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Bulletin for Friday, 04 Feb 2022

7 days digest

Ably Blog: Data in Motion (1)

Bert Hubert's writings (1)

Blog on Tailscale (1)

Computer Things (1)

Eli Bendersky's website (1)

Facebook Technology (1)

Future (1)

Graham King (1)

Marc Brooker's Blog (1)

Netflix TechBlog - Medium (1)

Notes on software, organizations, product development, and professional growth (1)

ongoing by Tim Bray (1)

Stratechery by Ben Thompson (1)

the singularity is nearer (1)

Think Fast, Talk Smart: Communication Techniques (1)

Timescale Blog (1)

Towards Data Science - Medium (1)

Earthly Blog (2)

High Scalability (2)

Julia Evans (2)

LinkedIn Engineering (2)

Metadata (2)

Mozilla Hacks – the Web developer blog (2)

Sentry Blog RSS (2)

Stay SaaSy (2)

The Teleport Blog (2)

Weaveworks (2)

Writing - rachelbythebay (2)

Google AI Blog (3)

Krebs on Security (3)

The CircleCI Blog Feed - CircleCI (3)

Blog – Hackaday (4)

The Full Feed - All of the Packet Pushers Podcasts (4)

Amazon Science Homepage (5)

Changelog Master Feed (5)

The Cloudflare Blog (5)

Pluralistic: Daily links from Cory Doctorow (7)

Stack Overflow Blog (7)

Cloud Blog (20)

With Infrastructure as Code (IaC) cloud infrastructure can be deployed in a repeatable and reliable way. We have developed a Control API, including a GitHub Action that allows developers to create Ably apps and API keys in their GitHub workflows. (BACK TO TOP)

So I love academia, and I also built two businesses. When I dropped out of studying physics to focus on my company, I assumed I knew everything, since I had studied physics! Turned out that if you enter the world of commerce, it is very bad if you are visibly confused about the difference between business development and sales. It does nothing for your credibility. (BACK TO TOP)

ACL tags can be applied to a Tailscale device in order to manage access permissions based on its tag. Tailscale already allows you to manage access to devices based on their names, rather than IP addresses; and tags take this a step further, so you can manage access to devices based on their purpose. And we’ve further locked down ACL tags, so that authentication is required when re-tagging a device. ACL tags are a free feature, available in all pricing tiers. Then, tag the devices. (BACK TO TOP)

Some people, when confronted with a problem, think “I know, I’ll use regular expressions.” Then they solve their problem, hooray! Regexes are great! I use them all the time! For some reason, though, people seem to hate them. And those “some reasons” are They’re very hard to read, so you have no idea what a given regex you see does . They’re fragile, so slight changes to the input can break your regex. Making them more robust also makes problem (1) worse.) I’m updating learntla this year...  ↩ (BACK TO TOP)

Traits are a central feature of Rust, critical for its implementation of polymorphism; traits are used for both static (by serving as bounds for generic parameters) and dynamic (by having trait objects to serve as interfaces) polymorphism. This post assumes some familiarity with traits and discusses only a specific aspect of them - how extension traits affect code readability. To learn the basics of traits in Rust, the official book is a good starting point. name .g... unwrap (); wv ... nothing. (BACK TO TOP)

Last year we overhauled Avatars in VR to make them more expressive, more customizable, and more diverse — but we knew it was only the start. We’ve been hard at work since then, expanding Avatars so that they better reflect the billions of unique people on this planet. Today we’re taking that further, adding new […] The post An update on Avatars: More options, more platforms, and shirts for football fans appeared first on Facebook Technology . (BACK TO TOP)

Software is becoming a bigger and bigger part of our lives, but do we actually understand how it works?  We might be the tech savants in our families, and know our way around a smartphone or laptop. But that’s just the surface; the reality is that most of us don’t actually understand how most of... Read More The post How to Excel in Tech Without Learning to Code appeared first on Future . (BACK TO TOP)


On x86 it doesn’t really matter what sync::atomic::Ordering you choose. (BACK TO TOP)

Software Deployment, Speed, and Safety There's one right answer that applies in all situations, as always. Disclaimer: Sometime around a 2015, I wrote AWS's official internal guidance on balancing deployment speed and safety. This blog post is not that. It's not official guidance from AWS (nothing on this blog is), and certainly not guidance for AWS. Instead, it's my own take on deployments and safety, and how I think about the space. It's what I like to see too. The second is less obvious.95%. (BACK TO TOP)

By Karen Casella, Director of Engineering, Access & Identity Management Have you ever experienced one of the following scenarios while looking for your next role? You study and practice coding interview problems for hours/days/weeks/months, only to be asked to merge two sorted lists. You apply for multiple roles at the same company and proceed through the interview process with each hiring team separately, despite the fact that there is tremendous overlap in the (BACK TO TOP)

