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1392 lines (1002 loc) · 39.6 KB

File metadata and controls

1392 lines (1002 loc) · 39.6 KB


Hora da refatoração

Vamos começar analisando o arquivo principal src/banana.js:

'use strict';

const css         = require('css'),
      bnnSize     = require('./bnnSize.js'),
      bnnPosition = require('./bnnPosition.js'),
      bnnGradient = require('./bnnGradient.js'),
      bnnImport    = require('./bnnImport.js'),
      bnnAlign    = require('./bnnAlign.js');

function Banana() {

  this.render = (inputPath, stylesheet) => {

    // Create the AST Tree
    let ast = css.parse(stylesheet);

    // Search for import rules
    ast.stylesheet.rules.forEach((rule, index) => {
      // Verifies that the rule is a import
      if (rule.import) {
        // Import the module
        bnnImport(inputPath, rule.import, ast.stylesheet.rules, index);

    // Search for selectors rules
    ast.stylesheet.rules.forEach((rule) => {
      // Verifies that the rule is a selector
      if (rule.selectors) {
        // Get custom declarations and create new declarations

    // Return the stringify AST
    return css.stringify(ast);



module.exports = new Banana();

A primeira coisa que notei é que temos a importação de outros módulos como:

  • bnnSize
  • bnnPosition
  • bnnGradient
  • bnnImport
  • bnnAlign


Então perceba que dessa forma as configurações serão sempre definidas e nunca INJETADAS na função principal Banana, se não injetamos esses valores então estamos usando-os como GLOBAIS e isso é ruim.

Então o que devemos fazer???

Simples! Criar 1 objeto de configuração com esses módulos e depois injetar ele em Banana(), ficando assim:

'use strict';

const css = require('css')

function Banana(config) {

Ué Suissa mas vc tá loco? De onde vem esse config?

Então meu caro gafanhoto! Ele deverá vir do arquivo que está chamando o Banana, por exemplo vamos criar o index.js:

const config = {};
config.bnnSize = require('./bnnSize.js')
config.bnnPosition = require('./bnnPosition.js')
config.bnnGradient = require('./bnnGradient.js')
config.bnnImport = require('./bnnImport.js')
config.bnnAlign = require('./bnnAlign.js')

const Banana = require('./banana.js')(config)

Percebeu então que separamos o módulo que executa das suas configurações?

Bom acredito que você percebeu que agora criamos o módulo Banana, INJETANDO a sua configuração por meio de config?

Eu refatorei essa parte pois ela estava assim:

module.exports = new Banana();

E, na minha opinião, isso é BEM errado pois você esta exportando apenas a instância da função Banana, mas e se eu quiser passar parâmetros para essa função, como por exemplo diferentes configurações?

Já estaria na merda!

Por isso o mais correto seria assim: module.exports = Banana;

Porém como ela é uma função e esse módulo poderá ter mais funções que apenas o render, eu prefiro fazer dessa forma:

'use strict';

const css = require('css')

const Banana = (config) => {
  return {
    render: (inputPath, stylesheet) => {
      // Create the AST Tree
      let ast = css.parse(stylesheet);

      // Search for import rules
      ast.stylesheet.rules.forEach((rule, index) => {
        // Verifies that the rule is a import
        if (rule.import) {
          // Import the module
          bnnImport(inputPath, rule.import, ast.stylesheet.rules, index);

      // Search for selectors rules
      ast.stylesheet.rules.forEach((rule) => {
        // Verifies that the rule is a selector
        if (rule.selectors) {
          // Get custom declarations and create new declarations
      // Return the stringify AST
      return css.stringify(ast);

module.exports = { run: Banana };

Então nesse caso nós podemos apenas importar o módulo sem executá-lo e só após ter sua instância, com isso reusando em outras partes do código, executando a função run passando as configurações necessárias.

Com isso você pode rodar no mesmo código diferentes configurações usando o mesmo módulo.

