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Bulletin for Friday, 20 Oct 2023

7 days digest

Ken Shirriff's blog (1) (1)

Robert Heaton | Blog (1) (1)

Potaroo blog (1)

Replit Blog (1)

Eugene Yan (1)

Stratechery by Ben Thompson (1)

ongoing by Tim Bray (1)

Svix Blog (1)

Notes on software development (1)

Google AI Blog (1)

Project Zero (1) (1) (1)

Eight to Late (1)

Marc Brooker's Blog (1)

PlanetScale - Blog (1)

Eli Bendersky's website (1)


LinkedIn Engineering (1)

Go (Golang) Programming Blog - Ardan Labs on (1)

The Hacker Factor Blog (1)

Vadim Kravcenko (1)

Stay SaaSy (1)

The Technium (1)

Think Fast, Talk Smart (1)

Spotify Engineering (1)

OpenAI Blog (1)

Programming Digest (1)

Almost Secure (1) (1)

Krebs on Security (2)

Latent Space (2)

The CircleCI Blog Feed | CircleCI (2)

Ratfactor Feed (2)

Engineering at Meta (2)

Bert Hubert's writings (2)

Weaveworks (2)

Writing - rachelbythebay (2)

The Cloudflare Blog (3)

DTN (3)

Changelog Master Feed (3)

Timescale Blog (3)

Daniel Lemire's blog (3)

Discord Blog (3)

David Heinemeier Hansson (3)

Amazon Science homepage (3)

Simon Willison's Weblog: Blogmarks (4)

Stack Overflow Blog (5)

Pluralistic: Daily links from Cory Doctorow (6)

LogRocket Blog (6)

Simon Willison's Weblog (7)

MIT Technology Review (7)

Earthly Blog (7)

The Full Feed - All of the Packet Pushers Podcasts (7)

Percona Database Performance Blog (10)

You might think of the Intel 386 processor (1985) as just an early processor in the x86 line, but the 386 was a critical turning point for modern computing in several ways. 1 First, the 386 moved the x86 architecture to 32 bits, defining the dominant computing architecture for the rest of the 20th century. The 386 also established the overwhelming importance of x86, not just for Intel, but for the entire computer industry.5 µm process to the 1 µm process. The shrink from 1. Comparison of the 1. (BACK TO TOP)


I know that time spent with my kids is supposed to be its own reward, and it is. But I also want to believe that what I do in this time matters, as much as possible. Elegantly handling a tantrum feels more worthwhile if I’m helping my son learn to express his feelings, not just making it through another day. I find more contentment at the end of a long afternoon if I think that I did a good job and that this good job will echo through the ages, or at least after bedtime. I certainly did. (BACK TO TOP)

I’ve been noodling on a static type system for my current hobby language. To try to keep the language as simple as possible, I’m trying to see if I can live without subtyping. Since most of my programming experience is in object-oriented languages, I’ve been learning more about languages that lack—or at least claim to lack—subyping, to see how they work. The short answer is that no, Go doesn’t have subtyping. But also, yes, it sort of does. Subtyping defines a relation between two types./prog. (BACK TO TOP)

In 2005 the UN-sponsored World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) eventually agreed on a compromise approach that deferred any determination on the matter of the governance of the Internet and instead decided to convene a series of meetings on the underlying policy principles relating to Internet Governance. Hence, we saw the inauguration of a series of Internet Governance Forum (IGF) meetings. Eighteen later this is still going on. After so long is there anything left to talk about? (BACK TO TOP)

We recently released some improvements to our Packages tool, and now we're extending that work to bring a new System Dependencies tool to Replit, powered by Nix! Replit hasbet big on Nix, and we're not slowing down. It's now easier than ever to leverage Nix's power with a brand-new user interface for adding, removing, and searching system dependencies. WHAT ARE SYSTEM DEPENDENCIES? System dependencies are native programs or libraries that can be installed globally in your Repl using Nix. (BACK TO TOP)

The biggest deployment challenges, backward compatibility, multi-modality, and SF work ethic. (BACK TO TOP)

Moore's Law is not yet dead, nor is Moore's Precept, even if AI computes differently. Addressing both is the key to succeeding with the China chip ban. (BACK TO TOP)


In this report we present our research on webhook implementations and some Svix data with the goal of increasing the adoption of webhook best practices. (BACK TO TOP)

King and I wrote a blog post about building an event-driven cross-platform IO library that used io_uring on Linux. We sketched out how it works at a high level but I hadn't yet internalized how you actually code with io_uring. So I strapped myself down this week and wrote some benchmarks to build my intuition about io_uring and other IO models. I started with implementations in Go and ported them to Zig to make sure I had done the Go versions decently. I could care less about benchmarketing..... (BACK TO TOP)

