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Bulletin for Friday, 07 Oct 2022

7 days digest

Haki Benita (1)

Almost Secure (1)

Marc Brooker's Blog (1)

ongoing by Tim Bray (1)

Eugene Yan (1)

Engineering at Meta (1)

the singularity is nearer (1) (1)

The Pragmatic Engineer (1)

Daniel Lemire's blog (1)

Future (1)

Programming Digest (1)

Jay Alammar (1)

Weaveworks (1)

Metadata (1)

The Hacker Factor Blog (1)

Spotify Engineering (1)

Replit Blog (1)

Tech Notes (1)

Slack Engineering (1)

Blog on Tailscale (1)

Computer Things (1)

Lucas F. Costa (2)

Earthly Blog (2)

Krebs on Security (2)

Pluralistic: Daily links from Cory Doctorow (2)

Timescale Blog (2)

PlanetScale - Blog (2)

LinkedIn Engineering (2)

Google AI Blog (2)

The Teleport Blog (4)

Microsoft Security Blog (4)

The CircleCI Blog Feed - CircleCI (4)

Sentry Blog RSS (4)

The Full Feed - All of the Packet Pushers Podcasts (5)

Changelog Master Feed (5)

Stack Overflow Blog (6)

Amazon Science homepage (7)

Simon Willison's Weblog: Blogmarks (11)

Cloud Blog (12)

The Cloudflare Blog (14)

There are many best practices for maintaining backward and forward compatibility in application code, but it's not very commonly mentioned in relation to SQL. SQL is used to produce critical business information for applications and decision-making, so there's no reason it shouldn't benefit from similar practices. In this article, I present a simple way to future-proof SQL. (BACK TO TOP)

I recently noticed Scirge advertising itself to corporations, promising to “solve” data leaks. Reason enough to take a look into how they do it. Turns out: by pushing a browser extension to all company employees which could be misused as spyware. Worse yet, it obfuscates data streams, making sure that employees cannot see what data is being collected. Each company is provided with their individual build of the Scirge extension, configured with the company’s individual Scirge backend.crx . (BACK TO TOP)

Atomic Commitment: The Unscalability Protocol 2PC is my enemy. MathJax = { tex: {inlineMath: [['$', '$'], ['\(', '\)']]} }; Let's consider a single database system, running on one box, good for 500 requests per second. ┌───────────────────┐ │ Database │ │(good for 500 rps) │ └───────────────────┘ What if we want to access that data more often than 500 times a second? If by access we mean read , we have a lot of options. The optimist's answer is 500 + 500 = 1000. Let's call it k ..000000, 1. (BACK TO TOP)


My three favorite papers, 17 paper summaries, and ML and non-ML lessons. (BACK TO TOP)

Our in-app browser for Facebook on Android has historically relied on an Android System WebView based on Chromium, the open source project that powers many browsers on Android and other operating systems. On other mobile operating systems, the System WebView component cannot be updated without updating the entire operating system. On Android, this works differently, [...] Read More... The post Launching a new Chromium-based WebView for Android appeared first on Engineering at Meta . (BACK TO TOP)

And so it is in the 33rd year that the answers shall finally be revealed, but they will not bring solace or understanding. You are a bunch of randomly initialized dot products with some quasiconvex optimizer that’s tricked you into believing you are you. Consciousness is an atheistic synonym for soul. Oh we are guided by fools. To quote the chat from one of my streams: “the AI person thing is whack” And of course you are right. How aromantic. And so it shall continue. But he only swims left. RL. (BACK TO TOP)

One of the four fundamental features of transactional databases is durability. It says that once a transaction is committed, the stored data remains available even if the database crashes. If we upload some information into the database, we must be able to read it later, no matter what happens. It is so elementary that we frequently don’t even think about it: if we save a record with the ’42’ value in a database, we will get ’42’ every time we read that record, until the next modification.g.g. (BACK TO TOP)

The company’s growth is under more pressure than it has ever been, and in a worse strategic position than Apple, Google, Amazon or Microsoft. Why is this and what can the company do to get out of this situation? (BACK TO TOP)