Se nós refatoramos o código e mudamos sua estrutura então precisamos refatorar o teste também, test/index.js estava assim:

describe('render()', () => {

  const banana = require('../src/banana.js');

  // render() test 1
  it("should return the fully rendered css", () => {
    let stylesheet = ".a {color:#000;bnn-size: 50px 100px;}.b {color:#000;bnn-position: 10px 5px 8px 90px;margin: 10px;}";

    let result = banana.render("teste.bnn", stylesheet);
    let expect = ".a {\n  color: #000;\n  width: 50px;\n  height: 100px;\n}\n\n.b {\n  color: #000;\n  margin: 10px;\n  top: 10px;\n  right: 5px;\n  bottom: 8px;\n  left: 90px;\n}";

    assert.equal(result, expect);


Porém agora nosso módulo banana precisa executar a função run com suas configurações, logo vamos deixar o código assim:

describe('render()', () => {

  const config = {};
  config.bnnSize = require('../src/bnnSize.js'),
  config.bnnPosition = require('../src/bnnPosition.js'),
  config.bnnGradient = require('../src/bnnGradient.js'),
  config.bnnImport = require('../src/bnnImport.js'),
  config.bnnAlign = require('../src/bnnAlign.js');

  const banana = require('../src/banana.js');
  // render() test 1
  it("should return the fully rendered css", () => {
    const stylesheet = ".a {color:#000;bnn-size: 50px 100px;}.b {color:#000;bnn-position: 10px 5px 8px 90px;margin: 10px;}";
    const result ="teste.bnn", stylesheet);
    const expect = ".a {\n  color: #000;\n  width: 50px;\n  height: 100px;\n}\n\n.b {\n  color: #000;\n  margin: 10px;\n  top: 10px;\n  right: 5px;\n  bottom: 8px;\n  left: 90px;\n}";

    assert.equal(result, expect);


Percebeu que troquei os let dele por const?

Sabe porquê?

Simplesmente porque ele só é definido 1 vez, logo não há porque usar let. deveos usar let apenas em variáveis que mudarão o seu valor, o que não é esse caso.

Bom esse foi 1 exemplo bem simples que fiz pra ensinar meu broder Afonsinho!

Ótimo agora podemos ir para os outros arquivos, por exemplo src/bnnAlign:

const getParam = require('./getParam.js');

let bnnAlign = (declarations) => {

  // Search for declarations
  declarations.forEach((declaration, index) => {

    // Find a custom property
    if ( === "bnn-align") {

      // Delete a custom property
      declarations.splice(index, 1);

      //Filter values
      let propertyValue1 = getParam(declaration.value, 0);
      let propertyValue2 = getParam(declaration.value, 1);

      // Add properties and values
        type: 'declaration',
        property: 'display',
        value: "flex"

        type: 'declaration',
        property: 'flex-wrap',
        value: "wrap"

      // verify the first value
      if (propertyValue1 === "left") {
          type: 'declaration',
          property: 'justify-content',
          value: 'flex-start'

      if (propertyValue1 === "right") {
          type: 'declaration',
          property: 'justify-content',
          value: 'flex-end'

      if (propertyValue1 === "center") {
          type: 'declaration',
          property: 'justify-content',
          value: propertyValue1

      // verify the property with second value
      if (propertyValue2 === "top") {
          type: 'declaration',
          property: 'align-items',
          value: 'flex-start'

      if (propertyValue2 === "bottom") {
          type: 'declaration',
          property: 'align-items',
          value: 'flex-end'

      if (propertyValue2 === "center") {
          type: 'declaration',
          property: 'align-items',
          value: propertyValue2




module.exports = bnnAlign;

O que você acha que poderia melhorar nesse código?


Pois olhe o que eu faria, percebeu que temos vários ifs para testar propertyValue1 e propertyValue2?

O propertyValue1 é testado para:

  • left
  • right
  • center

E propertyValue2 é testado para:

  • top
  • bottom
  • center

Logo sabendo disso podemos inferir que propertyValue1 é para o horizontal e o propertyValue2 para o vertical, certo?

Como assim Suissa?

Uai simples! O propertyValue1 aceita left e right e o propertyValue2 aceita top e bottom, além do center` para os dois.

Então ficou claro para que serve cada uma não!?

