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Backbone Firebase FireStore Backend

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An adapter that replaces Backbone.sync to save to Firebase Firestore instead of using ajax.


Import backbone.firestore and attach it to your models and collections:

const firebase = require("firebase");
import {Collection, Model} from 'backbone';
import {FirestoreAdapter} from 'backbone.firestore';

  apiKey: '### FIREBASE API KEY ###',
  authDomain: '### FIREBASE AUTH DOMAIN ###',
  projectId: '### CLOUD FIRESTORE PROJECT ID ###'

const SomeCollection = Collection.extend({

   * This collection will linked to Firestore collection which its name is
   * 'SomeCollection' => firebase.firestore().collection('SomeCollection')
  firestore: new FirestoreAdapter('SomeCollection'), 


const SomeModel = Model.extend({

   * A model can also has firestore property linked to 
   * Firestore collection  'SomeCollection'
  firestore: new FirestoreAdapter('SomeCollection')


To enable realtime update for subsequent changes, use subscriptionEnabled: true in the fetch options

const myModel = new SomeModel({ id: 1234 });
//any changes in firestore doc of id 1234 will also synced to myModel
myModel.fetch({subscriptionEnabled: true});

const myCol = new SomeCollection();
//any changes in firestore collection will also synced to myCol
myCol.fetch({ subscriptionEnabled: true });

To unsubscribe from realtime update

import { FirestoreAdapter, unsubscribeUpdate } from 'backbone.firestore';

//myModel won't sync to firestore document changes

//myCol won't sync to firestore collection / queries changes

To perform firestore query

const myCol = new SomeCollection();
let options = {
  //use firestoreQuery callback which its argument is CollectionReference and
  //return the query
  firestoreQuery = colRef => colRef.where('age', '<=', 50).orderBy('age')  

To synchronise with the normal REST api server that uses backbone collection url property, you can pass the ajaxSync flag to any options:

const myModel = new SomeModel();
  ajaxSync: true  // Fetches from the server
  new: "value"
}, {
  ajaxSync: true  // Pushes back to the server

JavaScript ES5

var bbFirestore = require('backbone.firestore');
var FirestoreAdapter = bbFirestore.FirestoreAdapter;

JavaScript ES6+

import {FirestoreAdapter} from 'backbone.firestore';


Install NodeJS and run yarn or npm i to get your dependencies, then:

  1. Open an issue identifying the fault
  2. Provide a fix, with tests demonstrating the issue
  3. Create .env in root project directory to provide the firebase firestore credentials. There is an example in .env.example
  4. Run npm test
  5. Create a pull request
