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This repository has been archived by the owner on Jun 22, 2023. It is now read-only.

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197 lines (134 loc) · 7.59 KB

File metadata and controls

197 lines (134 loc) · 7.59 KB


All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning. - 2023-04-11

  • Added GetAssetsFromProjects to IProjectSchema.
  • Added GetBalancesFromProjects to ISharedSchema. - 2023-01-02


  • Added UpdateName request to IProjectSchema.


  • Fixed GraphQL template argument type for BridgeClaimAsset. - 2022-07-18


  • Added JsonValue class.
  • Added JsonUtils utility class.
  • Added EnumUtils utility class.
  • Added to_json() member-function to ISerializable.
  • Added reauthentication features to ProjectClient.
  • Added close() and is_closed() member-functions to ClientMiddleware.


  • Enums and constant expressions now use pascal case instead of upper-snake-case for their naming convention.
  • Renamed DEL value in HttpMethod to Delete.
  • Renamed ERR value in LogLevel to Error.
  • Renamed AssetSort to AssetSortInput.
  • Renamed Melt to MeltInput.
  • Renamed PaginationOptions to PaginationInput.
  • Renamed Request to Transaction.
  • Renamed RequestState to TransactionState.
  • Renamed RequestType to TransactionType.
  • Renamed Trade to TradeInput.
  • Renamed TransactionSort to TransactionSortInput.
  • Renamed Transfers to TransferInput.
  • Renamed GetRequest to GetTransaction.
  • Renamed GetRequests to GetTransactions.
  • Renamed ProjectTransactionRequestArguments to TransactionRequestArguments.
  • Renamed TrustedPlatformMiddleware to ClientMiddleware.
  • Moved AssetTransferFeeSettingsInput to its own header file.
  • Moved HttpMethod to its own header file.
  • Moved LogLevel to its own header file.
  • HttpRequest now uses setter member-functions instead of a builder.
  • Getters in HttpRequest now return an optional.
  • Builders are now nested in the classes they are implemented for.
  • Build function in builder for PusherEventService now returns a unique-pointer.
  • Moved Enjin host URI expressions in EnjinHosts.hpp into a utility class named EnjinHosts.
  • Changed the type of value contained within the optional for AssetVariant::get_variant_metadata() from a string to JsonValue.
  • Changed the type of value contained within the optional for TransactionEvent::get_inputs() from a vector of strings to a vector of type JsonValue.
  • Changed the type of value contained within the optional for TransactionEvent::get_non_indexedinputs() from a vector of strings to a vector of type JsonValue.
  • Changed the type of value contained within the optional for TransactionEvent::get_indexed_inputs() from a vector of strings to a vector of type JsonValue.
  • Changed the type of value contained within the optional for TransactionLog::get_data() from a vector of strings to a vector of type JsonValue.
  • Changed the type of value contained within the optional for TransactionLog::get_topics() from a vector of strings to a vector of type JsonValue.
  • Changed methods to use pass-by-value instead of pass-by-reference where appropriate.
  • Moved functionality of TrustedPlatformHandler over to ClientMiddleware.
  • Copy and move constructors for PlayerClient, ProjectClient, and PusherEventService are now explicitly deleted.
  • Constructors for schema classes now take a unique-pointer for an HTTP client instead of a middleware.
  • The future returned by PusherEventService::shutdown() no longer completes exceptionally if the function is called prior to starting the service.
  • The destructor for PusherEventService now attempts to shut down the service.
  • Argument interfaces for requests no longer override parent functions to access internal implementations.
  • Argument interfaces for requests now use static-cast instead of dynamic-cast for their chaining functions.
  • Content-Type header for HttpRequest is now stored in its headers set.


  • Removed internal argument implementation classes.
  • Removed class LoggerImpl from public space.


  • ClientMiddleware now checks if its HTTP client is null.
  • Added template specializations of BalanceFragmentArguments for GetPlayer, GetPlayers, GetWallet, and GetWallets requests. - 2022-07-05


  • Added GOERLI to EnjinHosts.hpp.


  • Removed KOVAN from EnjinHosts.hpp. - 2022-05-23


  • Added arguments and fields to Transaction.gql template file for getting the wallet address.
  • Added arguments and fields to Wallet.gql template file for getting balances and transactions.
  • Added set_with_transaction_wallet_address member-function to TransactionFragmentArguments.
  • Added set_wallet_balance_filter, set_with_wallet_balances, and set_with_wallet_transaction member-functions to WalletFragmentArguments.
  • Added getters for balances and transactions to Wallet model.


  • Refactored Balance, Player, Request, and Wallet models to use pimpl idiom.
  • Changed name of member-function set_asset_id_format in TransactionFragmentArguments to set_transaction_asset_id_format.
  • WalletFragmentArguments now implements BalanceFragmentArguments and TransactionFragmentArguments.


  • Fixed issue with argument interfaces not serializing data from parent argument interfaces.
  • Fixed missing equality operator in ProjectTransactionRequestArguments. - 2022-04-25


  • Removed set_project_uuid and set_project_uuid_in member-functions from BalanceFilter. - 2022-04-11


  • GetWallets query in project schema no longer implements PaginationArguments.


  • Fixed typo for result in GetWallets.gql template file for project schema. - 2022-03-01


  • Updated path to template generation command in root CMakeLists file.
  • Updated regular expression used by TemplateLoader to match a wider range of characters leading to the "schemas" folder.


  • Fixed package installation procedure in root CMakeLists file. - 2021-11-09


  • Added Enjin Bridge mutations for project and player schemas.
  • Added get_asset member-function to Request.
  • Added set_asset_id_format method to TransactionFragmentArguments.


  • The asset for transactions is now included in returned Request models when using set_with_asset_data() in requests which inherit TransactionFragmentArguments. - 2021-09-27


  • Initial alpha release.