Sabendo disso vamos renomerar essas variáveis para:

let propertyHorizontal = getParam(declaration.value, 0);
let propertyVertical = getParam(declaration.value, 1);

Agora nosso código ficou mais fácil de ser entendido:

const getParam = require('./getParam.js');

let bnnAlign = (declarations) => {

  // Search for declarations
  declarations.forEach((declaration, index) => {

    // Find a custom property
    if ( === "bnn-align") {

      // Delete a custom property
      declarations.splice(index, 1);

      //Filter values
      let propertyHorizontal = getParam(declaration.value, 0);
      let propertyVertical = getParam(declaration.value, 1);

      // Add properties and values
        type: 'declaration',
        property: 'display',
        value: "flex"

        type: 'declaration',
        property: 'flex-wrap',
        value: "wrap"

      // verify the first value
      if (propertyHorizontal === "left") {
          type: 'declaration',
          property: 'justify-content',
          value: 'flex-start'

      if (propertyHorizontal === "right") {
          type: 'declaration',
          property: 'justify-content',
          value: 'flex-end'

      if (propertyHorizontal === "center") {
          type: 'declaration',
          property: 'justify-content',
          value: propertyHorizontal

      // verify the property with second value
      if (propertyVertical === "top") {
          type: 'declaration',
          property: 'align-items',
          value: 'flex-start'

      if (propertyVertical === "bottom") {
          type: 'declaration',
          property: 'align-items',
          value: 'flex-end'

      if (propertyVertical === "center") {
          type: 'declaration',
          property: 'align-items',
          value: propertyVertical

module.exports = bnnAlign;

Agora vamos tentar automatizar esses testes!

O que devemos fazer é encapsular esses objetos que são usados em declarations.push dentro de cada if dessa forma:

const horizontalValues = [
  { type: "left",
    declarations: {
      type: 'declaration',
      property: 'justify-content',
      value: 'flex-start'
  { type: "right",
    declarations: {
      type: 'declaration',
      property: 'justify-content',
      value: 'flex-end'
  { type: "center",
    declarations: {
      type: 'declaration',
      property: 'justify-content',
      value: propertyHorizontal
const verticalValues = [
  { type: "top",
    declarations: {
      type: 'declaration',
      property: 'align-items',
      value: 'flex-start'
  { type: "bottom",
    declarations: {
      type: 'declaration',
      property: 'align-items',
      value: 'flex-end'
  { type: "center",
    declarations: {
      type: 'declaration',
      property: 'align-items',
      value: propertyVertical

Ok! Agora nós vamos iterar nesse Array para automatizar os testes que tinham antes, ficando assim:

const testHorizontal = (element, index) => {
  if (element.type === propertyHorizontal) declarations.push(element.declarations)
const testVertical = (element, index) => {
  if (element.type === propertyVertical) declarations.push(element.declarations)

Perceba que eu separei as funções executadas no forEach para facilitar a leitura e manutenção.

Agora vamos juntar tudo deixando nosso código assim:

const getParam = require('./getParam.js');

let bnnAlign = (declarations) => {

  // Search for declarations
  declarations.forEach((declaration, index) => {

    // Find a custom property
    if ( === "bnn-align") {

      // Delete a custom property
      declarations.splice(index, 1)

      //Filter values
      const propertyHorizontal = getParam(declaration.value, 0)
      const propertyVertical = getParam(declaration.value, 1)

      const horizontalValues = [
        { type: "left",
          declarations: {
            type: 'declaration',
            property: 'justify-content',
            value: 'flex-start'
        { type: "right",
          declarations: {
            type: 'declaration',
            property: 'justify-content',
            value: 'flex-end'
        { type: "center",
          declarations: {
            type: 'declaration',
            property: 'justify-content',
            value: propertyHorizontal
      const verticalValues = [
        { type: "top",
          declarations: {
            type: 'declaration',
            property: 'align-items',
            value: 'flex-start'
        { type: "bottom",
          declarations: {
            type: 'declaration',
            property: 'align-items',
            value: 'flex-end'
        { type: "center",
          declarations: {
            type: 'declaration',
            property: 'align-items',
            value: propertyVertical
      // Add properties and values
        type: 'declaration',
        property: 'display',
        value: "flex"

        type: 'declaration',
        property: 'flex-wrap',
        value: "wrap"

      const testHorizontal = (element, index) => {
        if (element.type === propertyHorizontal) declarations.push(element.declarations)
      const testVertical = (element, index) => {
        if (element.type === propertyVertical) declarations.push(element.declarations)


module.exports = bnnAlign;

E se quisermos também podemos modularizar esses objetos: horizontalValues e verticalValues. Porém por hora deixaremos assim.

