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Rule-based Decision Making

"Motion Control for Mobile Robot Navigation Using Machine Learning: a Survey"

  • [ 2020 ] [📝] [ 🎓 University of Texas ] [ 🚗 US Army Research Laboratory ]

  • [ survey, classical planning, learning-based planning, hybrid, parameter tuning, engineering efforts ]

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Within the navigation stack, learning-based approaches can replace (1) the entire navigation stack (end-to-end), (2) navigation subsystems (either global or local), and (3) individual components (e.g. planner parameters, world representation). The authors advocate to use ML at the subsystem or component level. And to forget about end-to-end: the red cross shows that no end-to-end approach outperforms classical systems. Last but not least: ML looks promising for social navigation and reactive local planning. Source

Authors: Xiao, X., Liu, B., Warnell, G., & Stone, P.

  • Motivation:

    • Compare between the classical planners and emerging learning-based paradigms for planning (navigation and motion control).
  • Some interesting conclusions:

  • Scope:

    • Most learning-based works focus on end-to-end approaches.

      • Because appealing aspects, e.g. they should be able to avoid cascading errors such as errors in the global representation being propagated to the local planning level.
      • Nevertheless limitations, e.g. they lack of proven reliable applicability in real-world scenarios.
    • When focusing on subsystems, most address the local rather than the global planning.

      • Because it is easier to generalize to a close local goal or local segment from a global path than an unseen, faraway global goal.
  • Performance:

    • Very few learning-based approaches actually improve upon classical techniques.

      • More "proofs of concepts": the research community initially focused on answering the question of whether or not navigation was even possible with learning approaches.
    • Safety is overlooked by ML.

      • "Only 11 out of the 72 surveyed papers describe navigation systems that can provide some form of safety assurance, and each of these does so using a component from a classical system."

    • end-to-end: one third of the approaches surveyed lacks the ability to navigate to user-defined goals.

      • "It is very difficult for a learned model to generalize to arbitrarily defined goals, which is not seen in its training data. Not being able to see similar goal configurations during training makes it hard to generalize to arbitrarily specified goals."

      • All of the non-end-to-end approaches surveyed can do that.
    • end-to-end: Explainability is overlooked.

      • "None of the 43 end-to-end approaches surveyed even attempted to maintain any notion of explainability."

  • Improvements:

    • Can learning approaches enable new navigation capabilities that are difficult to achieve with classical techniques?

      • Yes, e.g. social navigation.
    • Are learning approaches really getting rid of the extensive human engineering (e.g., filtering, designing, modelling, tuning, etc.)? E.g. for manual parameter tuning.

      • Not so clear!
      • The "learning burden" (high demand on training data, hyperparameter search) cannot always be automated and is insufficiently acknowledged.
      • "We found that the literature on learning-based navigation did little to explicitly acknowledge or characterize the very real costs of hyperparameter search and training overhead."

  • Main recommendation: Combine the two paradigms.

    • Forget about end-to-end.

      • "The current best practice is to use ML at the subsystem or component level."

      • In other words: do not replace a "classical" component that already works. Rather:
        • Replace small "classical" components which suffer from limitations: e.g. parameter tuning, social interaction modelling.
        • Extend them: e.g. they are currently not able to continuously adapt their parameters from experiences collected during deployment.
    • Example:

      • Learning modules to adapt to new environments.
        • E.g. dynamically changing parameters.
      • Classical components to ensure that the system obeys hard safety constraints.
    • Example:

      • ML to tune the parameters of a classical system. E.g. by trial and error.
    • Example:

      • Continuous (lifelong) learning: ML to improve based on real deployment experience
        • Risk: catastrophic forgetting.
    • Example:

      • ML for the reactive local planning level.
      • These reactive behaviours are difficult to model using rule-based symbolic reasoning, but are ripe for learning from experience.
      • Analogy to human navigation:
        • "Humans typically perform high-level deliberation to come up with long-range plans, such as how to get from a house or apartment to a local park, but navigation becomes much more reactive at the local level when needing to respond to immediate situations, such as avoiding a running dog or moving through extremely complex or tight spaces."

      • Especially: social behaviours.