Computer programming starts with the organization of the data into data structures. In almost all cases, we work with strings or numbers. It is critical to understand these building blocks to become an expert programmer. Words We often organize data using fixed blocks of memory. When these blocks are relatively small (e.g., 8 bits, 16 … Continue reading A review of elementary data types : numbers and strings (BACK TO TOP)

Jimmy Lin is CSO of Freenome, which is developing blood-based tests for early cancer detection, starting with colon cancer. He is a pioneer in developing computational approaches to extract insights from large-scale genomic data, having spearheaded the computational analyses of the first genome-wide sequencing studies in multiple cancer types.  Lin talked to Future about the... Read More The post Why Applying Machine Learning to Biology is Hard – But Worth It appeared first on Future . (BACK TO TOP)

sponsor Directus layers on top of any SQL database, automatically creating a REST+GraphQL API and no-code app From SQL database to data platform in 90 seconds with no migration required, Directus eliminates months of boilerplate work with built-in auth options, granular access control, and asset management, providing a toolkit for developers with all the automation, connectivity and APIs they need. Unfortunately, trouble was just around the corner. Register to join on Nov. 9 from 9am-3pm ET! (BACK TO TOP)

AI image generation is the most recent AI capability blowing people’s minds (mine included). The ability to create striking visuals from text descriptions has a magical quality to it and points clearly to a shift in how humans create art. The release of Stable Diffusion is a clear milestone in this development because it made a high-performance model available to the masses (performance in terms of image quality, as well as speed and relatively low resource/memory requirements). Input: text.g. . (BACK TO TOP)

DevOps revolves around the continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD) pipeline to automate the generation and release of product artifacts as part of the overall development process pipeline. This increases production efficiency and minimizes time to market, critical factors in an agile development environment. The quality and dependability of these artifacts directly depend on the pipeline's integrity. Therefore, the pipeline must be secure if the product is to be secure. (BACK TO TOP)

In my previous post, I mentioned how excited I was about Jack Vanlightly and Markus Kuppe's talk at TLA+ Conference. They showed a new mode (called "generate") added to the TLA+ checker to enable  obtaining statistical properties from the models. Here is how this works in a nutshell. Your TLA+ model/protocol produces a tree of runs, and, in the generate mode the TLA+ checker chooses these runs in a uniform manner.) about the runs, in addition to checking it for correctness invariants..N-1. (BACK TO TOP)

Back in 2019, Facebook released as open source the code that they use for detecting videos that contain child sexual exploitation, terrorist propaganda, and graphic violence . As Facebook described the algorithms: PDQ and TMK+PDQF were designed to operate at high scale, supporting video-frame-hashing and real-time applications. We designed these technologies based on our experience detecting abuse across billions of posts on Facebook. Evaluating PDQ and TMK+PDQF had been on my to-do list.g.57°). (BACK TO TOP)

Back in June, I presented the current state of Spotify’s open source activities to our developers as part of our internal Spotify Engineering Conference, aka SpEC. In the presentation, I go over where we currently are with our open source efforts, what challenges we face, and the vision for where we are going.  Centered around [...] The post Open Source Work Is Work appeared first on Spotify Engineering . (BACK TO TOP)

You may have noticed that Replit's logo looks a little different than it did last week. In summary: we're using what we call the "prompt" we already use elsewhere as our primary symbol. The prompt gives you an empty canvas, full of possibility, for you to start creating. We want Replit to be the same for your software creation journey! Let's dive in and learn why. We've had our old logo for a long time. Even a five-year-old can draw the Nike logo. * It was unclear what it stood for. (BACK TO TOP)

People occasionally contact me to ask what software I use to run this site. There are a lot of complex dynamic options (like Wordpress) and a lot of complex static options (like Jekyll), but my needs — and likely yours! — are pretty simple. This site relies on aggressively boring technology : it was a small Python script for many years, and when the Python 2 to the 3 upgrade screwed me over I rewrote it in Go in an evening. The code. Static serving.50.) Static generation. Generating a blog. (BACK TO TOP)

