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Non-working sites #1358

varjolintu opened this issue Jun 22, 2021 · 292 comments

Non-working sites #1358

varjolintu opened this issue Jun 22, 2021 · 292 comments


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varjolintu commented Jun 22, 2021

Please report any non-working sites to this thread instead of creating a new issue.

Provide the following info when making a report:

  1. Exact login URL and the URL of your entry or entries.
  2. Dump of console output from the page (Firefox: Tools -> Browser Tools -> Web Developer Tools / Chromium-based: Tools -> Developer -> Javascript Console). Do this only if there's KeePassXC-Browser related output.
  3. Have you tried Username-Only Detection, choosing Custom Fields etc.
  4. Are you using Autofill instead of the manual one.
  5. Does it affect the Username Icon, Autocomplete Menu, Popup Menu?
  6. Version 1.8.0 and later, enable Debug Logging from the settings and inspect the pages's JavaScript console. It should show all input fields detected.

Separately reported non-working sites:
#803 - Nextcloud timeout password prompt
#879 - Bank of the Philippine Islands:
#1116 - Smartbroker:
#1127 - Lottoland:
#1269 - Mailgun:
#1319 - Greenpeace Energy: (Shadow DOM)
#2045 -
#2047 - Flatex:
#2060 - Runtastic:
#2109 - Yahoo new password fill problem
#2022 - Minid: (Shadow DOM)

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I'm running version and with Nextcloud 21.0.2 is working fine for me.

I forgot to close the old bug.

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dreamcat4 commented Jun 24, 2021

Deluge web gui, running on (localhost port 8112). Following details:

  • A dialog box appears, which seems to be generated by js, and is part of the web page (not htaccess)
  • There is only a password field (no username field exist)
  • Autofill works, it fills the password correct

The problem is with the auto submit feature:

  • It seems our extension here is creating an infinite page reload loop
  • It is difficult for me to understand / debug / show logs why it happens.

HOWEVER in the js debugger i can see a couple of things in the js, by stopping at some breakpoint

  • the infinite page reload loop seems to occur (the point when page reloads) just after here

What I think is happening is maybe our extension does not give enough delay or give enough execution time over to the other js, to process the login before it does the POST action. Or otherwise the form.submit() means the page reloads (expecting to be logged in). However because there was never the Then it never actually triggered the page (client side) js function of the page login JS in order to actually auth the password. So instead (what i am guessing) is that it will reload the page after POST occur. And then the page js loads, and still is not logged in, still no cookie or whatever. Because it did not have the opportunity (not triggered) to perform auth the time before. And then is stuck in infinite loop.

The other auth login js code is here which gets triggered on the page's auth js code when the html button is clicked by the user. So I am not sure if POST was correct. Maybe it just was not possible to detect and identify the button to click.

