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Bulletin for Friday, 14 Jul 2023

7 days digest

Monzo - Technology (1)

PlanetScale - Blog (1) (1)

Programming Digest (1)

Maximum Effort, Minimum Reward (1)

Ken Shirriff's blog (1)

Notes on software development (1)

Marc Brooker's Blog (1)

The Teleport Blog (1)

tech-at-instacart - Medium (1)

The Hacker Factor Blog (1)

Retool Blog (1)

The Go Blog (1)

The Pragmatic Engineer (1)

Irrational Exuberance (1)

Think Fast, Talk Smart: Communication Techniques (1)

Eli Bendersky's website (1)

Vadim Kravcenko (1)

Stratechery by Ben Thompson (1)

Replit Blog (1)

Tech Notes (2)

Stay SaaSy (2)

The CircleCI Blog Feed - CircleCI (2)

Weaveworks (2)

Daniel Lemire's blog (2)

apenwarr (2)

Metadata (2)

Blog on Tailscale (2)

Discord Blog (2)

Computer Things (2)

Latent Space (2)

Julia Evans (2)

Timescale Blog (3)

Microsoft Security Blog (3)

Krebs on Security (3)

Google AI Blog (4)

Pluralistic: Daily links from Cory Doctorow (4)

Stack Overflow Blog (4)

Changelog Master Feed (5)

Amazon Science homepage (5)

The Cloudflare Blog (6)

Simon Willison's Weblog: Blogmarks (6)

MIT Technology Review (6)

The Full Feed - All of the Packet Pushers Podcasts (7)

Earthly Blog (7)

LogRocket Blog (8)

DTN (9)

Simon Willison's Weblog (10)

In Financial Health, we’re responsible for making sure we build the right tools and experiences to help our customers through thick and thin if they experience financial difficulties, while also helping Monzo grow its Borrowing products. (BACK TO TOP)

Learn how to solve a tree traversal N+1 query problem in your Rails application. Read the full story (BACK TO TOP)

In the era of ubiquitous cloud services and an increasingly growing PaaS and serverless-oriented approach, performance and resources seem to be becoming less and less important. After all, we can scale horizontally and vertically at any time, without worrying about potential performance challenges that the business may introduce. However, there is also another side to the coin – rising costs. A similar situation arises with databases. This prompted us to look for solutions.18 $31.blob.core. (BACK TO TOP)

#530 – July 10, 2023 Codebase complexity In this blog series, we ask prominent developers to share their horrifying stories and experiences in dealing with codebase complexity. Free Manning Early Access: Road to Kubernetes eBook (sponsor) Start by building sample applications in Python and Node. As you journey through the different deployment methods, you’ll discover best practices that you can apply with any language or stack. newsletters Leadership in Tech React Digest C# Digest (BACK TO TOP)

A Partial Answer to a Decades Old Mystery, and a Call for Help (BACK TO TOP)

.hilite {cursor:zoom-in} a:link img.hilite, a:visited img.hilite {color: #fff;} a:hover img.hilite {color: #f66;} The Intel 8086 microprocessor (1978) started the x86 architecture that continues to this day. In this blog post, I'm focusing on a small part of the chip: the address and data pins that connect the chip to external memory and I/O devices. In many processors, this circuitry is straightforward, but it is complicated in the 8086 for two and Bluesky as @righto.) table.e. (BACK TO TOP)

This is an external post of mine. Click here if you are not redirected. (BACK TO TOP)

My Favorite Bits of OSDI/ATC'23 Talking to 3D people is cool again. This week brought USENIX ATC'23 and OSDI'23 together in Boston. While I've followed OSDI and ATC papers for years, it's the first time I've been to either of them (I've have been to NSDI a couple times). It was a really good time. In this post I'll cover a couple of my favorite papers 1 , and trends I noticed. This year at OSDI, pretty much everybody I talked to was building in Rust. There's a lot more to do here. (BACK TO TOP)

An overview of best RBAC practices using Teleport, Terraform, and Git. (BACK TO TOP)

This is the part-1 of a three-part blog post series in which we outline how we addressed inventory challenges through product, machine learning, and engineering innovations. A few years ago, we introduced the problem of predicting the availability of grocery items . In the last couple of years, fueled by the pandemic and supply chain issues, being able to get an accurate sense of availability has become table stakes for both Instacart’s customers and the company. (BACK TO TOP)

