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202 lines (111 loc) · 6.5 KB

File metadata and controls

202 lines (111 loc) · 6.5 KB

Release Notes


Released October 23, 2016


  • Swift 3

  • Templates learned to render Int64, UInt64, Float, and CGFloat.

  • The Box() function is no longer necessary when feeding templates:

    // Still supported
    let rendering = try template.render(Box(["name": "Arthur"]))
    // New:
    let rendering = try template.render(["name": "Arthur"])

Breaking Changes

  • The only collections that can feed Mustache templates are arrays, sets, dictionaries, and Foundation collections that adopt NSFastEnumeration such as NSArray, SSet, NSOrderedSet, NSDictionary, etc. Other Swift collections such as ranges can no longer feed templates.

  • The following APIs were modified:

     // Use nil instead
    -func Box() -> MustacheBox
    -typealias KeyedSubscriptFunction = (key: String) -> MustacheBox
    +typealias KeyedSubscriptFunction = (_ key: String) -> Any?
    -typealias FilterFunction = (box: MustacheBox, partialApplication: Bool) throws -> MustacheBox
    +typealias FilterFunction = (_ box: MustacheBox, _ partialApplication: Bool) throws -> Any?
    -typealias WillRenderFunction = (tag: Tag, box: MustacheBox) -> MustacheBox
    +typealias WillRenderFunction = (_ tag: Tag, _ box: MustacheBox) -> Any?
     struct Configuration {
    -    func registerInBaseContext(_ key: String, _ box: MustacheBox)
    +    func register(_ value: Any?, forKey key: String)
     class Template {
    -    func registerInBaseContext(_ key: String, _ box: MustacheBox)
    +    func register(_ value: Any?, forKey key: String)
     class Context {
    -    func contextWithRegisteredKey(_ key: String, box: MustacheBox) -> Context
    -    func mustacheBoxForKey(_ key: String) -> MustacheBox
    -    func mustacheBoxForExpression(_ string: String) throws -> MustacheBox
    +    func extendedContext(withRegisteredValue value: Any?, forKey key: String) -> Context
    +    func mustacheBox(forKey key: String) -> MustacheBox
    +    func mustacheBox(forExpression string: String) throws -> MustacheBox
     class MustacheBox {
    -    func mustacheBoxForKey(_ key: String) -> MustacheBox
    +    func mustacheBox(forKey key: String) -> MustacheBox


Released on September 19, 2016


  • Swift 2.3


Released on April 24, 2016



Released on December 7, 2015


  • Support for Swift Package Manager (#17)

Breaking Change

  • Swift 2.2 (#17)


Released on October 14, 2015


  • Compatibility with iOS7 (#13)
  • GRMustache.swift no longer messes with AnyObject subscript operator (#12)

Breaking Changes

  • Error has been renamed MustacheError.
  • Error.Type has been renamed MustacheError.Kind
  • Subscript operators on MustacheBox and Context have been removed due to a weird Swift bug. Use the mustacheBoxForKey() function instead.


Released on September 10, 2015


  • StandardLibrary.Logger is there to help debugging templates.

Breaking changes

  • Swift 2.

  • Collections no longer expose Objective-C-compatible keys to templates: {{ array.firstObject }}, {{ array.lastObject }}, {{ set.anyObject }} no longer render anything. Focusing on Swift standard library, the only supported keys are now first, count, and last (the latter being undefined for sets).

  • Context.BoxForMustacheExpression has been renamed Context.mustacheBoxForExpression

  • BoxAnyObject() is removed. You must now explicit cast AnyObject to a boxable type that you can box with Box().

  • Box(value:boolValue:keyedSubscript:filter:render:willRender:didRender:) has been replaced by a MustacheBox initializer with the same arguments.


Released on August 19, 2015


  • A memory leak
  • Reduced deployment targets to iOS 8.0 and OSX 10.9 (#11)


Released on June 9, 2015

Breaking changes

  • There is no longer any automatic conversion between Swift and Objective-C numeric types beyond conversions provided by the Swift language itself. For example, a filter of Int no longer accepts Double inputs. The MustacheBox.intValue, uintValue, doubleValue properties that performed those conversions are removed.

  • High-level APIs that would build filters of non-optional values are removed. It is now the responsability of the library user to handle values that are missing or of the wrong type.


Released on June 7, 2015



  • TagDelimiterPair is a pair of tag delimiters such as ("{{","}}"). It is the type of the properties Configuration.tagDelimiterPair and Tag.tagDelimiterPair.

  • The Template.contentType property exposes the content type (Text or HTML) of a template.

  • The Swift Set type now has explicit support through func Box<T: MustacheBoxable>(set: Set<T>?) -> MustacheBox.

Breaking changes

  • Template(string:error:) used to load {{>partial}} tags from resources in the main bundle. It is no longer the case, and it returns a GRMustacheErrorDomain error of code GRMustacheErrorCodeTemplateNotFound if such partial tag is found. To parse a template string that contain partial tags that should be loaded from the main bundle resources, store this string as a resource and load Template(named:...), or use an explicit TemplateRepository(bundle: NSBundle.mainBundle()).

  • Configuration.tagStartDelimiter and Configuration.tagEndDelimiter have been replaced by Configuration.tagDelimiterPair.

  • Tag.renderInnerContent has been renamed Tag.render.

  • Mustache-specific errors are now of type Mustache.Error.


Released on 19 May, 2015



Released on 12 May, 2015
