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Bulletin for Friday, 22 Mar 2024

7 days digest

ongoing by Tim Bray (1)

Blog - Carl Pullein (1)

McKinsey Digital Insights - Medium (1)

The Pragmatic Engineer (1)

tech-at-instacart - Medium (1)

Stratechery by Ben Thompson (1)

Think Fast, Talk Smart: Communication Techniques (1)

Krebs on Security (1)

Daniel Lemire's blog (1)

James Bottomley's random Pages (1)

High Growth Engineer (1)


Bert Hubert's writings (1)

Programming Digest (1)

Replit Blog (1) (1)

Alex Ewerlöf Notes (1)

Dropbox Tech Blog (1)

Computer Things (1)

Josh Comeau's blog (1)

Linear Changelog (1)

Netflix TechBlog - Medium (1)

Tall, Snarky Canadian (1)

Tech Notes (1)

PlanetScale - Blog (1) (1)

Surfing Complexity (1) (2)

Tech Blog (2)

Vallified (2)

The CircleCI Blog Feed | CircleCI (2)

Irrational Exuberance (2)

Metadata (2)

Timescale Blog (2)

David Heinemeier Hansson (2)

Discord Blog (2)

Pluralistic: Daily links from Cory Doctorow (3)

InfoQ - Articles (3)

BLOG@CACM – Communications of the ACM (3)

Earthly Blog (3)

The Cloudflare Blog (3)

Stack Overflow Blog (3)

Trail of Bits Blog (3)


Amazon Science homepage (3)

Sourcegraph Blog (3)

Engineering at Meta (4)

Sentry Blog RSS (5)

APNIC Blog (5)

Blog – Hackaday (5)

Grafana Labs blog on Grafana Labs (5)

Percona Database Performance Blog (6)

Changelog Master Feed (6)

Google AI Blog (6)

DTN (7)

Towards Data Science - Medium (8)

The Fat Pipe - All of the Packet Pushers Podcasts (9)

MIT Technology Review (10)

LogRocket Blog (12)

IEEE Spectrum (15)

Simon Willison's Weblog (25)


Are business partnerships worth the effort? A report shared in Forbes reveals partnerships boost revenue, create new opportunities, and boost innovation. For example, Microsoft generates 95% of its commercial revenue through a partnership ecosystem. What a successful partnership with suppliers or other entrepreneurs does is bring two or more talents together, improving productivity and fuelling innovation, which are vital in sales generation. This is a guest post by the wonderful Lucy Rose. (BACK TO TOP)

Modern developer platforms can redefine software development and enable DevOps at scale. Reference architectures provide a starting blueprint for their design. These factors contribute to what we call “developer velocity”  — a key driver of business success. Previous McKinsey research has found that companies with top-quartile developer velocity outperform bottom-quartile companies by four to five times (measured in revenue CAGR). Run the platform team like a start-up. Define success as usage. (BACK TO TOP)

One startup released “the first AI software engineer,” while another aims to build a “superhuman software engineer.” As intimidating as these sound: what if it’s more marketing than reality? (BACK TO TOP)

Authors: Nick Shieh , Shen Zhu , Xiaobing Xia Background Instacart is the leading online grocery company in North America with millions of active customers and shoppers. Combating fraud and abuse on our platform is essential not only for maintaining a trustworthy and safe environment but also for preserving Instacart’s financial health. Fraudulent patterns are varied and broad by nature, ranging from fake accounts to payment fraud and collusion between customers and shoppers.fraud.clickhouse.... (BACK TO TOP)

Nvidia's GTC was an absolute spectacle; it was also a different kind of keynote than before ChatGPT, which is related to Nvidia's need to dig a new kind of software moat. (BACK TO TOP)

Leveraging AI to unlock new levels of creativity and communication innovation Join Matt Abrahams with creativity and innovation experts Jeremy Utley and Kian Gohar to explore the transformative potential of AI in the realms of creativity and problem-solving. If you treat artificial intelligence like an oracle, you’ll likely be disappointed. But if you treat it like a teammate, Utley and Gohar say you’ll be surprised just how helpful a collaborator it can . (BACK TO TOP)

It's not unusual for the data brokers behind people-search websites to use pseudonyms in their day-to-day lives (you would, too). Some of these personal data purveyors even try to reinvent their online identities in a bid to hide their conflicts of interest. But it's not every day you run across a US-focused people-search network based in China whose principal owners all appear to be completely fabricated identities. (BACK TO TOP)

When programming software, we are working over an abstraction over a system. The computer hardware may not know about your functions, your variables, and your data. It may only see bits and instructions. Yet to write efficient software, the programmer needs to be aware of the characteristics of the underlying system. Thankfully, we can also … Continue reading Measuring your system’s performance using software (Go edition) (BACK TO TOP)

I’ve had a couple of reasons recently to wonder about ipsec: one was doing private overlay networks in confidential VMs and the other was trying to be more efficient than my IPv4 openVPN when I’m remote on an IPv6 capable network. Usually ipsec descriptions begin with tools like raccoon or strong/open/libreswan; however, I’m going to […] (BACK TO TOP)

Industry lessons on technical design reviews and feedback (BACK TO TOP)

Looking back on the goals I set in January, how are things going? Pretty well! It's been remarkably healing to catch up on life and create some distance as I prepare for the next chapter of my career. Writing and art . I've written about 30,000 words on my Freewrite word processor device, making writing into a near-daily habit. I've spent my life writing non-fiction (technical books), and that's never been difficult for me: I know something, and now I just have to explain it well... Soon... (BACK TO TOP)

De hele korte versie: een minister voor Digitale Zaken heeft alleen zin als deze minstens evenveel doorzettingsmacht krijgt als de minister van Financiën. En het werkt ook alleen als die nieuwe minister een agenda heeft waarbij ICT veel meer is dan “iets wat je inkoopt”, maar echt een kernactiviteit wordt waar geïnnoveerd kan worden. En dat vergt een nieuwe erkenning van ICT-ambtenaren als daadwerkelijk belangrijke mensen, die aan de knoppen zitten en dingen mogen veranderen. (BACK TO TOP)

Luxor ABC-802, with a Z80 CPU, 64 kilobytes of RAM (BACK TO TOP)

At Replit, session success rate is one of our service level objectives (SLOs). This means that any legitimate incoming request from a client should always be successfully connected to its target Repl. Failure to do so is a bad user experience. To abstract away intermittent infrastructure failures when you connect to a Repl, we use a reverse WebSocket proxy between the user’s client and the remote VM hosting Conman, our container manager that runs all Repls in a container. (BACK TO TOP)

I was on the Django Chat podcast to about Django’s history, the creation of the DSF, my recent return to the DSF board and my goals there, and the things I’m excited about for Django going forward. Here are some highlights from the interview. (BACK TO TOP)

A mental model for technical leadership positions (BACK TO TOP)