The button HTML of the login dialog is here,

<div id="ext-comp-1151" class=" x-window x-window-plain" style="position: absolute; z-index: 9003; visibility: visible; left: 261px; top: 302px; width: 300px; display: block;">
   <div class="x-window-tl">
      <div class="x-window-tr">
         <div class="x-window-tc">
            <div class="x-window-header x-unselectable x-panel-icon x-deluge-login-window-icon x-window-draggable" id="ext-gen145"><span class="x-window-header-text" id="ext-gen156">Login</span></div>
   <div class="x-window-bwrap" id="ext-gen146">
      <div class="x-window-ml">
         <div class="x-window-mr">
            <div class="x-window-mc" id="ext-gen150">
               <div class="x-window-body" id="ext-gen147" style="padding: 10px 5px; width: 278px; height: 39px;">
                  <div id="ext-comp-1154" class=" x-plain x-form-label-right" style="width: 278px;">
                     <div class="x-plain-bwrap" id="ext-gen160">
                        <form class="x-plain-body x-plain-body-noheader x-form" method="POST" id="ext-gen18" style="width: 278px; height: 39px;">
                           <div class="x-form-item " tabindex="-1" id="ext-gen162">
                              <label for="_password" style="width:120px;" class="x-form-item-label">Password:</label>
                              <div class="x-form-element" id="x-form-el-_password" style="padding-left:125px"><input type="password" size="20" autocomplete="off" id="_password" name="password" class="x-form-text x-form-field" style="width: 104px;"></div>
                              <div class="x-form-clear-left"></div>
      <div class="x-window-bl" id="ext-gen149">
         <div class="x-window-br">
            <div class="x-window-bc">
               <div class="x-window-footer x-panel-btns" id="ext-gen148" style="width: 278px;">
                  <div id="ext-comp-1152" class="x-panel-fbar x-small-editor x-toolbar-layout-ct" style="width: auto;">
                     <table class="x-toolbar-ct" cellspacing="0">
                              <td class="x-toolbar-left" align="center">
                                 <table cellspacing="0">
                                       <tr class="x-toolbar-left-row">
                                          <td class="x-toolbar-cell" id="ext-gen157">
                                             <table id="ext-comp-1153" class="x-btn x-btn-noicon" style="width: 75px;" cellspacing="0">
                                                <tbody class="x-btn-small x-btn-icon-small-left">
                                                      <td class="x-btn-tl"><i>&nbsp;</i></td>
                                                      <td class="x-btn-tc"></td>
                                                      <td class="x-btn-tr"><i>&nbsp;</i></td>
                                                      <td class="x-btn-ml"><i>&nbsp;</i></td>
                                                      <td class="x-btn-mc"><em class=" x-unselectable" unselectable="on"><button type="button" id="ext-gen158" class=" x-btn-text">Login</button></em></td>
                                                      <td class="x-btn-mr"><i>&nbsp;</i></td>
                                                      <td class="x-btn-bl"><i>&nbsp;</i></td>
                                                      <td class="x-btn-bc"></td>
                                                      <td class="x-btn-br"><i>&nbsp;</i></td>
                              <td class="x-toolbar-right" align="right">
                                 <table class="x-toolbar-right-ct" cellspacing="0">
                                             <table cellspacing="0">
                                                   <tr class="x-toolbar-right-row"></tr>
                                             <table cellspacing="0">
                                                   <tr class="x-toolbar-extras-row"></tr>
                  <div class="x-clear" id="ext-gen152"></div>
   <a href="#" class="x-dlg-focus" tabindex="-1" id="ext-gen153">&nbsp;</a>

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jedenastka commented Jul 4, 2021


Description: The username input icon doesn't appear, the password input works perfectly.

Entry URL: The same as URL

Console output:

(index):1 [Report Only] Refused to execute inline script because it violates the following Content Security Policy directive: "script-src 'self' 'unsafe-eval'". Either the 'unsafe-inline' keyword, a hash ('sha256-T8j7OyrQ0jX0/EpJebSD1DR2GDVUF4/rcMiG2xO4yGQ='), or a nonce ('nonce-...') is required to enable inline execution.
(index):1 [Report Only] Refused to load the image 'blob:' because it violates the following Content Security Policy directive: "img-src 'self' data:".
(index):1 [Report Only] Refused to load the image 'blob:' because it violates the following Content Security Policy directive: "img-src 'self' data:".
(index):1 [Report Only] Refused to load the image 'blob:' because it violates the following Content Security Policy directive: "img-src 'self' data:".


  • Username-only detection fixes the username, but breaks the password instead.
  • Using RMB -> Fill username and password to fill only the username, then using password input to fill the password works.
  • Since this is a two-page login, I can't set custom fields correctly.

Autofill: no


  • KeePassXC: 2.6.2
  • KeePassXC-Browser:
  • Operating system: Linux x86_64
  • Browser: Chrome/Chromium 90.0.4430.212

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eturk1 commented Jul 4, 2021


Issue: password field is not automatically filled in. Tried right-click/fill password field & Choose custom login fields.
(Username is filled in when going to the site.)
Browser: Chrome
OS: Windows 10 x64

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@eturk1 Change your entry URL to

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The KeePassXC Icon appears on the login page, but when I click it, nothing happens.

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@JakobDev GOG is using login iframe from Change your entry URL to or instead.

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For Garmin, change your entry URL to or

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Moilleadoir commented Jul 22, 2021

Right-click options don’t do anything in the popup, but site is detected correctly.

Workaround: clicking on the Redbubble logo takes you to the root of the site, where the same login links to a separate page instead of a popup.