Posted by Han Zhou, Student Researcher, and Subhrajit Roy, Senior Research Scientist, Google Research Prompting large language models (LLMs) has become an efficient learning paradigm for adapting LLMs to a new task by conditioning on human-designed instructions. The remarkable in-context learning (ICL) ability of LLMs also leads to efficient few-shot learners that can generalize from few-shot input-label pairs. Though multiple calibration solutions have been provided (e.g.e.g.. (BACK TO TOP)

@import url(;.lst-kix_fcb9u51bqgft-4>li{counter-increment:lst-ctn-kix_fcb9u51bqgft-4}ol.lst-kix_shbeio5ln3sf-3.start{counter-reset:lst-ctn-kix_shbeio5ln3sf-3 0}.lst-kix_shbeio5ln3sf-0>li{counter-increment:lst-ctn-kix_shbeio5ln3sf-0}ul.lst-kix_wvnn2lytn2eh-3{list-style-type:none}ul.lst-kix_wvnn2lytn2eh-2{list-style-type:none}ul.lst-kix_wvnn2lytn2eh-5{list-style-type:none}ul.lst-kix_wvnn2lytn2eh-4{list-style-type:none}ul.4.. (BACK TO TOP)

essay (BACK TO TOP)

A thoughtful book summary and review for Cal Newport's So Good They Can't Ignore You. (BACK TO TOP)

I recently attended a conference focused on Agile and systems-based approaches to tackling organizational problems. As one might expect at such a conference, many of the talks were about change – how to approach it, make a case for it, lead it etc. The thing that struck me most when listening to the speakers was […] (BACK TO TOP)

Optimism vs Pessimism in Distributed Systems What—Me Worry? Avoiding coordination is the one fundamental thing that allows us to build distributed systems that out-scale the performance of a single machine 1 . When we build systems that avoid coordinating, we end up building components that make assumptions about what other components are doing. This, too, is fundamental. One way to classify these assumptions is into optimistic and pessimistic assumptions. I won’t try advance that debate here. (BACK TO TOP)

Bringing weekly reports of the most important parts of your database, straight to your inbox. (BACK TO TOP)

An exciting proposal is expected to land in Go 1.22 - enhancing the pattern-matching capabilities of the default HTTP serving multiplexer in the net/http package. The existing multiplexer ( http.ServeMux ) offers rudimentary path matching, but not much beyond that. This led to a cottage industry of 3rd party libraries to implement more powerful capabilities. I've explored these options in my REST Servers in Go series, in parts 1 and 2 . The new multiplexer in 1. NewServeMux () mux . Since Go 1.. (BACK TO TOP)

Some of the most important decisions we make at FlightAware are deciding who will become part of our company, team, and culture. In this post, our Senior Software Engineer & Manager, Jonathan Cone, describes our interview process & what we look for in a candidate. (BACK TO TOP)

Co-Authors: Chaitali Parmar, Eric Stoll, and Natasha Michel At Linkedin, one of the Information Security team's core commitments is to enable an environment of trusted and secure products, platforms, and infrastructure for our employees, members, and customers. (BACK TO TOP)

Golang-Powered Transformation: Ardan Labs’ Fintech API Consulting Success Story In today’s fast-paced and highly competitive financial services industry, streamlined API development can be a game-changer for companies aiming to stay ahead of the curve. With the rise of digital financial solutions, fintech companies and traditional financial institutions are increasingly relying on robust APIs to facilitate secure, real-time transactions and provide seamless customer experiences. (BACK TO TOP)

In my last blog entry , I mentioned about helping other people with their computers. While I didn't mention anyone's age, a lot of the feedback has been related to elderly relatives. (Only some of the people I tried to help were elderly.) These comments led to some very interesting discussions about monitoring the elderly. Whether it's your parents, grandparents, distant relatives, or nearby neighbors, we all know someone who is elderly. Another deceased person went unnoticed for 8 years ... (BACK TO TOP)

There I was, standing in the middle of a buzzing tech event that our company organized, feeling like a fish […] The post Networking as an introvert CTO appeared first on Vadim Kravcenko . (BACK TO TOP)

In the most simplistic view, there are only two phases in the history of a startup’s life: Before product-market fit, and after product-market fit (PMF). The transition between the two is intense and fundamentally reshapes the experience of working at a startup. Product-market fit is the point at which everything starts to work for a startup – the point when there is a market that is excited to buy what you’re offering to it (the product). The days before product-market fit are a simple time. (BACK TO TOP)

