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96 lines (69 loc) · 2.77 KB

File metadata and controls

96 lines (69 loc) · 2.77 KB


  1. Install dependent packages
  • cmake
  • g++
  • boost version 1.66
  • openssl
  • ninja
  1. Clone the SDK

$ git clone

  1. If dependent packages (i.e. boost, openssl) are not installed to standard locations, setup SDK to point to locations which those packages were installed
  • By default, Boost install location is set to /usr/local. Modify ./ to point it to your Boost install location

  • By default, openSSL root directory is set to /usr/local/ssl on Linux and /usr/local/Cellar/openssl/1.0.2n on macOS. Modify CMakeListConfig.txtto point it to your openssl install location

  1. On Windows and Android, refer to platform specific installation information below.

On other platform, run ./ to build the sdk or you can use cmake directly by doing something along the lines of

$ cd sdk-dslink-cpp
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ cmake -GNinja ..
$ ninja

Platform specific installation information

Ubuntu Setup

  1. Install Boost
  • download and extract boost 1.66
  • cd boost_1_66_0/
  • run ./
  • run sudo ./b2 install
  1. Install openssl
  • sudo apt install libssl-dev

Windows Visual Studio Setup

  1. install visual studio 2017
  2. clone into C:\vcpkg
  3. run .\bootstrap-vcpkg.bat in vcpkg folder
  4. install packages
.\vcpkg install boost:x64-windows openssl:x64-windows gtest:x64-windows
  1. run .\vcpkg integrate install
  2. In visual studio, use file-open-folder.. instead of creating project

Windows MinGW Setup

  • install mysys2 64 bit
  • run pacman -Syu and close window when finished
  • start a new msys2 mingw64 window
  • pacman -Su
  • pacman -S mingw-w64-x86_64-toolchain install all
  • pacman -S mingw-w64-x86_64-cmake mingw-w64-x86_64-gtest
  • download and extract boost 1.66
  • ./b2 --without-python --layout=system address-model=64 variant=release --includedir=/mingw64/include --libdir=/mingw64/lib install

macOS Setup

Using Homebrew

If you don't have homebrew installed already, follow the setup instructions here

Once homebrew is installed, run the command

brew install cmake ninja boost openssl

Android Setup

  • Install Termux app

  • Use Termux, install the following packages

    • cmake
    • clang
    • booost and boost-dev
    • openssl and openssl-dev
    • git
    • ninja
  • Check your Boost library's install root directory. Check if your Boost installlation came with static Boost libraries. Modify script accordingly.

For example, if Boost is installed under /usr and there are no static Boost libraries installed, modify script as below

cmake -GNinja . -DBOOST_ROOT=/usr -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=. -B./build