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Bulletin for Friday, 10 Mar 2023

7 days digest

Engineering at Meta (1)

Tech Notes (1)

Andrew Helwer (1)

The Go Blog (1)

Bert Hubert's writings (1)

Maximum Effort, Minimum Reward (1)

Weaveworks (1)

Writing - rachelbythebay (1)

Think Fast, Talk Smart: Communication Techniques (1)

Tom Mewett (1)

Kevin Sookocheff (1)

Spotify Engineering (1)

Programming Digest (1)

Daniel Immke's Blog Posts (1)

Daniel Lemire's blog (1)

ongoing by Tim Bray (1)

PlanetScale - Blog (1)

Marc Brooker's Blog (1)

RelyAbility Blog (1) (1)

Metadata (1)

Spatial Commerce Projects (1)

Eli Bendersky's website (1)

Somewhere Within Boredom (1)

The Teleport Blog (1)

Irrational Exuberance (1)

Retool Blog (1)

Ken Shirriff's blog (1)

Vadim Kravcenko (1)

Almost Secure (2)

DTN (2)

LinkedIn Engineering (2)

David Heinemeier Hansson (2)

Vallified (2)

Textual (2)

Replit Blog (2)

The CircleCI Blog Feed - CircleCI (2)

The Pragmatic Engineer (2)

Julia Evans (2)

Computer Things (2)

Netflix TechBlog - Medium (2)

Amazon Science homepage (3)

Microsoft Security Blog (3)

Go (Golang) Programming Blog - Ardan Labs on (3)

Krebs on Security (3)

Timescale Blog (3)

Earthly Blog (3)

Google AI Blog (4)

Blog – Hackaday (4)

Changelog Master Feed (4)

Simon Willison's Weblog: Blogmarks (4)

The Full Feed - All of the Packet Pushers Podcasts (4)

Pluralistic: Daily links from Cory Doctorow (4)

Stack Overflow Blog (6)

The Cloudflare Blog (6)

Towards Data Science - Medium (10) (12)

Meta is introducing Velox, an open source unified execution engine aimed at accelerating data management systems and streamlining their development. Velox is under active development. Experimental results from our paper published at the International Conference on Very Large Data Bases (VLDB) 2022 show how Velox improves efficiency and consistency in data management systems. Velox helps [...] Read More... (BACK TO TOP)

As part of my emulator explorations I went down a curiosity rabbit hole about polymorphic shellcode and learned about something fun I'd like to share with you! The world of exploits is pretty sophisticated and if you're not into it it can be hard to follow. Shellcode is roughly "the code the attacker wants to inject into the attacked system". It is typically a small snippet just used as the initial stage of an attack that bootstraps into remote access or downloading more code.g.g....... (BACK TO TOP)

An unusual topic for this blog, but worth boosting to a larger audience: Google Groups is dying. Its epitaph is not yet inscribed on the Killed by Google website, but the end is easily seen from here (although it should also be noted its death was called as early as 13 years ago). The deficiencies in Google Groups search, supposedly Google’s forte, have long been noted. Lately though basic features have just stopped working. (BACK TO TOP)

The Go Blog Code coverage for Go integration tests Than McIntosh 8 March 2023 Code coverage tools help developers determine what fraction of a source code base is executed (covered) when a given test suite is executed. Go has for some time provided support ( introduced in the Go 1.2 release) to measure code coverage at the package level, using the "-cover" flag of the “go test” command. This tooling works well in most cases, but has some weaknesses for larger Go applications. With Go 1.git ..... (BACK TO TOP)

First a round of thanks for the many people in industry and government who provided valuable links, background and insights! I could not have done this without your help! If you spot any mistakes, or have suggestions, please do contact me on [email protected] The EU’s new Cyber Resilience Act is admirable in its goal. (BACK TO TOP)

A continuation of my ongoing efforts to frustrate and annoy spam texters with the help of the greatest Assyrian monarchs (BACK TO TOP)

Organizations rely on numerous solutions apart from Kubernetes to assist in their cloud-native journey. One prominent tool used to provision and manage resources in the cloud is Terraform. However, there are numerous challenges to managing Terraform that can be addressed by Weave GitOps’ Terraform Controller. What is Weave GitOps Terraform Controller? Weave GitOps Terraform Controller is an operator pattern controller that manages Terraform resources, the GitOps way. (BACK TO TOP)