I like to challenge myself with special projects and new research areas. Sometimes these goals take a few months to complete, other times they last years. One of my long-term projects has been focused on automating my network defenses and reducing the system administrative overhead. Early on, I noticed that the sheer number of network attacks against my servers was consuming way too much of my time. Risk assessments, responses, investigations, etc. were becoming a full-time job.ipv4.ipv6.icmp. (BACK TO TOP)

Augment any software with Retool Embed and Retool Portals. (BACK TO TOP)

The Go Blog Govulncheck v1.0.0 is released! Julie Qiu, for the Go security team 13 July 2023 We are excited to announce that govulncheck v1.0.0 has been released, along with v1.0.0 of the API for integrating scanning into other tools! Go’s support for vulnerability management was first announced last September. We have made several changes since then, culminating in today’s release. This post describes Go’s updated vulnerability tooling, and how to get started using it./ .go. (BACK TO TOP)

The electric bike company raised close to $200M, but now closed all its service points. For bike owners, they could face the risk of their bikes being bricked if they don't take prompt action. (BACK TO TOP)

One of the first leadership books I read was Patrick Lencioni’s The Five Dysfunctions of a Team , which introduces the concept of your peers being your “first team” rather than your direct reports. This was a powerful idea for me, because it’s much harder to be a good teammate to your peers than to your direct reports. While your incentives are usually aligned with the team you manage, it’s very common for your incentives to be at odds with your peers’ incentives.g. Establish team structure. (BACK TO TOP)

Communication is like a game. For it to work, each person has to trust that their partner will play by the rules. As Professor Anat Admati says, the same is true for corporations and their stakeholders. “To have good governance, you need trust and accountability,” says Admati , a professor of finance and economics and the director of the Corporations and Society Initiative . I can commit to you that I won’t harm you because something bad will happen to me if I [do]. (BACK TO TOP)

It won't be news to the readers of this blog that I have some interest in compiler front-ends . So when I heard about a new(-ish) DSL for concrete syntax trees (CST), I couldn't resist playing with it a bit. Ungrammar is used in rust-analyzer to define and access a CST for Rust. This blog post by its creator provides much more details. According to the author, Ungrammar is "the ASDL for concrete syntax trees". The result is go-ungrammar , a re-implementation of Ungrammar in Go. (BACK TO TOP)

Let’s talk about the process where the experienced welcome the inexperienced under their wing and illuminate the path ahead. I’ve […] The post Being a good mentor – a developers guide appeared first on Vadim Kravcenko . (BACK TO TOP)

Understanding Threads and its threat to Twitter means understanding the current landscape of social media. (BACK TO TOP)

With the introduction of Large Language Models (LLMs), for the first time, Machine Learning (ML) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) became accessible to everyday developers. Apps that feel magical, even software that was practically impossible to build by big technology companies with billions in R&D spend, suddenly became not only possibly, but a joy to build and share. The surge in building with AI started in 2021, grew rapidly in 2022, and exploded in the first half of 2023.g.g.. * NodePad. (BACK TO TOP)

One of the core joys of mathematical thinking is how sometimes, once you frame a problem the right way, the solution becomes obvious. Think of Euler inventing graph theory to trivially solve a complex-seeming problem . This post describes another graph trick. The practice of software is bursting with graphs. One I've touched a lot in my career is the dependency graph . These collections of edges form a directed graph. Sometimes we want to visualize or understand these graphs. (BACK TO TOP)

Today's topic is a quick note on a kind of trivial problem. Suppose you've written some small web project and you'd like to publish it online somewhere. GitHub Pages is the feature where they will put a web server in front of a branch of your repository. The problem you'll soon discover is that Git isn't so happy about switching between branches that contain unrelated code. Suppose you check out your main branch and build index.js .js ...create files, commit... (BACK TO TOP)

People don’t change their minds. Well, sometimes they do, but it’s a slow process, and people almost never change their mind because you convinced them to. Journeys of self-discovery, traumatic events, and loss of faith in leaders are much more likely to change minds than arguments. This idea is backed by psychology, experience, and all sorts of other empirical data - we know that facts don’t change minds. Ensure that people who disagree are broadly OK with disagreeing and committing. (BACK TO TOP)

Well it’s been a weird and wild week in social media land. Reddit still appears to be quelling an open rebellion, while Twitter had a massive disruption surrounded by bizarre communication and reactive product changes. Facebook, being run by a bunch of dead-eyed savages, took one glorious whiff of the blood in the water and launched Threads (rumors say they launched it early), gaining immediate massive traction. Let’s talk about what we can take away from these recent events. (BACK TO TOP)