Building on prior prompt injection research, we recently discovered a new training data extraction vulnerability involving OpenAI’s chat completion models. (BACK TO TOP)

Whenever I talk about formal methods, I get the same question: Can I use the spec to generate my code? People are worried about two things. One, that they'll make a mistake implementing the specification and have bugs. Two, that over time the implementation will "drift" and people won't update the spec, leading to unexpected design issues. These are valid fears, and both are things that happen when writing specifications! Which is why it extra sucks that my answer is usually "you can't".  ↩ (BACK TO TOP)

An in-depth look at the technical stack behind this very blog! We'll see how I use Next's API routes to implement my hit and like counters, how I use MDX to add interaction and customization, and how I organize my codebase, among others. (BACK TO TOP)

Custom project statuses You can now create custom statuses for your projects. Custom statuses help you share more context about where a project is in its lifecycle and what steps are needed to move the project forward. Go to workspace settings > projects to create or modify statuses under the categories: Backlog, Planned, Started, Completed, and Canceled. If your workspace has any paused projects, they'll now be assigned a Paused status under the Planned category.g. Project.status. (BACK TO TOP)

Sequential A/B Testing Keeps the World Streaming Netflix Part 2: Counting Processes Michael Lindon , Chris Sanden , Vache Shirikian , Yanjun Liu , Minal Mishra , Martin Tingley Have you ever encountered a bug while streaming Netflix? Did your title stop unexpectedly, or not start at all? In the first installment of this blog series on sequential testing, we described our canary testing methodology for continuous metrics such as play-delay .e. Figure 3 provides an illustration of an A/A setting. (BACK TO TOP)

The biggest update since June 2023 is WASI is now a tier 2 platform for CPython ! This means that the main branch of CPython should never be broken more than 24 hours for WASI and that a release will be blocked if WASI support is broken. This only applies to (BACK TO TOP)

This post is part of a series on retrowin32 . retrowin32 now runs enough of Minesweeper to let you sort of play it in your browser: Minesweeper; try it yourself It is likely to crash if you explore it too far — for example, if you win it attempts to bring up a "you win" dialog that triggers an unimplemented codepath — but still! It kind of works! Getting this working involved fleshing out a lot more of the Windows API.5 bytes. For example, I looked a bit into SkiFree... ... Argh.g. (BACK TO TOP)

Understand the different versions of UUIDs and why using them as a primary key in MySQL can hurt database performance. (BACK TO TOP)

2024/03/19 A Commentary on Defining Observability Recently, Hazel Weakly has published a great article titled Redefining Observability . In it, she covers competing classical definitions observability, weaknesses they have, and offers a practical reframing of the concept in the context of software organizations (well, not only software organizations, but the examples tilt that way). Insights and Questions The control theory definition of observability, from Rudolf E. (BACK TO TOP)

I’m finally trying to read through some Toyota-related books to get a better understanding of the lean movement. Not too long ago, I read Sheigo Shingo’s Non-Stock Production: The Shingo System of Continuous Improvement, and sitting on my bookshelf for a future read is James Womack, Daniel Jones, and Daniels Roos’s The Machine That Changed … Continue reading When there’s no gemba to go to → (BACK TO TOP)

In this latest edition of "overthinking everything", I designed a game to convince myself to do basic household chores. The game comprises two dice throws. The first throw says what to improve. The second throw says where to do it. 1. Roll one die: 1 floor 2 surfaces 3 clutter 4 germs 5 fabrics 6 decoration 2.floor(6*Math.random())]; document.getElementById("type").innerText = ${roll()}; document.getElementById("area").innerText = ${roll()}${roll()}; document.getElementById("type").style. (BACK TO TOP)

Imperative statements are easy to read. Beliefs can be useful and not true . Oversimplification is good. Extrapolating from examples is easier than alternatives. Extremes are fun. I assume my readers have big brains with small attention spans. Of course everything has nuance. Clown cars are memorable. Exaggeration is the most powerful tool ever crafted. (BACK TO TOP)

In this post, I'm going to see how fast ClickHouse can run the 1.1 billion taxi rides benchmark. This dataset is made up of 1.1 billion taxi trips conducted in New York City between 2009 and 2015. This is the same dataset I've used to benchmark Amazon Athena, BigQuery, BrytlytDB, DuckDB, Elasticsearch, EMR, Hydrolix, kdb+/q, MapD / OmniSci / HEAVY.AI, PostgreSQL, Redshift and Vertica. I have a single-page summary of all these benchmarks for comparison.1 GHz .3.1.csv.088 seconds. (BACK TO TOP)

DuckDB is an in-process database. Rather than relying on a server of its own, it's used as a client. The client can work with data in memory, within DuckDB's internal file format, database servers from other software developers and cloud storage services such as AWS S3. This choice to not centralise DuckDB's data within its own server, paired with being distributed as a single binary, makes installing and working with DuckDB much less complex than say, standing up a Hadoop Cluster.1 GHz .10.10.. (BACK TO TOP)

Getting ready to speak at a technical conference can be as nerve-wracking as it is exciting, especially if it’s your first time. Having had the opportunity to present at notable events like AWS re:Invent, Monitorama, DevOps Days, and GopherCon, I’ve learned a thing or two about preparing for the big stage. The essence of a … Continue reading Prepping to Speak at Tech Conferences: From AWS re:Invent to GopherCon → (BACK TO TOP)

rqlite is a lightweight, open-source, distributed relational database written in Go, utilizing SQLite as its storage engine. Release v8.23.0 supports the SQLite RETURNING keyword, as well adding some other enhancements. (BACK TO TOP)



At a recent offsite with Carta’s Navigators , we landed on an interesting topic: leadership roles sometimes mean that making progress on a professional initiative requires taking some personal risk. This lesson was hammered into me a decade ago during my time at Uber, where I kicked off the Uber SRE group and architectured Uber’s self-service service provisioning strategy that defined Uber’s approach to software development (which spawned a thousand thought pieces, not all complimentary).g.g.g. (BACK TO TOP)

When you’re driving a car down a road, you might get a bit stuffy and decide to roll your windows down. The air will flow in, the wind will get louder, and the sensation of moving will intensify. Your engine will start working a bit harder–and louder–to maintain the same speed. Every sensation will tell you that you’re moving faster, but lowering the window has increased your car’s air resistance, and you’re actually going slower. Or at minimum you’re using more fuel to maintain the same speed. (BACK TO TOP)

Continuing with our Transaction book reading , this week we look at the first part of the Isolation concepts. The book gets conceptual to provide the theory behind isolation of transactions. Finally we are getting some protocol action.  The first part of the chapter covers the following: Introduction to Isolation, The Dependency Model of Isolation (Three Bad Dependencies), Isolation: The Application Programmer’s View, and Isolation Theorems. A couple things immediately pop out.  Things evolve.g. (BACK TO TOP)

