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Embedding Venice in Java


The main purpose for embedding Venice in Java applications is to use Venice as an expression or rules engine.

Precompiling these Venice expressions or rules results in performance improvement that can be pretty impressive. See the Precompilation Performance Benchmark further down.

For security reasons it might be necessary to establish a sandbox for the Venice expressions and rules.

A simple example:

import com.github.jlangch.venice.Venice;
import com.github.jlangch.venice.VncException;

public class Embed_01_Simple {
    public static void main(final String[] args) {
        try {
        catch(VncException ex) {
        catch(RuntimeException ex) {

    public static void run() {
        final Venice venice = new Venice();

        final Long result = (Long)venice.eval("(+ 1 2)");


Passing Parameters

The Venice evaluator expects any number of named Java objects as parameters and returns a Java object as the expression result.

It coerces Java data types to/from Venice data types implicitly. Basic types as Boolean, Long, Double, String, BigDecimal, List, Map, ... are coerced to Venice types like long, double, decimal, string, list, map, etc. All other types can be accessed through Java interop. Java bean parameters expose its getters as Map keys in Venice, so the getters can be accessed simply through (:getterName bean)

import java.awt.Point;

import com.github.jlangch.venice.Parameters;
import com.github.jlangch.venice.Venice;

public class Embed_02_PassingParameters {
    public static void main(final String[] args) {
        final Venice venice = new Venice();

        // pass two numbers
        // returns a long: 10
                        "(+ x y 1)", 
                        Parameters.of("x", 6, "y", 3L)));

        // pass two numbers, activated up-front macro expansion
        // returns a long: 10 
                        "(+ x y 1)", 
                        true, // up-front macro expansion
                        Parameters.of("x", 6, "y", 3L)));

        // pass a java.awt.Point
        // returns a string: "Point=(x: 100.0, y: 200.0)"
                        "(str \"Point=(x: \" (:x point) \", y: \" (:y point) \")\")", 
                        Parameters.of("point", new Point(100, 200))));

        // pass two numbers
        // returns a java.awt.Point: [x=100,y=200]
                        "(. :java.awt.Point :new x y)", 
                        Parameters.of("x", 100, "y", 200)));

Service Registry

While parameters are simple to use when used as plain data, dealing with external services is cumbersome.

Venice's service registry is used with application scripting scenarios where multiple external services must be made available to Venice. E.g.: the service registry can be used to register an application's Spring Framework services and make them discoverable by a Venice script.

The built-in service function is used to call a method of a registered named service with the required arguments. The service function is defined as (service name method & args).

import com.github.jlangch.venice.IServiceRegistry;
import com.github.jlangch.venice.Venice;
import com.github.jlangch.venice.VncException;

public class Embed_12_ServiceRegistry {

    public static void main(final String[] args) {
        final Venice venice = new Venice();

              .register("Calculator", new Calculator())
              .register("Logger", new Logger());

        // returns a long: 30
                venice.eval("(service :Calculator :add 10 20)"));

        // returns a long: 200
                venice.eval("(service :Calculator :multiply 10 20)"));

        venice.eval("(service :Logger :log \"Test message\")");

    public static class Calculator {
        public long add(long v1, long v2) {
            return v1 + v2;
        public long multiply(long v1, long v2) {
            return v1 * v2;

    public static class Logger {
        public void log(String message) {

In some integration scenarios it might easier to use dynamic service discovery (delegating to a native service registry):

import com.github.jlangch.venice.IServiceRegistry;
import com.github.jlangch.venice.Venice;
import com.github.jlangch.venice.VncException;

public class Embed_13_ServiceRegistry {

    public static void main(final String[] args) {
        final Venice venice = new Venice();

              .registerServiceDiscovery(new TestServiceDiscovery());

        // returns a long: 30
                venice.eval("(service :Calculator :add 10 20)"));