Overview eksctl is a powerful CLI tool developed jointly by Weaveworks and AWS. It is the officially supported CLI tool for Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS). With eksctl, users can easily create and manage EKS clusters with automation and simplicity. Written in Go and leveraging AWS CloudFormation, eksctl streamlines the process of setting up Kubernetes on AWS, making it accessible to developers of all skill levels. The eksctl project can now be found at https://github. (BACK TO TOP)

In the rapidly evolving landscape of technology, the demand for efficient and reliable software development processes is more pressing than ever. Enter DevOps Automation , a powerful strategy that has risen to prominence, serving as a bridge between development and operations teams. This approach is not just about speed, but also about consistency in software delivery. What is DevOps Automation? DevOps automation is about automating the tasks between software development and IT teams.  (BACK TO TOP)

The strategy for winning is simple: do good work and tell the world about it. In that order! This implies some level of stealth as you are doing the good work. If you plan to lose weight, don’t announce it… lose the weight and then do the reveal. Early feedback frames the problem and might … Continue reading Stealth, not secrecy (BACK TO TOP)

Suppose that I give you a short string of digits, containing possibly spaces or other characters (e.g., "20141103 012910"). We would like to pack the digits into an integer (e.g., 0x20141103012910) so that the lexicographical order over the string matches the ordering of the integers. We can use the fact that in ASCII, the digits … Continue reading Packing a string of digits into an integer quickly (BACK TO TOP)

  Tech debt metaphor maximalism

I really like the "tech debt" metaphor. A lot of people don't, but I think that's because they either don't extend the metaphor far enough, or because they don't properly understand financial debt. So let's talk about debt! Consumer debt vs capital investment Back in school my professor, Canadian economics superhero Larry Smith , explained debt this way (paraphrased): debt is stupid if it's for instant gratification that you pay for later, with interest. They're not idiots... ... And risk... (BACK TO TOP)

  Systems design 2: What we hope we know

Someone asked if I could write about the rise of AI and Large Language Models (LLMs) and what I think that means for the future of people, technology, society, and so on. Although that's a fun topic, it left me with two problems: I know approximately nothing about AI, and predicting the future is hard even for people who know what they're talking about. Let's try something else instead. Magic I think magic gets a bad reputation for no good reason. I assure you that it does. — Arthur C. Awesome.. (BACK TO TOP)

This paper (from Sigmod 2023) is a followup to the deterministic database work that Daniel Abadi has been doing for more than a decade. I like this type of continuous research effort rather than people jumping from one branch to another before exploring the approach in depth. The backstory for Detock starts with the Calvin paper from 2012 . The coordinator also gets rid of nondeterminism sources like random or time by filling in those values. Not too bad, batching is an idea that works.e.e. 1.g. (BACK TO TOP)

Sponsored industry talks Amazon: Innovation in AWS Database Services — Marc Brooker Marc, who is a VP/Distinguished Engineer at AWS, talked about systems issues in AWS database services. (If you are not following Marc's blog feed , you should take a couple seconds and fix this problem now.) He talked about the enormous scale that the AWS databases deals with by mentioning that the DynamoDB processed 89 million req/sec during Prime Day. The problem is not only to scale up, but also down.). (BACK TO TOP)

Previously, we have made it possible for our customers to stream their configuration audit logs and network flow logs to security information and event management (SIEM) systems such as Splunk and ELK. We received a ton of customer requests to support Panther as a native streaming destination. Today we are excited to announce that we have partnered with Panther to make this possible.  This feature is currently in beta and can be enabled via the admin console . (BACK TO TOP)

Tailscale is named as such because we want to allow small, human-scale teams to build trusted networks easily — without having the complexity or long tail of software and operational problems, which don’t scale well to a small team. Tail. Scale. Sure, sure, that’s a good vision 1 . Anyways, do you know there are a lot of things with either tails or scales ? And a lot of them are animals! Pangolins have both tails and scales, so they are obviously the unofficial mascot of Tailscale. (BACK TO TOP)

We’re sending out a message of appreciation for Artificial Intelligence! Today, we’re highlighting some amazing AI-powered apps from our creative developer community. (BACK TO TOP)

Discord's Family Center is a new opt-in tool that makes it easy for teens to keep their parents and guardians informed about their Discord activity while respecting their autonomy. (BACK TO TOP)

Recently the piece Integrated tests are a scam was making the rounds. I was going to write a rebuttal, but it comes prerebutted by the author himself, who says in other places that integrated tests are not integration tests , that integrated tests are good for non -basic correctness , and that the problem is actually integrated tests without unit tests . I wonder if this original article was a response to testing trends of late 00's, which 10 years later now reads like an overcorrection.  ↩ (BACK TO TOP)