NVDIA CEO Jensen Huang recently made very contraversial remarks : "Over the course of the last 10 years, 15 years, almost everybody who sits on a stage like this would tell you that it is vital that your children learn computer science, and everybody should learn how to program. And in fact, it’s almost exactly the opposite. It is our job to create computing technology such that nobody has to program and that the programming language is human. Everybody in the world is now a programmer. (BACK TO TOP)

Looking for data visualization tools for PostgreSQL? We discuss a few options and provide a step-by-step guide on PostgreSQL and Apache Superset. (BACK TO TOP)

Learn how we accelerated real-time data aggregation in PostgreSQL by 50,000 % by tweaking the query planner. (BACK TO TOP)

I break the essential responsibilities of the company executive into three distinct buckets. They are:   1. Chart the course Where are we going? What are we building? Who is it for? Any executive running anything has to know the answer to these questions in order to lead anyone anywhere. If you don't have a clue where you're going, any road can take you there, and running in circles is as good as making progress. This is not viable. Let's go.   2. You have to be there to know. Get out of here. (BACK TO TOP)

I've been pleading with antitrust authorities around the world to do something about Big Tech for years now. Especially with those awful app store monopolies that have been choking out developers left, right, and center. But now that something finally looks to be happening, I'm suddenly concerned that it might, and that we'll end up wishing that it didn't. It's not because I suddenly have a newfound appreciation for Apple's or Google's right to milk their mobile tollbooths for billions more. (BACK TO TOP)

From March 19 to April 18, 2024, Discord Nitro members can claim a reward bundle to use on their adventures in Monster Hunter Now! (BACK TO TOP)

Discord App Pitches is making a return! This year, we’re looking for Discord Developers and Game Developers to pitch their ideas for new Activities using the brand-new Embedded App SDK! (BACK TO TOP)

Today's links Why Millennials aren't leaving Tiktok: It's the same reason that Boomers can't leave Facebook. Hey look at this: Delights to delectate. This day in history: 2009, 2014, 2019 Upcoming appearances: Where to find me. Recent appearances: Podcasts, events and more. Latest books: You keep readin' em, I'll keep writin' 'em. Upcoming books: Like I said, I'll keep writin' 'em. Colophon: All the rest.garbageday. Platforms, after all, generate (BACK TO TOP)

Today's links Working class Dems who campaign on economics beat Trumpists in elections: But they rarely beat the Dem establishment in primaries. Hey look at this: Delights to delectate. This day in history: 2004, 2009, 2014, 2019 Upcoming appearances: Where to find me. Recent appearances: Podcasts, events and more. Latest books: You keep readin' em, I'll keep writin' 'em. Upcoming books: Like I said, I'll keep writin' 'em. Colophon: All the rest.jacobinmag. Only 2.9%): https://jacobin.reddit. (BACK TO TOP)

Today's links Wellness surveillance makes workers unwell: As ever, the important thing isn't what the gadget does, it's who it does it for and who it does it to. Hey look at this: Delights to delectate. This day in history: 2004, 2009, 2014, 2019, 2023 Upcoming appearances: Where to find me. Recent appearances: Podcasts, events and more. Latest books: You keep readin' em, I'll keep writin' 'em. Upcoming books: Like I said, I'll keep writin' 'em. Colophon: All the (BACK TO TOP)

Explore Cloudflare's distributed PostgreSQL clusters and learn how a cross-region architecture ensures resilience. Discover how data storage and access at the edge deliver massive performance gains by reducing location-sensitive latency and why architecting for degraded states is much harder than for failure states. By Vignesh Ravichandran, Justin Kwan (BACK TO TOP)

In this virtual panel, we explore what made people decide to become a leader and how they did it. And we'll find out if we really have to leave tech forever or if there's a way back into engineering. By Ben Linders, Shawna Martell, Peter Gillard-Moss, Brittany Woods (BACK TO TOP)

This article will introduce you to zero-knowledge proofs, a kind of cryptography you can use to provide the proof you know a secret, such as a private key or the solution to a problem, without ever sharing it to an interested party. While many articles exist on the topic, this will not require any high math knowledge. By Debasish Ray Chawdhuri (BACK TO TOP)

Embodied AI involves embedding artificial intelligence into tangible entities, such as robots, equipping them with the capacity to perceive, learn from, and engage dynamically with their surroundings [1]. This approach facilitates robots in evolving and adapting to environmental changes. A notable instance of this is the Figure AI humanoid, which leverages OpenAI’s cutting-edge technologies. It […] (BACK TO TOP)

AI promises many things, some fairly reasonable, some too good to be true, and some flat-out apocalyptic. (BACK TO TOP)

The Music, Science, Inspiration Series creates a campus platform to open dialogue and mutual, meaningful inspiration between scientists, engineers, and artists. (BACK TO TOP)

Ido - an engineer at Earthly - recently put on a data analytics hat and dove deep into instrumentation and visualization so he could understand how users are using Earthly. In this article, he shares his journey and tips for others. Initial Challenge: Implementing Self-Sign-Up We’ve been working to make Earthly easier for new users. I recently tackled the self-sign-up feature. We wanted to make signing up simple, to draw in more developers and grow our community. It was a wake-up call for me. (BACK TO TOP)

Automating ARM Docker images with GitHub Actions can significantly streamline the development process. Earthly Satellites can produce ARM even faster. Check it out . ARM processor architecture is a family of instruction set architectures (ISAs) for central processing units (CPUs). An ISA helps applications talk to the hardware by specifying the processor’s capabilities and outlining how user instructions are executed based on those capabilities.11.version()) print ( "Platform node: " + platform. (BACK TO TOP)

Here is a non-realistic scenario: You are choosing the programming language for what will eventually become something large. Picture a collection of services in a mono repo, with over 100 people working on it. To keep this extra unrealistic, let’s say you’re ignoring the usual constraints, like whether you can afford GC, or whether the problem fits well with a specific tech stack or whatever. it’s a thought experiment. Humor me. And I do. Too many coding styles, too many ways to program. abs ). (BACK TO TOP)

Starting today, Zero Trust administrators can deploy our new WARP Connector for simplified any-to-any connectivity (BACK TO TOP)

Growing pains were inevitable given the sheer pace of Cloudflare’s growth. Processes around server provisioning, maintenance windows, repairs, and diagnostics reporting were reaching their limits (BACK TO TOP)

Today, we’re excited to announce a new Workers Vitest integration - allowing you to write unit and integration tests via the popular testing framework, Vitest, that execute directly in our runtime, workerd (BACK TO TOP)

Ryan Dahl, creator of Node.js and Deno, tells us about his journey into software development and the creation of Node.js. He explains why he started Deno, a new JavaScript runtime. Ryan also introduces JSR, an alternative to NPM, and emphasizes the importance of security in the JavaScript ecosystem. Plus: Thoughts on the future of JavaScript, including the role of TypeScript and bridging the gap between server-side and browser JavaScript. (BACK TO TOP)

