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XI SDK Quickstart for Go

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SDK document

Step 1: Create a new Go application

  • You can create a new Go application with your preferred tool. The below guide is using VS Code. if you don’t have the environment set up yet, please follow this guide to install and set up Go environment for VS Code.
  • Create a folder for the application: Testing_XI_SDKs_Go_App
  • Open VS code and point to the above folder.
  • Hover to the root folder name on the left panel and click “create new file” icon to create a new main.go.


  • Create a new module Testing_XI_SDKs_Go_App
  • Open a new terminal window (Ctrl+Shift+`)
  • Type go mod init Testing_XI_SDKs_Go_App → It should create a go.mod file. quickstart-new-project

Step 2: Install XI SDK package and all dependencies to your project from Go Modules

  • Open a new terminal window (Ctrl+Shift+`)
  • Type: go get -u


Step 3: Write a simple code to access the access token and product details endpoints.

Access Token API

Product API

  • Open the main.go file and paste the following code.
package main

import (

	xi_sdk_resellers ""

func main() {
	baseUrl := ""
	clientId := "<PUT YOUR CLIENT ID HERE>"
	clientSecret := "<PUT YOUR CLIENT SECRET HERE>"
	imCustomerNumber := "20-222222"
	imCountryCode := "US"
	imCorrelationId := "fbac82ba-cf0a-4bcf-fc03-0c5084"
	imSenderId := "MyCompany"
	productNumber := "TSXML3"

	// Get Access Token
	tokenConfiguration := xi_sdk_resellers.NewConfiguration()
	tokenConfiguration.Host = baseUrl
	tokenApiClient := xi_sdk_resellers.NewAPIClient(tokenConfiguration)
	tokenResp, tokenR, tokenErr := tokenApiClient.AccesstokenAPI.GetAccesstoken(context.Background()).GrantType("client_credentials").ClientId(clientId).ClientSecret(clientSecret).Execute()
	if tokenErr != nil {
		fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Error when calling `AccesstokenAPI.GetAccesstoken``: %v\n", tokenErr)
		fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Full HTTP response: %v\n", tokenR)
	accessToken := oauth2.Token{AccessToken: *tokenResp.AccessToken}

	// Get production details.
	ctx := context.Background()
	oauth2Conf := &oauth2.Config{}
	tokenResource := oauth2Conf.TokenSource(ctx, &accessToken)
	authContext := context.WithValue(ctx, xi_sdk_resellers.ContextOAuth2, tokenResource)
	productConfiguration := xi_sdk_resellers.NewConfiguration()
	productApiClient := xi_sdk_resellers.NewAPIClient(productConfiguration)
	productResp, productR, productErr := productApiClient.ProductCatalogAPI.GetResellerV6Productdetail(authContext, productNumber).IMCustomerNumber(imCustomerNumber).IMCountryCode(imCountryCode).IMCorrelationID(imCorrelationId).IMSenderID(imSenderId).Execute()
	if productErr != nil {
		fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Error when calling `ProductCatalogAPI.GetResellerV6Productdetail``: %v\n", productErr)
		fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Full HTTP response: %v\n", productR)
	fmt.Println("Product Found")
	fmt.Fprintf(os.Stdout, "Ingram Part Number`: %v\n", productResp.GetIngramPartNumber())
	fmt.Fprintf(os.Stdout, "Customer Part Number`: %v\n", productResp.GetCustomerPartNumber())
	fmt.Fprintf(os.Stdout, "Vendor Name`: %v\n", productResp.GetVendorName())
	fmt.Fprintf(os.Stdout, "Vendor Part Number`: %v\n", productResp.GetVendorPartNumber())
	fmt.Fprintf(os.Stdout, "Product Category`: %v\n", productResp.GetProductCategory())
	fmt.Fprintf(os.Stdout, "Description`: %v\n", productResp.GetDescription())
  • Replace your application information at the below section in the code:
    • Client ID
    • Client Secret.
    • Your IM customer number
    • Your country code
    • Your Correlation ID
    • Your Sender ID
    • Product number to get the details.

Code client info

Step 4: Run the application

  • Open terminal window (Ctrl+Shift+`) and type go run main.go

If everything is correct and the product exists, the console should return something like this.

Run code