done by one of reviewers or by a team lead once there are no non-resolved change requests and required number of approvals (e.g. two) are obtained.

C. Targets

GitHub offers Issues and Pull Request mechanics.

Skills to earn, improve or refresh:

  • Issues
    • open an issue
    • assign executor
    • close an issue manually
    • close an issue with a code commit
  • Pull Requests
    • open a Pull Request
    • assign reviewers
    • conduct code review
    • request changes
    • approve PR
    • merge PR into master
    • draft pull requests to discuss incomplete solutions
  • Gists - code snippets not worth their own repo

To feel safe we shall play around with text. Actually, MarkDown is a type of code, just like HTML, as it gets interpreted to render a nice document view.

D. Learn and Do

D1. Issues

Note that it is good to start an issue title with a proper verb (like we do for commits):

  • Fix for a bug
  • Add for enhancement or a new feature
  • Change for enhancement

Just imagine that someone fixing the issue will create a commit with the very same message at your issue title. It will establish a strong binding between the issue and commit that resolves it.



Option 1. You might have noted something not so easy to master or comprehend in the past modules. This might be a good source of an idea to create an issue on. Let's take this as a need for improvement.

Option 2. The course materials may contain a broken link, a typo in the text, something like instead of nicely formatted link. Let's take this for a bug.

Option 3. Course is really a Work In Progress and misses many modules to be populated with educational content. Let's take this as a lack of a feature.

Option 4. Any other bug, need of improvement or lack of a feature.

Cannot invent a problem? No problem. Check this document full of typos. Or just ask your peers for support and ideas.

Simple issues (like typos) can be resolved with a single commit and without a discussion. But let's learn on a simple case to be ready for more complicated ones.

The task is to

  • open (create) an issue here
  • give it an informative title
  • describe the issue
  • add a label (e.g. bug or enhancement)
  • submit

Check this issue #1 for example.

And remember, MarkDown is here to make your issue description easier to read.

D2. Discussion


  • Pick an issue that cannot be resolved easily as it requires lots of information (e.g. educational materials) or obviously incomplete (a suggestion to add a module).
  • Add a comment suggesting how to resolve or complete the issue

Check this issue #1 for an example.

You're done.

D3. Forking

You make a fork of a repo when you

  • do not have rights to push directly to a repo
  • want to work on your own for a longer time without burdening a repo with incomplete code
  • want to develop a Free Open Source Software in a way that doesn't match the project's official roadmap (make sure project's license allows you doing so)

What is nice with forks is that you can create a Pull Request into original repo from your fork's branch!

NB! Cloning a repo and just pushing it up to your space doesn't create a fork binding and will not enable cross-repositorial pull requests.



Fork a repo practice

You need this skill in order to complete the following task.

D4. Pull request

Pull request is a device to propose code changes (consider .md file is some code as well, like HTML), have a spare pair of eyes to look at (doing a code review), and approve a good solution.



  • Choose an issue to resolve:
    • Pick an issue that is good to be resolved or implemented (a bug, a feature or an enhancement) and has no an Assignee (that means no one takes care of this issue yet)
    • Assign yourself, so others know that someone works with the issue
  • Fork the repo into your own workspace on GitHub
  • Make changes in the code:
    • Clone (if not yet) with git clone... or update your local clone master of the forked repo (git checkout master && git pull)
    • Create a feature branch with git checkout -b <new-branch-name> (branch name would give a general idea of the code associated with it)
    • Change or add some code and commit
    • Push your branch to remote with git push...
  • Open a Pull Request:
    • Navigate to the forked repo on GitHub
    • Open a pull request
    • Give your PR short yet descriptive title, so from pull requests list one could see what to expect inside a particular PR
    • Describe the targets in the PR body so that readers can understand in more details what the PR is about
    • If your PR resolves an issue just add Resolves #3 somewhere in the comment (3 is a number of an issue you can see beside its title). GitHub will bind your PR to that issue and the issue will get closed (as resolved) once your PR is merged.
  • Draw attention
    • PR created from a fork is bound to the original repo by GitHub, so navigate to the original repo, Pull Requests and open a PR you've opened.
    • There is a PR management section on the right side of the PR. Click Reviewers and assign two or three of your peers.