Users have been sharing the spark that started them on their journey as computer programmers. From IRC to Minecraft, users found a passion that became a career. (BACK TO TOP)

The home team discusses the challenges (hardware and otherwise) of building AI models at scale, why major players like Meta are open-sourcing their AI projects, what Apple’s recent changes mean for developers in the EU, and Perplexity AI’s new approach to search. (BACK TO TOP)

By Vasco Franco Today, we’re releasing SARIF Explorer, the VSCode extension that we developed to streamline how we triage static analysis results. We make heavy use of static analysis tools during our audits, but the process of triaging them was always a pain. We designed SARIF Explorer to provide an intuitive UI inside VSCode, with […] (BACK TO TOP)

By Filipe Casal Today, we’re releasing weAudit, the collaborative code-reviewing tool that we use during our security audits. With weAudit, we review code more efficiently by taking notes and tracking bugs in a codebase directly inside VSCode, reducing our reliance on external tools, ensuring we never lose track of bugs we find, and enabling us […] (BACK TO TOP)

By Benjamin Samuels (@thebensams) Today, Trail of Bits is publishing Attacknet, a new tool that addresses the limitations of traditional runtime verification tools, built in collaboration with the Ethereum Foundation. Attacknet is intended to augment the EF’s current test methods by subjecting their execution and consensus clients to some of the most challenging network conditions […] (BACK TO TOP)

The post A Digital Twin Might Just Save Your Life appeared first on NOEMA . (BACK TO TOP)

The post Marking My Daughter’s First Years In Fires And Floods  appeared first on NOEMA . (BACK TO TOP)

The post Nuclear Weapons Are Back On The Radar appeared first on NOEMA . (BACK TO TOP)

The principal economist and his team address unique challenges using techniques at the intersection of microeconomics, statistics, and machine learning. (BACK TO TOP)

Tokenizing time series data and treating it like a language enables a model whose zero-shot performance matches or exceeds that of purpose-built models. (BACK TO TOP)

The awards support four research projects exploring the intersection of fashion and AI. (BACK TO TOP)

Cody for VS Code, v1.10.0 is now available, this release includes support for Claude 3 Haiku, several improvements to doc string generation, and debugging. Support links for Cody Pro and Enterprise We have made it ea... (BACK TO TOP)

This is a guest blog post from our community. Join our Discord to meet the author and connect with other developers passionate about Code Search and AI! Hello, my name is Charle... (BACK TO TOP)

We are excited to announce the latest release of Sourcegraph's Cody plugin for JetBrains, packed with new features and important bug fixes to enhance your development experience. Let's dive into what's new in this release. Claude 3 support for Pro users Pro users can now take advantage of t... (BACK TO TOP)

Threads has entered the fediverse! As part of our beta experience, now available in a few countries, Threads users aged 18+ with public profiles can now choose to share their Threads posts to other ActivityPub-compliant servers. People on those servers can now follow federated Threads profiles and see, like, reply to, and repost posts from [...] Read More... The post Threads has entered the fediverse appeared first on Engineering at Meta . (BACK TO TOP)

Bandwidth estimation (BWE) and congestion control play an important role in delivering high-quality real-time communication (RTC) across Meta’s family of apps. We’ve adopted a machine learning (ML)-based approach that allows us to solve networking problems holistically across cross-layers such as BWE, network resiliency, and transport. We’re sharing our experiment results from this approach, some of [...] Read More... (BACK TO TOP)

At Meta, we support real-time communication (RTC) for billions of people through our apps, including Messenger, Instagram, and WhatsApp. We’ve seen significant benefits by adopting the AV1 codec for RTC. Here’s how we are improving the RTC video quality for our apps with tools like the AV1 codec, the challenges we face, and how we [...] Read More... The post Better video for mobile RTC with AV1 and HD appeared first on Engineering at Meta . (BACK TO TOP)

Systems and application logs play a key role in operations, observability, and debugging workflows at Meta. Logarithm is a hosted, serverless, multitenant service, used only internally at Meta, that consumes and indexes these logs and provides an interactive query interface to retrieve and view logs. In this post, we present the design behind Logarithm, and [...] Read More... The post Logarithm: A logging engine for AI training workflows and services appeared first on Engineering at Meta . (BACK TO TOP)

While there are several solutions that try to help you improve your testing practices and tooling, we believe that high-quality software is… (BACK TO TOP)

We’ve been exploring new approaches to make Sentry issues more actionable. Read on to learn how we’re using machine learning to improve… (BACK TO TOP)

Sentry knows a lot about the inner workings of an application’s codebase. So we got to thinking, how can we use this rich dataset to make… (BACK TO TOP)

Today, we’re making it even easier to find and solve user-impacting issues with three new Sentry Performance features: INP (Interaction to… (BACK TO TOP)

Four years ago, we stepped on some big toes with our developer-first performance monitoring. Since then thousands of software teams have… (BACK TO TOP)

Guest Post: Insights from the Cooperation SIG at APRICOT 2024 / APNIC 57. (BACK TO TOP)

DNS-OARC's president, Phil Regnauld, discusses the three faces of DNS-OARC — the community, tools, and DITL collection. (BACK TO TOP)

Guest Post: Increasing encryption online impedes existing methods of detecting malicious traffic. How will industry, standards, and policy settle this dilemma? (BACK TO TOP)

Guest Post: Strategic planning leads to remarkable Internet accessibility and usage. (BACK TO TOP)

Reducing reliance on IPv4 is the goal. For some governments, this goal is significant enough to warrant action. (BACK TO TOP)

[akmnos22] was getting tired of moving one hand to the mouse and back to the keyboard. Rather than integrating mouse controls into a keyboard, they decided to really lean in …read more (BACK TO TOP)

Hobby servos are great, but they’re in many ways not ideal for robotic applications. The good news is that [Adam] brings the latest version of his ServoProject, providing off-the-shelf servos …read more (BACK TO TOP)

The Enigma machine is the most well-known encryption tool used by German forces in World War II, mostly because it was so famously cracked by the Allies to great effect. …read more (BACK TO TOP)

As I’m sure many of you know, x86 architecture has been around for quite some time. It has its roots in Intel’s early 8086 processor, the first in the family. …read more (BACK TO TOP)

Sometimes, you have to wonder what major manufacturers of assistive tech are thinking when they design their products. [Niklas Frost]’s father has MS and uses an electric mobility scooter to …read more (BACK TO TOP)

Grafana Beyla, an open source eBPF auto-instrumentation tool, has been able to produce OpenTelemetry trace spans since we introduced the project . However, the traces produced by the initial versions of Grafana Beyla were single span OpenTelemetry traces, which means the trace context information was limited to a single service view. Beyla was able to ingest TraceID information passed to the instrumented service, but was unable to propagate it upstream to other services.3 release.3/beyla-1. (BACK TO TOP)