"An Autonomous Driving Framework for Long-term Decision-making and Short-term Trajectory Planning on Frenet Space"

  • [ 2020 ] [📝] [:octocat:] [ 🎓 University of California ]

  • [ behavioural planner, hierarchy, safety supervisor, IDM, MOBIL, Frenet frame, lattices ]

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Hierarchical structure: the BP decides to change lane or not based on a state machine. This short term goal, together with a desired speed, are processed by the local planner (LP) which generates a trajectory. This trajectory is tracked by a low-level controller using two PIDs. On the top, a supervisor runs at higher frequency. It can quickly react and overwrite the goals set by BP. Source
The driving style can be adjusted with 2 parameters: the desired gap with leader when in StayOnLane and the desired gap with follower when ChangeLane. Source

Authors: Moghadam, M., & Elkaim, G. H.

  • Motivation:

    • 1- Modularity and hierarchy.
      • By nature, modules run at different frequencies.
    • 2- Enable different driving styles.
      • Here {agile, moderate, conservative} styles with different values for two parameters:
      • 1- Politeness factor in MOBIL which influence tailgating, i.e. gap with the following car.
      • 2- Safe time headway in IDM, i.e. gap with the leading car.
    • Task: Highway driving.
  • Four levels (from bottom to top):

  • 1- Trajectory following + Drive and steer control.

    • Task: stabilize the vehicle dynamics while tracking the commanded trajectory.
    • Input: a spatiotemporal trajectory: τ = { (s(t), d(t)) ∈ t ∈ [0, T] }.
    • Output: steering and drive commands.
    • How:
      • Points (x, y, speed) are sampled from the trajectory.
      • Two PID controllers are then used to track the desired speed and WPs.
      • For lateral control: A two-point control model.
  • 2- Trajectory planning. Also called "Local Planner" (LP).

    • Task: produce a safe, feasible and optimal trajectory to meet the defined short-term goal.

      • "The planner translates the commanded maneuver modes, such as LaneChangeRight and StayOnTheLane, along with the desired speed to optimal trajectories in a variable time-horizon window."

    • Input: a target speed and a manoeuvre mode in {LaneChangeRight, LaneChangeLeft, StayOnTheLane}.

    • Output: spatiotemporal trajectory.

      • It consists of two polynomials of time, concerning lateral and longitudinal movements.
    • Frenet frame.

      • "Transferring the calculations to Frenet space makes the driving behavior invariant to the road curvatures and road slopes in 3 dimensions, which improves the optimization computations significantly and simplifies the cost function manipulation."

    • Optimization: generate lattices + evaluate + pick the best one.

      • "Six constraints for d(t) and five for s(t), which makes them form quintic (r = 5) and quartic (k = 4) polynomials, respectively."

      • [3 degrees of freedom] "Since t0 and Ti−1 are known values at each time-step, producing lattices boils down to identifying terminal manifolds: arrival time tf, lateral position df, and speed vf. The set T is produced by varying these 3 unknowns within the feasible ranges."

      • Surrounding cars are assumed to maintain their speeds.
      • [After filtering based on hard constraints] "The remaining trajectory candidates are examined in terms of velocity and acceleration that are safe, dynamically feasible, and legally allowed."

    • What if BP decisions are found to be non-applicable?

      • LP can overwrite BP.
      • "Similar to target lane, the speed commanded by the IDM can also be overwritten by the LP before being sent to low- level controller."

  • 3- Behavioural planner (BP).

    • Task: decide high-level short-term goals.
    • Input: scene description. Probably a list of <pos, speed, heading>.
    • Output: a target speed and a manoeuvre mode.
    • IDM and MOBIL models used for:
      • The transitions of the state machine.
      • The computation of the target speed.
      • "The ego vehicle stays in the current lane with a desired speed computed by IDM module until MOBIL algorithm decides on a lane change."

  • 4- Safety Supervisor.

    • Task: monitor decisions and react quickly to risky situations.
      • "The supervisor sends a recalculation command to the modules if an unpredicted situation appears during the path following."

    • Frequency: higher that BP and LP.
      • [Need to be able to react] "The surrounding human/autonomous drivers may perform unexpected maneuvers that jeopardize the safety of the generated trajectory."

    • To avoid forward collisions: use a second IDM with more conservative parameters than BP.
      • "If TTC violates the safety threshold, IDM2 raises the safety violation flag, and the supervisor calls the LP to recalculate the trajectory based on the current situation."

