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613 lines (501 loc) · 25.2 KB

A59: gRPC Audit Logging


Support audit logging based on authorization events in gRPC servers in both xDS-enabled and gRPC authorization policy based use cases.


gRPC's authorization support is based on the RBAC policy. In xDS-enabled cases, users can configure authorization policies in the control plane which applies RBAC HTTP filters to the gRPC servers. When xDS is not an option, users can use the gRPC authorization policy to get similar authorization enforment.

This proposal describes the audit logging APIs that allow users to audit specific authorization events in their gRPC servers with the necessary context. We aim to offer consistent APIs to support both aforementioned use cases.

Related Proposals:


Audit Context

The table below lists the metadata we will include in the audit context, which will be made available to audit loggers during an audit event.

It is worth noting that audit happens right after the authorization decision is made, so the status only reflects that, but not the eventual one from the server.

Fields Additional Information Example
RPC Method Method the RPC hit. "/pkg.service/foo"
Principal Identity of the RPC. Currently only available in certificate-based TLS authentication. "spiffe://foo/user1"
Policy Name The authorization policy name (not applicable in xDS case). "example-policy"
Matched Rule The matched rule or the matched policy name in RBAC. Empty if no match. "admin-access"
Authorized A boolean indicating whether the RPC is authorized or not. true

xDS API Changes

xDS API changes are needed because gRPC authorization is entirely based on xDS RBAC policy. As a feature on top of authorization, audit logging should not be independent from xDS and cause any divergence between gRPC authorization API and its xDS RBAC filter support. Moreover, audit logging is a common feature that other xDS clients (namely Envoy) should benefit from as well.

We will add an audit condition enum (see PR#1 and PR#2) in the xDS RBAC policy as below:

package envoy.config.rbac.v3;

message RBAC {

  message AuditLoggingOptions {
    // Deny and allow here refer to RBAC decisions, not actions.
    enum AuditCondition {
      // Never audit.
      NONE = 0;

      // Audit when RBAC denies the request.
      ON_DENY = 1;

      // Audit when RBAC allows the request.
      ON_ALLOW = 2;

      // Audit whether RBAC allows or denies the request.
      ON_DENY_AND_ALLOW = 3;

    message AuditLoggerConfig {
      // Typed logger configuration.
      // [#extension-category: envoy.rbac.audit_loggers]
      core.v3.TypedExtensionConfig audit_logger = 1;

      // If true, when the logger is not supported, the data plane will not NACK but simply ignore it.
      bool is_optional = 2;

    // Condition for the audit logging to happen.
    // If this condition is met, all the audit loggers configured here will be invoked.
    AuditCondition audit_condition = 1 [(validate.rules).enum = {defined_only: true}];

    // Configurations for RBAC-based authorization audit loggers.
    repeated AuditLoggerConfig logger_configs = 2;

  // Audit logging options that include the condition for audit logging to happen
  // and audit logger configurations.
  AuditLoggingOptions audit_logging_options = 3;

Note that DENY and ALLOW in the enum refer to the RBAC decisions, not RBAC actions. For example, we consider it to be a DENY decision when a RBAC rejects the RPC, regardless of whether it is because there is no policy match from a RBAC with the ALLOW action, or because there is a match for a RBAC with a DENY action. Likewise, it is an ALLOW decision when there are no matches to RBACs with a DENY action and at least one match to an RBAC with an ALLOW action.

The audit logger configuration is also placed inside each individual RBACs. The list of configured audit loggers will all be invoked by an RBAC filter when the audit condition is met. This is analogus to the semantics that all access loggers will be run after the response is sent. It's a repeated field here since allowing multiple audit loggers is useful when users plan to roll out a new logger. By also keeping the existing logger along for a period they will be able to prevent interruption.

The RBAC filter will be NACKed if the configured logger types are not supported by gRPC, unless the filter it made optional. This is consistent with A39: xDS HTTP Filter Support.

Some readers may immediately notice that since an HTTP filter chain can contain an arbitrary number of RBAC filters, more than one of them could meet its audit condition for the same RPC and multiple audit log entries occur. When this happens, it would be impossible to uniquely identify a specific RPC from a log entry so as to apply any sort of de-duplication. The design in this gRFC does not intend to address this issue, the rationale of which will be elaborated more in one of the design alternatives.

gRPC Authorization Policy Changes

The gRPC authorization policy consists of deny_rules and allow_rules, which are mapped to two RBACs. Overall it's a subset of the RBAC as stated in A43: gRPC authorization API. We will keep this philosophy by adding just one audit_logging_options in the policy instead of having separate ones for those two sets of rules.