Internships are a great opportunity for companies to invest in great talent and train future engineers. It is important to prepare a good mentorship plan for the interns, so that they make the best use of their time and acquire experiences that will help make them full-time employees in the future. The first step is […] The post How to Mentor Interns to Become Skillful Engineers appeared first on Slack Engineering . (BACK TO TOP)

… But if you must, we made something that can help you do it right. The folks at just published an excellent review of PostgreSQL security , with a startling conclusion: the vast majority of PostgreSQL connections that are happening over the public internet are insecure, due to a combination of server misconfigurations and most clients unfortunately defaulting to unsafe settings. You might think that a MitM is hard to pull off, so it’s not that bad. Turns out, that’s fairly difficult. (BACK TO TOP)

Recently I’ve been very interested in “meatspace models”, where you explain a CS concept in terms of the real world. It’s the monad is a burrito gag except you actually pick something where the analogy is helpful. This seems especially effective with concurrency topics. I first saw this in terms of race conditions , my own first attempt was two-phase commit , and the Strangeloop TLA+ workshop was framed in terms of musical chairs. I think about this a lot. So here’s how I explain it.  ↩ (BACK TO TOP)

The problem with Scrum is that it usually works. In tech, we hate that. What we like is to give talks, prepare slide decks, and, most importantly, to invent things ourselves. Just like creating your own front-end framework is a rite of passage for web developers, creating your own version of Scrum is a rite of passage for engineering managers. Both cases usually result in catastrophic failure, followed by tears and despair. This post’s structure is simple. Estimations I love . (BACK TO TOP)

Why did you choose Scrum instead of Kanban? If you can’t answer that question, you didn’t choose Scrum. Someone else chose it for you. Even in the rare case people can answer this question, they reveal their deep misunderstanding of Kanban by mentioning one or more of these reasons: Scrum makes teams more responsive Scrum makes estimations easier Scrum makes work visible Scrum reduces waste Scrum creates cadenced meetings All of the reasons above apply to Kanban as much as they apply to Scrum. (BACK TO TOP)

In this tutorial, we’ll learn how to build a real-time communication application with The Django Channels package and The WebSocket Protocol . The application we will create will be a platform where users can join multiple pre-created groups and share ideas with members of the group. The entire project is available on my Github. It is used in applications where real-time communication is needed like chatting applications and multiplayer games. (More on channel layers soon..txt Create a (BACK TO TOP)

What Is Kubernetes? Kubernetes is a container orchestration system. This means that it manages the lifecycle of containers and allows you to deploy applications in a scalable way, with high availability and fault tolerance. Kubernetes is also a cluster manager, which means that it can manage multiple hosts or VMs on your behalf so you don’t have to worry about them (or their resources) going down. ReplicaSets In Kubernetes, the place where your application runs is called a pod. Create a pod. (BACK TO TOP)

A recent proliferation of phony executive profiles on LinkedIn is creating something of an identity crisis for the business networking site, and for companies that rely on it to hire and screen prospective employees. The fabricated LinkedIn identities — which pair AI-generated profile photos with text lifted from legitimate accounts — are creating major headaches for corporate HR departments and for those managing invite-only LinkedIn groups. (BACK TO TOP)

Microsoft Corp. is investigating reports that attackers are exploiting two previously unknown vulnerabilities in Exchange Server, a technology many organizations rely on to send and receive email. Microsoft says it is expediting work on software patches to plug the security holes. In the meantime, it is urging a subset of Exchange customers to enable a setting that could help mitigate ongoing attacks. (BACK TO TOP)

Today's links An antitrust murder whodunnit: I accuse Judge Bork with the Powell Memo in the smoke-filled room. Hey look at this: Delights to delectate. This day in history: 2002, 2007, 2012, 2017, 2021 Colophon: Recent publications, upcoming/recent appearances, current writing projects, current reading An antitrust murder whodunnit (permalink) 40-some years ago, US antitrust enforcement took sick. There's a widely received narrative about what happened to antitrust law. https://papers.ssrn.npr. (BACK TO TOP)