I’ll read anything by Brian Eno. Here is his latest thinking on how he approaches his art. It’s in the FT, called “Why I Sculpt Sound.” Brian Eno: why I sculpt sound A flavorful report in the NYT on prediction … Continue reading → (BACK TO TOP)

“Sparking communication starts with asking why or what or how.” On this episode of  Think Fast, Talk Smart,   Tina Seelig , the Professor of the Practice at Stanford’s department of management science and engineering and the executive director of the  Knight-Hennessy Scholars program, chats with host and lecturer Matt Abrahams about the importance of asking questions about everything we do. “Having a mindset of curiosity opens the door to great communication,” Seelig says. (BACK TO TOP)

At Spotify, we have experimented with the Bazel build system since 2017. Over the years, the project has matured, and support for more languages and ecosystems have been added, thanks to the open source community and its maintainers at Google. In 2020,  it became clear that the future of our client development required a unified [...] The post Switching Build Systems, Seamlessly appeared first on Spotify Engineering . (BACK TO TOP)

DALL·E 3 is now available in ChatGPT Plus and Enterprise (BACK TO TOP)

#544 – October 16, 2023 Role of algorithms Algorithms are a useful skill not because you use it at work every day, but because they train you to be better at particular aspects of software engineering. Go from cloud-native concept to production hella fast (sponsor) It’s never been faster or easier to see how fast and easy Kalix makes building high-performance cloud-native applications using event-driven microservices. Explore our award-winning PaaS virtually and then start building locally. (BACK TO TOP)

I decided that I would make it easier for people to share my articles on social media, most importantly on Mastodon. However, my Hugo theme didn’t support showing a “Share on Mastodon” button yet. It wasn’t entirely trivial to add support either: unlike with centralized solutions like Facebook where a simple link is sufficient, here one would need to choose their home instance first. As far as existing solutions go, the only reasonably sophisticated approach appears to be Share₂Fedi . Micro.0 . (BACK TO TOP)

What is SADS? Who is at risk for SADS? How is SADS diagnosed? Can SADS be prevented? How do you prepare for SADS? What is SADS? Sudden Adult Death Syndrome (SADS) is an unexpected death of an adult over 1 year(s) of age. Most SADS events are followed by autopsies, investigations, and funerals. SADS is sometimes called "the long sleep" because of its permanence and characteristic loss of consciousness. Who is at risk for SADS? Over 55 million people die of SADS each year. (BACK TO TOP)

One of the oldest malware tricks in the book -- hacked websites claiming visitors need to update their Web browser before they can view any content -- has roared back to life in the past few months. New research shows the attackers behind one such scheme have developed an ingenious way of keeping their malware from being taken down by security experts or law enforcement: By hosting the malicious files on a decentralized, anonymous cryptocurrency blockchain. (BACK TO TOP)

Amir Golestan, the 40-year-old CEO of the Charleston, S.C. based technology company Micfo LLC, has been sentenced to five years in prison for wire fraud. Golestan's sentencing comes nearly two years after he pleaded guilty to using an elaborate network of phony companies to secure more than 735,000 Internet Protocol (IP) addresses from the American Registry for Internet Numbers (ARIN), the nonprofit which oversees IP addresses assigned to entities in the U.S., Canada, and parts of the Caribbean. (BACK TO TOP)

Listen now | On learning AI fast and how AI's learn fast, the mission of doing more deep learning with less, inventing ULMFiT and why it's now wrong, and how to play the AI Discords game (BACK TO TOP)

Listen now | On raising $200m to build agent operating systems that can reason and code, why LLMs beat reinforcement learning for agent usecases, and how to build a Scenius with top AI people (BACK TO TOP)





Olivia Wu, Meta’s Technical Lead for Infra Silicon, discusses the design and development of Meta’s first-generation AI inference accelerator. [...] Read More... The post How Meta is creating custom silicon for AI appeared first on Engineering at Meta . (BACK TO TOP)

Systematic Code and Asset Removal Framework (SCARF) is Meta’s unused code and data deletion framework. SCARF guides engineers through deprecating a product safely and efficiently via an internal tool. SCARF combines this tooling with automation to reduce load on engineers. At Meta, we are constantly innovating and experimenting by building and shipping many different products, [...] Read More... The post Automating product deprecation appeared first on Engineering at Meta . (BACK TO TOP)