Many "must-read" books are not well-written. I try to read a lot , but I still have a low tolerance for bad writing and bad editing. I write this post both to discourage thoughtless recommendations and to encourage the receivers of bad recommendations. For software developers, Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs is a prime example. Written for freshman at MIT, it is ostensibly an entry-level text. And yet it is one of the most recommended books for developers. 😀 https://t. (BACK TO TOP)


The spate of recent acquisitions in the gaming space — Take-Two and Zynga, Microsoft and Activision, and Sony and Bungie — make sense in the context of the Smiling Curve. (BACK TO TOP)

tl;dr, I’d like to abolish the consumer class Northside, dead eyes All charades go on forever You find these people around the internet, and they believe that by consuming, they are doing good. That they are fulfilling their role in society. They identify as consumer . It’s not entirely their fault, companies train them to act this way. This is not an argument against consumption, this is an argument against consumption as a moral good to take pride in. What jobs they have. Capeshit or wandshit. (BACK TO TOP)

“Make them want to turn the page,” says Paula Moya , a professor at Stanford University and author of The Social Imperative: Race, Close Reading, and Contemporary Literary Criticism .  In this episode of Think Fast, Talk Smart, Moya sits down with strategic communication lecturer Matt Abrahams to share how the elements of story can be used in other types of communication. Create compelling situations, full of sense and surprise, she says. See Privacy Policy at https://art19. (BACK TO TOP)

Learn everything you need to know about how to integrate Timescale Cloud and Promscale with a Kubernetes-based system, including how to optimally configure Prometheus, OpenTelemetry, Grafana, and Jaeger, and how you can use SQL to analyze your metrics and traces. (BACK TO TOP)

Make Sure Your NLP Model Works as Expected Continue reading on Towards Data Science » (BACK TO TOP)

Welcome back. I’m an experienced developer, learning Golang by building an activity tracker. Last time I made a command-line client to connect to the JSON Service , but today is all about database persistence using database/sql . If you’re curious about the basics of storing persistent data into a SQL database using Golang, this tutorial will be helpful for you. I’m going to be using sqlite3 , but I’ll add lots of headings, so you can skip ahead if sqlite is not your thing.db extension. 32.. ... (BACK TO TOP)

Docker is among the more popular platforms for developing and deploying containerized applications. Containers are isolated environments that hold an application along with all the software packages it needs. With Docker, you can run or scale your application in any environment. MySQL is one of the most popular SQL-compatible relational databases. Running MySQL inside a Docker container lets you separate your database from your code. Using containers gives you the benefit of consistency.6, 5.0. (BACK TO TOP)

Who's Hiring?  Wynter is looking for system administrators, engineers, and developers to join its research panel. Participate in research surveys, get paid ($90-$180/hr) for your feedback and comments. Super low key commitment, 10-15 mins per survey. Learn more and sign up . DevOps Engineer : At Kinsta , we set out to create the best managed hosting platform in the world. We believe the only way to maintain and scale our standards is to focus on quality code. InterviewCamp. Apply .NET. (BACK TO TOP)

Never fear, HighScalability is here! Think your software diagram is complex? This is a single cell modeled using X-ray, nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), and cryo-electron microscopy datasets. Gael McGill My Stuff: Love this Stuff? I need your support on Patreon to keep this stuff going. Know anyone who needs to fix their cloud-obliviousness? My book teaches them all they need to know about the cloud. Explain the Cloud Like I'm 10 . It has 364 mostly 5 star reviews on Amazon. Max reHIT Workout . (BACK TO TOP)

Hello! I wrote a comic last week called “life of a DNS query” that explains how DNS resolvers work. In this post, I want to explain how DNS resolvers work in a different way – with a short Go program that does the same thing described in the comic. The main function ( resolve ) is actually just 20 lines, including comments. The program is here: what’s a DNS resolver? When your browser needs to make a DNS query, it asks a DNS resolvers .. (BACK TO TOP)

I’ve been having a hard time understanding IPv6. On one hand, the basics initially seem pretty straightforward (there aren’t enough IPv4 addresses for all the devices on the internet, so people invented IPv6! There are enough IPv6 addresses for everyone!) But when I try to actually understand it, I run into a lot of questions. One question is: does not support IPv6. Presumably it can’t be causing them THAT many issues to not support it. how can you tell and (BACK TO TOP)

To create a safe and trusted experience for our members, our Trust & Safety (TnS) team strives to keep content that violates our Professional Community Policies off of LinkedIn. In this blog post, we’ll provide insight into how we try to ensure conversations remain respectful and professional on our platform. Content is created and shared on LinkedIn in large volumes every minute, from articles and messages, to images and videos. (BACK TO TOP)

