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This repository contains a sample project. It can be used to test the SDK as you develop it.


You need:

  • nodejs 14 or higher
  • yarn 1 or higher


First install dependencies of the SDK (the root of the repository) This is only needed if dependencies are added/removed.


Once deps are installed, you can build the project:

yarn build

# Or in watch mode, for development

yarn build:watch


yarn test

# Or the watcher when writing tests:
yarn test:watch

Running the sample

Now we can go into the sample project, install and build it:

cd samples/react-native/

Run the emulators (legacy-architecture):

For android switch newArchEnabled to false in android/ For iOS explicitly disable fabric in samples/react-native/ios/Podfile by setting :fabric_enabled => false before pod install.

yarn pod-install-legacy
yarn run-ios

yarn run-android

# Release builds
yarn pod-install-legacy-production
yarn run-ios --configuration Release

yarn run-android --variant=release

Run the emulators (new-architecture):

yarn pod-install
yarn run-ios

yarn run-android

# Release builds
yarn pod-install-production
yarn run-ios --configuration Release

yarn run-android --variant=release


You can optionally start the Metro bundler if you want to control where it runs:

yarn start --reset-cache

Run the emulators:

yarn react-native run-ios
yarn react-native run-android

Develop with sentry-cocoa

Here are step on how to test your changes in sentry-cocoa with sentry-react-native. We assume you have both repositories cloned in siblings folders.

  1. Build sentry-cocoa.
cd sentry-cocoa
make init
make build-xcframework
  1. Link local sentry-cocoa build in sentry-react-native
cd sentry-react-native

Comment out sentry dependency in RNSentry.podspec.

-   s.dependency 'Sentry/HybridSDK', '7.31.0'
+   s.dependency 'Sentry/HybridSDK'

Add local pods to sample/ios/Podfile.

target 'sample' do

  # ... react native config

 pod 'Sentry/HybridSDK', :path => '../../../../sentry-cocoa'
  # ... rest of the configuration


Develop with sentry-java

Here are step on how to test your changes in sentry-java with sentry-react-native. We assume that you have sentry-java setup, Android SDK installed, correct JAVA version etc.

  1. Build and publish sentry-java locally.
cd sentry-java
make dryRelease
ls ~/.m2/repository/io/sentry/sentry-android # check that `sentry-java` was published
  1. Add local maven to the sample project.
cd sentry-react-native/sample

Add local maven to sample/android/build.gradle.

allprojects {
    repositories {

Update sentry-android version, to the one locally published, in android/build.gradle.

dependencies {
    implementation 'com.facebook.react:react-native:+'
-    api 'io.sentry:sentry-android:5.4.0'
+    api 'io.sentry:sentry-android:6.7.7-my-local-version'

Develop with sentry-android-gradle-plugin

Here are steps on how to debug the gradle builds process with sentry-android-gradle-plugin. We assume that you have sentry-android-gradle-plugin setup, Android SDK installed, correct JAVA version etc.

  1. Add the following code to samples/react-native/android/settings.gradle, this ensure the plugin builds at the beginning of the application build:
includeBuild('../../../../sentry-android-gradle-plugin/plugin-build') {
  dependencySubstitution {
    substitute(module 'io.sentry:sentry-android-gradle-plugin') using project(':')

../../../../sentry-android-gradle-plugin/plugin-build this example works if sentry-react-native and sentry-android-gradle-plugin are sibling directories.

  1. Open samples/react-native/android in Android Studio.
  2. Add Remote JVM Debug configuration (keep all defaults).
  3. Run build command with -Dorg.gradle.debug=true and --no-daemon, example:
./gradlew assembleRelease -Dorg.gradle.debug=true --no-daemon
  1. The build command will wait for the debugger connection, go to the Android Studio and select the newly created Remote JVM Debug configuration and click Debug.
  2. The build process will stop on active breakpoint.