Hieronder een licht bewerkte versie van mijn live-verslag op Mastodon van het wetgevingsoverleg over de nieuwe AIVD/MIVD wet. De tijdstippen voor iedere regel linken naar de uitstekende Debat Gemist service van de Tweede Kamer. Het tijdstip is steeds 60 seconden voor de update, dus misschien moet je nog verder terug in de tijd om bij de corresponderende beelden te komen. Het verslag is live ingetypt, en vermeldt ook wat persoonlijke meningen. (BACK TO TOP)

Dit artikel is geschreven naar aanleiding van het recente rondetafelgesprek in de Tweede Kamer over het EU client side scanning voorstel, ook bekend als ‘chatcontrol’, een verplichte module in je WhatsApp/Signal/iMessage/Snapchat die je communicatie en foto’s scant op ‘grooming’ en bekende en onbekende kinderporno & automatisch melding doet bij politie en Europol. Meer achtergrond is hier te vinden. Specifiek onderwerp van dit stuk is de proportionaliteit van de voorgenomen regelgeving. (BACK TO TOP)

Progressive delivery is complex if done manually. However, given the power behind Kubernetes, YAML files, and Git repositories that can clearly define configuration at each step of the deployment process, progressive delivery is very powerful when done by purpose-built tools. Flagger is a GitOps-based tool that does just this. It works with Flux CD to enable progressive delivery capabilities never possible earlier. Why use Flagger for progressive delivery? Flagger is Kubernetes native. (BACK TO TOP)

In the evolving landscape of software delivery and infrastructure management, GitOps has emerged as a leading methodology, tightly intertwining version control with operational processes. At its core, GitOps leverages Git as the single source of truth for declarative infrastructure and applications, seamlessly integrating with platforms like Kubernetes. This approach not only fosters collaboration and consistency but also enhances automation and auditability. (BACK TO TOP)



Network engineers often need better visibility into their network’s traffic when analyzing DDoS attacks or troubleshooting other traffic anomalies. To solve this problem, Cloudflare offers a network flow monitoring product that gives customers end-to-end traffic visibility across their network. (BACK TO TOP)

The DC-SCM (Datacenter-ready Secure Control Module) decouples server management from the server motherboard. It provides flexibility to implement multiple server management and security solutions with the same server motherboard design (BACK TO TOP)

On October 13, 2023, Cloudflare’s Cloudforce One Threat Operations Team became aware of a malicious Google Android application impersonating the real-time rocket alert app, Red Alert, which provides real-time rocket alerts for Israeli citizens (BACK TO TOP)

Why spend three hours on a single transaction that earns you $120,000 when you could make three in the same time frame — without adding headcount? The post Do three deals in the time it takes to do one appeared first on DTN . (BACK TO TOP)

Optimal Speed Routing can reduce fuel consumption by 14.16% per voyage, according to an IMO study. Learn more about this artful approach to efficiency. The post Navigating Efficient Seas: The Art of Optimal Speed Routing appeared first on DTN . (BACK TO TOP)

In an industry traditionally slow to digitize data, learn how technology adopters in the refined fuels market are accelerating opportunities with Operational Intelligence. The post Embracing Digital Data: Operational Intelligence is Key to Greater Profits appeared first on DTN . (BACK TO TOP)

Prisma founder Johannes Schickling has been using the Effect library for the last couple years. Today he joins Jerod & Nick to tell us all about this very interesting tool for building robust apps in TypeScript. (BACK TO TOP)

Chip Huyen documents the shifting sand of large data models, Herman Õunapuu reviews the Zimaboard, Bryan Braun shares 4 of his most recent VSCode configuration discoveries & Swizec Teller wrote a great summary of the inaugural AI Engineer Summit. (BACK TO TOP)

Gerhard joins us for the 12th Kaizen and this time talk about what we DIDN’T do. We were holding S3 wrong, we put some cash back in our pockets, we enabled HTTP/3, Brotli compression, and Fastly websockets, we improved our SLOs, we improved Changelog Nightly, and we’re going to KubeCon 2023 in Chicago. (BACK TO TOP)

This guide walks you through integrating PostgreSQL and your Python code via Psycopg2, one of the most popular PostgreSQL adapters. (BACK TO TOP)

Tips and strategies for building blockchain apps on Postgres. (BACK TO TOP)

Build better AI applications with PostgreSQL as your vector database with Timescale Vector’s new LlamaIndex integration. (BACK TO TOP)

The C++ library has long been organized around stream classes, at least when it comes to reading and parsing strings. But streams can be surprisingly slow. For example, if you want to parse numbers, then this C++ routine is close to being the worst possible choice for performance: std::stringstream in(mystring); while(in >> x) { sum … Continue reading For processing strings, streams in C++ can be slow (BACK TO TOP)