Integrating monitoring and logging into your application stack is crucial for maintaining performance, enhancing security, and streamlining troubleshooting. Grafana Cloud offers a robust solution for monitoring your applications by collecting metrics and logs using an agent, such as Grafana Agent , but there are many environments where this isn’t feasible. Similarly, batch jobs may only run for a brief period, so pull-based tools might miss the opportunity window for pulling metrics. 1. 2. 3. 4. (BACK TO TOP)

We are consistently releasing helpful updates and fun features in Grafana Cloud, our fully managed observability platform powered by the open source Grafana LGTM Stack ( Loki for logs, Grafana for visualization, Tempo for traces, and Mimir for metrics). In case you missed it, here’s a roundup of the latest and greatest upgrades for Grafana Cloud this month. If you’re not a Grafana Cloud user, what are we waiting for? You can try any of these features for free with our generous free-forever plan. (BACK TO TOP)

Grafana Agent v0.40 is now available. You can take a look at the changelog for the full list of changes as well as our upgrade guide for breaking changes, but we’ve compiled some of the highlights in the latest Agent release below. Custom components To make Flow , the component-based revision of Grafana Agent, even more customizable, we’ve introduced the ability to declare custom components .json.value, ".url")[0], "/api/v1/write") } } local.file "blob" { filename = "/tmp/blob.file.blob.example. (BACK TO TOP)

We know monitoring your AWS environment can be difficult, which is why we’re thrilled to tell you about a new application we’ve built to make the entire process easier, more efficient, and more intuitive. We’ve offered AWS monitoring capabilities for some time, but with the AWS Observability application in Grafana Cloud, we’ve distilled our collective efforts into a more integrated and potent solution.  We’re able to use that functionality to make your resource tags available at query time. (BACK TO TOP)

Comprehensive knowledge of ITIL (Information Technology Infrastructure Library) processes proves advantageous for Database Administrators (DBAs) as it significantly elevates the efficiency of an IT organization. Let’s take a closer look at why ITIL knowledge processes is valuable and how it can enhance productivity:1. Service strategyDBA role: Grasping ITIL service strategy concepts aids DBAs in aligning […] (BACK TO TOP)

PostgreSQL has a feature called data checksum which is used to detect any storage-level corruption of data pages. However, a new PostgreSQL database cluster does not have this feature enabled by default. To activate this feature, you must specify the –data-checksums flag when initializing a new PostgreSQL database cluster with the initdb utility.So what about […] (BACK TO TOP)

When checking for how good (or bad) a PostgreSQL instance is behaving, one just wants to see everything that matters on a single-ish page. That’s what the new summary dashboard in Percona Monitoring and Management (PMM) is achieving: So, what is “everything that matters”? It goes like this: Is my database ALIVE (in other words: […] (BACK TO TOP)

In a previous blog, One Index, Three Different PostgreSQL Scan Types: Bitmap, Index, and Index Only, we reviewed three ways PostgreSQL can use an index to retrieve data as quickly as possible. In the same blog, we saw the fastest and most efficient method is the Index-Only Scan because this saves time by avoiding the […] (BACK TO TOP)

Percona Monitoring and Management (PMM) overview dashboards were always meant to be a starting point for DBAs to check the overall health of the databases. Current overview dashboards can be a little overwhelming, based on an approach of “full visibility.” Now, we present a redesigned dashboard focused on simplicity:Where is the simplicity coming from? At first, […] (BACK TO TOP)

Percona XtraBackup (PXB) version 8.0.28 supports taking backups for the encrypted tables in your MySQL database using the AWS Key Management Service. For setting up data-at-rest encryption using AWS key management service, please see Configuring Keyring for Encryption Using AWS Key Management Service in Percona Server for MySQL.In this blog post, we will discuss how […] (BACK TO TOP)

In this episode we answer any/all questions from a new Go developer. Features, best practices, quirks of the language… it’s all on the table for discussion. (BACK TO TOP)

Daniel & Chris explore the state of the art in prompt engineering with Jared Zoneraich, the founder of PromptLayer. PromptLayer is the first platform built specifically for prompt engineering. It can visually manage prompts, evaluate models, log LLM requests, search usage history, and help your organization collaborate as a team. Jared provides expert guidance in how to be implement prompt engineering, but also illustrates how we got here, and where we’re likely to go next. (BACK TO TOP)

A new badge for open source projects that won’t be getting any maintenance, everything Chip Huyen learned from looking at 900 open source AI tools, CNBC writes up tech’s renewed layoff trend, Teable is a Postgres-Airtable fusion & Target announces an open source fund. (BACK TO TOP)

Kyle Quest joins the show to tell Autumn & Justin all about the evolution of DockerSlim & minimal container images. Why are small container images important? What are different strategies to make containers smaller? Let’s find out! (BACK TO TOP)

Today you get Sorentwo for the price of one! We are joined by Shannon & Parker Selbert, both halves of the mom-and-pop software shop behind Oban, the robust job processing library that’s been delivering our emails & processing our audio for years. (BACK TO TOP)

This week Adam went solo — talking to Kyle Wiens, Founder and CEO at iFixit, about all things Right to Repair. They discussed the latest win here in the US with Oregon passing an electronics Right to Repair law to allow owners the right to get their stuff fixed anywhere as well as limit the anti-repair practices of parts pairing. Did you know that iFixit funds its advocacy work through the sale of its tools and parts? So cool. (BACK TO TOP)

Posted by Atilla Kiraly, Software Engineer, and Rory Pilgrim, Product Manager, Google Research Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer-related deaths globally with 1.8 million deaths reported in 2020. Late diagnosis dramatically reduces the chances of survival. Lung cancer screening via computed tomography (CT), which provides a detailed 3D image of the lungs, has been shown to reduce mortality in high-risk populations by at least 20% by detecting potential signs of cancers earlier.e.e.e. (BACK TO TOP)

Posted by Yossi Matias, VP Engineering & Research, and Grey Nearing, Research Scientist, Google Research Floods are the most common natural disaster , and are responsible for roughly $50 billion in annual financial damages worldwide. The rate of flood-related disasters has more than doubled since the year 2000 partly due to climate change . Nearly 1.5 billion people , making up 19% of the world’s population, are exposed to substantial risks from severe flood events.g.g.).e.g.g. (BACK TO TOP)

Posted by Srinivas Sunkara and Gilles Baechler, Software Engineers, Google Research Screen user interfaces (UIs) and infographics, such as charts, diagrams and tables, play important roles in human communication and human-machine interaction as they facilitate rich and interactive user experiences. UIs and infographics share similar design principles and visual language (e.g. To that end, we introduce “ ScreenAI: A Vision-Language Model for UI and Infographics Understanding ”.e.g.g...g.g. (BACK TO TOP)