Co-authors: Varun Saxena, Harikumar Velayutham, and Balamurugan Gangadharan LinkedIn is the largest global professional network and generates massive amounts of high-quality data. Our data infrastructure scales to store exabytes of data; data analysts, data scientists, and AI engineers then use this data to power several LinkedIn products and the platform as a whole, ranging from job recommendations to each member’s personalized feed. (BACK TO TOP)

This paper won the Best Industry Paper Award at VLDB 2021 . I really like the paper. It provides a good amalgamation of database and distributed system techniques! This paper is a followup to several previous paper some of the authors on this team had, including "Scalable atomic visibility with RAMP transactions" , "Highly Available Transactions", and "Coordination avoidance" . Peter found a gold mine with the PBS work. This is an optimistic/opportunistic message. We should have more of this.e. (BACK TO TOP)

This is a CIDR22 paper by Pat Helland. It is a long paper at 18 pages, followed by 12 pages of  appendix. Since he wrote such a long paper, I won't apologize for writing a long review. This is a Pat Helland paper, so it is full of Hellandisms. Pat's papers are always remarkable, distinct. There is a lot of wisdom in them. Problem and scope Jitter refers to probabilistic response times, message latencies in networks. This design also leverages quorums right and left to solve the jitter problem.g. (BACK TO TOP)

On January 13th 2022, Firefox became unusable for close to two hours for users worldwide. This incident interrupted many people’s workflow. This post highlights the complex series of events and circumstances that, together, triggered a bug deep in the networking code of Firefox. What Happened? Firefox has a number of servers and related infrastructure that […] The post Retrospective and Technical Details on the recent Firefox Outage appeared first on Mozilla Hacks - the Web developer blog . (BACK TO TOP)

Adetona Adewale Akeem, more popularly known as iSlimfit, is a Nigeria-born revered digital technologist and marketing expert. He is the co-founder of Menopays, a fintech startup offering another Buy Now Pay Later (BNPL) option across Africa. We chatted with him about founding Menopays and the impact of tech solutions developed in Nigeria. The post Hacks Decoded: Adewale Adetona appeared first on Mozilla Hacks - the Web developer blog . (BACK TO TOP)

Jay V is one of the founders of Serverless Stack (SST), an open-source framework that makes it easy to build serverless apps. He spends his… (BACK TO TOP)

As we (happily) leave 2021 in the dust, humor us one more retrospective. After thousands of bug fixes, feature enhancements, and performance improvements, here's a snapshot of what we shipped to help you see what actually matters, solve quicker, and learn continuously about your applications. (BACK TO TOP)

PMs at a scaling company will end up touching almost all aspects of the business, ranging from sales to support, engineering to documentation. Need to build a partnership? Build a new product line? Modernize your data infrastructure? Staffing a wide array of skills and experience makes it much more likely that your PM team will have a qualified person for any given need. A wide array of experiences is also invaluable for cross-training. The combination is powerful. (BACK TO TOP)

Rule One: Don’t Exaggerate The most common lack of integrity in the workplace is exaggeration: “We all worked 100 hours last week on this.” “I’ve been reminding you constantly for 9 months.” “You always do this.” “This is the worst thing I’ve ever seen.” No you didn’t, no you haven’t, no I don’t, no it isn’t. Stop exaggerating. It doesn’t help your argument, it degrades your integrity. People often exaggerate because they feel they don’t have the time or evidence to win an argument.” (BACK TO TOP)

At Teleport, we advocate SSH certificates over SSH keys and passwords as the best authentication method for SSH. Nothing beats the security and operational flexibility of using certificate-based authentication for a large fleet of SSH servers running on dynamic infrastructure. But in practice, certificate-based authentication is far from the de facto authentication method, and sometimes we may need to use SSH keys. So it helps to learn the best way to generate and use SSH keys. Give it a try ... (BACK TO TOP)

This article will explore methods for “hiding” SSH servers so that the server is harder to discover by malicious users on public networks. We’ll focus on changing the default SSH port and implementing SSH port knocking to make it more difficult for unwanted users to discover or locate the server. To follow this tutorial, you need: A Linux OS with OpenSSH server. This is the server you want to hide. A local machine to access the SSH server. # $OpenBSD: sshd_config,v 1...d/*.0.0.........109.213... (BACK TO TOP)

The term ‘progressive delivery’ was coined by James Governor of RedMonk to describe a set of practices such as canary releasing, blue-green deployments, A/B testing, and feature flagging. These are all related practices with minor variations. Progressive delivery approaches Before we get into the how, some definitions of key terms are in order.” - MartinFowler.” - Feature flagging: “Allowing teams to modify system behavior without changing code.” - MartinFowler. (BACK TO TOP)