Sorry this one's late! Between the holiday, working on a bunch of longform pieces, and AI War 2 I've been behind on writing. First up, new blogpost ! It's about the "four document model" that Divio and many others use for writing about their tools and my problems with it, specifically its limitations. Still a good model, just has drawbacks. I've also been doing a few upkeep things. One is going through and replacing all the Twitter embeds on my website with images. That's... not a big window.fn. (BACK TO TOP)

Listen now | Code Augmented Inference is All You Need? How ChatGPT's new Code Interpreter model and moving towards "Code Core" architectures is enabling the next great leap. Plus: Our chat with >10k AI Engineers! (BACK TO TOP)

Design great AI Products that go beyond "just LLM Wrappers": make AI more present, more practical, and then more powerful. (BACK TO TOP)

Hello! Here’s a new entry in the “cool software julia likes” section. A little while ago I started using a Mac, and one of my biggest frustrations with it is that often I need to run Linux-specific software. For example, the nginx playground I posted about the other day only works on Linux because it uses Linux namespaces (via bubblewrap ) to sandbox nginx. And I’m working on another playground right now that uses bubblewrap too. It was surprisingly simple to set up.lima/default/lima. (BACK TO TOP)

Hello! In 2021 I released a small playground for testing nginx configurations called nginx playground . There’s a blog post about it here . This is an extremely short post to say that at the time I didn’t make it open source, but I am making it open source now. It’s not a lot of code but maybe it’ll be interesting to someone, and maybe someone will even build on it to make more playgrounds! I’d love to see an HAProxy playground or something in a similar vein. Here’s the github repo . (BACK TO TOP)

Time-series data management is a-changin’, Bob. Learn how to make changes to compressed data with mutable compression. (BACK TO TOP)

“Hello World” for pgvector and LangChain! Learn how to build LLM applications with LangChain framework, using PostgreSQL and pgvector as a vector database for embeddings data. (BACK TO TOP)

AWS pricing can often be opaque. This is especially true of RDS. Here’s how to understand and optimize your RDS costs. (BACK TO TOP)

Microsoft has identified a phishing campaign conducted by the threat actor tracked as Storm-0978 targeting defense and government entities in Europe and North America. The campaign involved the abuse of CVE-2023-36884, which included a zero-day remote code execution vulnerability exploited via Microsoft Word documents. The post Storm-0978 attacks reveal financial and espionage motives appeared first on Microsoft Security Blog . (BACK TO TOP)

Microsoft Entra is unifying identity and network access with a new Security Service Edge (SSE) solution and more identity innovations. The post Microsoft Entra expands into Security Service Edge and Azure AD becomes Microsoft Entra ID appeared first on Microsoft Security Blog . (BACK TO TOP)

Microsoft is excited to announce the general availability of Microsoft Defender Experts for XDR, a first-party MXDR offering that gives security teams air cover with end-to-end protection and expertise. The post Meet unprecedented security challenges by leveraging MXDR services appeared first on Microsoft Security Blog . (BACK TO TOP)

[This is Part II of a story published here last week on reporting that went into a new Hulu documentary series on the 2015 Ashley Madison hack.] It was around 9 p.m. on Sunday, July 19, when I received a message through the contact form on that the marital infidelity website had been hacked. (BACK TO TOP)

Microsoft Corp. today released software updates to quash 130 security bugs in its Windows operating systems and related software, including at least five flaws that are already seeing active exploitation. Meanwhile, Apple customers have their own zero-day woes again this month: On Monday, Apple issued (and then quickly pulled) an emergency update to fix a zero-day vulnerability that is being exploited on MacOS and iOS devices. (BACK TO TOP)

When the marital infidelity website learned in July 2015 that hackers were threatening to publish data stolen from 37 million users, the company’s then-CEO Noel Biderman was quick to point the finger at an unnamed former contractor. But as a new documentary series on Hulu reveals [SPOILER ALERT!], there was just one problem with that theory: Their top suspect had killed himself more than a year before the hackers began publishing stolen user data. (BACK TO TOP)

Posted by Jerry Wei, Student Researcher, and Denny Zhou, Principal Scientist, Google Research A key feature of human intelligence is that humans can learn to perform new tasks by reasoning using only a few examples. Scaling up language models has unlocked a range of new applications and paradigms in machine learning, including the ability to perform challenging reasoning tasks via in-context learning . Symbol-tuned models are much stronger at algorithmic reasoning tasks.g., “Foo,” “Bar,” etc.). (BACK TO TOP)

