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Releases: j3k0/cordova-plugin-purchase


13 Sep 09:57
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(all) Add product.device to validation requests

This will extend the info already retrieved from cordova-plugin-device. See f636bcf

(android) Upgrade play billing library to 2.2.0

See f0da787

(all) Set ineligibleForIntroPrice to all group members

When a product is ineligible for introductory price, all members of the subscriptions group should be ineligible as well. See fc1b39e


15 May 06:28
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Add promise-like return value to store.refresh

store.refresh() now returns a promise-like object with the following functions:

  • .completed(fn) - Calls fn when the queue of previous purchases have been processed. At this point, all previously owned products should be in the approved state.
  • .finished(fn) - Calls fn when all purchased in the approved state have been finished or expired.

In the case of the restore purchases call, you will want to hide any progress bar when the finished callback is called.

<button onclick="restorePurchases()">Restore Purchases</button>
function restorePurchases() {


15 May 06:25
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  • (ios) Refresh appStoreReceipt when purchase starts
  • (ios) Add appStoreReceipt to approved products
  • Fix store.register() when given an empty array


19 Apr 08:56
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(ios) Add support for deferred purchases

Add deferred status information to products in the INITIATED state.

  • product.deferred - Purchase has been initiated but is waiting for external action (for example, Ask to Buy on iOS).


(ios) Show restore receipt error reason

Add the native error code from restorePurchases to the error message.

(android) Implement store.update()

Refresh the status of purchase (pretty much same as store.refresh())

(all) Send device information with validation requests.

Add information to receipt validation requests that can serve different functions:

  • handling support requests
  • fraud detection
  • analytics
  • tracking

Information sent to the validator can be customized with store.validator_privacy_policy

  • store.validator_privacy_policy is an array of allowed functions.
    • fraud - send data required for fraud detection.
      • A hashed fingerprint of the device identifier or model. It allows to trigger alerts on your server when a lot of devices share a single receipt.
    • support - send information required for handling support request (OS, OS version, Device Manufacturer, Cordova version, ...)
    • analytics - same data as support, but indicate you'll make a different use of the data.
    • tracking - send device identifiers and/or uuid (if available).

Default: store.validator_privacy_policy = ['fraud', 'support', 'analytics']

Important: this feature requires the cordova-plugin-device plugin to be installed!

See 58e24c3


13 Dec 07:04
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  • (FIX) Purchases were reported incorrectly (See #967)


08 Dec 20:28
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This release improves greatly the plugin's support of auto-renewing subscriptions, with features including discounts, subscription groups, billing periods, billing management, application receipts, plus some neat additions to the API. Here's the detail.

Important: New minimal system requirements for Apple devices is now XCode 10.2 (for support of Discount Offers on iOS and OSX).


The new API method store.update() is a lightweight version of store.refresh(). It performs a similar function but guarantees never to ask for the user's password.

This new method is recommended to call whenever your user enters the Store screen (to ensure the most up-to-date prices are being displayed) or account status screen (to ensure subscriptions or ownership status are up-to-date as well).

See for details.

Discount offers

The plugin now has full support for introductory offers and discounts for subscriptions.

Product's introPrice* and discounts.* fields contain details about available discounts.

See the related product attributes for details:

Subscription groups on iOS is now filled automatically for iOS subscription product.

Billing period fields

2 new fields are now exposed for subscription products: billingPeriod and billingPeriodUnit. They give you access to the billing cycle definition for the subscription. See the product attributes for details:

Manage billing

On iOS and Android, the new store.manageBilling() call will open the AppStore / Google Play page where the user can update his/her payment details (like the credit card associated with their account).

For example, you can now provide a direct link to this screen to a user which subscription renewal failed.

Application receipt

Better support for application receipts for iOS. A product whose type is store.APPLICATION is created for you. It can be validated to update data for all products based on the receipt.

Parse collection from receipt validator

When the receipt validator returns a collection field, it will be used to fill any field of the products. A collection is a map whose keys are product identifiers and values an object with fields to set.

Example: {..., "collection": { "my_subscription": { "expiryDate": "2019-12-01T10:00Z" } }

New error codes

New error codes than have been introduced since iOS 11 are now reported, instead of a generic error code.

  • store.ERR_PRODUCT_NOT_AVAILABLE -- Error code indicating that the requested product is not available in the store.
  • store.ERR_CLOUD_SERVICE_PERMISSION_DENIED -- Error code indicating that the user has not allowed access to Cloud service information.
  • store.ERR_CLOUD_SERVICE_NETWORK_CONNECTION_FAILED -- Error code indicating that the device could not connect to the network.
  • store.ERR_CLOUD_SERVICE_REVOKED -- Error code indicating that the user has revoked permission to use this cloud service.
  • store.ERR_PRIVACY_ACKNOWLEDGEMENT_REQUIRED -- Error code indicating that the user has not yet acknowledged Apple’s privacy policy for Apple Music.
  • store.ERR_UNAUTHORIZED_REQUEST_DATA -- Error code indicating that the app is attempting to use a property for which it does not have the required entitlement.
  • store.ERR_INVALID_OFFER_IDENTIFIER -- Error code indicating that the offer identifier is invalid.
  • store.ERR_INVALID_OFFER_PRICE -- Error code indicating that the price you specified in App Store Connect is no longer valid.
  • store.ERR_INVALID_SIGNATURE -- Error code indicating that the signature in a payment discount is not valid.
  • store.ERR_MISSING_OFFER_PARAMS -- Error code indicating that parameters are missing in a payment discount.