In about 10 years, Apple has multiplied by 19 the number of transistors in its mobile processors. It corresponds roughly to a steady rate of improvement of 34% per year on the number of transistors, or a doubling every 2.5 years. In real dollars, an iPhone has roughly a constant price: the price tag of … Continue reading How many billions of transistors in your iPhone processor? (BACK TO TOP)

Computer software is typically deterministic on paper: if you run twice the same program with the same inputs, you should get the same outputs. In practice, the complexity of modern computing makes it unlikely that you could ever run twice the same program and get exactly the same result, down to the exact same execution … Continue reading Randomness in programming (with Go code) (BACK TO TOP)

Today, we’re announcing the ability for eligible US, EU, and UK-based app developers to monetize their Discord Apps natively on the platform with Premium App Subscriptions. (BACK TO TOP)

Today, we’re announcing new and upcoming features that make Discord even more fun and easier to use. (BACK TO TOP)

What happens when the ghosts gather on Discord? New ringtones, eerie plushies, and terrifying Activity updates. Read on to see what’s in store! (BACK TO TOP)

I love writing and sharing code as open source , but it's not an abstract act of pure altruism. The first recipients of these programming gifts are almost always myself and my company. It's an intentionally selfish drive first, then a broader benefit second. But, ironically, this is what's made my participation in the gift exchange of open source sustainable for twenty years and counting. Putting my own mask on first, so I can keep helping others. That is our contract. Give it a try. (BACK TO TOP)

One of the common objections to our cloud exit has been that we shouldn't have expected good outcomes from a lift'n'shift operation. That the real value of the cloud is in managed services and new architectures, not just running the same software on rented cloud instances. It's basically the "you're holding it wrong" argument for the cloud, and it's hogwash. First of all, HEY was born in the cloud for us. It never lived a life on our own hardware before launch. Which is a reasonable question. (BACK TO TOP)

In our quest for making programming simpler, faster, and prettier, no logical fallacy provides as much of an obstacle as “we tried that, didn’t work”. The fallacy that past failed attempts dictates the scope of what's possible. That just because someone, somewhere, one time attempted something similar and failed, nobody else should try. That lowering our collective ambition to whatever was unachievable by others is somehow good. Here's a report from Google's web performance tool Lighthouse. (BACK TO TOP)

Research award recipients named as part of the JHU + Amazon Initiative for Interactive AI (AI2AI), now in its second year. (BACK TO TOP)

Former Amazon applied science intern Margarida Ferreira conducts research to make complex cloud resources easier to manage. (BACK TO TOP)

Program is aimed at expanding participation in operations research, management science, and analytics research for those from underrepresented backgrounds. (BACK TO TOP)





Retrieval augmented generation (RAG) is a strategy that helps address both LLM hallucinations and out-of-date training data. (BACK TO TOP)

Ben welcomes back friend of the show Eliot Horowitz, cofounder and CTO of Viam, who’s also the cofounder and former CTO of MongoDB. They talk about the current status of robot assistants, why Viam is hardware-agnostic, and building robots to train cats (good luck with that). (BACK TO TOP)

Being an effective coder with a code generation tool still requires you to be an effective coder without one. (BACK TO TOP)

Over the last 15 years, we’ve built Stack Overflow into an industry-crucial knowledge base for millions of developers and technologists. During this time we’ve experienced years filled with opportunities and challenges. This year is no different. (BACK TO TOP)

Ben talks with Doug Seven, a director of software development at AWS and the GM for CodeWhisperer, an AI-powered coding companion, about his career building dev tools and how he hopes AI will give people more bandwidth for creative work. (BACK TO TOP)

Today's links Uncle Sam paid to develop a cancer drug and now one guy will get to charge whatever he wants for it: Making billionaires, one patent at a time. Hey look at this: Delights to delectate. Therefore, we will award government-backed monopolies – patents – to pharma companies so they will have an incentive to invest their shareholders' capital in research. There's plenty wrong with this argument. For one thing, pharma companies use their monopoly winnings to sell drugs, not invent drugs. (BACK TO TOP)

Today's links What Americans want: Term limits for Congress, pack the Supreme Court, abolish the Electoral College, get money out of politics. Hey look at this: Delights to delectate. This day in history: 2003, 2013, 2018, 2022 Colophon: Recent publications, upcoming/recent appearances, current writing projects, current reading What Americans want (permalink) If you aspire to be a Very Serious Person (and whomst amongst us doesn't?) then you know why we can't have nice things.pewresearch.S.S.S. (BACK TO TOP)