We recently published the highlights from the 2021 State of DevOps report , and promised a follow up post to touch on some key points. Particularly, we wanted to talk about how the findings from the report endorse a GitOps approach. Stream-aligned and platform teams The 2021 State of DevOps report identifies two types of teams - stream-aligned teams, and platform teams - as the way high-maturity teams organize themselves. GitOps tools like Flux are essentially platform-building tools. (BACK TO TOP)

Okay, so yesterday I posted a picture of an old multi-line bulletin board system which had apparently taken over an entire bedroom with dozens of computers. I mentioned that I intended to come back to the topic to throw in my own two cents, and so here we go. It had never occurred to me what kind of layout you would need to run some of these systems at that level of scale. Some small part of me probably wanted to at least experience that, but I never actually went that far..... ... ... and ..... (BACK TO TOP)

Nearly 30 years ago, I was given this picture. I wanted to present it in a post all by itself to give it a chance to "sink in" before I went and used it in an analogy. First, I'll just show the image and explain what you're looking at here. This was given to me as a postcard-sized photo. I scanned it in a long time ago and then either lost the original or (more likely) threw it out. So, unfortunately, this is the highest resolution I have. I count 16 machines in each group: 8 high, 2 wide..... (BACK TO TOP)

Posted by Chelsea Finn, Research Adviser and Eric Jang, Senior Research Scientist, Robotics at Google People can flexibly maneuver objects in their physical surroundings to accomplish various goals. One of the grand challenges in robotics is to successfully train robots to do the same, i.e., to develop a general-purpose robot capable of performing a multitude of tasks based on arbitrary user commands. We collect data by teleoperating the robot with a virtual reality headset.g.e.e. (BACK TO TOP)

Posted by Alexey Kurakin, Software Engineer and Roxana Geambasu, Visiting Faculty Researcher, Google Research Machine learning (ML) models are becoming increasingly valuable for improved performance across a variety of consumer products, from recommendations to automatic image classification . However, despite aggregating large amounts of data, in theory it is possible for models to encode characteristics of individual entries from the training set. non-private SGD, each on JAX.e.5% 57.9% 57. (BACK TO TOP)

Posted by Sungyong Seo, Software Engineer and Sercan O. Arik, Research Scientist, Google Research, Cloud AI Team Deep neural networks (DNNs) provide more accurate results as the size and coverage of their training data increases. While investing in high-quality and large-scale labeled datasets is one path to model improvement, another is leveraging prior knowledge, concisely referred to as “rules” — reasoning heuristics, equations, associative logic, or constraints.g., energy conservation .g.30. (BACK TO TOP)

If you received a link to via email, SMS or instant message, would you click it? Spammers, phishers and other ne'er-do-wells are hoping you will, because they've long taken advantage of a marketing feature on the business networking site which lets them create a link that bounces your browser to other websites, such as phishing pages that mimic top online brands (but chiefly Linkedin's parent firm Microsoft). (BACK TO TOP)

Several articles here have delved into the history of John Bernard, the pseudonym used by a fake billionaire technology investor who's tricked dozens of start-ups into giving him tens of millions of dollars. (BACK TO TOP)

In December 2021, researchers discovered a new ransomware-as-a-service named ALPHV (a.k.a. "BlackCat"), considered to be the first professional cybercrime group to create and use a ransomware strain in the Rust programming language. In this post, we'll explore some of the clues left behind by the developer who was reputedly hired to code the ransomware variant. (BACK TO TOP)

For the past three years, I have been running and facilitating a community where folks from all levels and departments at CircleCI can come together to discuss diverse topics. We call it “Let’s Talk Engineering.” Some of the topics we’ve covered have been technical in nature, while others have focused more on leadership: how different teams operate, personal growth, and writing to name a few. Let’s Talk Engineering celebrates interdisciplinarity and multidisciplinarity. She told me “Keep going. (BACK TO TOP)

This post was co-written by Steve Almy and Radhika Gulati. CircleCI cloud offers over 20 resource classes (varying CPU and RAM) across multiple execution environments. Finding the best resource class size for your job — not too big and not too small — can sometimes be a challenge. But now, you can view CPU and RAM usage for Docker executors within the UI. The new dashboard, found in the new Resources tab on the job details page, displays the CPU and RAM, for all parallel runs in your Docker job. (BACK TO TOP)