Posted by Pooja Rao, Research Scientist, Google Research Health datasets play a crucial role in research and medical education, but it can be challenging to create a dataset that represents the real world. For example, dermatology conditions are diverse in their appearance and severity and manifest differently across skin tones. Yet, existing dermatology image datasets often lack representation of everyday conditions (like rashes, allergies and infections) and skew towards lighter skin tones.e. (BACK TO TOP)

Posted by Mark Matthews, Senior Software Engineer, and Dmitry Lagun, Research Scientist, Google Research A person's prior experience and understanding of the world generally enables them to easily infer what an object looks like in whole, even if only looking at a few 2D pictures of it. Yet the capacity for a computer to reconstruct the shape of an object in 3D given only a few images has remained a difficult algorithmic problem for years. The problem is made harder by pseudo-symmetries — i.e. (BACK TO TOP)

Posted by Mike Schaekermann, Research Scientist, Google Research, and Ivor Horn, Chief Health Equity Officer & Director, Google Core Health equity is a major societal concern worldwide with disparities having many causes. These sources include limitations in access to healthcare, differences in clinical treatment, and even fundamental differences in the diagnostic technology. Importantly, equity may be different from equality . Health equity considerations. An intervention (e.g.g. (* As above.g. (BACK TO TOP)

Three sustainability trends were revealed in the USDA 2022 Census of Agriculture around farming practices, carbon intensity, and generational farming. The post Sustainability: Three Key Takeaways from the 2022 USDA Ag Census appeared first on DTN . (BACK TO TOP)

Learn how data-driven weather insights and machine learning can help utilities minimize cost and disruption when hurricanes strike. The post Hurricane Ian and the power of data appeared first on DTN . (BACK TO TOP)

Read our e-book dedicated to helping you meet key operational challenges. The post Innovative Storm Impact Analytics appeared first on DTN . (BACK TO TOP)

DTN has announced the addition of Marco Hunstad to its extended leadership team. The post DTN Announces New GM for Agriculture appeared first on DTN . (BACK TO TOP)

Watch DTN experts explain the challenges ahead and discuss ways farmers can set their businesses up to make the best of a tough hand. The post 2024 DTN Ag Summit Series appeared first on DTN . (BACK TO TOP)

DTN announces the addition of Marco Hunstad as new GM for Agriculture. The post DTN Announces New GM for Agriculture appeared first on DTN . (BACK TO TOP)

Using Machine Learning / AI can help prevent being caught off guard by unexpected outages, particularly when storms become severe, which translates to being slow to respond and assist in restoration and the inability to secure new utility customer restoration contracts before the competition. The post The Growing Role of Machine Learning for Utilities appeared first on DTN . (BACK TO TOP)

Prompt Experiments for Python Vulnerability Detection Photo by Alexander Sinn on  Unsplash If you are a software professional, you might dread opening the security scan report on the morning of a release. Why? You know that it’s a great tool for enhancing the quality and integrity of your work, but you also know you are going to spend the next couple of hours scrambling to resolve all the security issues before the deadline.g.g.g.) all relate to each other. The dataset (with license CC BY 4.e. (BACK TO TOP)

Understanding how SSMs and Mamba work, along with how to get started with implementing it in Keras and TensorFlow. Source: AI Generate (SDXL) Submitted on 1st December, 2023 on arXiv, the paper titled “Mamba: Linear-Time Sequence Modeling with Selective State Spaces” proposed an interesting approach to sequence modeling. What’s so unique about Mamba? Transformers have seen recent popularity with the rise of Large Language Models (LLMs) like LLaMa-2, GPT-4, Claude, Gemini, etc.e., Linearly . 🤔.0. (BACK TO TOP)

This blog post will explore the findings of the “Outrageously Large Neural Networks: The Sparsely-Gated Mixture-of-Experts Layer” paper and its implementation in Mixtral Image from Author generated by DALL-E The Quest for Specialization When challenging a difficult problem, divide and conquer is often a valuable solution. Image by Author Nevertheless, this idea has not yet been successfully realized. Token-Level Mixture of Experts Let’s begin with the idea of an ‘expert’ in this context. [1] N. (BACK TO TOP)

Utilizing Amazon Bedrock, Google Places, LangChain, and Streamlit Continue reading on Towards Data Science » (BACK TO TOP)

Best Practices RAG with Milvus vector database, part 1 Continue reading on Towards Data Science » (BACK TO TOP)

Language processing in humans and computers: Part 2 Tidying up the zoo in the morning The first elephant in the room: The Web Just like search engines, language models process data scraped from the web. Both are built on top of web crawlers. Chatbots are children of the Web, not of expert systems. A search engine is an interface of a source index sorted by reputation. A chatbot is an interface of a language model extrapolating from the sources. They are children of search engines. Goodbye, DVD. (BACK TO TOP)

 (and what are they to you)?](

Language processing in humans and computers: Part 1 Who are chatbots (and what are they to you)? Introduction Chatbots: Shifting the paradigm of meaning What just happened? We live in strange times. Stories used to be told by storytellers, poems recited by poets, music played by musicians, science taught by teachers. Then the web happened and it all came under your fingertips. Now chatbots happened and you can ask them to write poetry or to explain science, or even combine the two.e. E.g. (BACK TO TOP)

Use the Display API to replace complex Matplotlib code Continue reading on Towards Data Science » (BACK TO TOP)

For years, Johannes Weber has heard network engineers around the world repeat the myth that IPv6 is more of a hassle than IPv4. So he made a list: “Why IPv6 is better than IPv4.” Don’t worry, solving global address exhaustion isn’t on it. In this episode, Johannes goes over his list with precision and passion ... Read more » (BACK TO TOP)

In this episode of the Kubernetes Unpacked Podcast, Kristina and Michael catch up with Mark from Yellowbrick to talk about all things underlying architecture. Very rarely do we get a vendor to chat about what’s going on underneath the hood and how a particular application stack/tool is running, so this was an awesome episode! Mark ... Read more » (BACK TO TOP)

In this podcast episode, Randy Horton from Orthogonal and Ian Sutcliffe from AWS discuss the complexities of supporting regulated medical devices in the cloud. They explore the challenges of adhering to regulations, the importance of security, and the need for robust frameworks. The conversation highlights the non-prescriptive nature of regulations, encouraging best practices rather than ... Read more » (BACK TO TOP)

Welcome back for Part 2 of Eric’s interview with Roman Dodin, co-creator of containerlab. Roman describes containerlab as a “lab as code” tool that quickly and easily creates virtual networking topologies. With increased automation and containerization in network engineering, the tool’s popularity has exploded. We talk about how folks contribute to containerlab’s development and what ... Read more » (BACK TO TOP)

What does having a tech strategy actually do for an organization? In today’s episode, Greg and Johna highlight how a good tech strategy benefits a company: creates a foundation of first principles, reduces bias in vendor decisions, better allocates human resources, kills bad ideas, sunsets projects, and makes meetings a little more enjoyable and harmonious. ... Read more » (BACK TO TOP)

