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iLAPS implementation based off of PowerShell – Intune Local Administrator Password Solution (iLAPS)

Powershell Implementation:

  • Installation script to install and create windows task to run monthly on the first
  • Powershell reset script to reset all local admin passwords
  • Powershell script to check if password reset is required hourly

Admin UI Web Application Features:

  • Search for machines using a configurable machine prefix
  • Automatically reseting machine password after configurable amount of hours if not an SuperUser
  • Ability for SuperUsers to not trigger an automatic password reset
  • Logging of All User Actions
  • User and SuperUser roles in AD for Admin Users


  1. Deploy Automatically
  2. Create Admin UI with Ability to Limit access via Azure AD
  3. Automatically Reset passwords which have been viewed by an admin to verify passwords are always random

Getting Started Overview

  1. Installation process
    1. Create Customer Specific Secrets File (Steps below)
    2. Build Software dependencies (Steps below)
    3. Deploy Software
  2. Software dependencies
    1. GIT Commandline
    2. Dotnet Core 3.1 SDK
    3. Powershell 3+

Local Configuration

  1. Clone solution into c:\dev
  2. Navigate to c:\dev\iLAPs
  3. Copy settings.template.json with name settings.production.local.json
    1. You can add as many settings.environment-name.local.json as you want if you want to be able to build for many environments. To use the new environments modify step 13.2 to look like .\Build.ps1 -BuildEnvironment 'environment-name'
    2. If BuildEnvironment is not specified it assumes Production

Portal Configuration

  1. Create Resouce Group Named iLaps-RG

  2. Create General Purpose V2 Storage Account (Example name ilapscustomername)

    1. Save storage account name into settings.production.local.json field named

         "Storage-Account-Name": "PasteValueHere"
  3. Create Shared Access Signature for Admin UI

    1. Allowed Services: Table

    2. Allowed Resource Types: Object

    3. Allowed Permissions: Read, Write, List, Add, Create, Update

    4. Set Start and End Expiration dates

    5. Allowed Protocols: Https only

    6. Generate SAS and Connection String

    7. Save into settings.production.local.json field shown below

         "Admin-UI-Table-Object-Read-Write-List-Add-Create-Update-SAS-Token": "PasteValueHere"
  4. Scroll down to Tables on side navigation bar:

    1. Create Table called AdminPasswords

    2. Create Table called ResetPasswords

    3. Create Table called Logs

    4. Create Table called DEMPasswords

    5. Save into settings.production.local.json field shown below

         "Admin-Table-Name": "AdminPasswords",
         "Reset-Table-Name": "ResetPasswords",
         "DEM-Table-Name": "DEMPasswords",
         "Log-Table-Name": "Logs"
  5. Click Tables click the elipsis on AdminPassword table

    1. Select Access Policy
    2. Click Add Policy
    3. Name it Add-Create
    4. Permissions Add and Update
    5. Set start and end time based on your organzations security policy
    6. Click Ok
    7. Create another Policy named Read with Read Permissions
    8. Click Ok
  6. Click Tables click the elipsis on ResetPasswords table

    1. Select Access Policy
    2. Click Add Policy
    3. Name it Read-Update
    4. Permissions Read and Update
    5. Set start and end time based on your organzations security policy
  7. Click Tables click the elipsis on DEMPasswords table

    1. Select Access Policy
    2. Click Add Policy
    3. Name it Read-Update
    4. Permissions Read and Update
    5. Set start and end time based on your organzations security policy
  8. Create Shared Access Signature for Installation Script

    1. Allowed Services: Blob

    2. Allowed Resource Types: Object

    3. Allowed Permissions: Read

    4. Set Start and End Expiration dates

    5. Allowed Protocols: Https only

    6. Generate SAS and Connection String

    7. Save into settings.production.local.json field shown below

         "Blob-Object-Read-Installer-SAS-Token": "PasteValueHere"
  9. Scroll down to Containers on side navigation bar:

