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File metadata and controls

88 lines (58 loc) · 1.74 KB SDK for Python SDK for Python


Access key and secret key are needed to authenticate with the Tenable Cloud API. There are three ways to supply the keys to the TenableIOClient:

Precedence Method
1 Constructor Arguments
2 INI File
3 Environment Variables

TenableIOClient Constructor Arguments

TenableIOClient(access_key='YOUR_ACCESS_KEY', secret_key='YOUR_SECRET_KEY')

INI File

A tenable_io.ini can be created in the working directory. See tenable_io.ini.example on what it should look like.
Note: The tenable_io.ini.example file is in Jinja template format.

Environment Variables

TenableIOClient looks for the environment variables TENABLEIO_ACCESS_KEY and TENABLEIO_SECRET_KEY.

Python Version

2.7, 3.4


It is recommend to use virtualenv to setup an isolated local environment.

$ virtualenv .venv
# To use a different python bin (i.e. python3).
$ virtualenv .venv3 -p $(which python3)
# To active the virtualenv
$ source ./.venv/bin/activate

Install dependencies.

$ pip install -r ./requirements.txt
$ pip install -r ./requirements-build.txt

Run Tests

$ py.test


To generate/force update the RST documentations from docstrings.

$ sphinx-apidoc -f -o doc/source tenable_io

Generate HTML documentation.

$ cd doc
$ make clean && make html