This episode is for IT professionals who work in small- to medium-sized businesses and are expected to handle cybersecurity on top of issues like “my camera isn’t working on Zoom.” Guest Joe Stern has been filling this role for an 80-person company for almost 30 years. We talk about how he prioritizes risks, security tools ... Read more » (BACK TO TOP)

Medical devices are an essential element of patient care. They’re also network-connected devices that need resilient connectivity and security. On today’s Tech Bytes we examine the challenges of supporting and securing connected medical devices, including threats, vulnerabilities, and regulatory frameworks. We’ll also discuss strategies and best practices to manage medical device risks and ensure the ... Read more » (BACK TO TOP)

This week on Network Break we discuss a new on-prem version of NetBox Labs’ source-of-truth software with enterprise support, why Selector AI is adding an LLM to its operations and observability product, and whether a new Web application firewall from Cloudflare can protect LLMs against malicious prompts. Viavi Solutions consolidates the network testing space with ... Read more » (BACK TO TOP)

Matt Horn built a data center network through automation, remotely. This is the future of network engineering. Matt shares how his team did it technically: Terraform, a little Ansible, leveraging pipelines, etc. But he also shares the processes and culture that made it happen: Management and peer buy-in, tight enforcement based on user access, and ... Read more » (BACK TO TOP)

Recorded on March 21, 2024 How China Got Ahead on EVs Speakers: Zeyi Yang, China reporter, Amanda Silverman, Features & investigations editor, and Abby Ivory-Ganja, Sr engagement editor In the race to produce and sell more electric vehicles, China has emerged as the unexpected winner. If you visit Shanghai or Shenzhen today, it feels like… (BACK TO TOP)

The world is grappling with dengue epidemics, with 100 to 400 million cases worldwide every year,  an eightfold increase since 20 years ago, according to the World Health Organization. Much of this is driven by the warming climate, which allows mosquitos to thrive in more areas.  A startup in São Paulo,  Brazil, one of the… (BACK TO TOP)

This is today’s edition of The Download, our weekday newsletter that provides a daily dose of what’s going on in the world of technology. There is a new most expensive drug in the world. Price tag: $4.25 million The news: There is a new most expensive drug ever—a gene therapy that costs as much as a Brooklyn… (BACK TO TOP)

This article is from The Spark, MIT Technology Review’s weekly climate newsletter. To receive it in your inbox every Wednesday, sign up here. Spend enough time in a city and you’ll get to know its unique soundscape. In New York City, it features the echoes of car stereos, the deep grumbles of garbage truck engines,… (BACK TO TOP)

There is a new most expensive drug ever—a gene therapy that costs as much as a Brooklyn brownstone or a Miami mansion, and more than the average person will earn in a lifetime. Lenmeldy is a gene treatment for metachromatic leukodystrophy (MLD) and was approved in the U.S. on Monday. Its maker, Orchard Therapeutics, said… (BACK TO TOP)

In 2021, when a massive container ship became wedged in the Suez Canal, you could almost hear the collective sigh of frustration around the globe. It was a here-we-go-again moment in a year full of supply chain hiccups. Every minute the ship remained stuck represented about $6.7 million in paralyzed global trade. The 12 months… (BACK TO TOP)

Walk just a few blocks in New York City and you’ll likely spot an electric bike zipping by. The vehicles have become increasingly popular in recent years, especially among delivery drivers, tens of thousands of whom weave through New York streets. But the e-bike influx has caused a wave of fires sparked by their batteries,… (BACK TO TOP)

This is today’s edition of The Download, our weekday newsletter that provides a daily dose of what’s going on in the world of technology. A wave of drugs dreamed up by AI is on its way Alex Zhavoronkov has been messing around with artificial intelligence for more than a decade. In 2016, the programmer and physicist was… (BACK TO TOP)

Alex Zhavoronkov has been messing around with artificial intelligence for more than a decade. In 2016, the programmer and physicist was using AI to rank people by looks and sort through pictures of cats. Now he says his company, Insilico Medicine, has created the first “true AI drug” that’s advanced to a test of whether… (BACK TO TOP)

This story first appeared in China Report, MIT Technology Review’s newsletter about technology in China. Sign up to receive it in your inbox every Tuesday. Over the last year, a few Chinese influencers have made millions of dollars peddling short video lessons on AI, profiting off people’s fears about the as-yet-unclear impact of the new technology on… (BACK TO TOP)

Ideally, UX designers should collaborate with customer support agents more often to improve user experience. Here's how they can start. The post Creating user friendly support documents that relieve customer support strain appeared first on LogRocket Blog . (BACK TO TOP)

Carly Fuller discusses her work at EdisonLearning to bridge the gap in education equity via accessibility, courses, certifications, and more. The post Leader Spotlight: Closing the gap to education equity, with Carly Fuller appeared first on LogRocket Blog . (BACK TO TOP)

Heidi Helfand’s book Dynamic Reteaming advocates that teams follow repeating cycles of birth, adolescence, maturity, and disruption. The post An introduction to dynamic reteaming appeared first on LogRocket Blog . (BACK TO TOP)

Tailwind's Catalyst UI kit offers many features and customization options for React user interface development. The post Exploring Catalyst, Tailwind’s UI kit for React appeared first on LogRocket Blog . (BACK TO TOP)

You can use agile estimation techniques to paint a picture of what the future looks like for stakeholders. The post Agile estimation techniques and strategies appeared first on LogRocket Blog . (BACK TO TOP)

Gantt charts, if applied correctly, can be a strategic asset for keeping your head above the waves of complexities in UX projects. The post Reimagining Gantt charts for UX project management appeared first on LogRocket Blog . (BACK TO TOP)

Rachna Sethi, VP of Product at Ford Credit, talks about her team’s focus and effort to constantly improve the vehicle-buying process. The post Leader Spotlight: Creating a loyalty machine, with Rachna Sethi appeared first on LogRocket Blog . (BACK TO TOP)

ReactToPrint is a great tool for easily adding a print feature to your React app while preserving your document's neat, consistent look. The post Using react-to-print to generate a printable document appeared first on LogRocket Blog . (BACK TO TOP)

A product roadmap is a visual version of your long-term product strategy. It shows the mission and vision of your product in summary. The post 4 roadmap templates for product managers appeared first on LogRocket Blog . (BACK TO TOP)

Ahn Dao Pham shares how the skills she’s gained via her project and program management experience helps her succeed in product management. The post Leader Spotlight: How project, program, and product management intertwine, with Anh Dao Pham appeared first on LogRocket Blog . (BACK TO TOP)

Session replay is a product analytics tool that records the interactions of users in your website or application. The post Adopting session replay for intuitive and proactive product teams appeared first on LogRocket Blog . (BACK TO TOP)