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keunes commented Jul 28, 2021

Not sure if it's a not-working site, or rather a feature request: hides the password field by default:
As a consequence, the fill-and-submit button doesn't show up. I can activate the 'Only username option' - then the fill-and-submit button shows up on page load, but only fills the username and it activates the password field which then stays empty because I indicated only a username field should be considered.
So I'm unsure if this is a 'site not working', or if I should create a feature request to fill hidden password fields :)

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So I'm unsure if this is a 'site not working', or if I should create a feature request to fill hidden password fields :)

We don't want to fill any hidden password fields.

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keunes commented Jul 28, 2021

We don't want to fill any hidden password fields.

Ok, thanks. Guess that makes sense. Still, there's no way I now can auto-fill-and-submit on this site.
From you reply I infer that it's not a 'non-working site' in any case, so I'll create a separate ticket to see how this site can be catered. Thanks again! :)

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stevefalco commented Jul 28, 2021

I'm having a problem accessing the CUPS (common unix printing system) admin page on a Fedora Linux system. The URL is https://localhost:631/admin and I've tried specifying this in KeePassXC both with and without the admin part of the URL.

When I browse to this page, there is no initial request for a password, and that is the expected behavior:


Then, when I click on an action, like "Add Printer", a login box pops up, but KeyPassXC-Browser doesn't appear to notice it, perhaps because the URL stays the same:


If I attempt to "Choose custom login fields", that tool is shown behind the login box, and there doesn't appear to be any way to select the user name and password fields:


This is not the only URL with this problem. I also see it on a Raspberry Pi running the "pi-star" Ham radio software. From the pi-star Dashboard page (no password needed), if I click on "Configuration", a login box pops up, the URL doesn't change, and KeyPassXC-Browser doesn't notice the login box.

Is there a way to make this sort of thing work?

Incidentally, when I was using the built-in Firefox password system, it was able to fill in the credentials on these login boxes.

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@stevefalco Can you use the Web Inspector to check how that dialog is inserted to the page?

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Ok, here is what the admin page shows before clicking "Add Printer". I've highlighted the entry for "Add Printer":


Once I click "Add Printer", the Inspector becomes blank!


I've never used the inspector before, so I'm probably doing something wrong. Please give me some more "newbie" instructions and I'll get you whatever data you need. :-)

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K4LCIFER commented Mar 2, 2024

@K4LCIFER When that appears, try selecting that as a TOTP field using Custom Login Fields?

I tried that and it couldn't find it. I even tried clearing the saved fields again. For example:


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wein2011 commented Mar 5, 2024

KeePassXC-Browser 1.9.0
KeePaxxXC 2.7.6
Chrome: Version 122.0.6261.95 uses Cross-Origin iframes. The prior version of KeePassXC-Browser just fixed the login issue. However, the latest verion 1.9.0 broke it again.


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varjolintu commented Mar 5, 2024

@wein2011 Strange. That might be related to the Manifest V3 update because with V2 it still works. I'm investigating it.

EDIT: Found the reason. I'm releasing a fix soon.

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z3ntu commented Mar 22, 2024

This login page also doesn't get detected

When configuring username / password field manually, sometimes it does behave correctly but other times it thinks the username field is the password field and fill in that.

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@z3ntu I think that happens because the search part of URL is included in the Custom Login Fields checks. Gotta fix that.

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stdedos commented Mar 24, 2024

From keepassxreboot/keepassxc#10472:

Is there anything in particular that would make detection for not work?

KeePassXC integration for modern web browsers

KeePassXC - Version 2.7.7
Revision: 68e2dd8

Qt 5.12.8
Debugging mode is disabled.

Operating system: Ubuntu 20.04.6 LTS
CPU architecture: x86_64
Kernel: linux 5.15.0-100-generic

Enabled extensions:

  • Auto-Type
  • Browser Integration
  • Passkeys
  • SSH Agent
  • KeeShare
  • YubiKey
  • Secret Service Integration

Cryptographic libraries:

  • Botan 2.12.1

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Exact login URL

URL of your entry or entries.

Dump of console output from the page
No relevant output.