"Formalizing Traffic Rules for Machine Interpretability"

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Top left: Different techniques on how to model the rules have been employed: formal logics such as Linear Temporal Logic LTL or Signal Temporal Logic (STL), as well as real-value constraints. Middle and bottom: Rules are separated into premise and conclusion. The initial premise and exceptions (red) are combined by conjunction. Source

Authors: Esterle, K., Gressenbuch, L., & Knoll, A.

  • Motivation:

    • "Traffic rules are fuzzy and not well defined, making them incomprehensible to machines."

    • The authors formalize traffic rules from legal texts (here StVO) to a formal language (here LTL).
  • Which legal text defines rules?

  • Why Linear Temporal Logic (LTL) as the formal language to specify traffic rules?

    • "During the legal analysis, conjunction, disjunction, negation and implication proved to be powerful and useful tools for formalizing rules. As traffic rules such as overtaking consider temporal behaviors, we decided to use LTL."

    • "Others have used Signal Temporal Logic (STL) to obtain quantitative semantics about rule satisfaction. Quantitive semantics might be beneficial for relaxing the requirements to satisfy a rule."

  • Rules are separated into premise and conclusion.

    • "This allows rules to be separated into a premise about the current state of the environment, i.e. when a rule applies, and the legal behavior of the ego agent in that situation (conclusion). Then, exceptions to the rules can be modeled to be part of the assumption."

  • Tools:

    • INTERACTION: a dataset​ which focuses on dense interactions and analyze the compliance* of each vehicle to the traffic rules.
    • SPOT: a C++ library for model checking, to translate the formalized LTL formula to a deterministic finite automaton and to manipulate the automatons.
    • BARK: a benchmarking framework.
  • Evaluation of rule-violation on public data:

    • "Roughly every fourth lane change does not keep a safe distance to the rear vehicle, which is similar for the German and Chinese Data."

"A hierarchical control system for autonomous driving towards urban challenges"

  • [ 2020 ] [📝] [ 🎓 Chungbuk National University, Korea ]

  • [ FSM ]

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Behavioural planning is performed using a two-state FSM. Right: transition conditions in the M-FSM. Source

Authors: Van, N. D., Sualeh, M., Kim, D., & Kim, G. W.

  • Motivations:
    • "In the DARPA Urban Challenge, Stanford Junior team succeeded in applying FSM with several scenarios in urban traffic roads. However, the main drawback of FSM is the difficulty in solving uncertainty and in large-scale scenarios."

    • Here:
      • The uncertainty is not addressed.
      • The diversity of scenarios is handled by a two-stage Finite State Machine (FSM).
  • About the two-state FSM:
    • 1- A Mission FSM (M-FSM).
      • Five states: Ready, Stop-and-Go (SAG) (main mode), Change-Lane (CL), Emergency-stop, avoid obstacle mode.
    • 2- A Control FSM (C-FSM) in each M-FSM state.
  • The decision is then converted into speed and waypoints objectives, handled by the local path planning.
    • It uses a real-time hybrid A* algorithm with an occupancy grid map.
    • The communication decision -> path planner is unidirectional: No feedback is given regarding the feasibility for instance.

"Trajectory Optimization and Situational Analysis Framework for Autonomous Overtaking with Visibility Maximization"

  • [ 2019 ] [📝] [🎞️] [ 🎓 National University of Singapore, Delft University, MIT ]
  • [ FSM, occlusion, partial observability ]
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Left: previous work Source. Right: The BP FSM consists in 5 states and 11 transitions. Each transition from one state to the other is triggered by specific alphabet unique to the state. For instance, 1 is Obstacle to be overtaken in ego lane detected. Together with the MPC set of parameters, a guidance path is passed to the trajectory optimizer. Source.
Left: previous work Source. Right: The BP FSM consists in 5 states and 11 transitions. Each transition from one state to the other is triggered by specific alphabet unique to the state. For instance, 1 is Obstacle to be overtaken in ego lane detected. Together with the MPC set of parameters, a guidance path is passed to the trajectory optimizer. Source.

Authors: Andersen, H., Alonso-mora, J., Eng, Y. H., Rus, D., & Ang Jr, M. H.