Following are changes to the JSON schema of gRPC Authorization Policy introduced in A43: gRPC authorization API:

  "title": "AuthorizationPolicy",
  "definitions": {
    "audit_logger": {
      "description": "Configuration for the audit logger.",
      "type": "object",
      "properties": {
        "name": {
          "description": "The name of the audit logger type.",
          "type": "string",
        "config": {
          "description": "The typed config for the audit logger."
            "This needs to be a json object mapped from google.protobuf.Struct"
            "proto message.",
          "type": "object",
        "is_optional": {
          "description": "Whether this logger config is optional."
            "If so, gRPC will ignore invalid or unsupported configs instead of failing to start",
          "type": "boolean"
  "properties": {
    "audit_logging_options": {
      "description": "Audit logging options that include the condition for audit"
        "logging to happen and audit logger configurations.",
      "type": "object",
      "properties": {
        "audit_condition": {
          "description": "Condition for the audit logging to happen."
            "Same as NONE if ommited.",
          "type": "string",
          "enum": ["NONE", "ON_DENY", "ON_ALLOW", "ON_DENY_AND_ALLOW"]
        "audit_logger": {
          "description": "Audit logger configurations",
          "type": "array",
          "items": {
            "$ref": "#/definitions/audit_logger"
  "required": ["name", "allow_rules"]

Note that the name field in audit_logger is essentially the logger type. This is not to be confused with the name field in TypedExtensionConfig. For readers that are more familiar with proto messages, the change translates to:

message AuthorizationPolicy {

  message AuditLoggingOptions {
    enum AuditCondition {
      NONE = 0;
      ON_DENY = 1;
      ON_ALLOW = 2;
      ON_DENY_AND_ALLOW = 3;

    AuditCondition audit_condition = 1;

    message AuditLogger {
      string name = 1;
      google.protobuf.Struct config = 2;
      bool is_optional = 3;
    repeated AuditLogger audit_loggers = 2;

  AuditLoggingOptions audit_logging_options = 4;

Note that the definition above is only for illustration purposes and does not actually exist anywhere as a .proto file. Nor does gRPC process the policy as protobuf by any means.

When the policy explicitly sets the audit condition with no audit loggers, or vice versa, no audit logging will ever happen. However, this is considered as valid configurations and will be accepted by the server.

config needs to be a valid json object and it defaults to an empty json object if omitted. Similar to the xDS case, unsupported logger types or any other misconfiguration will cause the server to fail to start by default. If is_optional is set to true, unsupported logger types will be ignored but any other config parsing errors will still be enforced.

The authorization policy is backed by two RBAC filters, a DENY followed by an ALLOW. The audit logger configurations will be duplicated in both generated RBAC filters. How the audit condition gets translated into two conditions in those RBACs is less straightforward and so is explained below.

First of all, note that the RBAC with DENY is placed before the RBAC with ALLOW. We assume users will want to audit one particular RPC exactly once if the condition is met.

If users want to audit on deny, then both of the RBACs will have ON_DENY as the audit condition. The ALLOW RBAC will not be evaluated so audit logging will never happen twice.

If users want to audit on allow, then the DENY RBAC will have no audit enabled and the ALLOW RBAC with ON_ALLOW. So audit logging will at most happen once when the RPC passes through both RBACs.

If users want to audit on both cases, then the DENY RBAC needs ON_DENY and the ALLOW RBAC needs ON_DENY_AND_ALLOW.

Following is the table summarizing the combinations.

Authorization Policy DENY RBAC ALLOW RBAC

Again this is a subset of what users can technically do with xDS RBACs in the way described in the earlier section. But we think this represents the most common use cases.

Built-in logger types

We plan to implement the stdout logger as a built-in logger type. The type is named stdout_logger. No configuration fields are currently defined for this logger and it outputs log entries to stdout in JSON format.

Here is the example JSON configuration in the xDS case (see PR).

  "name": "user-defined-logger-name",
  "typed_config": {
    "@type": "",

Here is the example in the authorization policy case.

  "name": "stdout_logger",

Following is an example log entry.


The timestamp in RFC3339 format with nanosecond-level precision represents the time when the logger is invoked.

More types of loggers may be designed and implemented in the future. For users that just need to use the built-in loggers, everything will be configured in either the xDS RBAC filter or gRPC authorization policy. No additional code is required.

Language Specific APIs for third-party logger implementation

Some users may want to have their own audit logging logic which built-in loggers do not fullfil. This section is specifically about public APIs we will expose for users to implement their own types of audit loggers. Below are two important features that apply to all the languages.

As is also documented in all the languages below, the logging function is executed by gRPC synchronously during the authorization process. Therefore, its implementation must not block the RPC. If a logger implementation needs to trigger any long-running work, it must do so asynchronously so that the function itself returns promptly. For this reason, no error or status code will be returned from it.