You may not assign reviewers if you're not an owner of the repo or not a part of organization. Try identifying the owner or repo collaborators and mention them in a comment by their names. If unable to identify relevant persons then just skip this step.


Send a pull-request to Kottans/mock-repo proposing a change. It could be anything, really. If you have found a typo in - great! Take care to give your PR a meaningful name and description. Please, do not suggest changes via GitHub Web UI, the target is to emulate code contribution flow using branch-commit-push techniques.

Please note, that your PR may not be reviewed quickly.

Something went wrong?

  • Irrelevant commits somehow became part of the PR?
  • Forgot to create a feature branch?

Seek for the help among your peers (e.g. in a chat). Also you may find this guide helpful when facing irrelevant commits problem.

Pull Requests are contributions. Many projects contain contribution guidelines, many guidelines are quite applicable across projects. Whenever you see it is worth reading before you start contribution to a project.

You may find something useful or interesting in other projects' contribution guidelines. Check this example 1, and this example 2.

D5. Code review

It is a good practice to conduct a code review to make sure a PR introduces useful, bugless 😏 code.

By convention, approvals from two code reviewers is required to approve a PR.

Code review can be as short as LGTM (Looks Good To Me) with an approval or a series of comments to the code with a Change Request.



  • Check pull requests and find a pull request you are assigned to conducts a code review to or a PR with code reviewers assigned. You may assign yourserlf as a code reviewer
  • Look through PR. There shouldn't be anything too complicated
  • Conduct a code review
  • It is good to add a couple of positive comments in the code to encourage the author before you just post LGTM and approve
  • Feel free requesting changes (e.g. fix a typo or formatting, add a link etc)

D6. Code conflict resolution

At any stage of PR the author may face a code conflict. GitHub will warn you. This section is intended to make you well prepared. No panics!


NB! Resolving a conflict using command line is a preferred method in many cases.


D7. Approve and Merge Pull Request

Once a PR is approved (e.g. by 2 code reviewers) the code proposal can be merged into master.


About merge methods on GitHub


GitHub offers three merging strategies:

  • Create a merge commit
  • Squash and merge
  • Rebase and merge

Opt for squash or rebase as these keep the git history linear.

  • Choose Squash and merge or Rebase and merge option instead of Merge pull request
  • You will be offered a commit message draft. Edit it so clearly describes the changes introduced with PR. In the next input field (Add an optional extended description or suggested list of changes) make sure that the last line contains words e.g. Resolves #3 to make GitHub bind this PR with a relevant issue by issue number
  • Click *Confirm...
  • Once merged click a button to delete current branch - you do not need it anymore

You are done!

What if a PR should be closed without merge?

If you decide just to close a PR, i.e. reject it or cancel, you can do it with Close pull request button.

It is important to give a reason for your peers and future yourself. Reason shouldn't be extensive, just a couple of clear words. Check this out for example.

D8. Draft pull request

Draft Pull Requests are the same as normal Pull Requests. The only difference is that a draft Pull Request cannot be merged into the repo codebase until it is finalized and ready to become a real code proposal.

Draft Pull Requests are good to open discussion on incomplete code, e.g. when you get stuck and need help or an advice.


Introducing Draft Pull Requests

E. When completed

You did a lot and greatly improved your git and collaboration skills!

When done let others know you have passed this module.

This lets other know your progress and probably someone will ask you for some help in this module.

Where to communicate? In a chat you come here from :)

Now you are ready to efficiently collaborate with your teammates in a real project and contribute to Open Source Projects. Tell others that you are eager to get involved into any.

🎁 On GitHub you get subscribed for notifications when e.g. a new repo is created in your organization. You can unsubscribe from notifications on selected repos here or even from a particular organization. This would help to see only notifications you want.

Meanwhile you may want to become a Git Ninja.

F. Extras

F1. Gist

Gist is a tiny repo, and normally used to keep simple, often single file code snippets or docs, that do not deserve to be a project and need no much collaboration via e.g. Pull Requests.



  • Navigate to gists
  • Create a simple gist named Test with a single file in it
  • Type a couple of MarkDown lines and save
  • You may also delete this test gist

When completed

Proceed to Git workshop

Course contents