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A highly efficient library to bring reactive state to JavaScript with minimal assumptions, and overhead


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A highly efficient library to bring reactive state to JavaScript with minimal overhead and bundle size that can be imported via HTML <script src=""> tags.

But why another JS reactivity library?

I have a hobby project called NeonX2.0, it was originally written in 2017 (when I was just starting web programming) and open sourced in 2019.

As a result, the codebase is a mess; using JQuery, vanilla JS, masonryJS, a lot of spaghetti code, and NO JAVASCRIPT FRAMEWORK.

I've experimented with porting to Vue.js, but I deemed that the large bundle size, speed loss, compilation step, the need for a bundler, and the effort required was not worth it.

Idealy, I'd like to progressively add reactivity to the project without converting the entire codebase to a new framework.

Enter Preact.js, the perfect solution for my problem. It's lightweight, can be imported via a <script src=""> tag and can be used to progressively add reactivity to my project without rewriting everything in an opinionated framework.

However, the existing codebase interacted with the DOM directly, meaning that maintaining interoperability between old and new code styles would be highly abstracted.

2.js aims to fix this by providing a simple, and lightweight reactivity library that can be imported via a <script src=""> tag, used to progressively add reactivity to a project, and retain interoperability between document.getElementById('id').innerHTML = 'Hello World' style code.

It also let me experiment with the concept of creating my own reactivity library.

Minimal Increment-Decrement Counter

<p>Count: <span id="count-output"></span></p>
<button onclick="page['#count-output']++">Increment</button>
<button onclick="page['#count-output']--">Decrement</button>

    const page = new Component({
        "#count-output": 0,


<p>Count: <span @count></span></p>
<button onclick="page.count++">Increment</button>
<button onclick="page.count--">Decrement</button>

    const page = new Component({
        count: 0,

Collapsable Elements

<button onclick="app.toggleElement()">Click Me</button>
<div @collapsableElement></div>

    const app = new Component({
        collapsableElement: null,
        toggleElement: () =>
            app.collapsableElement = app.collapsableElement ? null : "<h1>Hello World</h1>",

For Loops

<h1>My Shopping List</h1>
<div @shoppingListTemplate></div>

    const shoppingItems = [

    const app = new Component({
        shoppingListTemplate: `
                ${ => "<li>" + item + "</li>").join("")}

Single Page Application (SPA)

        <button onclick="app.setPage(homePage)">Home</button>
        <button onclick="app.setPage(aboutPage)">About</button>

        <h1 @name></h1>
        <p @description></p>

    const homePage = {
        name: "Home",
        description: "This is the home page",

    const aboutPage = {
        name: "About",
        description: "About this company",

    const app = new Component({
        description: homePage.description,
        setPage: (value) => {
            app.description = value.description;

Simple Todo App

<h1>Add Todo Item</h1>

    onkeyup="((e) => e.key === 'Enter' && app.addTodoItem())(event)"
<button onclick="app.addTodoItem()">Add Todo Item</button>

    <h2>Todo Items</h2>
    <div @todoListTemplate></div>

    const app = new Component({
        todoItems: [],
        addTodoItem: () => {
            if (!taskNameInput.value) return;


            // in the regular DOM model, whenever an element on the document is created with an id
            // a variable is created in the global scope with the same name as the id
            // this variable can be used to access the element directly without document.getElementById()
            app.todoListTemplate = app.todoItems;
            taskNameInput.value = "";
        // this value has an "operator function"
        // that means that any values assigned to it will be passed through the function first
        // because this is technically a value, it can have DOM bindings
        todoListTemplate: (incomingTodoItems) => `
                ${ => "<li>" + item + "</li>").join("")}