Posted by Amir Yazdanbakhsh, Research Scientist, and Vijay Janapa Reddi, Visiting Researcher, Google Research Computer Architecture research has a long history of developing simulators and tools to evaluate and shape the design of computer systems. For example, the SimpleScalar simulator was introduced in the late 1990s and allowed researchers to explore various microarchitectural ideas. To ensure steady progress, it is imperative to understand and tackle these challenges collectively.g.g.).g.g. (BACK TO TOP)

Posted by Malaya Jules, Program Manager, Google This week, the 61st annual meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL), a premier conference covering a broad spectrum of research areas that are concerned with computational approaches to natural language, is taking place online. If you’re registered for ACL 2023, we hope that you’ll visit the Google booth to learn more about the projects at Google that go into solving interesting problems for billions of people. (BACK TO TOP)

Posted by Sanjay Subramanian, PhD student, UC Berkeley, and Arsha Nagrani, Research Scientist, Google Research, Perception Team Visual question answering (VQA) is a machine learning task that requires a model to answer a question about an image or a set of images . Conventional VQA approaches need a large amount of labeled training data consisting of thousands of human-annotated question-answer pairs associated with images.g.g., object detection, image segmentation, or knowledge base retrieval). (BACK TO TOP)

Today's links A "secure" system can be the most dangerous of all: Who we secure FOR – and AGAINST – reveals our true priorities and values. Hey look at this: Delights to delectate. This day in history: 2013 Colophon: Recent publications, upcoming/recent appearances, current writing projects, current reading A "secure" system can be the most dangerous of all (permalink) Two decades ago, my life changed forever: hearing Bruce Schneier explain that "security" doesn't exist in the abstract.gitnux. (BACK TO TOP)

Today's links Why are so many Californians homeless?: It's not "homeless migration." Hey look at this: Delights to delectate. This day in history: 2008, 2013 Colophon: Recent publications, upcoming/recent appearances, current writing projects, current reading Why are so many Californians homeless? (permalink) 12% of Americans live in California – but 30% of homeless Americans, and 50% of unsheltered Americans, call California "home. But the real story is both more complicated – and simpler.ucsf. (BACK TO TOP)

Today's links The "religious liberty" angle for overturning the overturning of Dobbs: Paging the Satanic Temple to the white courtesy stirrups. Hey look at this: Delights to delectate. Conservativism is, in other words, the opposite of the rule of law, which is the idea that the law applies equally to (BACK TO TOP)

Today's links In defense of Deliverism: The radical idea that people vote for politicians who make their lives better. Hey look at this: Delights to delectate. The "realists" are the ones telling us that we can't have nice things. They say that if the Dems promise bold action – protecting abortion, controlling assault weapons, funding infrastructure, raising the minimum wage, providing health care – they will lose elections. To do otherwise, the realists say, is to court catastrophe. Literally. (BACK TO TOP)

Dana Lawson, Senior VP of Engineering at Netlify, joins Ben and Ryan to talk about her path from the military to tech, how three years at GitHub continues to shape her perspective, and how composable architecture is turning web development into something resembling LEGOsⓇ (in a good way). The post Jamstack is evolving toward a composable web (Ep. 588) appeared first on Stack Overflow Blog . (BACK TO TOP)

Syndicating code globally to be deployed locally allows just-in-time modifications to customize web apps. The post Exploring the infrastructure and code behind modern edge functions appeared first on Stack Overflow Blog . (BACK TO TOP)

DevX in energy sectors, fox talk, and Elixir loops and lists. The post The Overflow #185: The hardest part of software is requirements appeared first on Stack Overflow Blog . (BACK TO TOP)

VerseProp founder and CEO Joel Coren and founding partner and COO William Polisano join Ben to talk about digital real estate’s gaming roots, where the value of virtual properties comes from, and why they think digital real estate is on the cusp of a supercycle. The post Why on earth are people paying for digital real estate? (Ep. 587) appeared first on Stack Overflow Blog . (BACK TO TOP)

This week we’re talking about type checking with Jake Zimmerman. Jake is one of the leads at Stripe working on Sorbet — an open source project that does Type checking in Ruby and runs over Stripe’s entire Ruby codebase. As of May of 2022 Stripe’s codebase was over 15 million lines of code spread across 150,000 files. If you think you have a bigger Ruby codebase, Jake is down to go byte-for-byte to see who wins. (BACK TO TOP)

Chris sat down with Varun Mohan and Anshul Ramachandran, CEO / Cofounder and Lead of Enterprise and Partnership at Codeium, respectively. They discussed how to streamline and enable modern development in generative AI and large language models (LLMs). Their new tool, Codeium, was born out of the insights they gleaned from their work in GPU software and solutions development, particularly with respect to generative AI, large language models, and supporting infrastructure. (BACK TO TOP)