  • Main motivation:
    • Deal with occlusions, i.e. partial observability.
    • Use case: a car is illegally parked on the vehicle’s ego lane. It may fully occlude the visibility. But has to be overtaken.
  • One related works:
  • About the hierarchical structure.
    • 1- A high-level behaviour planner (BP).
      • It is structured as a deterministic finite state machine (FSM).
      • States include:
        • Follow ego-lane
        • Visibility Maximization
        • Overtake
        • Merge back
        • Wait
      • Transition are based on some deterministic risk assessment.
        • The authors argue that the deterministic methods (e.g. formal verification of trajectory using reachability analysis) are simpler and computationally more efficient than probabilistic versions, while being very adapted for this information maximization:
        • This is due to the fact that the designed behaviour planner explicitly breaks the traffic rule in order to progress along the vehicle’s course.

    • Interface 1- > 2-:
      • Each state correspond to specific set of parameters that is used in the trajectory optimizer.
      • "In case of Overtake, a suggested guidance path is given to both the MPC and `backup trajectory generator".

    • 2- A trajectory optimizer.
      • The problem is formulated as receding horizon planner and the task is to solve, in real-time, the non-linear constrained optimization.
        • Cost include guidance path deviation, progress, speed deviation, size of blind spot (visible area) and control inputs.
        • Constraints include, among other, obstacle avoidance.
        • The prediction horizon of this MPC is 5s.
      • Again (I really like this idea), MPC parameters are set by the BP.
        • For instance, the cost for path deviation is high for Follow ego-lane, while it can be reduced for Visibility Maximization.
        • "Increasing the visibility maximization cost resulted in the vehicle deviating from the path earlier and more abrupt, leading to frequent wait or merge back cases when an oncoming car comes into the vehicle’s sensor range. Reducing visibility maximization resulted in later and less abrupt deviation, leading to overtaking trajectories that are too late to be aborted. We tune the costs for a good trade-off in performance."

        • Hence, depending on the state, the task might be to maximize the amount of information that the autonomous vehicle gains along its trajectory.
    • "Our method considers visibility as a part of both decision-making and trajectory generation".

"Jointly Learnable Behavior and Trajectory Planning for Self-Driving Vehicles"

  • [ 2019 ] [📝] [ 🚗 Uber ]
  • [ max-margin ]
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Authors: Sadat, A., Ren, M., Pokrovsky, A., Lin, Y., Yumer, E., & Urtasun, R.

  • Main motivation:
    • Design a decision module where both the behavioural planner and the trajectory optimizer share the same objective (i.e. cost function).
    • Therefore "joint".
    • "[In approaches not-joint approaches] the final trajectory outputted by the trajectory planner might differ significantly from the one generated by the behavior planner, as they do not share the same objective".

  • Requirements:
    • 1- Avoid time-consuming, error-prone, and iterative hand-tuning of cost parameters.
      • E.g. Learning-based approaches (BC).
    • 2- Offer interpretability about the costs jointly imposed on these modules.
      • E.g. Traditional modular 2-stage approaches.
  • About the structure:
    • The driving scene is described in W (desired route, ego-state, map, and detected objects). Probably W for "World"?
    • The behavioural planner (BP) decides two things based on W:
      • 1- An high-level behaviour b.
        • The path to converge to based on one chosen manoeuvre: keep-lane, left-lane-change, or right-lane-change.
        • The left and right lane boundaries.
        • The obstacle side assignment: whether an obstacle should stay in the front, back, left, or right to the ego-car.
      • 2- A coarse-level trajectory τ.
      • The loss has also a regularization term.
      • This decision is "simply" the argmin of the shared cost-function, obtained by sampling+selecting the best.
    • The "trajectory optimizer" refines τ based on the constraints imposed by b.
      • For instance an overlap cost will be incurred if the side assignment of b is violated.
    • A cost function parametrized by w assesses the quality of the selected <b, τ> pair:
      • cost = w^T . sub-costs-vec(τ, b, W).
      • Sub-costs relate to safety, comfort, feasibility, mission completion, and traffic rules.
  • Why "learnable"?
    • Because the weight vector w that captures the importance of each sub-cost is learnt based on human demonstrations.
      • "Our planner can be trained jointly end-to-end without requiring manual tuning of the costs functions".