In recent times, I've been realizing more and more just how much a screwed up management situation can lead to screwed up technical situations. I've written a bit about this in the past few months, and got to thinking about a specific anecdote from not too long ago. I was working on a team which was supposed to be the "last line of defense" for outages and other badness like that. We couldn't figure out why it kept happening. What I found was interesting. This pretty much worked. (BACK TO TOP)

Words have impact. But when it comes to enchanting audiences and captivating with communication, Jonah Berger , PhD ’07, says some words are more potent than others. Berger is a Wharton School professor and an internationally bestselling author. His most recent book, Magic Words: What to Say to Get Your Way , identifies language we can use to communicate more effectively in all sorts of personal and professional contexts. Magic words allow us to change minds, engage audiences, and drive action. (BACK TO TOP)


At some point in your career you will be asked to manage a project. This can be intimidating, it can be scary, but it doesn’t have to be. We can leverage some time-honoured techniques, and adapt them to the unique approach required for software projects to deliver on time, on budget, and with success. This article is a collection of techniques I’ve learned for managing projects over time, that attempts to combine agile best practices with project management best practices. (BACK TO TOP)

Watch Justin and Fiona speak about ‘Team Health Checks — One Size Does Not Fit All’ at the Spotify Engineering Conference in 2022. Spotify has for a long time run squad health checks. Squads step back from their day-to-day activities to get a broader perspective on how they are working, with the aim of improving [...] The post Getting More from Your Team Health Checks appeared first on Spotify Engineering . (BACK TO TOP)

#512 – March 06, 2023 A Senior Engineer’s Guide to the System Design Interview Developed by the best interviewers in the industry, from their experience with thousands of technical interviews. Retool - The fastest way for developers to build and launch mobile apps (sponsor) Build and deploy mobile apps to iOS, Android, and as PWAs with no mobile expertise—all you need is JavaScript and SQL. And now teams of up to 5 can build and use unlimited mobile apps for free. (BACK TO TOP)

You have probably heard rumblings about Chrome’s Manifest V3. If you haven’t, here’s what you need to know: Google has been developing a new… (BACK TO TOP)

Windows users have choices when it comes to C++ programming. You may choose to stick with the regular Visual Studio. If you prefer, Microsoft makes available ClangCL which couples the LLVM compiler (commonly used by Apple) with the Visual Studio backend. Further, under Windows, you may easily build software for Linux using the Windows Subsystem … Continue reading Float-parsing benchmark: Regular Visual Studio, ClangCL and Linux GCC (BACK TO TOP)


Learn how to using SQLAlchemy with MySQL by working through an example of creating tables, inserting data, and querying data with both raw SQL and SQLAlchemy ORM. Read the full story (BACK TO TOP)

False Sharing versus Perfect Placement MathJax = { tex: {inlineMath: [['$', '$'], ['\(', '\)']]} }; This is part 3 of an informal series on database scalability. The previous parts were on NoSQL , and Hot Keys . In the last installment , we looked at hot keys and how they affect the theoretical peak scale a database can achieve. Hidden in that post was an underlying assumption: that can successfully isolate the hottest key onto a shard of its own. Popular products come and go. (BACK TO TOP)

(This is a repost of a document living here , but I am putting it here for backup's sake. Originally a joint effort with Murali Suriar, with input from Matt Brown, Liz Fong-Jones, and many others. The intended audience of this doc is the recently laid-off, or those who (BACK TO TOP)

Hardware is always hard. The amount of operations, maintenance and planning that goes into supporting a data center is a daunting challenge for any enterprise. Though often unseen, without hardware there is no software. Although software seems to be a well defined domain with stable tools, practices and languages, hardware has had no such luck. That is why the complexities are often hidden. That is also what Cloud computing promises. Thus, every component can be set up as a piece of code.utils. (BACK TO TOP)

This paper is from VLDB2020. Aria is an OLTP database that does epoch-based commits similar to the Silo paper we discussed last week. Unlike Silo, which was a single-node database, Aria is a distributed and deterministic database. Aria's biggest contribution is that it improves on Calvin by being able to run transactions without prior knowledge of read and write sets. Aria versus Calvin Recall that Calvin uses locks ( here is a summary of the Calvin paper ). This works as follows.) Rule 1.e.15. (BACK TO TOP)

Today we’re excited to introduce a new open-source tool named Tracky ! Tracky is a two-part kit aimed at helping AR prototypers, VFX artists, and developers. The first part is an iOS app that works like a video camera app, but also scans the room and records the device’s orientation (and more!) alongside each video recording. The second part is a Blender plugin that imports these recordings and recreates the device’s experience within Blender as faithfully as possible. (BACK TO TOP)