Our award winning worthy survey game show is back, this time Mat Ryer hosts it live on stage at GopherCon Europe 2023! Elena Grahovac joins forces with Björn Rabenstein to battle it out with Alice Merrick & Mohammed S. Al Sahaf. Let’s see who can better guess what the GopherCon Europe gophers had to say! (BACK TO TOP)

Oracle smacks IBM for their handling of RHEL, the folks at The Dam share a Slack clone in 5 lines of Bash, Justin Jaffray writes up 13 ways to think about joins, llama.cpp learns web chat thanks to a contribution by Tobi Lütke & Meta is willing to pay 3 engineers to remove Python’s GIL. (BACK TO TOP)

Darcy Clarke, former GitHub Staff Engineering Manager and founder of vlt, joins us to discuss a major bug in the npm ecosystem that he recently disclosed. We cover the bug’s timeline, nuances, and impact, all while setting some important context on npm packages, clients, and registries. Tune in to learn how to protect your codebase and gain a deeper understanding of this crucial part of the JavaScript ecosystem. (BACK TO TOP)

Based on a survey of thousands of machine learning practitioners, a new CodeGuru extension addresses common problems, such as code cell execution order, incorrect API calls, and security. (BACK TO TOP)

Data augmentation, novel loss functions, and weakly supervised training enable a state-of-the art model for recognizing mispronunciations. (BACK TO TOP)

Familiar topics such as question answering and natural-language understanding remain well represented, but a new concentration on language modeling and multimodal models reflect the spread of generative AI. (BACK TO TOP)

Finding that 70% of attention heads and 20% of feed-forward networks can be excised with minimal effect on in-context learning suggests that large language models are undertrained. (BACK TO TOP)

Amazon’s Yang Liu, general chair of this year’s meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics, on the road ahead for LLMs. (BACK TO TOP)

Cloudflare One now supports exact data match for Data Loss Prevention (BACK TO TOP)

We run a wide fleet of machines on the Cloudflare global network. This post describes how we minimize customer disruption during large-scale machine reboots using math! (BACK TO TOP)

Ping developers clearly put some thought into that. I wondered how far they went. Did they handle clock changes in both directions? Are the bad measurements excluded from the final statistics? How do they test the software? (BACK TO TOP)

API shield customers can now upload their own CA to use for client certificate validation. This ensures that only authorized clients and devices can make requests to your API endpoint or application. (BACK TO TOP)

On July 9, 2023, users in the Asia Pacific region experienced connection errors due to origin DNS resolution failures to .com and .net TLD nameservers (BACK TO TOP)

Customers using Cloudflare Images or Image Resizing products are protected against the aCropalypse vulnerability. (BACK TO TOP)







People have been using ChatGPT to help them to do their jobs since it was released in November of last year, with enthusiastic adopters using it to help them write everything from marketing materials to emails to reports. Now we have the first indication of its effect in the workplace. A new study by two… (BACK TO TOP)

This is today’s edition of The Download, our weekday newsletter that provides a daily dose of what’s going on in the world of technology. How common chemicals could help clean up global shipping Global shipping is a big deal for the climate, accounting for 3% of the world’s greenhouse-gas emissions. Last week saw a big news announcement… (BACK TO TOP)

This article is from The Spark, MIT Technology Review’s weekly climate newsletter. To receive it in your inbox every Wednesday, sign up here. I’ve been thinking a lot about boats lately, and not just because it’s been hot in New York for days and hopping into any body of water sounds incredibly refreshing right now. … (BACK TO TOP)

This is today’s edition of The Download, our weekday newsletter that provides a daily dose of what’s going on in the world of technology. Bill Gates isn’t too scared about AI Bill Gates just joined the chorus of big names in tech who have weighed in on the question of risks around artificial intelligence. TL;DR? He’s not… (BACK TO TOP)

This story first appeared in China Report, MIT Technology Review’s newsletter about technology developments in China. Sign up to receive it in your inbox every Tuesday. The temperature of the US-China tech conflict just keeps rising. Last week, the Chinese Ministry of Commerce announced a new export license system for gallium and germanium, two elements that are… (BACK TO TOP)

Bill Gates has joined the chorus of big names in tech who have weighed in on the question of risk around artificial intelligence. The TL;DR? He’s not too worried, we’ve been here before. The optimism is refreshing after weeks of doomsaying—but it comes with few fresh ideas.  The billionaire business magnate and philanthropist made his… (BACK TO TOP)