The logger factory (aka builder/provider) needs to implement a config parsing function for parsing and validating logger configs, and a build function to create loggers based on the parsed logger config. The former is needed to validate runtime configurations and reject them if needed before anything is actuated. The latter will be guaranteed to receive a validated config and must always succeed in creating a logger instance.

C++ APIs

A new header audit_logging.h declares all the classes users either need to consume or implement.

// include/grpc/security/audit_logging.h

namespace grpc {
namespace experimental {

// This class contains useful information to be consumed in an audit logging
// event. It does not own any of the information so users should make copies
// when they need to use them outside the scope of this object.
class AuditContext {
  absl::string_view rpc_method() const;
  absl::string_view principal() const;
  absl::string_view policy_name() const;
  absl::string_view matched_rule() const;
  bool authorized() const;

// The base class for audit logger implementations.
// Users are expected to inherit this class and implement the Log() function.
class AuditLogger {
  // This function will be invoked synchronously when applicable during the
  // RBAC-based authorization process. It does not return anything and thus will
  // not impact whether the RPC will be rejected or not.
  // Implementers should ensure this method does not block the RPC. Specifically,
  // time-consuming processes should make a copy of the audit context and be fired
  // asynchronously such that this function itself can return immediately. 
  virtual void Log(const AuditContext& audit_context) = 0;

// The base class for audit logger factory implementations.
// Users should inherit this class and implement those declared virtual
// functions.
class AuditLoggerFactory {
  // The base class for the audit logger config that the factory parses.
  // Users should inherit this class to define the configuration needed for
  // their custom loggers.
  class Config {
    virtual absl::string_view name() const = 0;
    virtual std::string ToString() const = 0;
  virtual absl::string_view name() const = 0;

  // This is used to parse and validate the json format of the audit logger
  // config.
  virtual absl::StatusOr<std::unique_ptr<Config>> ParseAuditLoggerConfig(
      const Json& json) = 0;

  // This creates an audit logger instance given the logger config.
  // The config will be guaranteed by the caller to have been validated, so
  // implementers need to ensure this function always creates a valid instance.
  // Any runtime issues such as failing to open a file should be handled by
  // the logger implementation.
  virtual std::unique_ptr<AuditLogger> CreateAuditLogger(
      std::unique_ptr<AuditLoggerFactory::Config>) = 0;

// Registers an audit logger factory. This should only be called during
// initialization, i.e. before starting up the gRPC server.
void RegisterAuditLoggerFactory(std::unique_ptr<AuditLoggerFactory> factory);

}  // namespace experimental
}  // namespace grpc


The APIs will be in audit package under the authz directory.

package audit

// RegisterLoggerBuilder registers the builder in a global map
// using b.Name() as the key.
// This should only be called during initialization time (i.e. in an init()
// function). If multiple builders are registered with the same name,
// the one registered last will take effect.
func RegisterLoggerBuilder(b LoggerBuilder)

// GetLoggerBuilder returns a builder with the given name.
// It returns nil if the builder is not found in the registry.
func GetLoggerBuilder(name string) LoggerBuilder

// Event contains information passed to the audit logger as part of an
// audit logging event.
type Event struct {
	// FullMethodName is the full method name of the audited RPC, in the format
	// of "/pkg.Service/Method". For example, "/helloworld.Greeter/SayHello".
	FullMethodName string
	// Principal is the identity of the caller. Currently it will only be
	// available in certificate-based TLS authentication.
	Principal string
	// PolicyName is the authorization policy name or the xDS RBAC filter name.
	PolicyName string
	// MatchedRule is the matched rule or policy name in the xDS RBAC filter.
	// It will be empty if there is no match.
	MatchedRule string
	// Authorized indicates whether the audited RPC is authorized or not.
	Authorized bool

// LoggerConfig represents an opaque data structure holding an audit
// logger configuration. Concrete types representing configuration of specific
// audit loggers must embed this interface to implement it.
type LoggerConfig interface {

// Logger is the interface to be implemented by audit loggers.
// An audit logger is a logger instance that can be configured via the
// authorization policy API or xDS HTTP RBAC filters. When the authorization
// decision meets the condition for audit, all the configured audit loggers'
// Log() method will be invoked to log that event.
type Logger interface {
	// Log performs audit logging for the provided audit event.
	// This method is invoked in the RPC path and therefore implementations
	// must not block.