A few weeks ago I wrote about the powerful abstractions that higher-order functions enable, using Clojure code as an example. In this post I want to show equivalent code using a modern statically-typed language - Go. Please make sure to review the previous post first, since it describes the problem statement in detail. That said, my favorite part of functional programming is definitely supported and widely used in Go - higher-order functions... dynamic typing debate... ) sort .Scanner.g. P.S. (BACK TO TOP)

I spent five years in a codebase with tabs instead of spaces. In my editor, I had indents set to 2 spaces. GitHub annoyingly defaults to 8 and requires customization in order to fix that. Because of the prevalence of spaces, we often had to maintain forks of tooling to support tabs because ‘spaces has […] (BACK TO TOP)

The use of shared secrets in continuous integration (CI) systems, such as Github Actions and CircleCI, can pose serious security risks. Hackers can easily exploit secrets to access production systems and steal confidential information. (BACK TO TOP)

Most companies say that it takes three to six months for newly hired engineers to fully ramp up. Engineering leaders know it’s impolitic to admit that it takes their team longer than three to six months to onboard new engineers, so that’s what they say out loud, but they generally believe it takes longer for a new engineer to become fully productive. They also know that their most impactful engineers are still becoming more productive after years with the company.g.g. If other functions, e.g. (BACK TO TOP)

How to make slow React Native apps faster as told by the engineers at Retool Mobile, the fastest way to ship iOS and Android applications. (BACK TO TOP)

.hilite {cursor:zoom-in} In the Soyuz space missions, cosmonauts tracked their position above the Earth with a remarkable electromechanical device with a rotating globe. This navigation instrument was an analog computer that used an elaborate system of gears, cams, and differentials to compute the spacecraft's position. Officially, the unit was called a "space navigation indicator" with the Russian acronym ИНК (INK), 1 but I'll use the nickname "Globus". The electronics circuit board.  ↩ (BACK TO TOP)

The age-old dilemma that technical co-founders get confronted with: should I build it from scratch or buy some off-the-shelf solution? […] The post Build vs Buy: age old dilemma appeared first on Vadim Kravcenko . (BACK TO TOP)

This little adventure began with me being annoyed at DMARC aggregate reports. My domain doesn’t have enough email traffic to justify routing DMARC emails to some third-party analytics service, yet I want to take a brief glance at them. And the format of these emails makes that maximally inconvenient: download the attachment, unpack it, look through some (always messy but occasionally not even human-readable) XML code. There had to be a better way.g. The opensmtpd. track_context () server . E.g. (BACK TO TOP)

Note : This article is also available in Korean . As discussed before, South Korea’s banking websites demand installation of various so-called security applications . At the same time, we’ve seen that these applications like TouchEn nxKey and IPinside lack auto-update functionality. So even in case of security issues, it is almost impossible to deliver updates to users timely. And that’s only two applications. That’s a lot of applications to install and to keep up-to-date. As of Veraport 3.8.6. (BACK TO TOP)

Learn three ways commodity traders, ship charters, and operators make more accurate and competitive voyage bids with WeatherFactor API. The post Three Ways WeatherFactor API Enhances Voyage Cost Prediction appeared first on DTN . (BACK TO TOP)

Effectively reduce your financial risk and ensure your credit enforcement is accurate. The post Maximize sales while minimizing risk appeared first on DTN . (BACK TO TOP)

Co-authors: Shu Wang, Biao He, and Minchu Yang At LinkedIn, Apache Spark is our primary compute engine for offline data analytics such as data warehousing, data science, machine learning, A/B testing, and metrics reporting. We execute nearly 100,000 Spark applications daily in our Apache Hadoop YARN (more on how we scaled YARN clusters here). These applications rely heavily on dependencies (JAR files) for their computation needs. (BACK TO TOP)

For our engineering teams, artificial intelligence (AI) is like oxygen - it powers every product we build and every experience we deliver. Our members can see it in things like the job recommendations they’re served, the content that’s personalized for them in their feed, and the LinkedIn Learning courses that are tailored to their interests. At the same time, our approach to using AI is the same approach we take to any other […] (BACK TO TOP)

You can't convince someone invested in their convictions to the contrary by arguments alone. Only actions can pry open a locked mind, and most minds remain locked most of the time. So if you wish to be persuasive, you ought to spend less time arguing and more time doing. This is as it should be. Talk is cheap, and others are right to keep their considered positions from being for sale at a discount. This is why we listen more to those who do than those who merely opine. (BACK TO TOP)