In this episode of Kubernetes Unpacked, Michael and Kristina catch up with with Nigel Poulton, an independent consultant, trainer, and content creator to discuss what Web Assembly (WASM) is, why it’s gaining popularity, and whether it can be the future of programming and development. The post Kubernetes Unpacked 030: What’s Up With WASM? – With Nigel Poulton appeared first on Packet Pushers . (BACK TO TOP)

In this IPv6 Buzz episode, Ed, Scott, and Tom get technical (and maybe a little controversial) with a discussion about using IPv6 link-local addresses instead of globally scoped addresses (e.g., GUA and ULA) along with when and why you might choose to do so. The post IPv6 Buzz 130: Routing With Link-Local Addresses appeared first on Packet Pushers . (BACK TO TOP)

On today's Day Two Cloud, we talk with Microsoft about how it's embracing Terraform to make it Azure-friendly, including the Terraform Export Tool, the AzAPI Provider, and a Terraform on Azure community. This is not a sponsored episode. The post Day Two Cloud 202: How Azure Embraces Terraform For Infrastructure As Code appeared first on Packet Pushers . (BACK TO TOP)

Today's Heavy Wireless episode explores building sustainable and efficient backhaul networks with sponsor Ceragon Networks. We discuss the challenges of backhaul, the complementarity of wireless and fiber solutions, the frequencies and protocols used in wireless backhaul, and the concept of disaggregated routing. The post Heavy Wireless 006: Building Sustainable, Efficient Backhaul Networks With Ceragon Networks (Sponsored) appeared first on Packet Pushers . (BACK TO TOP)

On today's Network Break, Greg Ferro wishes Ethernet an unhappy birthday, HPE and BT want to manage your LAN, TSMC brings in Taiwanese workers to build new fabs in Arizona, Nokia touts new Fixed Wireless Access milestones, and more IT news. The post Network Break 437: Ethernet Turns 50; TSMC Imports Workers For Arizona Fab; BT, HPE Partner On Managed LAN appeared first on Packet Pushers . (BACK TO TOP)

Today on the Tech Bytes podcast, we explore the concept of sovereign clouds with sponsor VMware. Sovereign clouds provide the agility and scale of the cloud while ensuring data resides in a specific country or geography and meets area requirements for security and privacy. We speak with Tietoevry, one of the first VMware partners to offer major sovereign cloud solutions for its Nordic clients. (BACK TO TOP)

Certifications are a part of life in IT. On today's Heavy Networking we explore preparation strategies with guest Mary Fasang. Her certs run the gamut from CompTIA to MCSE to the CCNP, as well as the PMP and ITIL certs. How should you prepare for a cert in 2023 when there’s so much content, so many training options, as well as home labbing available? How do you handle failure? Which certs have been the hardest? What study materials have proved helpful? Mary shares her strategies. (BACK TO TOP)

We’re . We make building software simpler and therefore faster using containerization. If you want to know more about building in containers then check us out . Grafana , a widely used open-source analytics and monitoring platform, has gained immense importance as an essential tool for tech companies and organizations globally. Fortunately, Nginx and Certbot can help provide additional security measures beyond these defaults. Let’s start by discussing (BACK TO TOP)

Vlad was on The Tech and Main Podcast Vlad A. Ionescu founded Earthly in 2020. He is a repeat entrepreneur with an extensive background in cloud computing. Vlad co-founded the application security platform ShiftLeft, created the first open-source serverless/lambda implementation Lever OS, and co-authored the RabbitMQ Erlang client. Vlad was previously a software engineer at Google (2x) and VMWare. Join host, Shaun St. Hill, the CEO of Tech and Main. (BACK TO TOP)

We’re Earthly . We make building and automating software pipelines simpler and faster using containerization. If you’re working with Terraform, Earthly can be a valuable ally. Check it out . Terraform is a widespread infrastructure-as-code (IaC) tool that lets you automate the provisioning and management of cloud resources using the HashiCorp Configuration Language (HCL) . Terraform’s configuration language has many constructs, such as resources, data sources, modules, and variables.micro .auto. (BACK TO TOP)

We’re Earthly . We make building software simpler and therefore faster using containerization. This article is about monitoring system metrics but if you’re interested in a different approach to building and packaging software then check us out . In today’s fast-paced world, monitoring system metrics has become essential for businesses and organizations to ensure their systems are performing at their best. What Is Grafana? Grafana is an open-source platform for data visualization and monitoring. (BACK TO TOP)

