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How do I set a custom background color for *Treesitter* *markdown_inline*? #617

Closed Answered by stevenxxiu
stevenxxiu asked this question in Q&A
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I found Customizing highlighting of individual Neovim windows | by Caleb Taylor | Medium, which was fantastic and worked for me.

The following sets the background color to the same as that in Sublime Text's MarkdownEditing's MarkdownEditor color scheme:

vim.cmd('highlight MarkdownBackground guibg=#ECECEC')

vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd({ 'BufEnter' }, {
  pattern = '*',
  callback = function()
    if vim.api.nvim_buf_get_option(0, 'filetype') == 'markdown' then
      vim.opt_local.winhighlight = 'Normal:MarkdownBackground'

If there's an answer specific to Catppuccin, please post it. I'm more than happy to accept that instead.

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