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Folders and files

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Version: 0.2.2 Type: application

Generate testnet genesis files for the execution and consensus layer clients


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Key Type Default Description
affinity object {} Affinity configuration for pods
annotations object {} Annotations for the StatefulSet
config object See values.yaml Config file
containerSecurityContext object See values.yaml The security context for containers
customArgs list [] Custom args for the genesis-generator container
customCommand list [] Command replacement for the genesis-generator container
extraContainers list [] Additional containers
extraEnv list [] Additional env variables
extraPorts list [] Additional ports. Useful when using extraContainers
extraVolumeMounts list [] Additional volume mounts
extraVolumes list [] Additional volumes
fullnameOverride string "" Overrides the chart's computed fullname
image.pullPolicy string "IfNotPresent" genesis-generator container pull policy
image.repository string "skylenet/ethereum-genesis-generator" genesis-generator container image repository
image.tag string "latest" genesis-generator container image tag
imagePullSecrets list [] Image pull secrets for Docker images
ingress.annotations object {} Annotations for Ingress
ingress.enabled bool false Ingress resource for the HTTP API
ingress.hosts[0].host string "chart-example.local"
ingress.hosts[0].paths list []
ingress.tls list [] Ingress TLS
initChownData.enabled bool true Init container to set the correct permissions to access data directories
initChownData.image.pullPolicy string "IfNotPresent" Container pull policy
initChownData.image.repository string "busybox" Container repository
initChownData.image.tag string "1.34.0" Container tag
initChownData.resources object {} Resource requests and limits
initContainers list [] Additional init containers
livenessProbe object See values.yaml Liveness probe
nameOverride string "" Overrides the chart's name
nodeSelector object {} Node selector for pods
persistence.accessModes list ["ReadWriteOnce"] Access mode for the volume claim template
persistence.annotations object {} Annotations for volume claim template
persistence.enabled bool false Uses an EmptyDir when not enabled
persistence.existingClaim string nil Use an existing PVC when persistence.enabled
persistence.selector object {} Selector for volume claim template
persistence.size string "1Gi" Requested size for volume claim template
podAnnotations object {} Pod annotations
podDisruptionBudget object {} Define the PodDisruptionBudget spec If not set then a PodDisruptionBudget will not be created
podLabels object {} Pod labels
podManagementPolicy string "OrderedReady" Pod management policy
priorityClassName string nil Pod priority class
readinessProbe object See values.yaml Readiness probe
resources object {} Resource requests and limits
secretEnv object {} Additional env variables injected via a created secret
securityContext object See values.yaml The security context for pods
service.type string "ClusterIP" Service type
serviceAccount.annotations object {} Annotations to add to the service account
serviceAccount.create bool true Specifies whether a service account should be created string "" The name of the service account to use. If not set and create is true, a name is generated using the fullname template
terminationGracePeriodSeconds int 5 How long to wait until the pod is forcefully terminated
tolerations list [] Tolerations for pods
topologySpreadConstraints list [] Topology Spread Constraints for pods
updateStrategy object {"type":"RollingUpdate"} Update stategy for the Statefulset
updateStrategy.type string "RollingUpdate" Update stategy type