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Securing a REST API with Cerbos

This project demonstrates how to secure a REST API using Cerbos policies. It also shows how to run Cerbos as a sidecar.

How it works

HTTP middleware checks the username and password sent with each request against the user database and builds a Cerbos principal object containing roles and attributes.

principal := cerbos.NewPrincipal(username).
    WithAttr("aisles", record.Aisles).
    WithAttr("ipAddress", r.RemoteAddr)

Checking access is as simple as making a call to Cerbos PDP.

resource := cerbos.NewResource("inventory", item.ID).WithAttr("aisle", item.Aisle)
allowed, err := cerbos.IsAllowed(ctx, principal, resource, "DELETE")

The Store API

The example application is a simple REST API exposed by a fictional e-commmerce service. Only authenticated users can access the API.

Endpoint Description Rules
PUT /store/order Create a new order Only customers can create orders. Each order must contain at least two items.
GET /store/order/{orderID} View the order Customers can only view their own orders. Store employees can view any order.
POST /store/order/{orderID} Update the order Customers can update their own orders as long as the status is PENDING
DELETE /store/order/{orderID} Cancel the order Customers can cancel their own orders as long the status is PENDING
POST /backoffice/order/{orderID}/status/{status} Update order status Pickers can change status from PENDING to PICKING and PICKING to PICKED. Dispatchers can change status from PICKED to DISPATCHED. Managers can change the status to anything.
PUT /backoffice/inventory Add new item to inventory Only buyers who are in charge of that category or managers can add new items
GET /backoffice/inventory/{itemID} View item Any employee can view inventory items
POST /backoffice/inventory/{itemID} Update item Buyers who are in charge of that category can update the item provided that the new price is within 10% of the previous price. Managers can update without any restrictions
DELETE /backoffice/inventory/{itemID} Remove item Only buyers who are in charge of that category or managers can remove items
POST /backoffice/inventory/{itemID}/replenish/{quantity} Replenish stock Only stockers and managers can replenish stock
POST /backoffice/inventory/{itemID}/pick/{quantity} Pick stock Only pickers and managers can pick stock

The Cerbos policies for the service are in the cerbos/policies directory.

  • store_roles.yaml: A derived roles definition which defines order-owner derived role to identify when someone is accessing their own order.
  • order_resource.yaml: A resource policy for the order resource encapsulating the rules listed in the table above.
  • inventory_resource.yaml: A resource policy for the inventory resource encapsulating the rules listed in the table above.

Available users are:

Username Password Roles
adam adamsStrongPassword customer
bella bellasStrongPassword customer, employee, manager
charlie charliesStrongPassword customer, employee, picker
diana dianasStrongPassword customer, employee, dispatcher
eve evesStrongPassword customer
florence florencesStrongPassword customer, employee, buyer (bakery)
george georgesStrongPassword customer, employee, buyer (dairy)
harry harrysStrongPassword customer, employee, stocker
jenny jennysStrongPassword customer, employee, stocker

Use docker-compose to start the demo. Here Cerbos is configured to run as a sidecar to the application and communicate over a Unix domain socket.

docker-compose up

Alternatively, if you have a Go 1.17+ development environment, you can use cerbos run to launch the server as follows:

# Install the Cerbos binary to $GOBIN which must be in your path.
go install

# Launch Cerbos and the test server
cerbos run -- go run main.go

Adam tries to create an order with a single item

curl -i -u adam:adamsStrongPassword -XPUT http://localhost:9999/store/order -d '{"items": {"eggs": 12}}'
  "message": "Operation not allowed"

Adam has enough items in the order

curl -i -u adam:adamsStrongPassword -XPUT http://localhost:9999/store/order -d '{"items": {"eggs": 12, "milk": 1}}'
  "orderID": 1

Adam can view his own order

curl -i -u adam:adamsStrongPassword -XGET http://localhost:9999/store/order/1
  "id": 1,
  "items": {
    "eggs": 12,
    "milk": 1
  "owner": "adam",
  "status": "PENDING"

Eve cannot view Adam's order

curl -i -u eve:evesStrongPassword -XGET http://localhost:9999/store/order/1
  "message": "Operation not allowed"

Bella can view Adam's order

curl -i -u bella:bellasStrongPassword -XGET http://localhost:9999/store/order/1
  "id": 1,
  "items": {
    "eggs": 12,
    "milk": 1
  "owner": "adam",
  "status": "PENDING"

Adam can update his pending order

curl -i -u adam:adamsStrongPassword -XPOST http://localhost:9999/store/order/1 -d '{"items": {"eggs": 24, "milk": 1, "bread": 1}}'
  "message": "Order updated"

Charlie cannot set order status to PICKED because it is not in PICKING status

curl -i -u charlie:charliesStrongPassword -XPOST http://localhost:9999/backoffice/order/1/status/PICKED
  "message": "Operation not allowed"

Charlie can set order status to PICKING

curl -i -u charlie:charliesStrongPassword -XPOST http://localhost:9999/backoffice/order/1/status/PICKING
  "message": "Order status updated"

Adam cannot update his order because it is not pending

curl -i -u adam:adamsStrongPassword -XPOST http://localhost:9999/store/order/1 -d '{"items": {"eggs": 24, "milk": 1, "bread": 1}}'
  "message": "Operation not allowed"

Florence can add an item to the bakery aisle

curl -i -u florence:florencesStrongPassword -XPUT http://localhost:9999/backoffice/inventory -d '{"id":"white_bread", "aisle":"bakery", "price":110}'
  "message": "Item added"

Florence cannot add an item to the dairy aisle

curl -i -u florence:florencesStrongPassword -XPUT http://localhost:9999/backoffice/inventory -d '{"id":"skimmed_milk", "aisle":"dairy", "price":120}'
  "message": "Operation not allowed"

Florence can increase the price of an item up to 10%

curl -i -u florence:florencesStrongPassword -XPOST http://localhost:9999/backoffice/inventory/white_bread -d '{"id":"white_bread", "aisle":"bakery", "price":120}'
  "message": "Item updated"

Florence cannot increase the price of an item more than 10%

curl -i -u florence:florencesStrongPassword -XPOST http://localhost:9999/backoffice/inventory/white_bread -d '{"id":"white_bread", "aisle":"bakery", "price":220}'
  "message": "Operation not allowed"

Bella can increase the price of an item by any amount

curl -i -u bella:bellasStrongPassword -XPOST http://localhost:9999/backoffice/inventory/white_bread -d '{"id":"white_bread", "aisle":"bakery", "price":220}'
  "message": "Item updated"

Harry can replenish stock

curl -i -u harry:harrysStrongPassword -XPOST http://localhost:9999/backoffice/inventory/white_bread/replenish/10
  "newQuantity": 10

Harry cannot pick stock

curl -i -u harry:harrysStrongPassword -XPOST http://localhost:9999/backoffice/inventory/white_bread/pick/1
  "message": "Operation not allowed"

Charlie can pick stock

curl -i -u charlie:charliesStrongPassword -XPOST http://localhost:9999/backoffice/inventory/white_bread/pick/1
  "newQuantity": 9

Charlie cannot replenish stock

curl -i -u charlie:charliesStrongPassword -XPOST http://localhost:9999/backoffice/inventory/white_bread/replenish/10
  "message": "Operation not allowed"

Bella can delete an item from inventory

curl -i -u bella:bellasStrongPassword -XDELETE http://localhost:9999/backoffice/inventory/white_bread
  "message": "Item deleted"

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