Today's links How Palantir will steal the NHS: Stealth privatisation was always the endgame for public-private-partnerships. Hey look at this: Delights to delectate." But while the British people oppose privatisation, the British investor class are slavering for it. Oligarchs love to loot public services, which is why the IMF is so adamant that the countries it "helps" sell off their public water, housing, even their roads and schools and museums. Lather, rinse, repeat. https://journals.sagepub. (BACK TO TOP)

Collecting and analyzing consumption data from an electric meter to plan a photovoltaic system is a time-series use case. Learn how to plan your photovoltaic system using TimescaleDB, Node-RED, and Grafana. (BACK TO TOP)

There are many ways to retrieve data aggregations, but not all will give you the speed and convenience you’re looking for—cue in continuous aggregates. In this blog post, we explain what they are and provide 13 tips to make the most of them. (BACK TO TOP)

Learn how to index JSON in MySQL with generated columns and functional indexes. Read the full story (BACK TO TOP)

In this entry of the series, we explore using VARCHAR and CHAR data types in your database and give some pointers on which type is best to use and when. Read the full story (BACK TO TOP)

Co-authors: Mimi Chen, Calvin Lei, and Amit Yadav Background LinkedIn’s mission is to connect the world’s professionals to make them more productive and successful. One way we advance this mission is by partnering with other organizations to deliver world class integrations. We are developing a platform-as-a-service (PaaS) that provides exploratory access, insights, and conflation with LinkedIn’s Economic Graph to enable product integrations with strategic partners and customers. (BACK TO TOP)

Currently, LinkedIn infrastructure is composed of hundreds of thousands of hosts across multiple data centers. Observability into our infrastructure makes it possible for us to focus on the health and performance of our critical services to provide the best experience to our members. With LinkedIn's large infrastructure growth over the past few years, observability has become more critical to pinpoint the potential root causes for any infrastructure failure or anomaly. (BACK TO TOP)

Posted by Zalán Borsos, Research Software Engineer, and Neil Zeghidour, Research Scientist, Google Research Generating realistic audio requires modeling information represented at different scales. For example, just as music builds complex musical phrases from individual notes, speech combines temporally local structures, such as phonemes or syllables, into words and sentences. Audio generated by AudioLM demonstrates long-term consistency (e.g. These tokens capture both local dependencies (e.g. (BACK TO TOP)

Posted by Fitsum Reda and Janne Kontkanen, Google Research Frame interpolation is the process of synthesizing in-between images from a given set of images. The technique is often used for temporal up-sampling to increase the refresh rate of videos or to create slow motion effects. Nowadays, with digital cameras and smartphones, we often take several photos within a few seconds to capture the best picture. FILM interpolating between two near-duplicate photos to create a slow motion video.e. (BACK TO TOP)

In this blog post, we'll deep-dive into the SAML2 protocol, how IdP-initiated login works and how to implement it securely. (BACK TO TOP)

An update about an upcoming Changes to GitHub SAML SSO in Teleoprt Community Edition. (BACK TO TOP)

How an open-source technology company, Gluu, automates access and leverages role-based rules. (BACK TO TOP)

Quickly access Kubernetes clusters using Teleport Connect GUI on Mac, Linux and Windows. (BACK TO TOP)

The risk landscape for organizations has changed significantly in the past few years. Traditional ways of identifying and mitigating risks simply don’t work. Historically, organizations have focused on external threats; however, risks from within the organization can be just as prevalent and harmful. This new Microsoft-commissioned report lays out several new insights about how organizations go from a fragmented approach to insider risk management to a holistic one. (BACK TO TOP)