// LoggerBuilder is the interface to be implemented by audit logger
// builders that are used at runtime to configure and instantiate audit loggers.
// Users who want to implement their own audit logging logic should
// implement this interface, along with the Logger interface, and register
// it by calling RegisterLoggerBuilder() at init time.
type LoggerBuilder interface {
	// ParseLoggerConfig parses the given JSON bytes into a structured
	// logger config this builder can use to build an audit logger.
	ParseLoggerConfig(config json.RawMessage) (LoggerConfig, error)
	// Build builds an audit logger with the given logger config.
	// This will only be called with valid configs returned from
	// ParseLoggerConfig() and any runtime issues such as failing to
	// create a file should be handled by the logger implementation instead of
	// failing the logger instantiation. So implementers need to make sure it
	// can return a logger without error at this stage.
	Build(LoggerConfig) Logger
	// Name returns the name of logger built by this builder.
	// This is used to register and pick the builder.
	Name() string

Java APIs (Subject to change)

public class AuditContext {
  public String getRpcMethod();
  public String getPrincipal();
  public String getPolicyName();
  public String getMatchedRule();
  public boolean isAuthorized();

public interface AuditLogger {
  public abstract void audit(AuditContext context) throws Exception;

public interface AuditLoggerProvider {
  ConfigOrError parseAuditLoggerConfig(
      Map<String, ?> rawAuditLoggerConfig) {
    return UNKNOWN_CONFIG;

  AuditLogger newAuditLogger(Object config);
  String getName();

public final class AuditLoggerRegistry {
  public synchronized void register(AuditLoggerProvider provider) {}
  public synchronized AuditLoggerProvider getProvider(String name) {}


Audit logging helps users answer the questions of "who did what, where and when?". It is valuable for users to detect anomalous traffic patterns or monitor accesses to certain services.

Therefore, authentication and authorization information needs to be available in the audit context. Since gRPC authorization is based on the RBAC policy, we design the audit logging feature around it to provide consistent APIs across xDS and non-xDS use cases. The proposed xDS API changes should also benefit other xDS clients which are currently lacking this feature as well.

In both xDS and non-xDS cases, we expect users to configure the audit condition and audit loggers in language-agnostic configs and have the capability to inject their own logger implementations via the APIs we expose. This allows users to plug in their own audit logic while not having to restart the servers when reconfiguring the loggers.

For auditing purposes, users should not log every incoming RPCs. In other words, ON_DENY_AND_ALLOW should seldom be used. But this is added as an option to support special cases where logging everything is required.

Regarding alternative design options, following are what we have considered in a number of orthogonal aspects.

Utilizing the Access Log

The information present in the existing access log is sufficient for audit purposes. However, access log does not happen till the response is sent and therefore does not fit the audit logging use case well. For example, for long-living RPCs, users would want to audit the event right after the authorization is enforced but access log won't necessarily happen till hours later.

Note that there has been ongoing effort in Envoy to support flushing access logs at different lifecycle points of a request (see example). It would be a valid approach if the access log is generalized to support what is needed here. But gRPC does not and has no plan yet to support access log, due to the lack of such need. Therefore, we decided not to take this approach which would require more engineering effort.

Audit Condition in the HTTP Connection Manager

As an HTTP filter chain can contain multiple RBAC filters in general, the typical behavior that users will expect if they want to audit on allow is audit should only happen once after the evaluation of the last RBAC filter. The gRPC authorization policy API assumes this expectation and handles the audit condition for the users.

In the xDS cases, however, the audit condition could be considered as something on top of all RBAC filters and thus configured in the HTTP Connection Manager. We decided not to take this approach because the component managing the filter chain would have to be aware of the last RBAC filter and inform it if performing the audit logging. In other words, this would require more engineering effort which does not make too much sense for such a particular case as audit logging.

In practice, xDS users normally do not craft RBACs on their own but instead rely on the control plane APIs, such as Istio's Authorization Policy, to apply RBAC filters to the workloads. We hope that when these control plane APIs start to support audit logging, they will only have a single RBAC policy or will handle the logging behavior as what we do in the gRPC authorization policy case.

To summarize, we acknowledge the possibility of multiple log entries for the same RPC and argue it to be uncommon with carefully designed control plane APIs. At the xDS RBAC level, we will not disallow such configurations but also intentionally not provide any mechanism for log entry de-duplication.

Audit Log Configured In gRPC Bootstrap

Instead of having the audit log configuration delivered from the control plane, we could follow the xDS TLS certificate provider in A29: xDS-Based Security for gRPC Clients and Servers where the configuration is placed in the gRPC bootstrap file.

The advantage of that approach is the control plane would not need to know the platform-specific configuration options in the data plane, if any. But we concluded that in audit logging, the logger configuration should generally be uniform across the data plane and thus centralizing the configuration makes more sense. Moreover, the existing access log follows such a pattern in xDS, albeit not currently supported by gRPC.


Implementation will first be done for C++ and Go. Following that will be Java, and finally wrapped languages will be implemented.