        // returns a long: 200
                venice.eval("(service :Calculator :multiply 10 20)"));

        venice.eval("(service :Logger :log \"Test message\")");

    public static class TestServiceDiscovery implements IServiceDiscovery {
        public Object lookup(final String name) {
            if (name == null) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("A service name must not be null");

            switch(name) {
                case "Calculator": return calculator;
                case "Logger":     return logger;
                default:           return null;

        private final Calculator calculator = new Calculator();
        private final Logger logger = new Logger();

    public static class Calculator {
        public long add(long v1, long v2) {
            return v1 + v2;
        public long multiply(long v1, long v2) {
            return v1 * v2;

    public static class Logger {
        public void log(String message) {

stdout-stderr Redirection

As default Venice uses the stdout / stderr streams from the hosting Java VM. Nevertheless they can be replaced with dedicated streams if required so.

Redirect to null device

Redirect stdout / stderr to the null device, effectively swallowing everything sent to these streams.

    "(println 100)",  
    Parameters.of("*out*", null,
                   *err*", null));

Redirect stdout/stderr in the script

The macros with-out-str and with-err-str capture all output written to stdout or stderrr respectively in the macro's context and return it as the macros return value for further processing.

venice.eval("(with-out-str (println 100))");

venice.eval("(with-out-str (println *out* 100))");

venice.eval("(with-err-str (println *err* 100))");

Redirect stdout and stderr to capturing streams at call level

At the Java VM level stdout / stderr of the invoked script can be redirected to dedicated streams.

try(CapturingPrintStream ps_out = new CapturingPrintStream();
    CapturingPrintStream ps_err = new CapturingPrintStream()
) {
   result = venice.eval(
                 "(do                        \n" +
                 "  (println [3 4])          \n" +
                 "  (println *err* :failure) \n" +
                 "  100)                     ",
                 Parameters.of("*out*", ps_out,
                               "*err*", ps_err));
   System.out.println("result: " + result);
   System.out.print("stdout: " + ps_out.getOutput());
   System.out.print("stderr: " + ps_err.getOutput());

stdout-stderr redirection example

import com.github.jlangch.venice.Parameters;
import com.github.jlangch.venice.Venice;
import com.github.jlangch.venice.VncException;
import com.github.jlangch.venice.util.CapturingPrintStream;

public class Embed_03_StdOutRedirection {
        final Venice venice = new Venice();

        Object result;

        // #1: redirect stdout/stderr to the <null> device
        result = venice.eval(
                   "(do               \n" +
                   "  (println [1 2]) \n" +
                   "  10)             ",
                   Parameters.of("*out*", null,
                                 "*err*", null));
        System.out.println("result: " + result);
        // result: 10

        // #2: capture stdout within the script and return it as the result
        result = venice.eval(
                    "(with-out-str     \n" +
                    "  (println [1 2]) \n" +
                    "  10)             ");
        System.out.println("result: " + result);
        // result: [1 2]

        // #3: capturing stdout/stderr preserving the script result
        try(CapturingPrintStream ps_out = new CapturingPrintStream();
            CapturingPrintStream ps_err = new CapturingPrintStream()
        ) {
           result = venice.eval(
                         "(do                        \n" +
                         "  (println [3 4])          \n" +
                         "  (println *err* :failure) \n" +
                         "  100)                     ",
                         Parameters.of("*out*", ps_out,
                                       "*err*", ps_err));
           System.out.println("result: " + result);
           System.out.print("stdout: " + ps_out.getOutput());
           System.out.print("stderr: " + ps_err.getOutput());
           // result: 100
           // stdout: [3 4]
           // stderr: :failure

Printing exceptions

Venice prints informative stack traces with VncException::printVeniceStackTrace(). VncException is the superclass of all Venice exceptions.