    • They are two losses for that objective:
      • 1- Imitation loss (with MSE).
        • It applies on the <b, τ> produced by the BP.
      • 2- Max-margin loss to penalize trajectories that have small cost and are different from the human driving trajectory.
        • It applies on the <τ> produced by the trajectory optimizer.
        • "This encourages the human driving trajectory to have smaller cost than other trajectories".

        • It reminds me the max-margin method in IRL where the weights of the reward function should make the expert demonstration better than any other policy candidate.

"Liability, Ethics, and Culture-Aware Behavior Specification using Rulebooks"

  • [ 2019 ] [📝] [:octocat:] [🎞️] [🎞️] [ 🎓 ETH Zurich ] [ 🚗 nuTonomy, Aptiv ]

  • [ sampling-based planning, safety validation, reward function, RSS ]

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Some figures:

Defining the rulebook. Source.
Defining the rulebook. Source.
The rulebook is associated to an operator =< to prioritize between rules. Source.
The rulebook is associated to an operator =< to prioritize between rules. Source.
The rulebook serves for deciding which trajectory to take and can be adapted using a series of operations. Source.
The rulebook serves for deciding which trajectory to take and can be adapted using a series of operations. Source.

Authors: Censi, A., Slutsky, K., Wongpiromsarn, T., Yershov, D., Pendleton, S., Fu, J., & Frazzoli, E.

  • Allegedly how nuTonomy (an Aptiv company) cars work.

  • One main concept: "rulebook".

    • It contains multiple rules, that specify the desired behaviour of the self-driving cars.
    • A rule is simply a scoring function, or “violation metric”, on the realizations (= trajectories).
    • The degree of violation acts like some penalty term: here some examples of evaluation of a realization x evaluated by a rule r:
      • For speed limit: r(x) = interval for which the car was above 45 km/h.
      • For minimizing harm: r(x) = kinetic energy transferred to human bodies.
    • Based on Use as a comparison operator to rank candidate trajectories.
  • One idea: Hierarchy of rules.

    • With many rules being defined, it may be impossible to find a realization (e.g. trajectory) that satisfies all.
    • But even in critical situation, the algorithm must make a choice - the least catastrophic option (hence no concept of infeasibility.)
    • To deal with this concept of "Unfeasibility", priorities between conflicting rules which are therefore hierarchically ordered.
    • Hence a rulebook R comes with some operator <: <R, <>.
    • This leads to some concepts:
    • Safety vs. infractions.
      • Ex.: a rule "not to collide with other objects" will have a higher priority than the rule "not crossing the double line".
    • Liability-aware specification.
      • Ex.: (edge-case): Instruct the agent to collide with the object on its lane, rather than collide with the object on the opposite lane, since changing lane will provoke an accident for which it would be at fault.
      • This is close to the RSS ("responsibility-sensitive safety" model) of Mobileye.
    • Hierarchy between rules:
      • Top: Guarantee safety of humans.
        • This is written analytically (e.g. a precise expression for the kinetic energy to minimize harm to people).
      • Bottom: Comfort constraints and progress goals.
        • Can be learnt based on observed behaviour (and also tend to be platform- and implementation- specific).
      • Middle: All the other priorities among rule groups
        • There are somehow open for discussion.
  • How to build a rulebook:

    • Rules can be defined analytically (e.g. LTL formalism) or learnt from data (for non-safety-critical rules).
    • Violation functions can be learned from data (e.g. IRL).
    • Priorities between rules can also be learnt.
  • One idea: manipulation of rulebooks.

    • Regulations and cultures differ depending on the country and the state.
    • A rulebook <R, <> can easily be adapted using three operations (priority refinement, rule augmentation, rule aggregation).
  • Related work: Several topics raised in this paper reminds me subjects addressed in Emilio Frazzoli, CTO, nuTonomy - 09.03.2018

