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Cylc UI


Install the UI Server which bundles the UI.

Copyright and Terms of Use

Copyright (C) 2018-2023 NIWA & British Crown (Met Office) & Contributors.

Cylc is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

Cylc is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Cylc. If not, see GNU licenses.


Install & Build

# Project setup
yarn install

# build & run in offline mode (uses mock data, auto-reloads the browser on change)
yarn run serve

# build for development (rebuilds on change)
# launch using `cylc gui --ui-build-dir=<path>`
# (where path is the path to the `dist/` folder created by build
yarn run build:watch

# build for production
yarn run build

# Produce build report
yarn run build:report


There are three groups of tests:

  • Unit tests
    • Simple unit tests for individual functions and classes.
    • Framework: Mocha
    • Assertions: Chai
    • Path: tests/unit
    • Command: yarn run test:unit
    • (To watch add --watch)
  • Component tests
    • In-browser tests which mount a single Vue component standalone.
    • Framework: Cypress
    • Assertions: Chai
    • Path: cypress/component
    • Command: yarn run test:e2e (navigate to component page)
    • (For "headless" mode add -- --headless --config video=false)
  • End to end tests
    • In-browser tests which load entire pages of the UI using mocked data.
    • Framework: Cypress
    • Assertions: Chai
    • Path: tests/e2e
    • Command: yarn run test:e2e (navigate to e2e page)
    • (For "headless" mode add -- --headless --config video=false)

For coverage:

yarn run coverage:unit

Useful test opts:

  • --bail: exit after first test failure
  • --colors: enables coloured output in VSCode integrated terminal

Mocked Data

The "offline" mode (aka yarn run serve) which is also used for the end to end tests is powered by "mock" data.

You can find the index of mocked data here: src/services/mock/json/index.js

Mock data is automatically loaded when the subscription/query issued matches an entry in that file.

Code Style

See .eslintrc.js for style, to test run:

yarn run lint

Project Setup

This project was created with the vue-cli.

Vue CLI wraps Webpack, Babel, and other utilities. If you need to customize Webpack, then you will have to modify the vue.config.js file.

Its syntax is different than what you may find in Webpack documentation or other websites.

# webpack
module.exports = {
  module: {
    rules: [
        test: /\.js$/,
        loader: 'some-loader',
        options: {
          someOption: true

# vue.config.js
module.exports = {
  chainWebpack: config => {
        someOption: true

If you need to customize Babel, take a look at the babel.config.js file. But if you want to transpile dependencies you must update the transpileDependencies array in vue.config.js.

# babel.config.js
module.exports = (api) => {
  const presets = [
  const plugins = [
    ['@babel/plugin-proposal-class-properties', { loose: true }]
  return { presets, plugins }

The example above enables class properties (e.g. static properties used in enumify's Enums) for the code. But dependencies are not transpiled. So you will have to remember to update vue.config.js.

# vue.config.js
module.exports = {
  publicPath: '',
  outputDir: 'dist',
  indexPath: 'index.html',
  transpileDependencies: [
    // now the project should build fine, and the code in the dependency
    // below can use class properties without any errors. Other dependencies
    // are not transpiled, so if any of those dependencies use class
    // properties in the exported code, then our build may fail, unless
    // we include each library here.
  // ...

@vue/babel-preset-app uses @babel/preset-env and the browserslist config (.browserslistrc) to determine the polyfills needed. See

Integration with the backend Cylc UI server

In the previous section "Compiles and watch for changes for development", there is part of the solution for the integration with the backend Cylc UI Server.

Running the comment to build and watch the solution, will produce a index.html in the ./dist/ folder. When running the Cylc Hub, you must remember to point the static files directory to the location of your ./dist folder.

If you have a folder used a workspace, you could check out both projects in that directory. Then, in your working copy of the Cylc Hub, it should be enough to point the static files directory to ../cylc-ui/dist/.

This way with both Cylc Hub and Cylc UI running, you can work on either - or both - projects. Changes done in your Tornado application should reflect immediately or upon process restart. While the changes done in your Vue.js application will be automatically handled by your build:watch command.


This project utilizes vue-i18n for internationalization. While this project is not part of Vue.js, it is maintained by one of the Vue.js core developers.

Messages for internationalization are kept in JSON files. Look at src/lang/ for each locale. For example, for British English, the message files are kept under src/lang/en-GB.

The locale is defined by a variable $i18n, which is accessible in each component. So in a component you should be able to change the locale - if necessary - by calling this.$i18n.locale = 'pt-BR'.


After applying changes to the code, might be a good idea to pass the new version of the application through an accessibility tool such as WAVE.

There is also a browser extension which makes testing the development version much easier.

JavaScript, ES6, TypeScript

For the moment, the code in this repository is created using ES6, then Babel/WebPack take care to produce the final JavaScript code executed on browsers.

TypeScript is most likely the future for us, especially as Vue.js announced their 3.x release includes porting their whole code base to TypeScript. However, we are still pending as of the time of writing a decision on the libraries used for displaying the workflow graphs.

This is an important decision, and as such may take a little longer to be over. Choosing a library that does not export types, would require us to find time to type the library and maintain that type code alongside any library updates.

So for the time being, we are continuing with ES6, and once we have chosen the project dependencies, we can assess the amount of work to adopt TypeScript given our code base, ability of other developers to adapt to TypeScript, and the ease of use of the libraries in our code base.