import com.github.jlangch.venice.Venice;
import com.github.jlangch.venice.VncException;

public class Embed_05_Exceptions {
    public static void main(final String[] args) {
        try {
            final String script =
                    "(do                               \n" +
                    "  (defn speed [distance time]     \n" +
                    "    (/ distance time))            \n" +
                    "                                  \n" +
                    "  (str (speed 20 0) \"km/h\"))    ";

            new Venice().eval("test", script);
        catch(VncException ex) {
        catch(RuntimeException ex) {

This prints a nice stack trace with the name of the function and the source location for every call stack level:

Exception in thread "main" VncException: / by zero

    at: / (test: line 3, col 6)
    at: user/speed (test: line 5, col 9)

On the other hand VncException::printStackTrace() prints a technical Java stack trace that is mostly not of much value:

com.github.jlangch.venice.VncException: / by zero
    at com.github.jlangch.venice.impl.types.VncLong.div(
    at com.github.jlangch.venice.impl.functions.MathFunctions$4.apply(
    at com.github.jlangch.venice.impl.VeniceInterpreter.evaluate(
    at com.github.jlangch.venice.impl.FunctionBuilder.evaluateBody(
    at com.github.jlangch.venice.impl.FunctionBuilder.access$3(
    at com.github.jlangch.venice.impl.FunctionBuilder$1.apply(
    at com.github.jlangch.venice.impl.VeniceInterpreter.evaluate(
    at com.github.jlangch.venice.impl.VeniceInterpreter.evaluate_sequence_values(
    at com.github.jlangch.venice.impl.VeniceInterpreter.evaluate(
    at com.github.jlangch.venice.impl.VeniceInterpreter.EVAL(
    at com.github.jlangch.venice.impl.VeniceInterpreter.RE(
    at com.github.jlangch.venice.Venice.lambda$1(
    at com.github.jlangch.venice.Venice.runWithSandbox(
    at com.github.jlangch.venice.Venice.eval(
    at com.github.jlangch.venice.Venice.eval(
    at com.github.jlangch.venice.examples.Embed_05_Exceptions.main(


Precompiling Venice speeds up evaluation significantly when calling an expression multiple times with different parameters. Running precompiled scripts is threadsafe. Every evaluation gets its own private Venice context.

import com.github.jlangch.venice.IPreCompiled;
import com.github.jlangch.venice.Parameters;
import com.github.jlangch.venice.Venice;

public class Embed_04_Precompile {
    public static void main(final String[] args) {
        final Venice venice = new Venice();

        // turn up-front macro expansion on
        final IPreCompiled pc = venice.precompile("example", "(+ 1 x)", true);

        // single-threaded
        IntStream.range(0, 100).sequential().forEach(
          ii -> System.out.println(
                  venice.eval(pc, Parameters.of("x", ii))));

        // multi-threaded
        IntStream.range(0, 100).parallel().forEach(
          ii -> System.out.println(
                  venice.eval(pc, Parameters.of("x", ii))));

Precompilation Benchmark

The Venice benchmarks are done using JMH (Java Microbenchmark Harness). JMH has been added to the JDK starting with JDK 12; for earlier versions, the dependencies have to be added explicitly.

The benchmark did run on a 2017 MacBook Pro (Mac OSX, Core i7 2.8 GHz).

Results Java 8 Server VM:

Benchmark Mode Cnt Score Error Units
no_precompilation_params avgt 3 2452.398 ± 781.016 us/op
no_precompilation_noparams avgt 3 2448.145 ± 1668.292 us/op
no_precompilation_ref avgt 3 2274.765 ± 536.594 us/op
precompilation_no_macroexpand_params avgt 3 38.511 ± 4.331 us/op
precompilation_no_macroexpand_noparams avgt 3 37.198 ± 1.744 us/op
precompilation_macroexpand_params avgt 3 6.672 ± 0.173 us/op
precompilation_macroexpand_noparams avgt 3 5.682 ± 1.664 us/op
precompilation_ref avgt 3 4.157 ± 0.339 us/op

The benchmark can be run on the project's Gradle build: ./gradlew jmh -Pinclude=".*PrecompileBenchmark"


import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.*;
import com.github.jlangch.venice.*;