This post was co-written by Sebastian Lerner and Radhika Gulati. Note: The IP ranges feature costs 450 credits per GB of data used by jobs with the feature enabled. Today, we’re announcing that one of our most popular feature requests , IP ranges, is now generally available for CircleCI Cloud customers. This feature enables teams to meet compliance requirements by limiting the connections that communicate with their infrastructure. (BACK TO TOP)

We remember when getting Linux on your average desktop computer was a tricky enough endeavor that only those with the most luxurious of graybeards would even attempt it. A “Linux …read more (BACK TO TOP)

Remember the Great Toilet Paper Crisis of 2020? We sure do, and it looks like our old friend [Vije Miller] does as well, while seemingly harboring a somewhat morbid fascination …read more (BACK TO TOP)

One of the many fascinating fields that’s covered by Hackaday’s remit lies in the world of hardware security, working with physical electronic hardware to reveal inner secrets concealed in its …read more (BACK TO TOP)

Perhaps one day in the future when our portable electronics are powered by inexhaustible dilithium crystals, we’ll look back fondly on the 2020s when we carried around power banks to …read more (BACK TO TOP)

Web3 is the term for an emerging technology movement that aims to create a more decentralized Internet and put more ownership in the hands of individual users and consumers. At present Web3 is associated with cryptocurrencies and NFTs, but it's worth understanding the technological underpinnings of Web3, particularly blockchain and its broader applications. Our guide to Web3 infrastructure is Josh Neuroth. (BACK TO TOP)

Today on the Tech Bytes podcast we’re talk network security at scale. That is, in a cloud environment, how can you build security capabilities and features into the network while also being able to keep up with security policies, operations, compliance, and more. Our sponsor is Aviatrix, which provides multi-cloud networking software for public clouds. The post Tech Bytes: Embedding Network Security Into Your Cloud Network (Sponsored) appeared first on Packet Pushers . (BACK TO TOP)

This week's Network Break looks at new router silicon from Juniper, why NVIDIA's acquisition bid for Arm is running into headwinds, a new LiveAction service that inspects encrypted traffic for threats, financial results from Juniper and Extreme, and more tech news. The post Network Break 367: New Custom ASICs For Juniper Routers; Regulators, NVIDIA Arm Wrestle appeared first on Packet Pushers . (BACK TO TOP)

How do you know your remote workers are having good performance--a good experience--using the applications they need to get their work done? Today we drill into Autonomous Digital Experience Management (ADEM) with sponsor Palo Alto Networks, including how ADEM works, the benefits of real-time and synthetic monitoring, how ADEM integrates with SASE, and more. The post Heavy Networking 615: Optimize User Experience With Palo Alto Networks’ ADEM (Sponsored) appeared first on Packet Pushers . (BACK TO TOP)

Miele has merged a lifelong passion for science with a mission to make the world more accessible for people with disabilities. (BACK TO TOP)

Interspeech sessions on multidevice scenarios and inclusive and fair speech technologies seek paper submissions. (BACK TO TOP)

The Amazon Scholar and Johns Hopkins University professor was honored for “pioneering contributions to subspace clustering”. (BACK TO TOP)

How Alexa scales machine learning models to millions of customers. (BACK TO TOP)

Learn how the Amazon Music Conversations team is using pioneering machine learning to make Alexa's discernment better than ever. (BACK TO TOP)

MLOps is an increasingly popular topic that is no longer just a subset of DevOps. Go is a great choice for infrastructure. What role does Go play in MLOps? (BACK TO TOP)

In addition to being a Developer Advocate at Hugging Face, Thomas Simonini is building next-gen AI in games that can talk and have smart interactions with the player using Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL) and Natural Language Processing (NLP). He also created a Deep Reinforcement Learning course that takes a DRL beginner to from zero to hero. Natalie and Chris explore what’s involved, and what the implications are, with a focus on the development path of the new AI data scientist. (BACK TO TOP)

Welcome to Song Encoder, a special series of The Changelog podcast featuring people who create at the intersection of software and music. This episode features Pwnie Award-winning songwriter Forrest Brazeal. (BACK TO TOP)

Tobie Langel, Open source strategist and Principal at UnlockOpen, joins Chris, Feross, and Amal to discuss recent widespread incidents affecting the JavaScript community (and breaking CI builds) around the globe. Two widely used npm libraries were self-sabotaged by their single maintainer, yet again, highlighting the many gaps in our OSS supply chain security, sustainability and overall practices. (BACK TO TOP)

This week Adam is joined by Christine Yen, co-founder and CEO of Honeycomb. Christine and Adam recorded this show late last year, just after their Series C funding round. They talk about the superpower of observability for developers, how she and Charity Majors got to the place to found Honeycomb, the state of their platform today, what exactly observability is, and their goals for the future of Honeycomb. (BACK TO TOP)