Today's links Deb Chachra's "How Infrastructure Works": Mutual aid, the built environment, the climate, and a future of comfort and abundance. Hey look at this: Delights to delectate. It's a book that will make you see the world in a different way – forever: https://www.penguinrandomhouse. In so doing, she doesn't merely surface the normally invisible stuff that sustains us all, but also surfaces its normally invisible meaning. With that many cars on the road, you need more roads.craphound.mdpi. (BACK TO TOP)

Today's links One of America's most corporate-crime-friendly bankruptcy judges forced to recuse himself: Judge David Jones rigged the 'Texas Two-Step' cases his secret girlfriend argued in his court. Hey look at this: Delights to delectate." The now-famous quip from Robert Reich cuts to the bone of corporate personhood. Corporations are people with speech rights. They are heat-shields that absorb liability on behalf of their owners and Heads they win, tails we (BACK TO TOP)

Today's links Leaving Twitter had no effect on NPR's traffic: The brittle equilibrium of stage three enshittification. Hey look at this: Delights to Enshittification isn't merely a form of rent-seeking – it is a uniquely digital phenomenon, because it relies on the inherent flexibility of digital systems. A sleazy boss can hide their wage-theft with a bunch of confusing deductions to your paycheck. Facebook designed this playbook.berkeley.eff.wired. (BACK TO TOP)

Today's links Microsoft put their tax-evasion in writing and now they owe $29 billion: The process is the punishment. The Lost Cause prologue, part 6: Big finish! Hey look at this: Delights to That realization sits behind my series of noir novels about the two-fisted forensic accountant Martin Hench, which started with last April's Red Team Blues and continues with The Bezzle, this coming February: https://us.macmillan.propublica.propublica. (BACK TO TOP)

Figma’s community is as rich and organized as the Google and Apple app stores. Here are some of the best plugins worth having. The post 34 Figma plugins to save you time at work appeared first on LogRocket Blog . (BACK TO TOP)

react-native-cameraroll offers developers a simple and efficient way to enable camera roll access in their React Native applications. The post Using react-native-cameraroll to enable camera roll access appeared first on LogRocket Blog . (BACK TO TOP)

In this article, we’ll unpack the fundamental problem of shared team ownership and what you might actually achieve instead. The post The myth of shared team ownership appeared first on LogRocket Blog . (BACK TO TOP)

Product service management, or service productization, refers to the extension of the product operating model to a service business. The post Making sense of product service management appeared first on LogRocket Blog . (BACK TO TOP)

The new Web Preferences API proposal aims to change the way we set light and dark modes at the browser level. Learn all about the proposal. The post An introduction to the Web Preferences API appeared first on LogRocket Blog . (BACK TO TOP)

We sat down with Harsh Jawharkar, a product and growth leader, to get his insights on the nuances of a product-led sales strategy. The post Leader Spotlight: Building a product-led GTM machine with Harsh Jawharkar appeared first on LogRocket Blog . (BACK TO TOP)








Data — how it’s stored and managed — has become a key competitive differentiator. As global data continues to grow exponentially, organizations face many hurdles between piling up historical data, real-time data streams from IoT sensors, and building data-driven supply chains. Senior vice president of product engineering at Hitachi Vantara, Bharti Patel sees these challenges… (BACK TO TOP)

This is today’s edition of The Download, our weekday newsletter that provides a daily dose of what’s going on in the world of technology. How Meta and AI companies recruited striking actors to train AI Between July and September this year, actors in the US were invited to participate in an unusual research project, designed to capture… (BACK TO TOP)

This article is from The Spark, MIT Technology Review’s weekly climate newsletter. To receive it in your inbox every Wednesday, sign up here. Plastic is a huge problem. There, I found it: the most uncontroversial thing I could possibly say to start a newsletter.  We’ve all seen the images that illustrate the scale of the… (BACK TO TOP)

When we check email, log in to our bank accounts, or exchange messages on Signal, our passwords and credentials are protected through encryption, a locking scheme that uses secrets to disguise our data. It works like a cyber padlock: with the right key someone can unlock the data. Without it, they’ll have to resort to… (BACK TO TOP)

One evening in early September, T, a 28-year-old actor who asked to be identified by his first initial, took his seat in a rented Hollywood studio space in front of three cameras, a director, and a producer for a somewhat unusual gig. The two-hour shoot produced footage that was not meant to be viewed by… (BACK TO TOP)

Posting just a six-second video on social media uses the same amount of power as boiling 22 gallons of water. This staggering statistic encapsulates just how intertwined data management is with sustainability. And as companies look to become data-driven and to gain insights from vast data streams, it’s also crucial to keep an eye on… (BACK TO TOP)

