diff --git a/extension/src/_locales/sl/messages.json b/extension/src/_locales/sl/messages.json new file mode 100644 index 00000000..de212010 --- /dev/null +++ b/extension/src/_locales/sl/messages.json @@ -0,0 +1,294 @@ +{ + "appName": { + "message": "Progressive Web Apps for Firefox", + "description": "The name of the application, should not be translated" + }, + "appShortName": { + "message": "PWAsForFirefox", + "description": "The short name of the application, should not be translated" + }, + "appDescription": { + "message": "Orodje za namestitev, upravljanje in uporabo progresivnih spletnih aplikacij (PWA) v Mozilla Firefox", + "description": "The description of the application" + }, + "actionInstallSite": { + "message": "Namesti trenutno stran", + "description": "Instruct users that they can install the current site here" + }, + "actionLaunchSite": { + "message": "Zaženi trenutno stran", + "description": "Instruct users that they can launch the current site here" + }, + "updateNotificationTitle": { + "message": "Posodobitev PWAsForFirefox", + "description": "The title of the update notification, displayed when an update is available" + }, + "updateNotificationMessage": { + "message": "Na voljo je posodobitev PWAsForFirefox. Kliknite obvestilo, da prikažete navodila za posodobitev.", + "description": "The message of the update notification, displayed when an update is available" + }, + "webAppName": { + "message": "Ime", + "description": "The name property of a web app" + }, + "webAppDescription": { + "message": "Opis", + "description": "The description property of a web app" + }, + "webAppCategories": { + "message": "Kategorije", + "description": "The categories property of a web app" + }, + "webAppKeywords": { + "message": "Ključne besede", + "description": "The keywords property of a web app" + }, + "webAppStartURL": { + "message": "Začetni URL", + "description": "The start URL property of a web app" + }, + "webAppIconURL": { + "message": "URL ikone", + "description": "The icon URL property of a web app" + }, + "webAppID": { + "message": "ID", + "description": "The ID property of a web app" + }, + "webAppProfile": { + "message": "Profil", + "description": "The profile property of a web app" + }, + "webAppProtocolHandlers": { + "message": "Omogočeni protokoli", + "description": "The protocol handlers property of a web app" + }, + "profileName": { + "message": "Ime", + "description": "The name property of a profile" + }, + "profileDescription": { + "message": "Opis", + "description": "The description property of a profile" + }, + "profileTemplate": { + "message": "Predloga", + "description": "The template property of a profile" + }, + "profileTemplatePlaceholder": { + "message": "Vnesite pot do predloge profila", + "description": "The placeholder for the template input" + }, + "profileID": { + "message": "ID", + "description": "The ID property of a profile" + }, + "webAppValidationNameReuse": { + "message": "Imena aplikacije ne morete ponovno uporabiti", + "description": "A validation error when the web app name is reused" + }, + "webAppValidationStartURLInvalid": { + "message": "Začetni URL mora biti veljaven URL", + "description": "A validation error when the web app start URL is invalid" + }, + "webAppValidationStartURLScope": { + "message": "Začetni URL mora biti v območju:", + "description": "A validation error when the web app start URL is out-of-scope, with the scope displayed after the colon" + }, + "webAppValidationIconURLInvalid": { + "message": "URL ikone mora biti veljaven URL", + "description": "A validation error when the web app icon URL is invalid" + }, + "webAppValidationProfileLimit": { + "message": "Namestite lahko samo eno instanco na profil", + "description": "A validation error when multiple web app instances are tried to be installed in the same profile" + }, + "installPageTitle": { + "message": "Namesti trenutno aplikacijo", + "description": "The title of the install web app page" + }, + "installPageCreateProfile": { + "message": "Ustvari nov profil", + "description": "The profile creation option on the install web app page" + }, + "installPageAutoCreateProfile": { + "message": "Samodejno ustvari nov profil", + "description": "The automatic profile creation option on the install web app page" + }, + "installPageSeparateProfiles": { + "message": "Zaradi napake, ki jo je težko odpraviti, je priporočljivo, da vsako spletno aplikacijo namestite v ločen profil. Za več podrobnosti glejte .", + "description": "The message that tells users each web app should be in a separate profile on affected platforms" + }, + "installPageUseManifestLabel": { + "message": "Uporabi manifest za določanje lastnosti aplikacije", + "description": "The label for the use manifest checkbox on the web app installation page" + }, + "installPageUseManifestTooltip": { + "message": "Onemogočite samo, če te spletne aplikacije ne morete namestiti z omogočenim manifestom", + "description": "The tooltip for the use manifest checkbox on the web app installation page" + }, + "installPageContentScriptError": { + "message": "Do podatkov o strani ni mogoče dostopati.", + "description": "A message that says the extension was not able to access the content script" + }, + "installPageContentScriptErrorDevelopment": { + "message": "Uporabljate razvojno različico, zato je to verjetno posledica funkcije \"live-reloading\". Napako lahko odpravite tako, da jo onemogočite ali uporabljate produkcijsko različico.", + "description": "A message that extends the content script error with more details when a development build is used" + }, + "installPageContentScriptErrorRestricted": { + "message": "Nekatere Mozilline spletne strani so omejene za razširitve. To je varnostna funkcija Firefoxa in je ni mogoče onemogočiti. Teh spletnih strani ni mogoče namestiti kot spletne aplikacije.", + "description": "A message that extends the content script error with more details when used on restricted