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Releases: joefitzgerald/go-plus


01 Jan 20:10
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  • 🐛 Ensure the go-plus panel activates correctly when a .go file is opened or a go-plus command is invoked

Detailed changes: v5.0.6...v5.0.7


21 Dec 07:30
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Detailed changes: v5.0.5...v5.0.6


20 Dec 13:56
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  • 🐛 Add linter to the list of bundled packages (noting that you can use Facebook's nuclide package instead of linter, if you wish) (#517)

Detailed changes: v5.0.4...v5.0.5


19 Dec 23:10
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  • 📐 When jumping to a definition, center the editor on the identifier being jumped to (#516, fixes #483)

Detailed changes: v5.0.3...v5.0.4


19 Dec 23:09
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  • 🐛 Ensure the go-plus panel does not show on startup if configuration for panelDisplayMode is set to closed (#515, fixes #514)

Detailed changes: v5.0.2...v5.0.3


19 Dec 19:21
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  • 🐛 Don't install cover as it is included as a built-in tool (thanks @dgryski!)

Detailed changes: v5.0.1...v5.0.2


19 Dec 18:57
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  • 🐛 The fs-plus dependency was listed in devDependencies, when it should have been listed in dependencies

Detailed changes: v5.0.0...v5.0.1


19 Dec 18:56
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The theme of this release is simplification. The verdict is in: the experiment (in v4.x.x) of decomposing go-plus into a collection of loosely coupled packages collaborating via services was not successful. It resulted in multiple levels of indirection, hampering the ability for people to:

  • report issues
  • find package settings
  • understand the code base
  • contribute to the package

This release returns to a mostly-monolithic package, with four bundled dependencies. In the prior version, these dependencies were automatically installed. That led to some inflexibility when you didn't want some of those dependencies installed (e.g. a portion of the amazingly constructive comment here, and my response here), and that wasn't nice. We're sorry!

Now you have choice, and will be prompted prior to the installation of hyperclick, go-debug, linter, and go-signature-statusbar as well as any future packages we bring to your attention via this mechanism. If you choose not to install something (via the Never button), this choice will be remembered.

The release is not just shuffling of code from one architecture to another. There's lots of new functionality. Read below for more details:

Major Changes

  • 🆕 Allow the go-plus panel to have vertical or horizontal orientations (#488, #498, thanks @simurai)
  • 🆕 Display function signature information for the identifier under the cursor in the status bar (via go-signature-statusbar, thanks @wndhydrnt)
  • 🆕 go-plus is now a hyperclick provider, allowing you to press cmd (macOS) or alt (linux, windows) and then hover over identifiers, clicking on them to go to definition
  • 🆕 Allow test coverage highlighting to be displayed in the gutter instead of in the editor itself (#509, thanks @xpressivecode)
  • 🎱 Bundled dependencies are no longer installed automatically; you are prompted to install the three external packages (go-signature-statusbar, hyperclick, linter, and go-debug) and if you choose never, the package will not prompt you to install them again (#464, #469)
  • ⏪ Consolidated go-config, go-get, builder-go, tester-go, gofmt, autocomplete-go, gometalinter-linter, navigator-go, godoc, gorename, go-hyperclick packages into go-plus (#503, thanks for the help @zmb3, @lloiser)
  • Consolidate package configuration and arrange it into related sections (#503)

Minor Changes

  • Activate package via the core:loaded-shell-environment activationHook to ensure a patched environment is available for users of OS X / Linux in some launch scenarios (e.g. Dock / Unity Launcher)
  • Allow tests to be run with the -v flag (joefitzgerald/tester-go#35, thanks @nextrevision)
  • Add a timeout to executor, defaulting to 10 seconds; this minimizes the likelihood of runaway test processes, etc.
  • Escape XML in test output (#493)
  • Allow view providers to supply tab metadata (assists external packages like go-debug in adding panel tabs to the go-plus panel)

Detailed changes: v4.3.2...v5.0.0


30 Sep 08:06
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Major Changes

  • 🆕 The go-plus panel is back, reimagined and now displaying test output and documentation 🎉. Toggle the panel using the golang:toggle-panel command (ctrl + alt + shift + g  p; or you can toggle it by clicking on the go-plus status bar icon), save a file or use the golang:run-tests command to display test output, and see documentation with the golang:showdoc command (alt + d)
  • 🆕 Update all tools with the new golang:update-tools command (ctrl + alt + shift + g  u) - you should get in the habit of running this periodically, and you should also run it before filing an issue
  • Tests are now run on save by default (and the -short flag is used by default, also)

Minor Changes

  • You can now toggle the propose-builtins and unimported-packages gocode settings via autocomplete-go package settings (and both settings are set to true by default)
  • gocode is now closed automatically when you run golang:update-tools, which will greatly assist when updating your version of go (if you have ever seen PANIC as the only autocomplete suggestion, just run golang:update-tools to resolve it)
  • The tester-go.runCoverageOnSave config key was renamed to tester-go.runTestsOnSave, and the default set to true
  • The tester-go.runCoverageWithShortFlag config key was renamed to tester-go.runTestsWithShortFlag
  • 🆕 The tester-go.coverageHighlightMode setting was added, allowing you to control coverage highlighting:
    • covered-and-uncovered: highlight covered and uncovered regions of text
    • covered: highlight covered regions of text
    • uncovered (default): highlight uncovered regions of text
    • disabled: disable highlighting
  • The golang:gocover command was renamed to golang:run-tests and bound to ctrl + alt + shift + g  t
  • the golang:cleargocover command was renamed to golang:hide-coverage and bound to ctrl + alt + shift + g  x


  • Many thanks to @simurai for assistance with the panel and general ux
  • @zmb3 is now a full go-plus ninja


18 Aug 22:33
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Major Changes

  • 🆕 Debugging support (via delve) is now available with the addition of the go-debug package (thanks @lloiser!)
  • 🆕 You can now see documentation (via 'gogetdoc') for the symol under your cursor with the addition of the godoc package (thanks @zmb3!)
    • ALT - D to display the documentation
    • ESC to dismiss the documentation

Minor Changes

  • 🔤 Document the commands used to display and clear test coverage markers
  • Stop using deprecated custom marker properties for test coverage markers
  • 🎨 Correctly display linter warnings and errors (a case sensitivity issue)
  • ⬆️ Update CI to test with Go 1.7
  • 🎨 Use StandardJS to lint all packages
  • ⬆️ Update atom-package-deps, lodash, and rimraf dependenies