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Due to licensing restrictions, we are unable to release the model. Install lm-eval-harness from source, and the git id 96d185fa6232a5ab685ba7c43e45d1dbb3bb906d.

We used the following command for evaluation. For reference, the results of official AWQ-INT4 and GPTQ-INT4 release are listed.

lm_eval --model hf  --model_args pretrained="./",autogptq=True,gptq_use_triton=True,trust_remote_code=True --device cuda:0 --tasks ceval-valid,cmmlu,mmlu,gsm8k --batch_size 16 --num_fewshot 0
Metric BF16 Qwen/Qwen1.5-7B-Chat-AWQ Qwen/Qwen1.5-7B-Chat-GPTQ-Int4 INT4 sym recipe INT4 asym recipe
Avg. 0.6231 0.6152 0.6070 0.6205 0.6186
ceval 0.6887 0.6820 0.6679 0.6761 0.6820
cmmlu 0.6959 0.6862 0.6831 0.6870 0.6884
mmlu 0.6020 0.5944 0.5902 0.5974 0.5946
gsm8k 0.5057 0.4981 0.4867 0.5216 0.5095