Refatoração dos testes

Agora sim chegamos numa parte importante, pois olhe como está o arquivo de teste:

const assert = require('assert'),
      css    = require('css');

// ---------------------------------
// render()
// ---------------------------------

describe('render()', () => {

  const config = {};
  config.bnnSize = require('../src/bnnSize.js'),
  config.bnnPosition = require('../src/bnnPosition.js'),
  config.bnnGradient = require('../src/bnnGradient.js'),
  config.bnnImport = require('../src/bnnImport.js'),
  config.bnnAlign = require('../src/bnnAlign.js');

  const banana = require('../src/banana.js');
  // render() test 1
  it("should return the fully rendered css", () => {
    const stylesheet = ".a {color:#000;bnn-size: 50px 100px;}.b {color:#000;bnn-position: 10px 5px 8px 90px;margin: 10px;}";
    const result ="teste.bnn", stylesheet);
    const expect = ".a {\n  color: #000;\n  width: 50px;\n  height: 100px;\n}\n\n.b {\n  color: #000;\n  margin: 10px;\n  top: 10px;\n  right: 5px;\n  bottom: 8px;\n  left: 90px;\n}";

    assert.equal(result, expect);


// ---------------------------------
// bnnSize()
// ---------------------------------

describe('bnnSize()', () => {

  const bnnSize = require('../src/bnnSize.js');

  // bnnSize() test 1
  it("Should return a width and height with one specific value.", () => {

    let ast = css.parse(".a{bnn-size: 10px;}");

    ast.stylesheet.rules.forEach((rule) => {
      if (rule.selectors) bnnSize(rule.declarations);

    let result = css.stringify(ast);
    let expect = ".a {\n  width: 10px;\n  height: 10px;\n}";

    assert.equal(result, expect);

  // bnnSize() test 2
  it("Should return a width and height with two specific values.", () => {

    let ast = css.parse(".a{bnn-size: 10px 50px;}");

    ast.stylesheet.rules.forEach((rule) => {
      if (rule.selectors) bnnSize(rule.declarations);

    let result = css.stringify(ast);
    let expect = ".a {\n  width: 10px;\n  height: 50px;\n}";

    assert.equal(result, expect);


// ---------------------------------
// bnnPosition()
// ---------------------------------

describe('bnnPosition()', () => {

  const bnnPosition = require('../src/bnnPosition.js');

  // bnnPosition() test 1
  it("Should return a top,right,bottom and left with four specific value.", () => {

    let ast = css.parse(".a{bnn-position: 10px 20px 30px 40px;}");

    ast.stylesheet.rules.forEach((rule) => {
      if (rule.selectors) bnnPosition(rule.declarations);

    let result = css.stringify(ast);
    let expect = ".a {\n  top: 10px;\n  right: 20px;\n  bottom: 30px;\n  left: 40px;\n}";

    assert.equal(result, expect);

  // bnnPosition() test 2
  it("Should return a top,right,bottom and left with one specific value.", () => {

    let ast = css.parse(".a{bnn-position: 10px;}");

    ast.stylesheet.rules.forEach((rule) => {
      if (rule.selectors) bnnPosition(rule.declarations);

    let result = css.stringify(ast);
    let expect = ".a {\n  top: 10px;\n  right: 10px;\n  bottom: 10px;\n  left: 10px;\n}";

    assert.equal(result, expect);

  // bnnPosition() test 3
  it("If the value is center, should return a block centered element", () => {

    let ast = css.parse(".a{bnn-position: center;}");

    ast.stylesheet.rules.forEach((rule) => {
      if (rule.selectors) bnnPosition(rule.declarations);

    let result = css.stringify(ast);
    let expect = ".a {\n  display: block;\n  margin-left: auto;\n  margin-right: auto;\n}";

    assert.equal(result, expect);


// ---------------------------------
// bnnGradient()
// ---------------------------------

describe('bnnGradient()', () => {

  const bnnGradient = require('../src/bnnGradient.js');

  // bnnGradient() test 1
  it("Should return a gradient with two colors.", () => {

    let ast = css.parse(".a{bnn-gradient: red yellow;}");

    ast.stylesheet.rules.forEach((rule) => {
      if (rule.selectors) bnnGradient(rule.declarations);

    let result = css.stringify(ast);
    let expect = ".a {\n  background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, red, yellow);\n}";

    assert.equal(result, expect);