Zaraz offers a way to use tools like Google Analytics, but doing so with an approach that protects the privacy of personal information and keeps it in the EU (BACK TO TOP)

Often programmers have assumptions that turn out, to their surprise, to be invalid. From my experience this happens a lot. Every API, technology or system can be abused beyond its limits and break in a miserable way (BACK TO TOP)

Today we are launching Cloudflare’s paid public bug bounty program. We believe bug bounties are a vital part of every security team’s toolbox and have been working hard on improving and expanding our private bug bounty program over the last few years (BACK TO TOP)

We’ve been building out the Cloudflare Partner Network for years, working alongside businesses of all sizes and types including our world-wide system integrator partners (BACK TO TOP)

On this Data Privacy Day, we look back at how events in 2021 shaped the privacy world, and we look ahead to what 2022 may have in store (BACK TO TOP)

Today's links Money is power: A political economy parable (with a side of environmental racism). When crypto-exchanges go broke, you'll lose it all: The fatal flaw in the "neither fish nor fowl" gambit (there is such a thing as society). That is, every aspect of economics – taxation, antitrust, contract and labor law, etc – is fundamentally political. There is no objective perch on which an economist can stand and decide which tradeoffs are empirically best. In reality, it was anything but.S. U. (BACK TO TOP)

Today's links To fight inflation, fight monopolies: Cartels raise prices using supply chain and "generous" benefits as cover for price-gouging. How noncompetes shackle workers to dead-end jobs: "You can't work for anyone who competes with Amazon for the next 18 months." Agricultural right to repair law is a no-brainer: Farmer-tinkerer solidarity. That's not surprising, because the CEOs of monopolistic companies keep boasting about their record profits even as they raise prices. https://prospect. (BACK TO TOP)

Today's links The Mafia hires good accountants: Honest cheaters enable the mob. For example, the Sackler family knowingly and deliberately created the opioid epidemic that has killed more than 800,000 Americans so far, and then used the best, most respectable, highest price bankruptcy lawyers in the country to secure a deal that let them keep billions and deny justice to their victims. of global GDP to Italian mafia groups.archive.archive.wsj. (BACK TO TOP)

Today's links Grappling with Big Wrestling: Vince McMahon has a monopoly on violence. Podcasting about the copyleft trolls who tried to shake me down: Pixsy and the depravity of speculative invoicing. This day in history: 2002, 2012, 2017, 2021 Colophon: Recent publications, upcoming/recent appearances, current writing projects, current reading Grappling with Big Wrestling (permalink) If you're a Very Online person, it's easy to think that tech is a uniquely monopolized industry." They're wrong. (BACK TO TOP)

Today's links The battle for Ring Zero: The esoteric argument I have been having with myself since 2002. This day in history: 2002, 2017, 2021 Colophon: Recent publications, upcoming/recent appearances, current writing projects, current reading The battle for Ring Zero (permalink) In Bruce Sterling's Locus review of my novel Walkaway, he describes the book as "advancing and demolishing potential political arguments that have never been made by anybody but [me]." That is a fair (BACK TO TOP)

Today's links No, payday lenders aren't nice guys: Won't someone think of the poor usurers? The Right to Repair: A stupendous new book on a very urgent subject. This day in history: 2002, 2017, 2021 Colophon: Recent publications, upcoming/recent appearances, current writing projects, current reading No, payday lenders aren't nice guys (permalink) "It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends upon his not understanding it. Here's one of those errors.ssrn.latimes. (BACK TO TOP)

Today's links California's chance for universal health care: It would save taxpayers trillions. American private health-care is wildly inefficient. America pays more for care, and gets worse outcomes, than any other high-income nation in the world. America's private health care system is a bloated, bureaucratic, monopolistic mess. And that's only the tip of the bureaucratic iceberg. https://twitter. (BACK TO TOP)

When your team builds a culture of continuous learning, they build a space where they can step outside their comfort zone and innovate. The post Five ways to create a continuous learning culture within a psychologically safe environment appeared first on Stack Overflow Blog . (BACK TO TOP)

Infrastructure as code is growing in popularity, but to adopt it at scale, organizations need better ways to collaborate and automate it. The post A collaborative hub for infrastructure as code  appeared first on Stack Overflow Blog . (BACK TO TOP)

Analyst David Gibson sat down with James Morgan and Michael “d00d” Parkins, co-leads of Progressive’s Open Source Office, to talk about how Progressive is building a culture of collaboration and keeping cross-functional teams connected. The post Webinar recap: Making the Invisible, Visible with Progressive Insurance appeared first on Stack Overflow Blog . (BACK TO TOP)

