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Modern static stuff generator

Automate the generation of multiple static outputs from a unique source using the converters and formats of your choice.


This project is still in a very early stage of development. It isn't feature complete, and frequent breaking changes should be expected.

For now, Daucus can only take Markdown source files, to build HTML templates and JS configurations for modern web apps.

It is mainly maintained and used for the construction of our website, Go check its source code for a complete example.

Generation of "books" (odt, epub & pdf) will be added soon. Other input and output formats will follow later.

Quick start

Boostrap a new Daucus + LitElement + Snowpack project using create-snowpack-app with @daucus/snowpack-template:

npx create-snowpack-app my-project --template @daucus/snowpack-template


npm install -g @daucus/cli
daucus help

For more information, refer to the CLI documentation.



We recommend using Pandoc via the @daucus/pandoc npm package.

Just install the @daucus/pandoc package, and it will be automattically detected by the CLI:

npm install -D @daucus/cli @daucus/pandoc
daucus build

For more details, see the Compiler section of the configuration documentation.

Building a modern web app with Daucus

Daucus generates simple HTML templates and JS files. You can use it with any build tools, runtime web library and framerworks.

However, we recommend a Modern Web App approache (1, 2), preverably with Lit.

Since this can lead to a lot of custom development, the following runtime libraries and web components are provided to facilitate this process.

package name purpouse
@daucus/router automatic and extensible router for Daucus generated routes
@daucus/menu simple menu Web Component using the generated navigation templates
@daucus/html-loader Web Component loading and redering generated HTML Template