  // bnnGradient() test 2
  it("If the third value is vertical, should return a to bottom gradient.", () => {

    let ast = css.parse(".a{bnn-gradient: red yellow vertical;}");

    ast.stylesheet.rules.forEach((rule) => {
      if (rule.selectors) bnnGradient(rule.declarations);

    let result = css.stringify(ast);
    let expect = ".a {\n  background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, red, yellow);\n}";

    assert.equal(result, expect);

  // bnnGradient() test 3
  it("If the third value is hotizontal, should return a to left gradient.", () => {

    let ast = css.parse(".a{bnn-gradient: red yellow horizontal;}");

    ast.stylesheet.rules.forEach((rule) => {
      if (rule.selectors) bnnGradient(rule.declarations);

    let result = css.stringify(ast);
    let expect = ".a {\n  background-image: linear-gradient(to left, red, yellow);\n}";

    assert.equal(result, expect);


// ---------------------------------
// bnnAlign()
// ---------------------------------

describe('bnnAlign()', () => {

  const bnnAlign = require('../src/bnnAlign.js');

  // bnnAlign() test 1
  it("Should return a vertical and horizontal centralized flex container with one value", () => {

    let ast = css.parse(".a{bnn-align: center;}");

    ast.stylesheet.rules.forEach((rule) => {
      if (rule.selectors) bnnAlign(rule.declarations);

    let result = css.stringify(ast);
    let expect = ".a {\n  display: flex;\n  flex-wrap: wrap;\n  justify-content: center;\n  align-items: center;\n}";

    assert.equal(result, expect);

  // bnnAlign() test 2
  it("Should return a vertical and horizontal centralized flex container with two values", () => {

    let ast = css.parse(".a{bnn-align: center center;}");

    ast.stylesheet.rules.forEach((rule) => {
      if (rule.selectors) bnnAlign(rule.declarations);

    let result = css.stringify(ast);
    let expect = ".a {\n  display: flex;\n  flex-wrap: wrap;\n  justify-content: center;\n  align-items: center;\n}";

    assert.equal(result, expect);

  // bnnAlign() test 3
  it("Should return a flex container aligned to left with one value", () => {

    let ast = css.parse(".a{bnn-align: left;}");

    ast.stylesheet.rules.forEach((rule) => {
      if (rule.selectors) bnnAlign(rule.declarations);

    let result = css.stringify(ast);
    let expect = ".a {\n  display: flex;\n  flex-wrap: wrap;\n  justify-content: flex-start;\n}";

    assert.equal(result, expect);

  // bnnAlign() test 4
  it("Should return a flex container aligned to right with one value", () => {

    let ast = css.parse(".a{bnn-align: right;}");

    ast.stylesheet.rules.forEach((rule) => {
      if (rule.selectors) bnnAlign(rule.declarations);

    let result = css.stringify(ast);
    let expect = ".a {\n  display: flex;\n  flex-wrap: wrap;\n  justify-content: flex-end;\n}";
    assert.equal(result, expect);

  // bnnAlign() test 5
  it("Should return a flex container, with the content to top with one value", () => {

    let ast = css.parse(".a{bnn-align: top;}");

    ast.stylesheet.rules.forEach((rule) => {
      if (rule.selectors) bnnAlign(rule.declarations);

    let result = css.stringify(ast);
    let expect = ".a {\n  display: flex;\n  flex-wrap: wrap;\n  align-items: flex-start;\n}";

    assert.equal(result, expect);

  // bnnAlign() test 6
  it("Should return a flex container, with the content to bottom with one value", () => {

    let ast = css.parse(".a{bnn-align: bottom;}");

    ast.stylesheet.rules.forEach((rule) => {
      if (rule.selectors) bnnAlign(rule.declarations);

    let result = css.stringify(ast);
    let expect = ".a {\n  display: flex;\n  flex-wrap: wrap;\n  align-items: flex-end;\n}";

    assert.equal(result, expect);