@Warmup(iterations=3, time=3, timeUnit=TimeUnit.SECONDS)
@Measurement(iterations=3, time=10, timeUnit=TimeUnit.SECONDS)
@BenchmarkMode (Mode.AverageTime)
@OutputTimeUnit (TimeUnit.MICROSECONDS)
@State (Scope.Benchmark)
@Threads (1)
public class PrecompileBenchmark {
    public Object no_precompilation_ref(State_ state) {
        return state.venice.eval("test", state.exprRef);

    public Object precompilation_ref(State_ state) {
        return state.venice.eval(state.precompiled_ref);

    public Object no_precompilation_params(State_ state) {
        return state.venice.eval("test", state.expr1, state.parameters);

    public Object precompilation_no_macroexpand_params(State_ state) {
        return state.venice.eval(state.precompiledNoMacroExpand_params, state.parameters);

    public Object precompilation_macroexpand_params(State_ state) {
        return state.venice.eval(state.precompiledMacroExpand_params, state.parameters);

    public Object no_precompilation_noparams(State_ state) {
        return state.venice.eval("test", state.expr2);

    public Object precompilation_no_macroexpand_noparams(State_ state) {
        return state.venice.eval(state.precompiledNoMacroExpand_noparams);

    public Object precompilation_macroexpand_noparams(State_ state) {
        return state.venice.eval(state.precompiledMacroExpand_noparams);

    public static class State_ {
        public String expr1 = "(+ (cond (< x 0) -1 (> x 0) 1 :else 0) " +
                              "   (cond (< y 0) -1 (> y 0) 1 :else 0) " +
                              "   (cond (< z 0) -1 (> z 0) 1 :else 0))";

        public String expr2 = "(+ (cond (< -10 0) -1 (> -10 0) 1 :else 0) " +
                              "   (cond (< 0 0)   -1 (> 0 0)   1 :else 0) " +
                              "   (cond (< 10 0)  -1 (> 10 0)  1 :else 0))";

        public String exprRef = "nil";  // most simple expression, just return nil

        public Venice venice = new Venice();
        public Map<String,Object> parameters = Parameters.of("x", -10, "y", 0, "z", 10);

        public IPreCompiled precompiledNoMacroExpand_params = venice.precompile("example", expr1, false);
        public IPreCompiled precompiledMacroExpand_params = venice.precompile("example", expr1, true);
        public IPreCompiled precompiledNoMacroExpand_noparams = venice.precompile("example", expr2, false);
        public IPreCompiled precompiledMacroExpand_noparams = venice.precompile("example", expr2, true);
        public IPreCompiled precompiled_ref = venice.precompile("example", exprRef, true);


A Venice Sandbox allows a program to execute Venice in a restricted sandbox if the expressions or rules come from an untrusted source.

Strict Sandbox

Prohibits all 'unsafe' functions like Java calls, IO related functions, ... to provide a safe environment for running scripts.

import com.github.jlangch.venice.SecurityException;
import com.github.jlangch.venice.Venice;
import com.github.jlangch.venice.javainterop.RejectAllInterceptor;

public class Embed_09_StrictSandbox {
    public static void main(final String[] args) {
        // disable all Java calls and all Venice IO functions
        // like 'println', 'slurp', ...
        final Venice venice = new Venice(new RejectAllInterceptor());

        // => FAIL (Venice IO function) with Sandbox SecurityException
        try {
           venice.eval("(println 100)");
        catch(SecurityException ex) {
            System.out.println("REJECTED: (println 100)");

For details on strict sandboxes see Sandbox

Customized Sandbox

A customized sandbox allows the configuration of all aspects for Java and Venice calls.