Ben, Ryan, Cassidy, and Ceora talk about Cryptoland, “the first physical crypto island,” which has drawn fyre (oops, fire) from people trying to figure out whether it’s a real project, a parody, or a scam. The post Next stop, Cryptoland? (Ep. 411) appeared first on Stack Overflow Blog . (BACK TO TOP)

Dynamic programming isn't about design patterns; it's a way of thinking that breaks down a problem into individual components. The post The complete beginners guide to dynamic programming  appeared first on Stack Overflow Blog . (BACK TO TOP)

Welcome to ISSUE #110 of The Overflow! This newsletter is by developers, for developers, written and curated by the Stack Overflow team and Cassidy Williams. This week: making hard decisions about optimizing software quality attributes, exploring whether running a random search 60 times is as good as a fancy algorithm, and the wrong way to learn… The post The Overflow #110: The Log4j vulnerability by the numbers appeared first on Stack Overflow Blog . (BACK TO TOP)

On this episode, we talk to John Myers, CTO and cofounder of Gretel, a company that provides synthetic data for training machine learning models without exposing any of their customers personally identifiable information. The post Using synthetic data to power machine learning while protecting user privacy appeared first on Stack Overflow Blog . (BACK TO TOP)

Are you a retailer looking to create a next-gen digital commerce platform? If so, you have landed at the right place! This post describes three different ways to modernize your ecommerce platform on Google Cloud. No one way is right or wrong. You can start off on any path that works well for your team and current infrastructure,  and then work your way towards a fully modernized platform. Let’s take a closer look at each of these approaches. 1.  Harness shopper interaction data (i.e. b. (BACK TO TOP)

Want to know the latest from Google Cloud? Find it here in one handy location. Check back regularly for our newest updates, announcements, resources, events, learning opportunities, and more.  Tip : Not sure where to find what you’re looking for on the Google Cloud blog? Start here:  Google Cloud blog 101: Full list of topics, links, and resources . Essentials Starter is a no-cost offer designed to help people bring the apps they know and love to use in their personal lives to their work life.g. (BACK TO TOP)

More than 3 billion users stay in touch, share ideas, and get more done together in Google Workspace, across apps like Meet, Chat, Drive, Docs, Sheets, Slides, and more. And starting today, we’re rolling out a new version designed to help people bring the apps they know and love to use in their personal lives to their work life. With Essentials Starter, we’re making it easy for employees to choose their own productivity tools and bring modern collaboration to work. Get started today . (BACK TO TOP)

Google Cloud is now offering 30 days no-cost access to Google Cloud Skills Boost, the definitive destination for skills development, to complete role-based training.  Choose from the following eight learning paths, which include interactive labs and opportunities to earn skill badges to demonstrate your cloud knowledge: Getting Started with Google Cloud, Cloud Architect, Cloud Engineer, Data Analyst, Data Engineer, DevOps Engineer, Machine Learning Engineer and Cloud Developer learning path. (BACK TO TOP)

Editor’s note : This post was originally published in TechPulse Belgium, where Jack Buser, Google Cloud’s Director of Game Industry Solutions, shared his trends for the industry this year. The year 2022 will hold many surprises (with a few already dropping!), but there's one near certainty: By this time next year there will be millions more gamers worldwide. It's thanks to the industry's little-noted technology growth drivers, which are getting stronger. There were 3. There's more to come... (BACK TO TOP)

Most businesses today choose Apache Spark for their data engineering, data exploration and machine learning use cases because of its speed, simplicity and programming language flexibility. However, managing clusters and tuning infrastructure have been highly inefficient, and a lack of an integrated experience for different use cases are draining productivity gains, opening up governance risks and reducing the potential value that businesses could achieve with Spark.7 TB to 2... Read Article (BACK TO TOP)

We’re excited to announce that Google Cloud Next returns on October 11–13, 2022.  Join us for keynotes from industry luminaries and engage live with Google developers. Explore dynamic content across various learning levels, and dive deep into technologies and solutions spanning the Google Cloud and Google Workspace portfolios. Participate in breakout sessions, demos, and hands-on training. Hear from the world’s leading companies about their digital transformation journeys. (BACK TO TOP)

Over the past two decades, consumers have become accustomed to receiving personalized recommendations in all facets of their online life. Whether that be recommended products while shopping on Amazon, a curated list of apps in the Google Play store, or relevant videos to watch next on YouTube.  It’s become clear that personalized recommendations are no longer a differentiator for an organization but rather something consumers have come to expect in their day-to-day experiences online.g.g.g.g.e. (BACK TO TOP)