  // bnnAlign() test 7
  it("Should return a flex container, with the content to left and top", () => {

    let ast = css.parse(".a{bnn-align: left top;}");

    ast.stylesheet.rules.forEach((rule) => {
      if (rule.selectors) bnnAlign(rule.declarations);

    let result = css.stringify(ast);
    let expect = ".a {\n  display: flex;\n  flex-wrap: wrap;\n  justify-content: flex-start;\n  align-items: flex-start;\n}";

    assert.equal(result, expect);

  // bnnAlign() test 9
  it("Should return a flex container, with the content to left and bottom", () => {

    let ast = css.parse(".a{bnn-align: left bottom;}");

    ast.stylesheet.rules.forEach((rule) => {
      if (rule.selectors) bnnAlign(rule.declarations);

    let result = css.stringify(ast);
    let expect = ".a {\n  display: flex;\n  flex-wrap: wrap;\n  justify-content: flex-start;\n  align-items: flex-end;\n}";

    assert.equal(result, expect);

  // bnnAlign() test 10
  it("Should return a flex container, with the content to right and top", () => {

    let ast = css.parse(".a{bnn-align: right top;}");

    ast.stylesheet.rules.forEach((rule) => {
      if (rule.selectors) bnnAlign(rule.declarations);

    let result = css.stringify(ast);
    let expect = ".a {\n  display: flex;\n  flex-wrap: wrap;\n  justify-content: flex-end;\n  align-items: flex-start;\n}";

    assert.equal(result, expect);

  // bnnAlign() test 11
  it("Should return a flex container, with the content to right and bottom", () => {

    let ast = css.parse(".a{bnn-align: right bottom;}");

    ast.stylesheet.rules.forEach((rule) => {
      if (rule.selectors) bnnAlign(rule.declarations);

    let result = css.stringify(ast);
    let expect = ".a {\n  display: flex;\n  flex-wrap: wrap;\n  justify-content: flex-end;\n  align-items: flex-end;\n}";

    assert.equal(result, expect);

  // bnnAlign() test 12
  it("Should return a flex container, with the content to center and bottom", () => {

    let ast = css.parse(".a{bnn-align: center bottom;}");

    ast.stylesheet.rules.forEach((rule) => {
      if (rule.selectors) bnnAlign(rule.declarations);

    let result = css.stringify(ast);
    let expect = ".a {\n  display: flex;\n  flex-wrap: wrap;\n  justify-content: center;\n  align-items: flex-end;\n}";

    assert.equal(result, expect);

  // bnnAlign() test 13
  it("Should return a flex container, with the content to right and center", () => {

    let ast = css.parse(".a{bnn-align: right center;}");

    ast.stylesheet.rules.forEach((rule) => {
      if (rule.selectors) bnnAlign(rule.declarations);

    let result = css.stringify(ast);
    let expect = ".a {\n  display: flex;\n  flex-wrap: wrap;\n  justify-content: flex-end;\n  align-items: center;\n}";

    assert.equal(result, expect);


// ---------------------------------
// bnnImport()
// ---------------------------------

describe('bnnImport()', () => {

  const bnnImport = require('../src/bnnImport.js');

  // bnnImport() test 1
  it("Should return the modulo.bnn file imported into the main.bnn file", () => {

    let ast = css.parse("@import fixtures/module.bnn; .a{width: 500px;}");

    ast.stylesheet.rules.forEach((rule, index) => {
      if (rule.import) bnnImport("test/main.bnn", rule.import, ast.stylesheet.rules, index);

    let result = css.stringify(ast);
    let expect = ".a {\n  width: 500px;\n}\n\n.b {\n  color: #000;\n}";

    assert.equal(result, expect);


// ---------------------------------
// getParam()
// ---------------------------------

describe('getParam()', () => {

  const getParam = require('../src/getParam.js');

  // getParam() test 1
  it("Should return a specific value of a shorthand.", () => {
    let result = getParam("10px 20px 30px 40px", 2);
    let expect = "30px";

    assert.equal(result, expect);

  // getParam() test 2
  it("If dont exist the especific value, should return the first value of a shorthand.", () => {
    let result = getParam("30px 10px", 3);
    let expect = "30px";

    assert.equal(result, expect);



E você sabe porque esse código está ruim, não está errado, só está ruim?

Bom então pense aqui comigo:

Para eu rodar os testes executamos npm test:

(bananacss) ➜ (git:(master) ✗) ➜ npm test

> [email protected] test /Users/jeancarlonascimento/www/testes/bananacss
> mocha

    ✓ should return the fully rendered css

    ✓ Should return a width and height with one specific value.
    ✓ Should return a width and height with two specific values.

