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Ranking benchmark

This is quality benchmark of learning to rank (LETOR) methods based on gradient boosted decision trees (GBDT).

1. Datasets

  • Million queries dataset from TREC 2008, MQ2008, (train and test folds).
  • Microsoft LETOR dataset (WEB-10K), MSLR (First set, train and test folds).
  • Yahoo LETOR dataset (C14), Yahoo (First set, set1.train.txt and set1.test.txt files).
  • Yandex LETOR dataset, Yandex (features.txt.gz and featuresTest.txt.gz files).

More about loading and preprocessing you can find in

Dataset characteristics

Dataset name rows columns y distribution num samples in queries (min, median, max)
mq2008 train 9630 46 {0.0: 7820, 1.0: 1223, 2.0: 587} (5, 8, 121)
test 2874 46 {0.0: 2319, 1.0: 378, 2.0: 177} (6, 14, 119)
msrank train 723412 136 {0.0: 377957, 1.0: 232569, 2.0: 95082, 3.0: 12658, 4.0: 5146} (1, 110, 809)
test 241521 136 {0.0: 124784, 1.0: 77896, 2.0: 32459, 3.0: 4450, 4.0: 1932} (1, 109, 514)
yahoo train 473134 699 {1.0: 169897, 2.0: 134832, 0.0: 123294, 3.0: 36170, 4.0: 8941} (1, 19, 139)
test 165660 699 {1.0: 59107, 2.0: 48033, 0.0: 42625, 3.0: 12804, 4.0: 3091} (1, 19, 129)
yandex train 12463 53 {0: 6599, 2: 3311, 1: 2303, 3: 196, 4: 56} (1, 15, 62)
test 46594 53 {0: 24562, 2: 12487, 1: 8658, 3: 701, 4: 188} (1, 14, 63)

2. Algorithms

Here we compare the most popular GBDT libraries: CatBoost, XGBoost, LightGBM.

Ranking task type can be solved using different methods, e.g. the simplest one is to fit regression on labels taken from experts, also there are such methods as pairwise and listwise ranking. More information about different objectives in CatBoost you may find in ranking tutorial.

  • For CatBoost we evaluate objectives: RMSE, QueryRMSE, PairLogit, PairLogitPairwise, YetiRank, YetiRankPairwise
  • For XGBoost: reg:linear, xgb-lmart-ndcg, xgb-pairwise
  • For LightGBM: lgb-rmse, lgb-pairwise


  1. For each method we evaluate 8K iterations.
  2. We search best hyper-parameters over this grid:
Parameter Values
learning rate 0.03 0.07 0.15 0.3
max_bin 64 128 254
max_depth 4 6 8 10

3. Evaluation


GBDT libraries versions:

  • CatBoost: 0.11.1
  • XGBoost : 0.80
  • LightGBM: 2.2.1

and python packages: sklearn, pandas, numpy, collections, functools.


We compare methods by the mean NDCG metric.

def ndcg(y_score, y_true, k):
    order = np.argsort(y_score)[::-1]
    y_true = np.take(y_true, order[:k])

    gain = 2 ** y_true - 1

    discounts = np.log2(np.arange(len(y_true)) + 2)
    return np.sum(gain / discounts)
mean_ndcg = sum(ndcg(query) for query in queries) / len(queries)

Where k is the number of taken top documents for metric evaluation. In our case k=top=10.

Or in other words: DCG(query) = sum_i ((2 ** label_i - 1) / log(i + 2)); MeanDCG = sum_query DCG(query) / num_queries.

4. Results

learning_rate max_bin max_depth best_score
cat-rmse 0.03 254 6 0.830443
cat-query-rmse 0.03 128 6 0.82957
cat-pair-logit 0.3 128 4 0.829991
cat-pair-logit-pairwise 0.15 64 4 0.829537
cat-yeti-rank 0.03 64 4 0.828799
cat-yeti-rank-pairwise 0.03 254 4 0.828047
xgb-rmse 0.03 254 4 0.822891
xgb-pairwise 0.03 254 4 0.822891
xgb-lambdamart-ndcg 0.03 254 4 0.822891
lgb-rmse 0.15 64 4 0.822661
lgb-pairwise 0.15 64 4 0.822661
learning_rate max_bin max_depth best_score
cat-rmse 0.03 64 10 0.50829
cat-query-rmse 0.03 128 10 0.50998
cat-pair-logit 0.03 64 8 0.491601
cat-pair-logit-pairwise 0.03 64 6 0.49019
cat-yeti-rank 0.07 64 10 0.507434
cat-yeti-rank-pairwise 0.07 128 8 0.506411
xgb-rmse -- -- -- --
xgb-pairwise 0.03 128 8 0.503665
xgb-lambdamart-ndcg 0.03 254 10 0.504549
lgb-rmse 0.03 254 6 0.506417
lgb-pairwise 0.03 254 8 0.5060907
Yahoo NDCG
learning_rate max_bin max_depth best_score
cat-rmse 0.03 254 10 0.802115
cat-query-rmse 0.03 254 10 0.802229
cat-pair-logit 0.03 64 10 0.797318
cat-pair-logit-pairwise 0.07 254 6 0.790396
cat-yeti-rank 0.15 254 10 0.802972
cat-yeti-rank-pairwise -- -- -- --
xgb-rmse 0.03 64 10 0.798892
xgb-pairwise 0.03 128 10 0.800048
xgb-lambdamart-ndcg 0.03 128 10 0.800048
lgb-rmse 0.03 64 8 0.8013675
lgb-pairwise 0.03 128 8 0.801347
Yandex NDCG
learning_rate max_bin max_depth best_score
cat-rmse 0.03 128 10 0.71226484
cat-query-rmse 0.03 64 6 0.71261928
cat-pair-logit 0.03 64 4 0.70557892
cat-pair-logit-pairwise 0.07 64 6 0.70702202
cat-yeti-rank 0.03 64 8 0.71139851
cat-yeti-rank-pairwise 0.03 128 6 0.71484625
xgb-rmse 0.03 64 4 0.70976480
xgb-pairwise 0.03 64 4 0.70976481
xgb-lambdamart-ndcg 0.03 64 4 0.70976481
lgb-rmse 0.03 64 6 0.70998032
lgb-pairwise 0.03 128 6 0.70997884


Each plot represents a single dataset. A plot contains a line for the best set of hyper-parameters for an algorithm, where algorithm is a pair library+mode.

MQ2008 MSLR Yahoo Yandex