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🌐 DevOps mentorship task solutions and notes 🌐

The repository contains my task solutions and notes related to AWS / Cloud / DevOps / Site Reliability Engineering / Platform Engineering / Production Engineering Mentorship program.

📖 Task summaries

📝 task-01

  • This task was related to creating public GitHub repository and adding .gitignore and files. The task also addressed that we should create two branches named development and main, direct commits to main branch should be forbidden.

📝 task-02

  • This task was related to Wargames labs and Bandit tasks levels 1 - 10 that tested knowledge related to basic and intermediate Linux commands.

📝 task-03

  • This task was related to bash scripting with notes related to ch. 13 - 16 from the book Linux Command Line and Shell Scripting Bible, 3rd Edition. The task required that we ssh into a remote server, create our own directory and test out the scripts we wrote previously.

📝 task-04

  • This task addressed reading of networking materials with focus on OSI model, protocols, IP addressing, client-server architecture, DNS etc. Practical part of the task was related to subnetting.

📝 task-05

  • This task was related to AWS account registration and MFA, alias, IAM User and Role Access to Billing information setup. We also created our budget and applied AWS Credits.

📝 task-06

  • This task was related to creation of EC2 instance and deployment of simple nodejs app. We also set CloudWatch billing alert and accessed our app via public IP of our EC2 instance.

📝 task-07

  • This task was related to creating Autoscaling Group and Application Load Balancer, besides that we created security groups, AMI image and simulated high availability, CPU load and made infrastructure diagram on lucidchart.

📝 task-08

  • This task was related to SSL Let's Encrypt implementation with migration to AWS ACM service. We created DNS record for hosted zone that points to our EC2 instance. We also configured AWS CLI and updated Route 53 service. We deployed nodejs app that we later accessed via our domain name we created previously and encrypted with SSL that also had autorenewal option enabled.

📝 task-09

  • This task was related to static website with AWS S3 and CloudFront services. We used SSL certificate from AWS Certificate Manager and made a record in Route 53 that pointed on our distribution. We configured Route 53 via AWS CLI.

📝 task-10

  • The task was related to note taking and learning about Serverless and Application Services like AWS Lambda, CloudWatchEvents and Event Bridge, Serverless Architecture, SNS, SQS etc. The practical part was related to automated EC2 control using Lambda and Events and building a serverless app.

📝 task-11

  • This task was related to AWS Tools GitFlow Workshop completion. We executed workshop tasks inside our AWS account.

📝 task-12

  • This task was related to Packer ⇨ CloudFormation / Terrafrom ⇨ Ansible tools. Goal of this task was to create two paralel infrastructures - one using CloudFormation and one using Terrafrom with two EC2 instances as Web (nginx) and Database (mysql) servers.

📝 task-13

  • This task was related to hands-on experience with AWS Code family of services: AWS CodeCommit, AWS CodeArtifact, AWS CodeBuild, AWS CodeDeploy and AWS CodePipeline. We executed workshop labs inside our AWS account.