When the money flows freely, and there's a strong cachet to having tons of open positions, you can be forgiven to think that the individual productivity on a product team just doesn't matter. So much time is spent coordinating the work anyway. Who cares if the stack you're using takes twice the number of people to ship meaningful updates? You can just hire four times as many heads! Those days seem to be over , at least for most SaaS startups. 3: Hire designers who work natively with the web. (BACK TO TOP)

rqlite is a lightweight, open-source, distributed relational database written in Go, which uses SQLite as its storage engine. rqlite has been in development since 2014 and its design and implementation has evolved substantially during that time — and the design docs tell the story of what worked, and what didn’t. So what can we learn … Continue reading 9 years of open-source database development: reviewing rqlite design choices → (BACK TO TOP)

rqlite is a lightweight, open-source, distributed relational database written in Go, which uses SQLite as its storage engine. 7.14.0 has been released and adds comprehensive support for Mutual TLS. What makes this release of rqlite different is that much of the TLS support was written using GitHub Copilot. I am quite impressed with the tool … Continue reading Creating rqlite 7.14.0 with GitHub Copilot → (BACK TO TOP)

Textual 0.14.0 shakes up posting messages Textual version 0.14.0 has landed just a week after 0.13.0. !!! note We like fast releases for Textual. Fa... (BACK TO TOP)

Overhead of Python Asyncio tasks Every widget in Textual, be it a button, tree view, or a text input, runs an [asyncio]( (BACK TO TOP)

Replit and AI Camp are launching a brand new, 4-hour course, right here on Replit! Unlock the Power of LLMs like GPT with Python, is a four-lesson course that’ll teach you: * How to access AI APIs * Implementing GPT-2 * Trade up to Gradio, Flan-T5 and GPT-3 * Build your own auto-summarizer using GPT-3 — all from within a Repl! Gitless and instant, from start to running LLM App in the first 15 minutes. AI is giving us all capabilities that seemed out of reach only a few months ago. (BACK TO TOP)

BerriAI is a Y Combinator-backed company that lets users build production-ready ChatGPT apps in under 2 minutes by easily connecting your data to an LLM. WHY REPLIT? BerriAI founders, Krrish Dholakia and Ishaan Jaffer, both learned about Replit in college, but quickly realized Replit is far more powerful than they originally thought. Today, the two founders use Replit to build their YC-backed startup for three reasons: 1. Speed to build 2. Instant hosting 3. No additional steps (BACK TO TOP)



Which companies grew their software engineering headcount, which ones shrank, and how has the “open-to-new-opportunities” ratio shifted across Big Tech? I collaborated with a recruiter to find out, and the data is in. (BACK TO TOP)

Why did the company do so? I’ve talked with people involved in organizing the competition for more details (BACK TO TOP)

So we’re going to talk about some computer history. As an example of a historical accident: DNS has a class field which has 5 possible values (“internet”, “chaos”, “hesiod”, “none”, and “any”). To me that’s a clear example of a historical accident – I can’t imagine that we’d define the class field the same way if we could redesign DNS today without worrying about backwards compatibility. I think the answer is some combination of these reasons. The word size is some multiple of the byte size.2. (BACK TO TOP)

Hello! For some reason after the last nix post I got nerdsniped by trying to understand how Nix builds work under the hood, so here’s a quick exploration I did today. There are probably some mistakes in here. I wanted to take this a tiny bit further and compile a slightly more complicated C program. the goal: compile a C program, without using Nix’s standard machinery Our goal is to compile a C program called paperjam . This is a real C program that wasn’t in the Nix repository ).2. (BACK TO TOP)

Sent to me via mailbag : Have you used TLA+ to model resilience as in resilience engineering (systems in general)? — Feodrippe Resilience Engineering , to my understanding, refers to building systems that can function in the presence of disruptions. For example, if a backend service gets overloaded, its dependencies can automatically switch to fallback logic to keep serving customers and give the service time to recover. I’ve not done much work personally with “resilience engineering”....3) .... (BACK TO TOP)

Two years ago I started a new book : Predicate Logic for Programmers . In it I said People often ask me what’s the best math to learn for formal methods, and my answer is always “predicate logic”. 1 It’s super useful to specifying properties, understanding requirements, and just modeling things in general. Then they ask me how to learn it and I falter. I estimated it would be in early-access by June 2021. These all affect the design decisions of the book. The whole section is about 5,000 words.. (BACK TO TOP)

