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MusicGen Trainer

This is a trainer for MusicGen model. It's based on this.



Removing the gradient scaler, increasing the batch size and only training on conditional samples makes training work.


  • Add notebook
  • Add webdataset support
  • Try larger models
  • Add LoRA
  • Make rolling generation customizable


Dataset Creation

Create a folder, in it, place your audio and caption files. They must be .wav and .txt format respectively. You can omit .txt files for training with empty text by setting the --no_label option to 1.

You can use .wav files longer than 30 seconds, in that case the model will be trained on random crops of the original .wav file.

In this example, segment_000.txt contains the caption "jazz music, jobim" for wav file segment_000.wav.

Running the trainer

Run python3 --dataset <PATH_TO_YOUR_DATASET>. Make sure to use the full path to the dataset, not a relative path.


  • dataset_path: String, path to your dataset with .wav and .txt pairs.
  • model_id: String, MusicGen model to use. Can be small/medium/large. Default: small
  • lr: Float, learning rate. Default: 0.00001/1e-5
  • epochs: Integer, epoch count. Default: 100
  • use_wandb: Integer, 1 to enable wandb, 0 to disable it. Default: 0 = Disabled
  • save_step: Integer, amount of steps to save a checkpoint. Default: None
  • no_label: Integer, whether to read a dataset without .txt files. Default: 0 = Disabled
  • tune_text: Integer, perform textual inversion instead of full training. Default: 0 = Disabled
  • weight_decay: Float, the weight decay regularization coefficient. Default: 0.00001/1e-5
  • grad_acc: Integer, number of steps to smooth gradients over. Default: 2
  • warmup_steps: Integer, amount of steps to slowly increase learning rate over to let the optimizer compute statistics. Default: 16
  • batch_size: Integer, batch size the model sees at once. Reduce to lower memory consumption. Default: 4
  • use_cfg: Integer, whether to train with some labels randomly dropped out. Default: 0 = Disabled

You can set these options like this: python3 --use_wandb=1.


Once training finishes, the model (and checkpoints) will be available under the models folder in the same path you ran the trainer on.

To load them, simply run the following on your generation script:


Where model is the MusicGen Object and models/ is the path to your model (or checkpoint).


      title={Simple and Controllable Music Generation},
      author={Jade Copet and Felix Kreuk and Itai Gat and Tal Remez and David Kant and Gabriel Synnaeve and Yossi Adi and Alexandre Défossez},
      journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2306.05284},

@mkualquiera (mkualquiera@discord) added batching, debugged the code and trained the first working model.

Special thanks to elyxlz (223864514326560768@discord) for helping @chavinlau with the masks.

@chavinlau wrote the original version of the training code. Original README:

MusicGen Trainer

This is a trainer for MusicGen model. Currently it's very basic but I'll add more features soon.


Only works for overfitting. Breaks model on anything else

More information on the current training quality on the experiments section


Dataset Creation

Create a folder, in it, place your audio and caption files. They must be WAV and TXT format respectively.

Important: Split your audios in 35 second chunks. Only the first 30 seconds will be processed. Audio cannot be less than 30 seconds.

In this example, segment_000.txt contains the caption "jazz music, jobim" for wav file segment_000.wav

Running the trainer

Run python3 --dataset /home/ubuntu/dataset, replace /home/ubuntu/dataset with the path to your dataset. Make sure to use the full path, not a relative path.


  • dataset_path: String, path to your dataset with WAV and TXT pairs.
  • model_id: String, MusicGen model to use. Can be small/medium/large. Default: small
  • lr: Float, learning rate. Default: 0.0001/1e-4
  • epochs: Integer, epoch count. Default: 5
  • use_wandb: Integer, 1 to enable wandb, 0 to disable it. Default: 0 = Disabled
  • save_step: Integer, amount of steps to save a checkpoint. Default: None

You can set these options like this: python3 --use_wandb=1


Once training finishes, the model (and checkpoints) will be available under the models folder in the same path you ran the trainer on.

To load them, simply run the following on your generation script:


Where model is the MusicGen Object and models/ is the path to your model (or checkpoint).


Electronic music (Moe Shop):

Encodec seems to struggle with electronic music. Even just Encoding->Decoding has many problems.

4:00 - 4:30 - Moe Shop - WONDER POP


Encode -> Decode:

Overfit -> Generate -> Decode:

Bossa Nova (Tom Jobim):

Softer and less aggressive melodies seem to play best with encodec and musicgen. One of these are bossa nova, which to me sounds great:

1:20 - 1:50 - Tom Jobim - Children's Games

Original: (last 5 seconds are ignored)

Encode -> Decode:

Overfit -> Generate -> Decode:


      title={Simple and Controllable Music Generation},
      author={Jade Copet and Felix Kreuk and Itai Gat and Tal Remez and David Kant and Gabriel Synnaeve and Yossi Adi and Alexandre Défossez},
      journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2306.05284},

Special thanks to elyxlz (223864514326560768@discord) for helping me with the masks.