We’re thrilled to share the news that leading global research and advisory firm Forrester Research has named Google Cloud a Leader in the recently published report The Forrester Wave TM : Public Cloud Container Platforms, Q1 2022 . Forrester evaluated the container and cloud-native offerings of a select group of top public cloud container platform vendors across 29 comprehensive criteria. We also achieved the highest score in the Strategy category of all the vendors evaluated. Read Article (BACK TO TOP)

European organizations, both public and private, are migrating their operations and data to the cloud in increasing numbers . In doing so, they need confidence they can meet their unique needs for security, privacy, and digital sovereignty. Key requirements include the ability to store data within a European geographic region, to ensure that support is provided by EU personnel, and the ability to control administrative access to their customer data and encryption keys used to protect that data.. (BACK TO TOP)

Google BigQuery Write API was released to general availability in 2021 and is BigQuery’s preferred data ingestion path which offers high-performance batching and streaming in one unified API. Since its inception, numerous features and improvements have been made to improve performance and usability, making it easier for users to directly ingest data into BigQuery. Stream processing data and immediately reading it, which enables you to build low-latency, fast-response data applications. (BACK TO TOP)

This April, Gmail will be 18 years old. That’s a big milestone, given that email as a medium just turned 50 . Launched in 2004—with its 1 GB free storage, conversation based grouping, and enhanced search capabilities—Gmail quickly became one of the most popular email services in the world. What started off as Paul Buchheit's side project is now part of Google Workspace, a solution that’s used by over 3 billion users. Matthew has been building and growing Gmail for the last 10+ years. (BACK TO TOP)

Newsweek provides the latest news, in-depth analysis, and ideas about international issues, technology, business, culture, and politics to its readers around the world. While editors pick the best articles to display on the home page and topic pages, it is also critical for Newsweek to offer a personalized experience by delivering fresh and relevant article recommendations tailored to the unique interests of each reader. The result was a strong improvement in business metrics... Read Article (BACK TO TOP)

We're pleased to announce general availability of Cloud Client Libraries for Compute Engine, now available in Java , Go , Python , NodeJS , Ruby , PHP , and C# . These new libraries provide enhanced developer productivity and ease of use by enabling a more idiomatic style for each programming language that we support. Cloud Client Libraries for Compute Engine wrap the Compute Engine API and provide better language integration, improved security, and user authorization support.NET , Node. (BACK TO TOP)

While you likely know that data science is the practice of making data useful, you may not have a clear landscape around the tools that can aid each stage of the data science workflow as you use machine learning to tackle your challenges. Click to enlarge Read on to discover the six broad areas that are critical to the process of making data useful, and some corresponding Google Cloud products and services for those areas. For unstructured data, you can always use Cloud Storage . Read Article (BACK TO TOP)

At enterprises across industries, documents are at the center of core business processes. Documents store a treasure trove of valuable information whether it's a company's invoices, HR documents, tax forms and much more. However, the unstructured nature of documents make them difficult to work with as a data source. We call this "dark data" or unstructured data that businesses collect, process and store but do not utilize for purposes such as analytics, monetization, etc. Read Article (BACK TO TOP)

Google Cloud has a genuine passion for solving technology problems that make a difference for our customers. With the release of our BigQuery Connector for SAP , we're taking a another big step towards solving a major challenge for SAP customers with a quick, easy, and inexpensive way to integrate SAP data with BigQuery , our serverless, highly scalable, and cost-effective multi cloud data warehouse designed for business agility.”—Anil Nagalla, Sr. Read Article (BACK TO TOP)

We’re excited to announce the public preview of Certificate Manager and its integration with External HTTPS Load Balancing. Certificate Manager enables you to use External HTTPS Load Balancing with as many certificates or domains as you need. You can bring your own TLS certificates and keys if you have an existing certificate lifecycle management solution you'd like to use with Google Cloud, or enjoy the convenience of our fully Managed TLS offerings. example.g.2.authorize.certificatemanager... (BACK TO TOP)

I’m excited to share our first Cloud CISO Perspectives post of 2022. It's already shaping up to be an eventful year for our industry and we’re only in month one. There’s a lot to recap in this post, including the U.S. government’s recent efforts to address critical security issues, like open source software security and zero trust architectures.  Cloud Security Megatrends  We’re often asked if the cloud is more secure than on-prem (and why) so we shared our answer in a recent blog post.  U.S.S. (BACK TO TOP)

Education data can inform strategy, enhance both teaching and learning, and help us better understand customer needs. But that data is only as useful as an organization’s ability to access, analyze, and act upon it. Education Technology (EdTech) companies with a strong data warehouse management policy can help to make the most of educational data at all levels. A dedicated data team can prevent this and better support an organization’s data’s a product. Data is an asset... (BACK TO TOP)

Bulletin by Jakub Mikians