By Benson Ma , ZZ Zimmerman With contributions from Alok Ahuja , Shravan Heroor , Michael Krasnow , Todor Minchev , Inder Singh Introduction At Netflix, we test hundreds of different device types every day, ranging from streaming sticks to smart TVs, to ensure that new version releases of the Netflix SDK continue to provide the exceptional Netflix experience that our customers expect. NTS 2.0 addresses this very limitation of NTS, as it has been built by taking the learnings from NTS 1.e.g.e.0. (BACK TO TOP)

by Varun Sekhri , Meenakshi Jindal , Burak Bacioglu Introduction At Netflix, to promote and recommend the content to users in the best possible way there are many Media Algorithm teams which work hand in hand with content creators and editors. Several of these algorithms aim to improve different manual workflows so that we show the personalized promotional image, trailer or the show to the user.) in a video file. The Algorithm team improved their algorithm. This is obviously very expensive. (BACK TO TOP)

Predictive planning, uncertainty modeling, uniquely constrained trajectory optimization, and multiscale planning help customers trust Astro. (BACK TO TOP)

This year’s cohort is researching, among other topics, online changepoint detection algorithms and automated reasoning. (BACK TO TOP)

Using reinforcement learning improves candidate selection and ranking for search, ad platforms, and recommender systems. (BACK TO TOP)

On International Women’s Day, we celebrate the accomplishments of women in technology and reflect on our commitment to encouraging and supporting women in cybersecurity. The post International Women’s Day: The power of diversity to build stronger cybersecurity teams appeared first on Microsoft Security Blog . (BACK TO TOP)

Adobe and Microsoft, as trusted providers of business solutions used by millions, are joining forces to bring unparalleled modern work experiences to customers globally. Organizations using Microsoft Purview Information Protection can now apply and edit sensitivity labels and policies to PDFs. The post Get integrated Microsoft Purview Information Protection in Adobe Acrobat—now available appeared first on Microsoft Security Blog . (BACK TO TOP)

Microsoft discovered that the SHEIN Android application periodically read the contents of the Android device clipboard and, if a particular pattern was present, sent the contents of the clipboard to a remote server. The post Protecting Android clipboard content from unintended exposure appeared first on Microsoft Security Blog . (BACK TO TOP)

Introduction One of the exercises I give to students is to download a single big file over HTTP concurrently using several goroutines using HTTP Range requests. An extra part of the exercise is to validate the downloaded file from a known MD5 signature. This extra part turns out to be interesting, let’s have a look. Getting Download Information Let’s make an HTTP HEAD request to get information about a file located in a public dataset stored on Google Cloud Storage (GCS). (BACK TO TOP)

with Cheikh Seck Introduction This is the first in a series of posts that will explore the Rust programming language. I am going to take the same approach I did with Go and write little programs that explore the different features of the language. Before I begin that work, I thought it would be fun to write a program that does something fun. In this post and my first ever Rust program, I’m going to use a Rust library called bracket-lib that provides a cross-platform terminal emulator. (BACK TO TOP)

Introduction In episode 5, Miki wrote a function that counted the number of lines in a file with interfaces. The first thing his function did was to open a file with Go’s os.Open function. Miki chose this method because the variable returned by said function implements the io.Reader interface which is crucial for the next step. The remaining parts of this function consisted of a primitive type alias that satisfied the io. (BACK TO TOP)

A Croatian national has been arrested for allegedly operating NetWire, a Remote Access Trojan (RAT) marketed on cybercrime forums since 2012 as a stealthy way to spy on infected systems and siphon passwords. The arrest coincided with a seizure of the NetWire sales website by the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). (BACK TO TOP)

The domain name registrar Freenom, whose free domain names have long been a draw for spammers and phishers, has stopped allowing new domain name registrations. The move comes just days after the Dutch registrar was sued by Meta, which alleges the company ignores abuse complaints about phishing websites while monetizing traffic to those abusive domains. (BACK TO TOP)

The Biden administration today issued its vision for beefing up the nation's collective cybersecurity posture, including calls for legislation establishing liability for software products and services that are sold with little regard for security. The White House's new national cybersecurity strategy also envisions a more active role by cloud providers and the U.S. military in disrupting cybercriminal infrastructure, and names China as the single biggest cyber threat to U.S. interests. (BACK TO TOP)

Time-series data is relentless, so you know you’ll have to create one or more partitioned tables (a.k.a. Timescale hypertables) to store it. Learn how to choose the best data modeling option for your use case—single or multiple hypertables. (BACK TO TOP)