    ✓ Should return a top,right,bottom and left with four specific value.
    ✓ Should return a top,right,bottom and left with one specific value.
    ✓ If the value is center, should return a block centered element

    ✓ Should return a gradient with two colors.
    ✓ If the third value is vertical, should return a to bottom gradient.
    ✓ If the third value is hotizontal, should return a to left gradient.

    ✓ Should return a vertical and horizontal centralized flex container with one value
    ✓ Should return a vertical and horizontal centralized flex container with two values
    ✓ Should return a flex container aligned to left with one value
    ✓ Should return a flex container aligned to right with one value
    ✓ Should return a flex container, with the content to top with one value
    ✓ Should return a flex container, with the content to bottom with one value
    ✓ Should return a flex container, with the content to left and top
    ✓ Should return a flex container, with the content to left and bottom
    ✓ Should return a flex container, with the content to right and top
    ✓ Should return a flex container, with the content to right and bottom
    ✓ Should return a flex container, with the content to center and bottom
    ✓ Should return a flex container, with the content to right and center

    ✓ Should return the modulo.bnn file imported into the main.bnn file

    ✓ Should return a specific value of a shorthand.
    ✓ If dont exist the especific value, should return the first value of a shorthand.

  24 passing (36ms)

Agora eu lhe pergunto:

Como faço para executar APENAS o teste bnnAlign()?

Se você não sabe eu te respondo:

Não faz!

Então o que devemos fazer?


O jeito mais fácil é retirarmos todo o conteúdo de describe('bnnAlign()' e salvar em um arquivo chamado test/bnnAlign.test.js:

const assert = require('assert'),
      css    = require('css');

// ---------------------------------
// bnnAlign()
// ---------------------------------

describe('bnnAlign()', () => {

  const bnnAlign = require('../src/bnnAlign.js');

  // bnnAlign() test 1
  it("Should return a vertical and horizontal centralized flex container with one value", () => {

    let ast = css.parse(".a{bnn-align: center;}");

    ast.stylesheet.rules.forEach((rule) => {
      if (rule.selectors) bnnAlign(rule.declarations);

    let result = css.stringify(ast);
    let expect = ".a {\n  display: flex;\n  flex-wrap: wrap;\n  justify-content: center;\n  align-items: center;\n}";

    assert.equal(result, expect);

  // bnnAlign() test 2
  it("Should return a vertical and horizontal centralized flex container with two values", () => {

    let ast = css.parse(".a{bnn-align: center center;}");

    ast.stylesheet.rules.forEach((rule) => {
      if (rule.selectors) bnnAlign(rule.declarations);

    let result = css.stringify(ast);
    let expect = ".a {\n  display: flex;\n  flex-wrap: wrap;\n  justify-content: center;\n  align-items: center;\n}";

    assert.equal(result, expect);

  // bnnAlign() test 3
  it("Should return a flex container aligned to left with one value", () => {

    let ast = css.parse(".a{bnn-align: left;}");

    ast.stylesheet.rules.forEach((rule) => {
      if (rule.selectors) bnnAlign(rule.declarations);

    let result = css.stringify(ast);
    let expect = ".a {\n  display: flex;\n  flex-wrap: wrap;\n  justify-content: flex-start;\n}";

    assert.equal(result, expect);

  // bnnAlign() test 4
  it("Should return a flex container aligned to right with one value", () => {

    let ast = css.parse(".a{bnn-align: right;}");

    ast.stylesheet.rules.forEach((rule) => {
      if (rule.selectors) bnnAlign(rule.declarations);

    let result = css.stringify(ast);
    let expect = ".a {\n  display: flex;\n  flex-wrap: wrap;\n  justify-content: flex-end;\n}";
    assert.equal(result, expect);

  // bnnAlign() test 5
  it("Should return a flex container, with the content to top with one value", () => {

    let ast = css.parse(".a{bnn-align: top;}");

    ast.stylesheet.rules.forEach((rule) => {
      if (rule.selectors) bnnAlign(rule.declarations);

    let result = css.stringify(ast);
    let expect = ".a {\n  display: flex;\n  flex-wrap: wrap;\n  align-items: flex-start;\n}";

    assert.equal(result, expect);