We’re Earthly . We make building software simpler and therefore faster using containerization. This article is on the basics of Terraform but if you’re interested in a different approach to building and packaging software then check us out . The rapid adoption of the multicloud paradigm has greatly increased the complexity of IT infrastructure management. Deploying virtual machines (VMs) and Kubernetes on demand in any cloud is becoming the norm. -version An alias for the "version" subcommand. . (BACK TO TOP)

Introduction I joined Earthly at the beginning of 2023. I lead solution architecture. One of my primary roles is helping potential customers figure out how they can best leverage Earthly. That often requires building demonstrations that show how developers might use Earthly in their projects. So when I first started at Earthly, I set out to build a project that I could use to highlight Earthly’s strengths as a Continuous Integration (CI) solution. The application itself is not very complicated.. (BACK TO TOP)

We’re . We make building software simpler and therefore faster – like Dockerfile and Makefile had a baby. This article shows us how to compress Kubernetes logs and send them to S3 periodically. Logs are essential for monitoring and troubleshooting modern applications in a Kubernetes environment. However, as applications generate more logs, managing them can become a challenge. An AWS IAM user with permission to interact with the S3 bucket.. You can create a file postgres-service..... (BACK TO TOP)

This article looks at a handful of companies that have adapted and/or created working models that allowed them to be successful. The post 7 companies with successful product organization strategies appeared first on LogRocket Blog . (BACK TO TOP)

The frame, section, and group properties may sound similar, but each has its own time and place to be used in Figma. The post Figma groups vs. frames vs. sections: When to use each appeared first on LogRocket Blog . (BACK TO TOP)

We build a simple web API using MySQL and Drizzle, an ORM built in TypeScript that offers a more flexible and extensible solution than alternatives like Prisma and TypeORM. The post Getting started with Drizzle: A type-safe ORM appeared first on LogRocket Blog . (BACK TO TOP)

Management meetings are a regularly occurring meeting between company leaders for a variety of different top-level reasons. The post A guide to running management meetings appeared first on LogRocket Blog . (BACK TO TOP)

Market opportunity analysis is the pivotal first step in crafting both a company's initial strategy and its product strategy. The post How to identify and analyze market opportunities appeared first on LogRocket Blog . (BACK TO TOP)

We explore options for creating responsive data tables using CSS and techniques dor making them accessible and easy to use on mobile devices. The post Creating responsive data tables with CSS appeared first on LogRocket Blog . (BACK TO TOP)

We review four React Native splash screen libraries that can be used to set or generate splash screens for Android or iOS apps. The post Best React Native splash screen libraries appeared first on LogRocket Blog . (BACK TO TOP)

Setting a big hairy audacious goal (BHAG) can help excite your team about their projects. A compelling BHAG can create an environment of innovation backed by employees with a shared commitment. The post BHAG: How to create big, hairy, audacious goals (with examples) appeared first on LogRocket Blog . (BACK TO TOP)

Learn how to drive greater efficiency and reduce denials and reroutes. The post Overcome three terminal throughput issues appeared first on DTN . (BACK TO TOP)

Next summer, eight U.S. states won’t have a fuel volatility waiver. Let’s explore the primary concerns around the change and how they might be addressed. The post End of RVP Waiver Fuels Cost and Supply Concerns in Midwest appeared first on DTN . (BACK TO TOP)

There are three keys to unlocking greater profitability in today’s downstream refined fuels industry. Learn about them and their benefits. The post Three Keys to Unlocking Profitability in Today’s Downstream appeared first on DTN . (BACK TO TOP)

Manual processes impede the speed of fuel transactions. Learn how you can reduce friction and accelerate your business. The post Solving the Equation of Increased Profits appeared first on DTN . (BACK TO TOP)

Operational Intelligence integrates industry-relevant data streams for timely insights in the moment. Here is why the downstream energy needs it. The post Why Downstream Energy Needs Operational Intelligence appeared first on DTN . (BACK TO TOP)

A Cautionary Tale for Corn and Soybean Prices From 1992. The post Todd’s Take appeared first on DTN . (BACK TO TOP)

Hay Bales: High-Priced Time Capsules. The post Kub’s Den appeared first on DTN . (BACK TO TOP)

California Delays Prop 12 Enforcement Until End of 2023 Following Court Action. The post Prop 12 Enforcement Delayed to Dec. 31 appeared first on DTN . (BACK TO TOP)

Canada Fire Smoke May Affect Pollinating Corn. The post Impact of Smoky Skies Is Hazy appeared first on DTN . (BACK TO TOP)











Bulletin by Jakub Mikians