import com.github.jlangch.venice.SecurityException;
import com.github.jlangch.venice.Venice;
import com.github.jlangch.venice.VncException;
import com.github.jlangch.venice.javainterop.SandboxInterceptor;
import com.github.jlangch.venice.javainterop.SandboxRules;

public class Embed_10_CustomSandbox {

    public static void main(final String[] args) {
        try {
        catch(VncException ex) {
        catch(RuntimeException ex) {

    public static void run() {
        final Venice venice = new Venice(createSandbox());

        // rule: "java.lang.Math:PI"
        // => OK (whitelisted static field)
        venice.eval("(. :java.lang.Math :PI)");
        System.out.println("OK      : (. :java.lang.Math :PI)");

        // rule: "java.lang.Math:min"
        // => OK (whitelisted static method)
        venice.eval("(. :java.lang.Math :min 20 30)");
        System.out.println("OK      : (. :java.lang.Math :min 20 30)");

        // rule: "java.time.ZonedDateTime:*
        // => OK (whitelisted constructor & instance method)
        venice.eval("(. (. :java.time.ZonedDateTime :now) :plusDays 5))");
        System.out.println("OK      : (. (. :java.time.ZonedDateTime :now) :plusDays 5))");

        // rule: "java.util.ArrayList:new" and "java.util.ArrayList:add"
        // => OK (whitelisted constructor & instance method)
            "(doto (. :java.util.ArrayList :new)  " +
            "      (. :add 1)                     " +
            "      (. :add 2))                    ");
        System.out.println("OK      : java.util.ArrayList::new()");

        // rule: "java.awt.**:*"
        // => OK (whitelisted)
            "(-<> (. :java.awt.color.ColorSpace :CS_LINEAR_RGB)      " +
            "     (. :java.awt.color.ICC_ColorSpace :getInstance <>) " +
            "     (. <> :getMaxValue 0))                             ");
        System.out.println("OK      : use of java.awt.** classes");

        // => FAIL (invoking non whitelisted static method)
        try {
            venice.eval("(. :java.lang.System :exit 0)");
        catch(SecurityException ex) {
            System.out.println("REJECTED: (. :java.lang.System :exit 0)");

        // => FAIL (invoking blacklisted Venice I/O function)
        try {
            venice.eval("(io/slurp \"/tmp/file\")");
        catch(SecurityException ex) {
            System.out.println("REJECTED: (io/slurp ...)");

        // => OK (invoking whitelisted Venice I/O function 'println')
        venice.eval("(println 100)");
        System.out.println("OK:  (println 100)");

        // => FAIL exceeded max exec time of 3s
        try {
            venice.eval("(sleep 10_000)");
        catch(SecurityException ex) {
            System.out.println("EXCEEDED: max exec time on (sleep ...)");

        // => FAIL (accessing non whitelisted system property)
        try {
            venice.eval("(system-prop \"db.password\")");
        catch(SecurityException ex) {
            System.out.println("REJECTED: (system-prop ...)");

        // => FAIL (accessing non whitelisted system environment variable)
        try {
            venice.eval("(system-env \"USER\")");
        catch(SecurityException ex) {
            System.out.println("REJECTED: (system-env ...)");

        // => FAIL (accessing non whitelisted classpath resources)
        try {
             venice.eval("(io/load-classpath-resource \"resources/images/img.tiff\")");
        catch(SecurityException ex) {
            System.out.println("REJECTED: (io/load-classpath-resource ...)");

    private static SandboxInterceptor createSandbox() {
        return new SandboxInterceptor(
                    new SandboxRules()
                        // Venice functions: blacklist all unsafe functions

                        // Venice functions:  blacklist additional functions

                        // Venice functions: whitelist rules for print functions to offset
                        // blacklist rules by individual functions

                        // Venice functions: whitelist Java calls offsets the black list
                        // rule for java interop from SandboxRules::rejectAllUnsafeFunctions()

                        // Java interop: whitelist rules
                        .withSystemProperties("", "db.port")
                        .withSystemEnvs("SHELL", "HOME")

                        // Venice extension modules: whitelist rules

                        // Generic rules

For details on customized sandboxes see Sandbox