Learn how to consume a Linked Data Event Stream and store it in a Timescale database. (BACK TO TOP)

In this recap of January’s Commitfest, our PostgreSQL developer Chris Travers shares his thoughts on improvements to psql, software development with infinite values, transaction ID wraparound problems, and more. (BACK TO TOP)

Bazel is a tool that helps you automate the process of building and testing. For instance, with Bazel, you can automate the process of creating executables for monorepo build systems . One notable feature of Bazel is the ability to use a cache. A cache speeds up the build process and reduces build times, especially for large projects with many dependencies. A Bazel cache can either be local or remote (shared) . A local cache is stored on the same computer where Bazel is running.bazelrc file. (BACK TO TOP)

Earthly Compute is an internal service that customers use indirectly via Earthly CI. Now that CI has been publicly announced, we have some stuff to get off their chests that we can finally share. Compared to our previous experiences, Earthly Compute was a quirky service to build. Nevertheless, we learned some things and made some mistakes, and in this write-up, we’ll share how it went. Customers’ workloads are bursty. But anyways, it’s just an example. It’s more like . Earthly on your local. (BACK TO TOP)

MongoDB is a powerful and flexible NoSQL database that has become increasingly popular in recent years due to its ability to handle large amounts of data and its support for a wide range of data types. PyMongo is a Python library that provides a simple and efficient way to interact with MongoDB using the Python programming language. This article is a follow-up to the “How to get started with PyMongo” article where we: Created a MongoDB database.d0mjzrc.mongodb.d0mjzrc.mongodb.results.errors. (BACK TO TOP)

Posted by Tom Denton, Software Engineer, Google Research, Brain Team Worldwide bird populations are declining at an alarming rate, with approximately 48% of existing bird species known or suspected to be experiencing population declines . For instance, the U.S. and Canada have reported 29% fewer birds since 1970. Effective monitoring of bird populations is essential for the development of solutions that promote conservation. Thousands of unique ecosystems in the world still need to be analyzed. (BACK TO TOP)

Posted by Shangbang Long, Software Engineer, Google Research The last few decades have witnessed the rapid development of Optical Character Recognition (OCR) technology, which has evolved from an academic benchmark task used in early breakthroughs of deep learning research to tangible products available in consumer devices and to third party developers for daily use. These OCR products digitize and democratize the valuable information that is stored in paper or image-based sources (e.g.e. (BACK TO TOP)

Posted by Yu Zhang, Research Scientist, and James Qin, Software Engineer, Google Research Last November, we announced the 1,000 Languages Initiative , an ambitious commitment to build a machine learning (ML) model that would support the world’s one thousand most-spoken languages, bringing greater inclusion to billions of people around the globe. Today, we are excited to share more about the Universal Speech Model (USM), a critical first step towards supporting 1,000 languages.g.g. (BACK TO TOP)

Posted by Krzysztof Choromanski, Staff Research Scientist, Robotics at Google, and Xuesu Xiao, Visiting Researcher, George Mason University Despite decades of research, we don’t see many mobile robots roaming our homes, offices, and streets. Real-world robot navigation in human-centric environments remains an unsolved problem. Google Research is committed to examining how advances in ML may enable us to overcome these obstacles.g.). Performer-MPC overview.3M Performer parameters.e. (BACK TO TOP)

No matter your age or background, there’s an excellent chance you’ll recognize the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) at first glance. The iconic 8-bit system not only revitalized the gaming industry, …read more (BACK TO TOP)

If you are manufacturing something, you have to test it. It wouldn’t do, for example, for your car to say it was going 60 MPH when it was really going …read more (BACK TO TOP)

Raspberry Pi has just introduced a new camera module in the high-quality camera format. For the same $50 price you would shell out for the HQ camera, you get roughly …read more (BACK TO TOP)

As the world has moved towards sustainable energy sources over the last few years, it’s increasingly common to be close to a wind turbine. The huge turbines visible on the …read more (BACK TO TOP)

This week Adam talks with Marcin Kurc about chasing the 9s. Marcin is the Co-founder and CEO of Nobl9 where they build tools for managing service level objectives, aka SLOs. We also talk about service level agreements (SLAs), service level indicators (SLIs), error budgets, and monitoring, and how it all comes together to help teams align on goals, improve customer satisfaction, manage risks, increase transparency, and of course, a favorite around here…continuous improvement. (BACK TO TOP)

We’ve all experienced pain moving from local development, to testing, and then on to production. This cycle can be long and tedious, especially as AI models and datasets are integrated. (BACK TO TOP)