Leptos is a Rust frontend framework with excellent performance and support for modern features like signals, SSR, CSR, and more. The post Migrating a JavaScript frontend to Leptos, a Rust framework appeared first on LogRocket Blog . (BACK TO TOP)

Although recent finding s have poured cold water on quantum computing hype, don’t count the technology out yet. On 4 March, Google and XPrize announced a US $5 million prize to anyone who comes up with use cases for quantum computers. If that sounds like an admission that use cases don’t already exist, it isn’t, says Ryan Babbush, head of quantum algorithms at Google. “We do know of some applications that these devices would be quite impactful for,” he says. One alternative to cobalt is nickel.” (BACK TO TOP)

Watching movies and TV series that use digital visual effects to create fantastical worlds lets people escape reality for a few hours. Thanks to advancements in computer-generated technology used to produce films and shows, those worlds are highly realistic. In many cases, it can be difficult to tell what’s real and what isn’t. Cook , Loren Carpenter , Tom Porter , and Patrick M. Hanrahan ., headquarters. The ceremony is available to watch on demand ., headquarters. From left, Patrick M.” (BACK TO TOP)

While the Top500 list ranks the 500 biggest high-performance computers (HPCs) in the world, its cousin the Green500 reranks the same 500 supercomputers according to their energy efficiency. For the last three iterations of the list, Henri —a small supercomputer operated by the Flatiron Institute, in New York City —has been named the world’s most energy-efficient high-performance computer. Built in the fall of 2022, Henri was the first system to use Nvidia’s H100 GPUs, a.k.a Hopper...J. It’s 2. (BACK TO TOP)

China launched a spacecraft today that is planned to be the first act in a complex, multistep campaign to achieve an unprecedented feat: Collecting samples from the far side of the moon and delivering the precious cargo to Earth. Queqiao-2 (“Magpie Bridge-2”), a communications relay satellite, launched at 8:31 a.m. local time on a Long March 8 rocket from the Wenchang Space Launch Site in Hainan province.3 days. The lander will separate and prepare for its touchdown attempt. (BACK TO TOP)

Stephen Cass: Hello and welcome to Fixing the Future , an IEEE Spectrum podcast where we look at concrete solutions to some big problems. I’m your host Stephen Cass , a senior editor at IEEE Spectrum . And before we start, I just want to tell you that you can get the latest coverage from some of Spectrum’s most important beats, including AI, climate change and robotics, by signing up for one of our free newsletters. Just go to to subscribe. Sam, welcome to the show. (BACK TO TOP)

This year is shaping up to be an active one for new and developing technologies that are expected to impact how engineers work in the areas of data privacy, IoT security, Wi-Fi 6, and more. It’s crucial, therefore, for engineers to stay informed, be proactive, and invest in their career development to ensure that they can bring the most current information and best engineering practices to their workplace. Data Privacy About two-thirds of U.S.” Carlson heads Arvig ’s research and development. (BACK TO TOP)

Nvidia’s ongoing GTC developer conference in San Jose is, unsurprisingly, almost entirely about AI this year. But in between the AI developments, Nvidia has also made a couple of significant robotics announcements. First, there’s Project GR00T (with each letter and number pronounced individually so as not to invoke the wrath of Disney), a foundation model for humanoid robots. GR00T First, let’s talk about GR00T (short for “ Generalist Robot 00 Technology ”).” Robots powered by GR00T... (BACK TO TOP)

Today at Nvidia’s developer conference, GTC 2024 , the company revealed its next GPU, the B200 . The B200 is capable of delivering four times the training performance, up to 30 times the inference performance, and up to 25 times better energy efficiency, compared to its predecessor, the Hopper H100 GPU . Based on the new Blackwell architecture, the GPU can be combined with the company’s Grace CPUs to form a new generation of DGX SuperPOD computers capable of up to 11.S.8 TB/s. (BACK TO TOP)

A startling change in medical ultrasound is working its way through hospitals and physicians’ offices. The long-standing, state-of-the-art ultrasound machine that’s pushed around on a cart, with cables and multiple probes dangling, is being wheeled aside permanently in favor of handheld probes that send images to a phone. And the AI that accompanies them may soon make these devices operable by untrained professionals in any setting—not just trained sonographers in clinics. (BACK TO TOP)

The U.S. government recently backed down from enacting tough new measures that would have forced automakers to quadruple their sales of electric vehicles by 2030. Even if Washington hadn’t buckled to outside pressure, the U.S. ambitions for 2030 would not have been exceptional. The move would have raised market share of all-electric vehicles in the U.S. to a level still well below 20 percent. Meanwhile, there is a growing group of nations with their sights set much higher.5 degrees C (2.S.S.S. (BACK TO TOP)

About a year ago, Zipline introduced Platform 2 , an approach to precision urban drone delivery that combines a large hovering drone with a smaller package-delivery “Droid.” Lowered on a tether from the belly of its parent Zip drone, the Droid contains thrusters and sensors (plus a 2.5- to 3.5-kilogram payload) to reliably navigate itself to a delivery area of just one meter in diameter. The Zip, meanwhile, safely remains hundreds of meters up. First, a quick refresher. (BACK TO TOP)

Legendary MIT roboticist Daniela Rus has published a new book called The Heart and the Chip: Our Bright Future with Robots . “There is a robotics revolution underway,” Rus says in the book’s introduction, “one that is already causing massive changes in our society and in our lives.” She’s quite right, of course, and although some of us have been feeling that this is true for decades, it’s arguably more true right now than it ever has been. Remember, robots are tools.W. Norton & Company. (BACK TO TOP)

In February, OpenAI announced the arrival of Sora , a stunning “text-to-video” tool. Simply enter a prompt, and Sora generates a realistic video within seconds. But it wasn’t immediately available to the public. Some of the delay is because OpenAI reportedly has a set of experts called a red team who, the company has said, will probe the model to understand its capacity for deepfake videos, misinformation, bias, and hateful content. The practice originated in U.S. That’s the idea, at least.S.S. (BACK TO TOP)

Video Friday is your weekly selection of awesome robotics videos, collected by your friends at IEEE Spectrum robotics. We also post a weekly calendar of upcoming robotics events for the next few months. Please send us your events for inclusion. HRI 2024 : 11–15 March 2024, BOULDER, COLO. [ Figure ] That awesome ANYmal Parkour research is now published, which means that there’s a new video, well worth watching all the way to the end. Some new research is tackling this, using a (now ancient?) PR2. (BACK TO TOP)

As the world builds more and more electric cars and trucks—and electrifies other modes of transit—a race is underway to build the ideal, mean-and-green motor. The goal is a traction motor that’s at least as powerful, reliable, and lightweight as today’s industry standard rare-earth permanent magnet synchronous motor . However, rare-earth elements like neodymium and dysprosium, which are required for the most powerful magnets for the latter, also represent a major choke point.7 kW.1 and 3.K.” (BACK TO TOP)


























Bulletin by Jakub Mikians