LSASS credential dumping is becoming prevalent, especially with the rise of human-operated ransomware. In May 2022, Microsoft participated in an evaluation conducted by AV-Comparatives specifically on detecting and blocking this attack technique and we’re happy to report that Microsoft Defender for Endpoint achieved 100% detection and prevention scores. The post Detecting and preventing LSASS credential dumping attacks appeared first on Microsoft Security Blog . (BACK TO TOP)

Cybersecurity Awareness Month is here. Get the #BeCybersmart education kit and learn how you can help your employees become cyber defenders. The post Cybersecurity awareness tips from Microsoft to empower your team to #BeCyberSmart appeared first on Microsoft Security Blog . (BACK TO TOP)

MSTIC observed activity related to a single activity group in August 2022 that achieved initial access and compromised Exchange servers by chaining CVE-2022-41040 and CVE-2022-41082 in a small number of targeted attacks. The post Analyzing attacks using the Exchange vulnerabilities CVE-2022-41040 and CVE-2022-41082 appeared first on Microsoft Security Blog . (BACK TO TOP)

Testing is a vital part of the software development lifecycle. It plays an important role in the continuous integration/continuous deployment (CI/CD) pipeline, enabling developers to release dependable, resilient, and secure software consistently. There are many types of testing and testing methodologies: end-to-end testing, dynamic testing, integration testing, and others . This article focuses on component testing and unit testing. That would be integration testing. (BACK TO TOP)

We recently partnered with GameCI to bridge the gap between CircleCI and the game development scene. This partnership brought forth the Unity orb , a reusable component of config you can plug into your CircleCI configuration file to build and test your Unity projects. For a while now, continuous integration and delivery have been part of the software development cookbook of several software houses and IT departments. However, this is often not the case in game in a post-build job. (BACK TO TOP)

Reliability is a critical concern for software delivery teams. Every second of lackluster performance or service interruption comes with high costs. The consequences can extend beyond just monetary expenses and have a huge impact on a company’s reputation. In a survey conducted in 2022 , participants reported that over 60% of digital infrastructure failures resulted in losses of $100,000 or more. Chaos testing is one method for finding weak points before they cause problems. (BACK TO TOP)

Jest is a JavaScript-based testing framework that lets you test both front-end and back-end applications. Jest is great for validation because it comes bundled with tools that make writing tests more manageable. While Jest is most often used for simple API testing scenarios and assertions, it can also be used for testing complex data structures. In this tutorial, we will go through how to use Jest to test nested API responses and hopefully have fun in the process.spec.js extension to it.spec.... (BACK TO TOP)

Here is a quick overview of profilers, and a deep dive into how we built the Sentry iOS profiler that has low enough overhead that it could run in production apps with minimal impact to user experience. (BACK TO TOP)

🎃 Spooky Season means Hacktoberfest is here! 👻 Hacktoberfest is less spooky and more exciting for us here at Sentry. If you’re new to… (BACK TO TOP)

"I had to be able to balance my engineers’ time between fixing bugs and building new features, for that to happen we needed a solution that helped us stay on top of our backlog." (BACK TO TOP)

The following guest post addresses how to improve your services’ performance with Sentry and other application profilers for Unity. Learn… (BACK TO TOP)

What's the state of IPv6 in the public cloud? What support is available in which of the major providers? What are the cloud challenges of v6? How does v6 affect multi-cloud architectures? The latest episode of the IPv6 Buzz podcast examines these and other v6 questions for public cloud. The post IPv6 Buzz 111: IPv6 And The Public Cloud appeared first on Packet Pushers . (BACK TO TOP)

Multi-cloud services are an emerging category of software designed to make your Dev and Ops teams' multi-cloud reality easier to cope with. Sponsor VMware stops by the Day Two Cloud podcast to talk about how the operational challenges of running workloads in a mix of public and private clouds and how its multi-cloud services initiative can help. The post Day Two Cloud 166: VMware: How Multi-Cloud Services Address Cloud Complexity (Sponsored) appeared first on Packet Pushers . (BACK TO TOP)