Have you tried Username-Only Detection, choosing Custom Fields etc.
Fields are detected correctly, see below for full description of problem.

Are you using Autofill instead of the manual one.

Does it affect the Username Icon, Autocomplete Menu, Popup Menu?
Username and Password icons are shown.
Autocomplete menu works (so is a valid workaround)
Don't know what is meant by popup menu

The problem is not that fields are not detected, but that a specific bug that happens with a login popup. When the "Place Hold" button is pressed when not logged in, a popup appears with the appropriate username / password fields. The browser extension correctly identifies these fields, but clicking the Keepass Icon to populate the fields causes the popup to close immediately without logging in. I can get the fields to populate by right clicking in a field and using the context menu option "Fill Username and Password", which will populate the fields and still leave the popup open. I can then click the "Log in" button as though I'd typed my credentials in manually.

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apollo13 commented Apr 2, 2024

Exact login URL:

Since it is token based, I cannot provide the exact URL but one can go to: and will be redirected to the correct page. On there click "ID Austria login". This will result in a final URL like this:

On there there is an iframe from

URLs of my entry:

If I open the iframe in a new tab it fills properly. The browser extensions ( has cross origin iframe allowed for

Debug logging:
So keepassxc correctly identified the fields in the iframe but still refuses to fill it even though the cross origin settings are enabled.

What is weird is that even though the cross origin setting is enabled the UI still shows the option to add it:

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@apollo13 Thanks for reporting. I found a bug and fixed it.

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vbeffa commented Apr 3, 2024

This was working until today.

  1. Exact login URL and the URL of your entry or entries.


2. Dump of console output from the page (Firefox: _Tools -> Browser Tools -> Web Developer Tools_ / Chromium-based: _Tools -> Developer -> Javascript Console_). Do this **only** if there's KeePassXC-Browser related output.

No related output.

3. Have you tried _Username-Only Detection_, choosing _Custom Fields_ etc.


4. Are you using _Autofill_ instead of the manual one.

I tried both.

5. Does it affect the _Username Icon, Autocomplete Menu, Popup Menu_?

Nothing is detected any more.

6. Version 1.8.0 and later, enable Debug Logging from the settings and inspect the pages's JavaScript console. It should show all input fields detected.

I don't see any logging of detected input fields.

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SArpnt commented Apr 23, 2024
(these pages are nearly identical)

username and password work fine, and i can still right click to fill in totp, but totp doesn't have the button to fill it in, and it won't appear even after picking custom login fields. there's nothing relevant in the console by default.

enabling debug mode shows that it DOES detect the totp field just fine, but the button doesn't appear. i inspected the popup to change the opacity to see if the button was somehow behind the text input, but i found that changing anything about the element makes the button appear normally, even just resizing the browser window until the layout adjusts.

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vbeffa commented Apr 27, 2024

I've narrowed the issue down to the use of <q2-input> elements. Changing those to <input> elements allows detection of the fields. I'm not familiar with q2-input but a web search turns up this link:

This was working until today.

  1. Exact login URL and the URL of your entry or entries.


2. Dump of console output from the page (Firefox: _Tools -> Browser Tools -> Web Developer Tools_ / Chromium-based: _Tools -> Developer -> Javascript Console_). Do this **only** if there's KeePassXC-Browser related output.

No related output.

3. Have you tried _Username-Only Detection_, choosing _Custom Fields_ etc.


4. Are you using _Autofill_ instead of the manual one.

I tried both.

5. Does it affect the _Username Icon, Autocomplete Menu, Popup Menu_?

Nothing is detected any more.

6. Version 1.8.0 and later, enable Debug Logging from the settings and inspect the pages's JavaScript console. It should show all input fields detected.

I don't see any logging of detected input fields.