    • 1- Decision making with FSM:
      • Too complex to code. Easy to make mistake. Difficult to adjust. Impossible to debug (:cry:).
    • 2- Decision making with E2E learning:
      • Appealing since there are too many possible scenarios.
      • But how to prove that and justify it to the authorities?
        • One solution is to revert such imitation strategy: start by defining the rules.
    • 3- Decision making "cost-function-based" methods
      • 3-1- RL / MCTS: not addressed here.
      • 3-2- Rule-based (not the if-else-then logic but rather traffic/behaviour rules).
    • First note:
      • Number of rules: small (15 are enough for level-4).
      • Number of possible scenarios: huge (combinational).
    • Second note:
      • Driving baheviours are hard to code.
      • Driving baheviours are hard to learn.
      • But driving baheviours are easy to assess.
    • Strategy:
      • 1- Generate candidate trajectories
        • Not only in time and space.
        • Also in term of semantic (logical trajectories in Kripke structure).
      • 2- Check if they satisfy the constraints and pick the best.
        • This involves linear operations.
    • Conclusion:
      • "Rules and rules priorities, especially those that concern safety and liability, must be part of nation-wide regulations to be developed after an informed public discourse; it should not be up to engineers to choose these important aspects."

      • This reminds me the discussion about social-acceptance I had at IV19.^
      • As E. Frazzoli concluded during his talk, the remaining question is:
        • "We do not know how we want human-driven vehicle to behave?"
        • Once we have the answer, that is easy.

Some figures from this related presentation:

Candidate trajectories are not just spatio-temporal but also semantic. Source.
Candidate trajectories are not just spatio-temporal but also semantic. Source.
Define priorities between rules, as Asimov did for his laws. Source.
Define priorities between rules, as Asimov did for his laws. Source.
As raised here by the main author of the paper, I am still wondering how the presented framework deals with the different sources of uncertainties. Source.
As raised here by the main author of the paper, I am still wondering how the presented framework deals with the different sources of uncertainties. Source.

"Provably Safe and Smooth Lane Changes in Mixed Traffic"

  • [ 2019 ] [📝] [:octocat:] [🎞️] [ 🎓 FZI, KIT ]

  • [ path-velocity decomposition, IDM, RSS ]

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Some figures:

The first safe? check might lead to conservative behaviours (huge gaps would be needed for safe lane changes). Hence it is relaxed with some Probably Safe? condition. Source.
The first safe? check might lead to conservative behaviours (huge gaps would be needed for safe lane changes). Hence it is relaxed with some Probably Safe? condition. Source.
Formulation by Pek, Zahn, & Althoff, 2017. Source.
Formulation by Pek, Zahn, & Althoff, 2017. Source.

Authors: Naumann, M., Königshof, H., & Stiller, C.

  • Main ideas:

    • The notion of safety is based on the responsibility sensitive safety (RSS) definition.
      • As stated by the authors, "A safe lane change is guaranteed not to cause a collision according to the previously defined rules, while a single vehicle cannot ensure that it will never be involved in a collision."
    • Use set-based reachability analysis to prove the "RSS-safety" of lane change manoeuvre based on gap evaluation.
      • In other words, it is the responsibility of the ego vehicle to maintain safe distances during the lane change manoeuvre.
  • Related works: A couple of safe distances are defined, building on

"Decision-Making Framework for Autonomous Driving at Road Intersections: Safeguarding Against Collision, Overly Conservative Behavior, and Violation Vehicles"

  • [ 2018 ] [📝] [🎞️] [ 🎓 Daejeon Research Institute, South Korea ]

  • [ probabilistic risk assessment, rule-based probabilistic decision making ]

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One figure:


Author: Noh, S.

  • Many ML-based works criticize rule-based approaches (over-conservative, no generalization capability and painful parameter tuning).
    • True, the presented framework contains many parameters whose tuning may be tedious.
    • But this approach just works! At least they go out of the simulator and show some experiments on a real car.
    • I really like their video, especially the multiple camera views together with the RViz representation.
    • It can be seen that probabilistic reasoning and uncertainty-aware decision making are essential for robustness.
  • One term: "Time-to-Enter" (tte).
    • It represents the time it takes a relevant vehicle to reach the potential collision area (CA), from its current position at its current speed.
    • To deal with uncertainty in the measurements, a variant of this heuristic is coupled with a Bayesian network for probabilistic threat-assessment.
  • One Q&A: What is the difference between situation awareness and situation assessment?
    • In situation awareness, all possible routes are considered for the detected vehicles using a map. The vehicles whose potential route intersect with the ego-path are classified as relevant vehicles.
    • In situation assessment, a threat level in {Dangerous, Attentive, Safe} is inferred for each relevant vehicle.
  • One quote:

"The existing literature mostly focuses on motion prediction, threat assessment, or decision-making problems, but not all three in combination."