On today's Tech Bytes podcast we talk with sponsor Juniper Networks about its AI-driven SD-WAN. While SD-WAN solves a number of problems for network engineers, it also introduces new ones: more site links, more link types, more paths, more ISPs, and more apps, all of which means more data. The Mist AI integration with SD-WAN looks for network anomalies that could lead to problems, and can often fix those problems automatically. (BACK TO TOP)

Today's Network Break covers three Google stories including Google Fiber's ambitions for multi-gig Internet and the killing of Stadia. We also discuss a rise in firewall sales, using plant-based materials in USB cables, and more IT news. The post Network Break 401: Google Teases Multi-Gig Home Broadband; New USB Cables Use Slightly Less Plastic appeared first on Packet Pushers . (BACK TO TOP)

On today’s sponsored Heavy Networking we dive into new features of Cisco’s Network Services Orchestrator, or NSO. NSO is a network orchestration platform for large enterprises and service providers that offers multi-vendor automation, configuration management, service creation, ongoing monitoring and upgrades, and more. The post Heavy Networking 649: Cisco NSO 6.0 Boosts Performance, Improves Usability (Sponsored) appeared first on Packet Pushers . (BACK TO TOP)

Matias Pan is a Staff Software Engineer at Lemon Cash, a crypto startup based in Argentina. Lemon infrastructure runs digital wallets & physical cards, which technically makes them a bank. How does Matias & his team think about enabling developers get code from their workstations into production? Remember, we are talking about a bank - a bad deploy is a big deal. And when a bad database migration goes out, what happens then? (BACK TO TOP)

Digital Ocean kicks off Hacktoberfest 2022, Divam Gupta releases DiffusionBee 1.0 with “Image To Image” support, Zeno Rocha open sources Dracula UI for React, GitX gets brought back from the brink & engineers save a bundle by moving off AWS. Oh, and join us at All Things Open in early November! (BACK TO TOP)

This week we turn the mics on ourselves, kind of. Lars Wikman joins the show to give us a guided tour through ID3 esoterica and the shiny new open source Elixir library he developed for us. We talk about what ID3 is, its many versions, what it aims to be and what it could have been, how our library project got started, all the unique features and failed dreams of the ID3v2 spec, how ID3v2 and Podcast 2. (BACK TO TOP)

Patformatic co-founders Matteo Collina & Luca Maraschi join Amal & Chris to discuss their just-announced (and we mean just announced) open source database tool: Platformatic DB! It’s a daemon that can turn any PostgreSQL, MySQL, MariaDB, or SQLite database into a REST and GraphQL endpoint. What makes it special is that it allows massive customization thanks to the flexibility of Fastify plugins. (BACK TO TOP)

We did an episode on functional programming in Go with Aaron Schlesinger back in 2019… But that was before generics were a thing. Let’s revisit the topic and discuss the pros and cons now that we have generics. What’s changed? What hasn’t? (BACK TO TOP)

We chat with the engineers behind some of the world's biggest streaming platforms. The post Meet the AI helping you choose what to watch next appeared first on Stack Overflow Blog . (BACK TO TOP)

Learn about our newly designed tool to help make your favorite questions and answers easier to find. The post Meet Saves: the tool to help you organize your favorite content on Stack Overflow  appeared first on Stack Overflow Blog . (BACK TO TOP)

We talk about giving people the space necessary to do their best work, implementing more inclusive hiring practices, and everyday routines that help us stay our happiest and most productive. The post The many strengths of neurodivergence (Ep. 493) appeared first on Stack Overflow Blog . (BACK TO TOP)

Do we work better when we outsource our memory to other tools? The post Two heads are better than one: What second brains say about how developers work appeared first on Stack Overflow Blog . (BACK TO TOP)

Five nines without burnout, dealing with deference, and upcycling. The post The Overflow #145: An entrepreneur embraces OSS appeared first on Stack Overflow Blog . (BACK TO TOP)

We recap Stack's first ever customer conference and Cassidy shares her plans for tackling her first Chief Officer role. The post Cassidy becomes a CTO! (Ep. 492) appeared first on Stack Overflow Blog . (BACK TO TOP)