This is today’s edition of The Download, our weekday newsletter that provides a daily dose of what’s going on in the world of technology. Why New York City is embracing low-tech solutions to hard problems It’s a reality of politics that is often overlooked: once a law is passed, it needs to evolve from an idea into… (BACK TO TOP)

The concurrency keyword was introduced to GitHub Actions in early 2021. While there are other ways to control and restrict the number of jobs running (per workflow) at any given time, the concurrency keyword is a cleaner solution that can be applied at both the job and workflow levels. Paired with techniques such as workflow triggers, job matrixes, and caching, GitHub Actions gives you all you need to develop a comprehensive concurrency strategy.0.0. Since .<job_id>.<job_Id>.strategy.matrix ). (BACK TO TOP)

TLDR: In my totally bias role as one of Earthly’s creators, I believe that with Earthly: You’ll directly cut down on build expenses as builds run faster. Developers will save substantial time, translating to an even greater value than mere infrastructure savings. The acceleration in iteration enables swifter product improvements leading to substantial execution advantages in fast moving markets. In our previous blog post, we talked about how Earthly achieves 2-20X faster builds .008 (e.g. (BACK TO TOP)

Earthly makes CI/CD builds faster by reusing computation from previous runs for parts of the build that have not changed. This can be a game changer in terms of developer productivity gained. Think about your typical CI/CD pipeline. This is a relatively simple example. When you think about real-world complex CI/CD pipelines, with many project interdependencies, or when you look at the CI builds of monorepos, it gets much more inefficient. Earthly addresses this problem and more.g.e. (BACK TO TOP)

We’re Earthly . We make building software simpler and faster using containerization. Earthly can streamline your CI build processes whether you’re using Nomad or Kubernetes. Check it out . Containers make it easy to deploy software, and container orchestration tools help you manage the complexity as you deploy more of them. But how do you know which container orchestration tool is right for you? Kubernetes is widely considered the standard choice and has a huge feature set. > kubectl create -f . (BACK TO TOP)

We’re Earthly . We simplify software builds using containerization. If you’re using GitHub Actions, Earthly can simplify your workflow. Check us out . GitHub Actions offers a robust set of tools for a number of tasks, but there’s an advanced feature that warrants attention for its potential to optimize workflows: composite actions . Composite actions are designed to encapsulate a sequence of actions into a singular, reusable entity, enhancing the modularity and efficiency of workflows.yml file.. (BACK TO TOP)

We’re Earthly . We make building software simpler and faster using containerization. After working on SQL queries in Golang, maybe take a look at how Earthly can help to streamline your build process. Give us a look . SQL databases are ubiquitous in modern applications, powering everything from simple web apps to complex enterprise software. SQL databases are designed to store and retrieve data efficiently. Optimising SQL queries is important to your app’s go get gorm... (BACK TO TOP)

We’re Earthly . We make building software simpler and therefore faster using containerization. If you’re dealing with data streaming using Kafka asyncio, Earthly could be a game-changer for you. Check it out . Asynchronous programming allows multiple operations to run concurrently, significantly improving the efficiency of data processing applications. In this tutorial, you will build a data streaming project using Kafka and Asyncio, leveraging the Reddit API to fetch real-time job submissions. (BACK TO TOP)

On today's Kubernetes Unpacked podcast, Michael and Kristina catch up with Arsh Sharma, Developer Experience Engineer at Okteto. Arsh dives into the key aspects to consider for incorporating a proper developer experience for Kubernetes and the overall cloud-native ecosystem. The post Kubernetes Unpacked 038: The Kubernetes Dev Experience In 2023 appeared first on Packet Pushers . (BACK TO TOP)

On today's IPv6 Buzz, we talk with Jason Gintert of the Ohio Internet Exchange about what's involved with running an IX and where IPv6 fits in to the picture. We also discuss Jason's work with the US Networking User Association, a group that brings together network engineers to share knowledge and learn from one another. The post IPv6 Buzz 137: Running IPv6 At An Internet Exchange appeared first on Packet Pushers . (BACK TO TOP)

The goal of private AI is to bring AI models and compute to where your data is stored to ensure privacy and control. On today's Day Two Cloud, sponsored by VMware, we dig more deeply into private AI, major use cases, and the kinds of data that get fed into a private AI system. We also discuss the infrastructure required to build out a private AI platform, how to connect to your data stores, and  VMware's role in virtualizing GPUs to maximize efficiency. (BACK TO TOP)

On today's Heavy Wireless episode, Keith Parsons speaks with UMass Amherst CTO Jim Mileski on the history of Wi-Fi at the school. They discuss initial challenges of rolling out wireless, strategic placements of access points, ensuring a good student experience across a myriad of devices, and more. They also discuss how Jim and his team tested their incumbent vendor against a possible replacement, how the replacement won out, and how the transition is going. (BACK TO TOP)