domains" + }, + "launchPageTitle": { + "message": "Zaženi trenutno aplikacijo", + "description": "The title of the launch web app page" + }, + "launchPageInstallNewInstance": { + "message": "Namesti novo instanco", + "description": "Displayed on the launch web app page to install a new instance" + }, + "managePageTitle": { + "message": "Upravljaj aplikacije in profile", + "description": "The title of the manage page" + }, + "managePageTabApps": { + "message": "Aplikacije", + "description": "The apps tab on the manage page" + }, + "managePageTabProfiles": { + "message": "Profili", + "description": "The profiles tab on the manage page" + }, + "managePageTabSettings": { + "message": "Nastavitve", + "description": "The settings tab on the manage page" + }, + "managePageAppListIcon": { + "message": "Ikona", + "description": "The icon alternative text on the web app list" + }, + "managePageAppListLaunch": { + "message": "Zaženi aplikacijo", + "description": "The launch tooltip on the web app list" + }, + "managePageAppListEdit": { + "message": "Uredi aplikacijo", + "description": "The edit tooltip on the web app list and the title of the edit web app dialog" + }, + "managePageAppListRemove": { + "message": "Odstrani aplikacijo", + "description": "The remove tooltip on the web app list and the title of the remove web app dialog" + }, + "managePageAppListEmpty": { + "message": "Ni nameščenih aplikacij!", + "description": "A message that is displayed on the web app list when no web apps are installed" + }, + "managePageAppListAdd": { + "message": "Namesti trenutno stran", + "description": "A button that is displayed on the web app list to install the current site" + }, + "managePageProfileListCreate": { + "message": "Ustvari profil", + "description": "The create tooltip on the profile list and the title of the edit profile dialog" + }, + "managePageProfileListEdit": { + "message": "Uredi profil", + "description": "The edit tooltip on the profile list and the title of the edit profile dialog" + }, + "managePageProfileListRemove": { + "message": "Odstrani profil", + "description": "The remove tooltip on the profile list and title of the remove profile dialog" + }, + "managePageProfileListEmpty": { + "message": "Nobenega profila ni na voljo!", + "description": "A message that is displayed on the profile list when no profile are available" + }, + "managePageProfileListAdd": { + "message": "Ustvari nov profil", + "description": "A button that is displayed on the profile list to create a new profile" + }, + "managePageProfileListUnnamed": { + "message": "Neimenovan", + "description": "The unnamed profile on the profile list" + }, + "managePageProfileListCount": { + "message": "{count, plural, one {# aplikacija} two {# aplikaciji} few {# aplikacije} other {# aplikacij}}", + "description": "The web app count in the profile, supports limited pluralization options" + }, + "managePageSettingsDisplayPageAction": { + "message": "Prikaži gumb v naslovni vrstici", + "description": "The setting for displaying page action (address bar widget)" + }, + "managePageSettingsDisplayPageActionValid": { + "message": "Na veljavnih spletnih aplikacijah", + "description": "The option to display page action on valid web apps" + }, + "managePageSettingsDisplayPageActionAlways": { + "message": "Vedno", + "description": "The option to always display page action" + }, + "managePageSettingsDisplayPageActionNever": { + "message": "Nikoli", + "description": "The option to never display page action" + }, + "managePageSettingsLaunchCurrentURL": { + "message": "Zaženi aplikacije na aktivnih URL-jih", + "description": "The setting for launching web apps on active URLs" + }, + "managePageSettingsShowUpdatePopup": { + "message": "Pokaži obvestilo ob posodobitvah razširitve", + "description": "The setting for showing update popups" + }, + "managePageSettingsEnableAutoLaunch": { + "message": "Omogoči samodejno zaganjanje aplikacij", + "description": "The setting for enabling automatic launching" + }, + "managePageSettingsEnableWayland": { + "message": "Uporabi Wayland Display Server", + "description": "The setting for enabling Wayland (Linux-only)" + }, + "managePageSettingsEnableXInput2": { + "message": "Uporabi X Input Extension 2", + "description": "The setting for enabling XInput2 (Linux-only)" + }, + "managePageSettingsEnablePortals": { + "message": "Uporabi XDG Desktop Portals", + "description": "The setting for enabling XDG Desktop Portals (Linux-only)" + }, + "managePageSettingsDarkMode": { + "message": "Omogoči temni način", + "description": "The setting for enabling dark mode" + }, + "managePageSettingsDarkModeTooltip": { + "message": "Omogočite ga lahko v sistemskih nastavitvah", + "description": "The tooltip for the dark mode setting" + }, + "managePageSettingsDefaultProfileTemplate": { + "message": "Privzeta predloga profila", + "description": "The setting for default profile template" + }, + "managePageSettingsAutoLaunchExclusion": { + "message": "Izključitev samodejnega zaganjanja", + "description": "The setting for auto launch exclusion" + }, + "managePageSettingsAutoLaunchExclusionPlaceholder": { + "message": "Vnesite regex izključenih URL-jev", + "description": "The placeholder for auto launch exclusion" + }, + "managePageSettingsLanguage": { + "message": "Jezik", + "description": "The setting for language" + }, + "buttonWebAppInstallDefault": { + "message": "Namesti aplikacijo", + "description": "The web app button on the install web app page, allowing the user to install the web app" + }, + "buttonWebAppInstallProcessing": { + "message": "Nameščanje aplikacije ...", + "description": "The web app installation button on the install web app page, while the web app is installing" + }, + "buttonWebAppInstallFinished": { + "message": "Aplikacija nameščena!", + "description": "The web app installation button on the install web app page, after the web app has been installed" + } +} \ No newline at end of file