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158 lines (131 loc) · 2.97 KB

File metadata and controls

158 lines (131 loc) · 2.97 KB

Custom database adapter integration

The first (optional) argument to the constructors is a callback to execute the query and return the result. If your database class does not use bound parameters, you must set a quote callback and enable parameter interpolation. Otherwise, the array of parameters will be passed as the second argument to execution callback.

With parameter interpolation

class Database
  public function query($query)
    // Execute the query and return the result

  public function quote($value)
    // Quote and return the value

  public function select()
    $database = $this;
    $select = new zsql\Select(function($query) {
      return $database->query($query);
    return $select
      ->setQuoteCallback(array($this, 'quote'))

Without parameter interpolation

class Database
  public function query($query, $params)
    // Execute the query using specified params and return the result

  public function quote($value)
    // Quote and return the value

  public function select()
    $database = $this;
    return new zsql\Select(function($query) {
      return $database->query($query);

Adapter-less Usage


$delete = new zsql\QueryBuilder\Delete();
  ->where('columnName', 'value')
echo var_export($delete->toString(), true), ";\n", 
     var_export($delete->params(), true), ";\n";


'DELETE FROM `tableName` WHERE `columnName` = ? LIMIT ?';
array (
  0 => 'value',
  1 => 1,


$insert = new zsql\QueryBuilder\Insert();
  ->value('columnName', 'value')
  ->value('otherColumnName', 'otherValue');
echo var_export($insert->toString(), true), ";\n", 
     var_export($insert->params(), true), ";\n";


'INSERT IGNORE INTO `tableName` SET `columnName` = ? , `otherColumnName` = ?';
array (
  0 => 'value',
  1 => 'otherValue',


$select = new zsql\QueryBuilder\Select();
  ->where('columnName', 'value')
  ->order('orderColumn', 'ASC')
echo var_export($select->toString(), true), ";\n", 
     var_export($select->params(), true), ";\n";


'SELECT * FROM `tableName` WHERE `columnName` = ? ORDER BY `orderColumn` ASC LIMIT ?, ?';
array (
  0 => 'value',
  1 => 5,
  2 => 2,


$update = new zsql\QueryBuilder\Update();
  ->set('columnName', 'value')
  ->set('someColumn', new zsql\Expression('NOW()'))
  ->where('otherColumnName', 'otherValue')
echo var_export($update->toString(), true), ";\n", 
     var_export($update->params(), true), ";\n";


'UPDATE `tableName` SET `columnName` = ? , `someColumn` = NOW() WHERE `otherColumnName` = ? LIMIT ?';
array (
  0 => 'value',
  1 => 'otherValue',
  2 => 1,