Fixes and minor updates

  • (ios) Set applicationUsername in purchase requests
  • (ios) Don't cache appStoreReceipt in localStorage
  • (all) Fully restore the state of a product when purchase has been cancelled
  • (all) Watch and verify expired subscriptions
  • (all) Add store.getApplicationUsername()
  • (all) Add store.platform (apple, google or windows)
  • (android) Fix reporting purchase cancellation
  • (ios,osx) Remove support for XCode 9
  • update typescript


08 Dec 17:39
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Android full rewrite

The native side has be re-implemented using the Billing Library v2. We wiped out the old code completely.

If your app follows all implementation recommendations, you shouldn't have anything to change in your application. In particular:

  1. Finish approved transactions with .finish(), optionally after receipt validation.
  2. Be ready to handle purchase events as soon as the application starts.

Those steps were already required on iOS, they're now as well on Android.

Some explanation can be found on Android Billing Library release notes:

  • Google now requires apps to acknowledge purchases (which is done by calling finish()).
  • Google Play now supports Pending Transactions, which will can be handled on a subsequent application startup (potentially on a different device).

More at the link above.


For the same reason as above. The new API ensure applicationUsername can be made available to the plugin whenever needed. A nice side effect is that it will now be added to all receipt validation requests (before, it was only there at purchase time).

See for details.

subscription groups now contains the name of the group a subscription product is a member of (default to "default").

Only 1 product in a subscription group can be owned. On Android, purchasing a new subscription in the same group will replace the existing active one (if any).


developerPayload used to be set at purchase time (as additional data, but this won't work anymore with the new Android Billing Library (with Pending Transactions), thus the introduction of this new API.

See for details.


An optional string of developer profile name. This value can be used for payment risk evaluation (Android only).



  • cordova-plugin-purchase is now the official name for the plugin
  • Fix: Typescript definitions


06 Jun 10:04
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(android/windows) Auto-retry failed initialization

  • Ported the auto-retry-initialization logic from the iOS implementation to android and windows.

Contributor: Jean-Christophe Hoelt


A lot of minor improvements to the documentation.


27 May 07:48
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macOS support

  • macOS In-App Purchase is not supported. It shares most of the iOS implementation.
  • The implementation is 100% compatible with iOS.

Contributor: Giuseppe La Torre

Disable Hosted Content (Apple)

You can now omit automatic downloading of hosted content by setting the disableHostedContent store flag, for example:

    store.disableHostedContent = true;

Contributor: Dave Alden

Android ANR fix

  • Backported some code from frostwire that fixes an occasional ANR at startup in IabHelper.

Contributors: Jean-Christophe Hoelt, Dave Alden


22 May 10:43
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Microsoft Window UWP Support

With the addition of the UWP support, you can now target Windows 10, XBox and Windows 10 Mobile. All product types are supported: Subscriptions, Consumables and Non-Consumables.

Thanks to SimPlan for co-funding this feature!

Introductory Prices

Support for Introductory Prices have been added to iOS, Android and Windows.

New fields added to product objects:

  • product.introPrice - Localized introductory price, with currency symbol
  • product.introPriceMicros - Introductory price in micro-units (divide by 1000000 to get numeric price)
  • product.introPriceNumberOfPeriods - number of periods the introductory price is available
  • product.introPriceSubscriptionPeriod - Period for the introductory price ("Day", "Week", "Month" or "Year")
  • product.introPricePaymentMode - Payment mode for the introductory price ("PayAsYouGo", "UpFront", or "FreeTrial")
  • product.ineligibleForIntroPrice - True when a trial or introductory price has been applied to a subscription. Only available after receipt validation. Available only on iOS

Refresh Receipt from validation server (iOS)

Validation servers can now inform the client that the most up-to-date receipt have been used. On iOS, the plugin had to refresh the receipt when the subscription expired, thus opening the AppStore password popup for the user. This can now be prevented by returning the latestReceipt from the validation server.

Remove iOS 6 support

Support for receipt.forTransaction has been dropped. Per-transaction receipts were a thing prior to iOS 7. Everyone now uses per-application receipts.

Subscription Expiry Date

Two new fields have been added to subscription products:

  • product.expiryDate - Latest known expiry date for a subscription (a javascript Date)
  • `product.lastRenewalDate - Latest date a subscription was renewed (a javascript Date)

Those are filled using data from the local receipt on Android and Windows. For iOS, it has to be returned by the receipt validation server (other platform will also update the value based on what the server returns).


This version has been tested with the following cordova platforms versions.

  • cordova-android 6.4.0, 7.1.0, 7.1.4, 8.0.0.
    • 2 versions are known to fail: 7.1.1 and 7.1.2, a bug fix in [email protected] created other issues, like breaking a few plugins installation (including this one).
  • cordova-ios 4.5.5 and 5.0.1
  • cordova-osx 4.5.5 and 5.0.0
  • cordova-windows 7.0.0
  • cordova 7.1.0, 8.1.2, 9.0.0