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stdedos commented Apr 30, 2024 seems to be "complicated" to support

You might need an active token for it to work, hence - here's a screenshot:

I don't know if it has to do with:

  • Activating username-only detection seems to work on a<uuid4>/* basis, but uuid is mutable
  • I have an auto-open database which it contains the data; not the main one
  • "Somehow my setup is special", and KeePassXC Browser needs a LOT of brute-forcing to work (mash-clicking unlock db and it not working, manually opening KeePassXC to unlock the db, waiting for the auto-opens to work, "username-only detection", un-focusing and re-focusing the browser window, switching to another tab and then back)
  • Any and/or all of the above

Note that there is no password involved; only a username

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jcosentino commented Apr 30, 2024

  1. Exact login URL and the URL of your entry or entries.
  2. Dump of console output from the page (Firefox: Tools -> Browser Tools -> Web Developer Tools / Chromium-based: Tools -> Developer Javascript Console). Do this only if there's KeePassXC-Browser related output.
    --> console-export-2024-4-30_6-51-47.txt
  3. Have you tried Username-Only Detection, choosing Custom Fields etc.
    -> Yes, I set the Username and Password fields to no avail.
  4. Are you using Autofill instead of the manual one.
    -> I used both. Autofill does not work (username + password and just password), manual fill gives the following error from the extension:
    Error! No logins found.
  5. Does it affect the Username Icon, Autocomplete Menu, Popup Menu?
    -> I'd say all three. I do not see the icon in the username box
  6. Version 1.8.0 and later, enable Debug Logging from the settings and inspect the pages's JavaScript console. It should show all input fields detected.
    -> Just the logs:

I have also added to my KeePassXC entry for this site. I have both domains on the same entry, but this didn't solve the problem.

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@stdedos Can you just use* with Site Preferences and enable the Username Only Detection?

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  1. Exact login URL and the URL of your entry or entries.

    1. Dump of console output from the page (Firefox: Tools -> Browser Tools -> Web Developer Tools / Chromium-based: Tools -> Developer Javascript Console). Do this only if there's KeePassXC-Browser related output.
      --> console-export-2024-4-30_6-51-47.txt

    2. Have you tried Username-Only Detection, choosing Custom Fields etc.
      -> Yes, I set the Username and Password fields to no avail.

    3. Are you using Autofill instead of the manual one.
      -> I used both. Autofill does not work (username + password and just password), manual fill gives the following error from the extension:
      Error! No logins found.

    4. Does it affect the Username Icon, Autocomplete Menu, Popup Menu?
      -> I'd say all three. I do not see the icon in the username box

    5. Version 1.8.0 and later, enable Debug Logging from the settings and inspect the pages's JavaScript console. It should show all input fields detected.
      -> Just the logs:

I have also added to my KeePassXC entry for this site. I have both domains on the same entry, but this didn't solve the problem.

This will work after you do the following (phew what a site):

  1. Add* to Site Preferences and enable Username-only Detection option.
  2. Add to Site Preferences and enable Allow Cross-Origin iframes option.
  3. Use as your entry URL.

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stdedos commented Apr 30, 2024

@varjolintu I see that you just saw my #2185, so I guess I'll tell you about it if it happens again to be an issue 🙃

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stdedos commented May 2, 2024 Does not seem to be working to pick up the "New Account detected" top-banner either

I did set the username-only option on the first page

Manually creating the entry works

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stdedos commented May 8, 2024

Miro, e.g.

Mash-clicking the lockeddb-button valiantly refuses to trigger a db-unlock

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@stdedos Possibly the page prevents some clicking attempts. If you use the context menu, it will trigger the unlock dialog normally.

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stdedos commented May 26, 2024

Saving credentials here is impossible.

(also, from "system" point of view the page is "impossible", but that's a different discussion, I guess ...)

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stdedos commented May 28, 2024, even with Username-only activated, does not prompt the extension to save the username (only) on the DB

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Member Author, even with Username-only activated, does not prompt the extension to save the username (only) on the DB

The credential saving is currently working only if password is filled also.

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stdedos commented May 28, 2024

Yes, I can see that. But idk - autocompletion would be nice

Idk if I should report it as a bug/feature - or here "most of the issues" 😕
"I'd like them working out of the box" in either case 🤷

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Yes, I can see that. But idk - autocompletion would be nice

Idk if I should report it as a bug/feature - or here "most of the issues" 😕 "I'd like them working out of the box" in either case 🤷

I created a new issue for it #2209. But I'm pretty sure this is mentioned somewhere else too. Just couldn't find it.

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stdedos commented Jun 7, 2024


Password field is detected, but there is no "autofill password" button. (extension trigger ofc works)

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