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Releases: hopto-dot/Japanese-Conjugation-Helper


27 Jul 21:09
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See the wiki for information about commands.

What's new:

  • New Settings; these are accessed by doing '/prefs'
  • Set the max number of definitions that are shown
  • Set the default "s=" parameter value with '/prefs'
  • You can do a few more things with '/prefs'

Bug fixes:

  • Conjugation practice: Fixed a bug where even if you typed the correct conjugation of the last attempt, it would think you got it wrong.
  • Fixed minor bugs.


27 Jul 12:58
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See the wiki for information about commands.

Just a very small QOL update.


  • The S parameter is now 0 by default (custom parameter), this is useful so you don't have to keep typing 's=0' each time

v0.9.0 - Preferences Update

27 Jul 11:37
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See the wiki for information about commands.

Important: There have been a couple changes to how the program works, please read everything below

To utilise the 'S=0' parameter, do '/prefs'. This will let you change which information gets shown when you use the s=0 parameter

What's New:

  • The S parameter number system has changed, S = 1 is now the least amount of information, and S = 4 is the most. If no parameter is included, it will be s=3 by default
  • An S parameter of 0 is a custom parameter, change which information is displayed when you type 's=0' by doing "/prefs"
  • '/prefs' a new command that changes preferences, these preferences are remembers for the next time you run the program! :)
  • '/git' - takes you to the page of this project
  • '/files' - opens up the program folder where preference files are stored

'/prefs' will be updated with more settings in future updates

v0.8.2 - New Kanji Details

25 Jul 11:11
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See the wiki for information about commands.

What's New:

  • You can now search the second page of results, type a number in between 20 and 40 and you will search in the second page
  • New Kanji Detail: The program now shows you words that each kanji is found in
    note: this information hasn't been updated in the wiki yet

Bug Fixes:

  • If you selected a definition that was higher than the total definitions found, the program might create an error; this is now fully fixed
  • Even less words cause the program to crash


25 Jul 21:12
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See the wiki for information about commands.

What's New:

  • Added some new forms
  • Changed how some information is displayed
  • An S parameter of '4' now works for verbs

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed a rare bug where only one definition of a word was displayed even though there were more


24 Jul 21:23
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See the wiki for information about commands.

Yay! A new update :O

What's New:

  • Once you've search for a word and the results have come up, type 'anki' and you will have text copied into your clipboard which is really useful for quickly creating anki cards (It specifically copies the definitions and kanji meanings).
  • The last update slowed the bringing up of results noticeably, the program has now been optimised so that it is almost as quick before the last update.
    Note: The program will likely never be able to be as fast 0.7.6 because of the "Multiple Definition" lookup feature, this slows the searching of results a bit, however I will soon add a parameter which will let you only search for one definition (which will then speed up the search back to how fast it was).

Bug Fixes:

  • Inputting 'anki' after a Word Lookup now works
  • The program is now less likely to crash when searching for a word
  • The chances of furigana generating nothing is much lower


I like smiley faces

v0.7.8 - Definitions Update

24 Jul 14:53
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Finally, Another update! This update took a while because some of the new features created many new bugs, there are still a few bugs but none any that destroy the user experience.


  • The program shows you multiple definitions of a word, and then shows the corresponding word that for that definition
  • If you use 0 for the S parameter ("s=0") and the word type isn't a verb, then you won't get shown any copulas (for nouns and adjectives)
  • This feature is properly working but will be fixed soon; If you type "anki" after searching a word, it will copy an "anki-friendly" string into your clipboard. This is useful for creating Anki cards quickly. (Once again, this feature does actually work as intended yet)


  • Kanji Only Reading has been removed, it was too unreliable.

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed a bug where furigana is gibberish of HTML
  • Fixed a bug where searching some words causes the program to crash


21 Jul 22:26
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See the wiki for information about commands.

This is a fairly small update, no massive features however there are improvements nevertheless. I intend to have the feature of the ReadingPractice.ahk file built into the program soon :)


  • Slight changes to the order in which information is displayed
  • Added new forms for the infamous する verb
  • When using Word Lookup: If you type "kanji" after the results have been shown, the program will copy kanji information to your clipboard

v0.7.5 - Kanji Update

21 Jul 12:13
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See the wiki for information about commands.

What's new:

  • The program displays the readings for each kanji that is in the word! This very useful feature is finally here :) 👍

Bug Fixes:

  • A minor bug where if the word is made up of kana only (just hiragana or katakana), the example sentences gets messed up.

v0.7.0 - Optimisation Update

20 Jul 22:07
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See the wiki for information about commands.

What's new:

  • The program is much quicker, I mean it! Words are found about 4-5x faster! :)
  • The program has a custom icon!

This huge increase in speed is all thanks to the fact that the program now uses .NET Framework instead of .NET Core