    1. Create Container named installation

    2. Save into settings.production.local.json field shown below

         "Installer-Container-Name": "installation"
  10. Navigate back to iLaps-RG Resource Group

    1. Click Add then search for WebApp
    2. Name WebApp iLaps-customername where customername is your customer's name
    3. Runtime Stack: .Net Core 3.1 (LTS)
    4. App Service Plan:
      1. Create New and name it
      2. Change Size to S1
    5. Click Review + Create
    6. Click Create
    7. Once created naviagte to TLS/SSL in new resource
      1. Turn on the HTTPS Only setting
  11. Navigate to Azure Active Directory

    1. Click App Registrations

    2. Click New Registration

    3. Name Application ILAPS

    4. Click Authentication and click Add a Platform

      1. Click Web
      2. Specify the url as
        1. US Gov Cloud
        2. US Commercial Cloud
      3. Add another url for development purposes https://localhost:5001/signin-oidc
      4. Click Configure
      5. Check ID Tokens under Implicit Grant and Hybrid Flows
    5. Navigate to Manifest and replace line 8 which contains appRoles with the following

            "appRoles": [
               "allowedMemberTypes": [
               "description": "SuperUser user can view passwords but they DO NOT reset automatically",
               "displayName": "SuperUser",
               "id": "b4a94c3f-bdd5-4c86-8749-d7f110195a56",
               "isEnabled": true,
               "lang": null,
               "origin": "Application",
               "value": "SuperUser"
               "allowedMemberTypes": [
               "description": "Helpdesk user can view passwords but they reset automatically",
               "displayName": "User",
               "id": "574cd779-fece-4f33-aa31-d1374e8ea5ca",
               "isEnabled": true,
               "lang": null,
               "origin": "Application",
               "value": "User"
               "allowedMemberTypes": [
               "description": "User can only see DEM User Tab",
               "displayName": "DEM",
               "id": "574cd779-fece-4f33-aa31-d1374e8ea5c2",
               "isEnabled": true,
               "lang": null,
               "origin": "Application",
               "value": "DEM"
    6. Navigate to Manifest and find publisherDomain and remember the value for step 8

    7. Navigate to Certificates & secrets and generate a new secret then save it in step 8

    8. Navigate to Overview tab to save the fields below into settings.production.local.json

         "Admin-UI-Domain": "Type publisherDomain here"
         "Admin-UI-TenantId": "Tenant-GUID",
         "Admin-UI-ClientId": "App-Registration-Client-GUID",
    9. Click API Permissions

      1. Click Add a Permission
      2. Click Microsoft Graph
        1. Search and add Group.Read.All and User.Read
        2. Click Add Permission
        3. Get admin permissions granted for Group.Read.All (You need this or application could fail to work properly)
    10. Click Overview and in the top header click the link next to Managed application in local directory

      1. Click Properties
      2. Toggle User Assignment required to Yes
      3. Click Users and Groups and add users who should have access to this application.
        1. Add Role based on if the User is a User, DEM or a Super User. DEM has ability to ONLY SEE the DEM tab. Super Users have the ability to view DEM Tab, passwords without forcing a reset automatically and view access logs
  12. Open settings.production.local.json and change set the following settings based on if you are targeting US Gov Cloud or US Commercial Cloud and your Customers Name

    1. US Gov Cloud

         "Company-Name": "My Gov Customer Name",
         "Admin-UI-GraphApiUrl" : ""
    2. US Commercial Cloud

         "Company-Name": "My Commercial Customer Name",
         "Admin-UI-GraphApiUrl" : ""
  13. If you will be using the DEM Management feature, Please Configure your DEMAdminGroups and DEMSuperAdminGroup. Below is an example how to add multiple to each group. DEMAdminGroups can see DEMAccounts Associate to them and DEMSuperAdmin can see all DEM Accounts. IF NOT USING DEM ACCOUNT FEATURE PLEASE CLEAR THE FIELDS LIKE SHOWN IN EXAMPLE 2