The phrase launches a feature built to help customers navigate an increasingly complex and diverse world of content. (BACK TO TOP)

Inaugural recipients named as part of the JHU + Amazon Initiative for Interactive AI (AI2AI). (BACK TO TOP)

Dataset that requires question-answering models to look up multiple facts and perform comparisons bridges a significant gap in the field. (BACK TO TOP)

PhD students will receive fellowship funding and be mentored by Amazon scientists. (BACK TO TOP)

More than 100 early career engineers heard from expert speakers in academia and industry across a wide range of topics. (BACK TO TOP)

NeurIPS competition involves reinforcement learning, with the objective of minimizing both cost and CO2 emissions. (BACK TO TOP)

How data-driven methods can help to identify fault detection and drive energy efficiencies for facilities of all sizes. (BACK TO TOP)












Editor's note : Anella Bokhari is a Google Cloud ISV Sales Specialist and the cofounder of Women in Web3, a Google Group dedicated to increasing female and non binary participation in blockchain technology. She's also a mentor and career coach, with a rich history of helping others develop and tell their story. What was your path to Google Cloud? My first job after graduating college in 2007 was selling Bloomberg terminals. I moved over to Google Cloud in January of last year. (BACK TO TOP)

For many of you, putting a marker on a map was your first experience using Google Maps Platform. And often, that was your first step in using Google’s knowledge of the real world to build immersive and helpful mapping experiences for your users in every corner of the globe. No matter what the use case, industry, or whether you’re building for web or mobile–the marker is almost always a core element for a map-based experience.  This enables a number of use cases. (BACK TO TOP)

At Google, we believe anyone should be able to quickly and easily turn their artificial intelligence (AI) idea into reality. Open source software (OSS) has become increasingly important to this goal, heavily influencing the pace of innovation in AI and machine learning (ML) ecosystems.  These OSS efforts are important because many AI technologies rely on closed or exclusive approaches. We’re committed to open ecosystems, as we firmly believe no one company should own AI/ML innovation. (BACK TO TOP)

At Google Workspace, we believe flexible, modern tools that put people at the center of the experience are critical to helping employees and teams innovate and get things done. We recently commissioned IDC to interview eight of our largest global customers and complete an in-depth analysis to better understand the business value they’re generating from their investment in Google Workspace. All organizations remained anonymous to us during the process. Related Article Read Article (BACK TO TOP)

If you’ve already centralized your log analysis on BigQuery as your single pane of glass for logs & events…congratulations! You’re already benefiting from BigQuery’s: Petabyte-scale cost-effective analytics, Analyzing heterogeneous data across multi-cloud & hybrid environments , Running on fully-managed serverless data warehouse with enterprise security features , Democratizing analytics for everyone using standard familiar SQL with extensions.g. cloudaudit_googleapis_com_data_access_09252022.g. (BACK TO TOP)

Whether you are new to Google Cloud or an existing customer running thousands of workloads, one of the most common questions we get is, “How would Google architect and design my environment?” The answer to this question would truly be a dream come true, right?  Just to set expectations, we won’t answer that here.  This short blog is intended to give you a hint of how we’re thinking about this question, before taking a deeper dive into the subject in a future . (BACK TO TOP)

Almost 70 years ago, starting in 1954, the Mahindra Group began assembling the Indian version of the Willys CJ3 . Willys were arguably the first SUV in any country, and that vehicle would lay the groundwork for our Automotive Division’s continued leadership in the space, up to our iconic and best-selling Scorpio models . When it came time to launch the newest version, the Scorpio-N this summer, we knew we wanted to attempt something as special and different as the vehicle itself.g. (BACK TO TOP)

The Home Depot (THD) is the world’s largest home-improvement retailer and leverages a data-driven approach to meet growing customer demand.  Focusing on building a world-class interconnected retail experience to enable their customers to accomplish more required a two-fold solution – they needed to upskill their IT staff to equip them to extract the most from the cloud as well as to drive efficient business operations. The team members gained a deeper insight into various Google Cloud topics. (BACK TO TOP)