Reorx lists awesome apps & tools using the new ChatGPT API, Ernie Smith ranks self-hosted app alternatives, Very Good Ventures brings Dart to the server, Daniel Stenberg tells curl’s NuGet story & Hacker Stations showcases tech workspace setups from all over the world. (BACK TO TOP)

KBall and Nick interview one of the leaders of the Tauri project about this next generation app bundling toolkit: the security, size, and performance features that make it special (and dare we say, better than Electron?), and what’s coming next. (BACK TO TOP)





Today's IPv6 Buzz podcast explore the topic of default address selection with IPv6 hosts as defined in RFC 6724. It's very common for a host to have multiple IPv6 addresses of different types (as well as an IPv4 address in dual-stack environments) and RFC 6724 includes rules for which addresses are used first. The post IPv6 Buzz 121: Uncovering IPv6 Host Default Address Selection appeared first on Packet Pushers . (BACK TO TOP)

Today on Day Two Cloud we engage in strategic thinking about cloud, workload repatriation, costs and spending, DevOps and Kubernetes, and more with guest Tim Banks. Tim is a Lead Developer Advocate at Dell Technologies and has done stints at AWS, Equinix, and the Duckbill Group. Besides being a techie, Tim Banks is also a Brazilian Jiu Jitsu champion and world-ranked competitor in his class. (BACK TO TOP)

Take a Network Break! We begin with some FU on what constitutes on-prem and off-prem, and then dive into news. Cisco and T-Mobile are partnering on 5G gateways, Cisco Webex is getting installed as a feature(?) in Mercedes E-Class cars, and Cisco is buying multi-cloud security startup Valtix. Valtix offers firewalling, IPS, a cloud Web […] The post Network Break 420: Cisco, HPE Buy Security Startups; Can We Finally Hold Vendors Responsible For Software Defects? appeared first on Packet Pushers . (BACK TO TOP)

On Heavy Networking today we look at a home lab running VMware products including NSX, as well as infrastructure-as-code products Terraform, Packer, and Ansible. These use cases create a different hardware demand than virtualized network operating system images. Guest Maarten Van Driessen explains it all, including how he saves money on lab gear. The post Heavy Networking 668: Inside A Virtualization Consultant’s Home Lab appeared first on Packet Pushers . (BACK TO TOP)

Today's links The AI hype bubble is the new crypto hype bubble: Someday, we're gonna feel pretty silly about our autocomplete worship. Hey look at this: Delights to delectate." Its shares surged to a peak of 400% over their pre-announcement price. The company announced no specific integrations with any kind of blockchain, nor has it made any such integrations since. LBCC was subsequently delisted from NASDAQ after settling with the SEC over fraudulent investor statements. https://cointelegraph. (BACK TO TOP)

Today's links End to End: Willing speakers should reach willing listeners. Hey look at this: Delights to The original E2E marked the turning point from telco-based systems where power was gathered at the center, controlled by carriers, to the packet-switched internet, where power moved to the edges. Under the old model, only the network operator could add new features. E2E wasn't a law, it was a principle.medium. (BACK TO TOP)

Today's links Biden set to appoint mass foreclosure cheerleader to the Fed: Janice Eberly provided cover for Tim Geithner's policy of No Banker Left Behind. Hey look at this: Delights to delectate. Biden himself is a kind of empty vessel into which different wings of the Democratic party pour their will, yielding a strange brew of appointments both great and Corporate Dems continue to flex their (BACK TO TOP)

Today's links Solving the Moderator's Trilemma with Federation: You CAN please all of the people all of the time (sorta). Hey look at this: Delights to delectate. This day in history: 2003, 2008, 2013, 2018, 2022 Colophon: Recent publications, upcoming/recent appearances, current writing projects, current reading Solving the Moderator's Trilemma with Federation (permalink) The classic trilemma goes: "Fast, cheap or good, pick any The Fediverse, in other words.wikipedia. (BACK TO TOP)

Why open source is the model for every emerging tech out there. The post After the buzz fades: What our data tells us about emerging technology sentiment appeared first on Stack Overflow Blog . (BACK TO TOP)

After 37 courses, he's learned a thing or two about teaching. The post From writing code to teaching code appeared first on Stack Overflow Blog . (BACK TO TOP)

Christine Ryu, Engineering Lead at fintech platform Flourish, joins the home team to talk about how technology is transforming finance for everyone from big banks to individual consumers. Christine explains what it’s like to move from Goldman Sachs to a tiny startup, how legacy tech stacks lead to Frankencode, and what an acquisition taught her about build vs. buy and good vs. perfect. The post “Move fast and break things” doesn’t apply to other people’s savings (Ep. (BACK TO TOP)