    1. Configure DEM Admins (if configured please read last step to finish configuration)

         "Admin-UI-DEMAdminGroups" : "['DEM_ADMIN_GROUP_NAME','DEM_ADMIN_GROUP_NAME_TWO']",
    2. Disable the Feature

         "Admin-UI-DEMAdminGroups" : "",
         "Admin-UI-DEMSuperAdminGroups" : "",
  14. Open Azure Storage Explorer

    1. Login to Azure and find the storage account we just created

    2. Open the Tables section

    3. Right Click AdminPasswords table

      1. Click Get Shared Access Signature...

      2. Click Access Policy and select Add-Create

      3. Click Create

      4. Copy the Query String

        1. Save into settings.production.local.json field named

             "Table-Object-Add-Create-SAS-Token": "PasteValueHere"
      5. Click Back and change the Access Policy to Read

      6. Click Next

      7. Copy the Query String

        1. Save into settings.production.local.json field named

             "Table-Object-Read-List-SAS-Token": "PasteValueHere"
    4. Right Click ResetPasswords table

      1. Click Get Shared Access Signature...
      2. Click Access Policy and select Read-Update
      3. Click Create
      4. Copy the Query String
        1. Save into settings.production.local.json field named

             "Table-Object-Read-Update-SAS-Token": "PasteValueHere"
    5. Right Click DEMPasswords table

      1. Click Get Shared Access Signature...
      2. Click Access Policy and select Read-Update
      3. Click Create
      4. Copy the Query String
        1. Save into settings.production.local.json field named

             "DEM-Table-Object-Read-Update-SAS-Token": "PasteValueHere"
  15. Ensure you have .NET Core 3.1 SDK installed

    1. Open Powershell window and navigate to c:\dev\iLAPs
    2. run .\Build.ps1
  16. Open c:\dev\iLAPs\Output\app-service-advanced-editor-script.json

    1. Select all text and copy
  17. Navigate to iLaps-RG in the portal

    1. Click ilaps App Service
    2. Click Configuration
      1. Click Advanced Edit
      2. Paste the copied value right before the last ]
      3. Click OK
    3. Scroll down to Advanced Tools in the side navigation
      1. Click Go
      2. Hover over Tools then click Zip Push Deploy
      3. Open c:\dev\iLAPs\Output\ in File Explorer
      4. Drag to Zip Deploy Interface (You will see it turn blue)
  18. Navigate back to iLaps-RG Resource Group

    1. Click ilapscustomername storage account
    2. Click Containers
    3. Click installation
    4. Click Upload
      1. Navigate to c:\dev\iLAPs\Output
      2. Click both Reset-LocalAdministratorPassword_v2.0.ps1 and Check-Reset-LocalAdministratorPassword_v2.0.ps1
      3. Click Upload
  19. Navigate to Use PowerShell scripts on Windows 10 devices in Intune

    1. Deploy the code found in c:\dev\iLAPs\Output\Install-iLaps_v2.0.ps1 using the guide linked above
    2. Make sure you set Powershell64 or it will fail
  20. If using DEM feature complete this step. Otherwise ENJOY!

    1. Install and connect to storage account using storage explorer
    2. Fill out the DEMPasswords - Import Template.csv script and hash the password using the hashing script in the Output directory.
    3. The hashing script takes a string input and returns a hashed output. You can automate the script further on your own but this is provided as a starting point. Example Usage : .\Output\SaltDEMPasswords.ps1 -PW "MyCrazySuperSecretPassword123!@#"
    4. Navigate to DEMPasswords table and import the DEMPasswords - Import Template.csv
    5. Manually copy the DEM-Password-Reset-Script.ps1 from the Outputs folder to C:\Windows\System32 folder on a On-Prem server with AD Powershell Tools installed
    6. Open an Admin Powershell and navigate to C:\Windows\System32
    7. Run the command .\DEM-Password-Reset-Script.ps1
    8. The script will self install a task which run's hourly and checks the DEM table if it needs to update the Password or not.
    9. Enjoy