Power up your Firestore queries in the console: we’re excited to announce the launch of the new query builder, adding several major enhancements to the experience. You can now visually construct queries using all the power of the Firestore SDK—query collections or collection groups using multiple WHERE clauses, equalities, and comparison operators. Query results are displayed in a table format to enhance data exploration. We want to find our US customers who’ve spent over $5,000 on rentals. (BACK TO TOP)

Innovative companies are using cloud technology to transform the way they build their products and services, attract new customers and deliver products at scale. This ultimately will grow their market position. The ability to build on Google Cloud is creating entirely new opportunities for innovation, and today I’m excited to highlight one such customer, AppLovin, which is utilizing Google Cloud’s capabilities to bring a unique and powerful platform to its customers. Related Article Read Article (BACK TO TOP)

Data speed and security should not be mutually exclusive, which is why Confluent Cloud, a cloud-first data streaming platform built by the founders of Apache Kafka, secures your data through encryption at rest and enables secure data in motion. However, for the most sensitive data — particularly data generated by organizations in highly regulated industries such as financial services and healthcare — only fully segregated private pipelines will do. Google Cloud PSC can overcome these shortfalls. (BACK TO TOP)

When I first started at Google 15 years ago, I was brought on as a “ hired hacker ” on Google’s security team. I hunted for software vulnerabilities and helped product teams fix and mitigate them. Over the years, I’ve worked on initiatives to ensure security is built-in by default and user-friendly, to detect and mitigate exploits, and to advance security across the broader tech ecosystem, such as our recently announced Open Source Software Vulnerability Rewards Program . (BACK TO TOP)

Today, we’re excited to announce Total TLS — a one-click feature that will issue individual TLS certificates for every subdomain in our customer’s domains (BACK TO TOP)

Starting in a couple of weeks, and continuing through the end of the year, we’re hosting a series of Zero Trust Roadshows in various North American cities (BACK TO TOP)

Cloudflare Stream now supports the AV1 codec for live video in open beta, unlocking live-streaming at higher resolution, with lower bandwidth (BACK TO TOP)

Cloudflare's 12th birthday week: 36 announcements ranging from SIM cards to post quantum encryption via hardware keys and so much more. Here’s a review of everything we announced this week (BACK TO TOP)

The future of a private and secure Internet is at stake; that is why today we have enabled post-quantum cryptography support for all our customers (BACK TO TOP)

Today we’re excited to announce that we will soon be offering a zero-configuration option for security on Cloudflare. If we find that we can automatically upgrade the security connection between Cloudflare and a user’s origin, we will (BACK TO TOP)

Every connection we make post-quantum secure, we remove one opportunity for compromise: that's why we are announcing post-quantum Cloudflare Tunnel to help you secure every connection to our network (BACK TO TOP)

Now that Cloudflare CASB is Generally Available, let’s take a look at how users have been leveraging other Cloudflare Zero Trust products with CASB, starting with Gateway (BACK TO TOP)

Today, we are launching a new dataset called Radar Rankings, where we identify the top most popular domains that reflect how people use the Internet globally and per country. (BACK TO TOP)

Join our open beta and start collecting telemetry about anything using Cloudflare Workers today! (BACK TO TOP)

At Cloudflare, we believe the Internet should be accessible to everyone. And today, we’re happy to announce a more inclusive Cloudflare dashboard experience: adherence to the industry accessibility standards, including WCAG 2.1 AA and section 508 compliance. (BACK TO TOP)

If you have a Business or Pro subscription, soon you will receive a free allocation of Cloudflare Stream. (BACK TO TOP)

Cloudflare Radar makes Internet trends, patterns and insights available to everyone, and we’re now making them even easier to find, understand and share. (BACK TO TOP)

The new Cloudflare Radar Outage Center (CROC), launched as part of Radar 2.0, is intended to be an archive of information about Internet outages observed by Cloudflare (BACK TO TOP)

Bulletin by Jakub Mikians