Join us in celebrating English Language Learners, Magento, Reverse Engineering, Sustainable Living, and Tridion on their impressive Stack Exchange journey. The post Five Stack Exchange sites turned ten years old this quarter!  appeared first on Stack Overflow Blog . (BACK TO TOP)

Edge functions, pair programming, and the newest CSS features The post The Overflow #167: Programmers and ADHD appeared first on Stack Overflow Blog . (BACK TO TOP)

Dr. Jeannette (Jamie) Garcia, Senior Research Manager of Quantum Applications and Software at IBM Quantum, tells Ryan about IBM’s 433-qubit quantum computer and the real-life applications of quantum computing today.  The post The nature of simulating nature: A Q&A with IBM Quantum researcher Dr. Jamie Garcia (Ep. 543) appeared first on Stack Overflow Blog . (BACK TO TOP)

Happy International Women’s Day! The global theme for 2023 is #EmbraceEquity, which is part of an ongoing effort to raise awareness around “Why equal opportunities are no longer enough.” Today is a time to highlight achievements made by women, but also an opportunity to become better informed. (BACK TO TOP)

In this blog post we’ll discuss how Cloudflare Workers enabled us to quickly improve the resiliency of a legacy system (BACK TO TOP)

Scout is an automated system providing constant end to end testing and monitoring of live APIs over different environments and resources. Scout does it by periodically running self explanatory Python tests (BACK TO TOP)

The Zero Trust dashboard navigation will be getting a visual refresh on March 20, 2023. (BACK TO TOP)

The White House released the National Cybersecurity Strategy aimed at securing the Internet. Cloudflare welcomes the Strategy, and congratulates the White House on this comprehensive, much-needed policy initiative. (BACK TO TOP)

Here at Cloudflare we run over 900 instances of Prometheus with a total of around 4.9 billion time series. Operating such a large Prometheus deployment doesn’t come without challenges . In this blog post we’ll cover some of the issues we hit and how we solved them (BACK TO TOP)

100+ new metrics since 2010 Continue reading on Towards Data Science » (BACK TO TOP)

Use pandas aggregate to speed up your data analysis Continue reading on Towards Data Science » (BACK TO TOP)

Prevent staying stuck at the junior level of Python programming Continue reading on Towards Data Science » (BACK TO TOP)

Data curation in computer vision lacks standardization, leaving many practitioners unsure how to do it correctly. We summarized some of the most common approaches. Where to start with data curation? Picture of Valentin Antonucci: This post has been written with data curation for computer vision in mind. However, several concepts can be applied to other data domains, such as NLP, audio, or tabular data. There are two options.g.g.g. (BACK TO TOP)

Qualitative methods, data manipulation, and media sources — as well as a detailed look into how numbers can lie. Continue reading on Towards Data Science » (BACK TO TOP)

Explore the mysteries of quantum computing! Continue reading on Towards Data Science » (BACK TO TOP)

Code implementations for ML pipelines: from raw data to predictions Photo by Rodion Kutsaiev on  Unsplash Real-life machine learning involves a series of tasks to prepare the data before the magic predictions take place. Filling the missing values, one hot encoding for the categorical features, standardization and scaling for the numeric ones, feature extraction, and model fitting are just some of the stages that take part during a machine learning project before making any predictions. (2021). (BACK TO TOP)

Demystifying cohort analysis, step by step Continue reading on Towards Data Science » (BACK TO TOP)

A side project can be a perfect vehicle for active learning, but we know that many data scientists struggle to carve out the time to start one. Even if you have some free time, settling on an idea can be a challenge: it has to be relevant to your interests, reasonably scoped, and challenging enough (but not so difficult that it becomes a painful slog). Either way, the most important thing is to choose something. You’ll sort out the details as you go. Create a custom microservice . (BACK TO TOP)

Intravenous contrast enhancement is fundamental to CT imaging. Here’s how it might be affecting your CT image datasets “Brain CT in the style of Vincent Van Gogh”. DALL-E 2. The use of contrast is ubiquitous in radiologic imaging and yet, there’s surprisingly little helpful information on the topic online. Here, I’ll describe the basics of IV contrast, how it appears in CT images, and how it might affect your imaging dataset. GIF from WikiMedia . Image by Radiopaedia , annotations by author.g. (BACK TO TOP)













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