Today on the Tech Bytes podcast we talk about techniques to improve user experience and application performance while also securing end users, applications, and devices. Our sponsor is Palo Alto Networks and we’ll talk about how Palo Alto Networks is integrating technologies such as Remote Browser Isolation and application acceleration into Prisma Access, their cloud-delivered security offering. (BACK TO TOP)

This week's Network Break covers a new set of Layer 1 switches from Arista for high-frequency trading, Ruckus announcing a (pre-ratified) Wi-Fi 7 AP, and AWS planning to require multi-factor authentication starting in mid-2024. MGM Resorts says it will take a $100 million hit due to a security breach, the UK finally fines Equifax for a 2017 breach, and Broadcom may have cleared a China hurdle to its VMware acquisition. (BACK TO TOP)

Today on Heavy Networking we talk about how to get from a handful of Python scripts to a network automation platform that enables a self-service environment and incorporates the checks and governance required to make sure the automation doesn't blow up the network. Our sponsor today is Itential. Itential offers just such a network automation platform. We talk about how Itential makes it happen, including simple and more complex examples. (BACK TO TOP)

Welcome to the first installment of our series: Scalable Solutions with Percona Distribution for PostgreSQL. In this guide, we will demonstrate how to establish a Citus database spanning multiple nodes by using Percona Distribution for PostgreSQL. This setup empowers your database to efficiently manage increased data volumes, enhance performance, and maintain availability.This initial section will […] (BACK TO TOP)

Percona stands for open source and keeps open source open for everyone. Open source software is impossible without the efforts of the community. Today, we want to personally thank the most active contributors. They not only contributed code but also reported issues, helped users on the forum, and wrote blog posts on the Community website. […] (BACK TO TOP)

Migrating a proprietary database to open source is a major decision that can significantly affect your organization. It’s a complex process involving various factors and meticulous planning. Whether the migration is prompted by the need for enhanced performance and efficiency, improved scalability, the desire to implement ​​multi-cloud and hybrid strategies, changes in technology, reduced storage […] (BACK TO TOP)

We are excited to announce the release of Percona Operator for MongoDB v.1.15.0. This release consists of various enhancements and bug fixes. In this blog post, we will look into some of the most interesting features. Reduce Recovery Point Objective (RPO) with Point-in-Time Recovery for physical backups Encrypt your backups with Server-Side Encryption (SSE) to meet […] (BACK TO TOP)

As almost a tradition, a newer major release of MongoDB is born every year, and this year, it’s no different. Many changes and new features are brought to the system, and as part of keeping in tune with the changes and how they can impact us, we go through the changes to better understand them. […] (BACK TO TOP)

This blog post discusses using the [crayon-653417241e1e3904556383-i/]  command with the safety option [crayon-653417241e1ec511679616-i/]  when you do not have enough disk space to store two datasets.In my previous blog post on the [crayon-653417241e1ed088611902-i/]  command, The MySQL Clone Plugin Is Not Your Backup, I mentioned that using the option [crayon-653417241e1ef584782729-i/]  helps to avoid situations where you need to re-initialize […] (BACK TO TOP)

PG_TDE is an experimental transparent data encryption access method for PostgreSQL 16 and beyond. This software is under active development and at a very early stage of design and implementation. In the spirit of open and transparent communication, we would appreciate your feedback and invite PostgreSQL users to test the extension and provide feedback either […] (BACK TO TOP)

Percona is a leading provider of unbiased, performance-first, open source database solutions that allow organizations to easily, securely, and affordably maintain business agility, minimize risks, and stay competitive, free from vendor lock-in. Percona software is designed for peak performance, uncompromised security, limitless scalability, and disaster-proofed availability.Our Release Roundups showcase the latest Percona software updates, tools, […] (BACK TO TOP)

Visual Studio Code (VS) supports memory dump debugging via C/C++ extension: When MySQL generates a core file, the VS code simplifies the process of debugging. This blog will discuss how to debug the core file in VS code.Installing c/c++ extensionWe need to install the c/c++ extension. Here are the instructions for doing so. In […] (BACK TO TOP)

A common practice among DBAs and developers is to copy table data and .frm files from the data dictionary. They often set up batch jobs to automate the recovery of these tables. This capability is also utilized in disaster recovery scenarios, where individuals well-versed in .frm files can reconstruct their metadata as needed.In MySQL 8.0, […] (BACK TO TOP)

Bulletin by Jakub Mikians