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executable file
73 lines (47 loc) · 3.51 KB

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executable file
73 lines (47 loc) · 3.51 KB


Build Status

VirtualBow is a free, open-source software tool for designing and simulating bows. Visit for more information about the project.


Building VirtualBow requires CMake, a C++17 compiler and the following external dependencies:

Also used are QCustomPlot and Calculate, but those are already included in the source code. The version numbers are just the minimum needed, newer versions might work too.

Optional pre-built dependencies for the supported platforms and compilers are available at virtualbow-dependencies. They each contain a file named paths.cmake that will set up the CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH so that the libraries are found by CMake. The easiest way to use it is by setting CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE to paths.cmake in your build,


If you're using Qt Creator you can set this property under Projects - Build Settings - CMake. (If the configuration step keeps failing, try Build - Clear CMake Configuration and then run CMake again via Build - Run CMake.)

Below are some brief instructions for building on the supported platforms. When in doubt, see the CI build definitions of virtualbow and virtualbow-dependencies for the definitive source of truth.


Using the GCC compiler and tools provided by MinGW-w64,

mkdir build && cd build
cmake ../virtualbow -G "MinGW Makefiles" -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=[...]/paths.cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
cmake --build .

Building with Microsoft Visual C++ should also be possible, but it is not officially supported or tested. Contributions that fix issues with MSVC will be accepted.

Linux and MacOS

On Linux, the Qt libraries packaged with the system are used. On Ubuntu they can be installed with

sudo apt install qtbase5-dev

The rest of the build process is the same on Linux and MacOS

mkdir build && cd build
cmake ../virtualbow -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=[...]/paths.cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
cmake --build .


The development of VirtualBow is planned and coordinated openly by using GitHub's issue tracker and the milestones feature. Feel free to participate by creating new issues or commenting on existing ones.

For contributing to this repository please follow the steps below:

  1. Fork the repository and create a new branch from develop
  2. Implement, commit and push your changes
  3. Create a pull request back to the develop branch of this repository. Link any relevant issues.
  4. Wait and see if the build pipeline passes. Keep updating your branch until it does.
  5. Your changes will be reviewed for merging as soon as possible

All contributions are appreciated!


VirtualBow is released under the GNU General Public License v3.0.