  // bnnAlign() test 6
  it("Should return a flex container, with the content to bottom with one value", () => {

    let ast = css.parse(".a{bnn-align: bottom;}");

    ast.stylesheet.rules.forEach((rule) => {
      if (rule.selectors) bnnAlign(rule.declarations);

    let result = css.stringify(ast);
    let expect = ".a {\n  display: flex;\n  flex-wrap: wrap;\n  align-items: flex-end;\n}";

    assert.equal(result, expect);

  // bnnAlign() test 7
  it("Should return a flex container, with the content to left and top", () => {

    let ast = css.parse(".a{bnn-align: left top;}");

    ast.stylesheet.rules.forEach((rule) => {
      if (rule.selectors) bnnAlign(rule.declarations);

    let result = css.stringify(ast);
    let expect = ".a {\n  display: flex;\n  flex-wrap: wrap;\n  justify-content: flex-start;\n  align-items: flex-start;\n}";

    assert.equal(result, expect);

  // bnnAlign() test 9
  it("Should return a flex container, with the content to left and bottom", () => {

    let ast = css.parse(".a{bnn-align: left bottom;}");

    ast.stylesheet.rules.forEach((rule) => {
      if (rule.selectors) bnnAlign(rule.declarations);

    let result = css.stringify(ast);
    let expect = ".a {\n  display: flex;\n  flex-wrap: wrap;\n  justify-content: flex-start;\n  align-items: flex-end;\n}";

    assert.equal(result, expect);

  // bnnAlign() test 10
  it("Should return a flex container, with the content to right and top", () => {

    let ast = css.parse(".a{bnn-align: right top;}");

    ast.stylesheet.rules.forEach((rule) => {
      if (rule.selectors) bnnAlign(rule.declarations);

    let result = css.stringify(ast);
    let expect = ".a {\n  display: flex;\n  flex-wrap: wrap;\n  justify-content: flex-end;\n  align-items: flex-start;\n}";

    assert.equal(result, expect);

  // bnnAlign() test 11
  it("Should return a flex container, with the content to right and bottom", () => {

    let ast = css.parse(".a{bnn-align: right bottom;}");

    ast.stylesheet.rules.forEach((rule) => {
      if (rule.selectors) bnnAlign(rule.declarations);

    let result = css.stringify(ast);
    let expect = ".a {\n  display: flex;\n  flex-wrap: wrap;\n  justify-content: flex-end;\n  align-items: flex-end;\n}";

    assert.equal(result, expect);

  // bnnAlign() test 12
  it("Should return a flex container, with the content to center and bottom", () => {

    let ast = css.parse(".a{bnn-align: center bottom;}");

    ast.stylesheet.rules.forEach((rule) => {
      if (rule.selectors) bnnAlign(rule.declarations);

    let result = css.stringify(ast);
    let expect = ".a {\n  display: flex;\n  flex-wrap: wrap;\n  justify-content: center;\n  align-items: flex-end;\n}";

    assert.equal(result, expect);

  // bnnAlign() test 13
  it("Should return a flex container, with the content to right and center", () => {

    let ast = css.parse(".a{bnn-align: right center;}");

    ast.stylesheet.rules.forEach((rule) => {
      if (rule.selectors) bnnAlign(rule.declarations);

    let result = css.stringify(ast);
    let expect = ".a {\n  display: flex;\n  flex-wrap: wrap;\n  justify-content: flex-end;\n  align-items: center;\n}";

    assert.equal(result, expect);


Fazendo isso já conseguimos chamar apenas esse teste com mocha test/bnnAlign.test.js :

(bananacss) ➜ (git:(master)) ➜ mocha test/bnnAlign.test.js

    ✓ Should return a vertical and horizontal centralized flex container with one value
    ✓ Should return a vertical and horizontal centralized flex container with two values
    ✓ Should return a flex container aligned to left with one value
    ✓ Should return a flex container aligned to right with one value
    ✓ Should return a flex container, with the content to top with one value
    ✓ Should return a flex container, with the content to bottom with one value
    ✓ Should return a flex container, with the content to left and top
    ✓ Should return a flex container, with the content to left and bottom
    ✓ Should return a flex container, with the content to right and top
    ✓ Should return a flex container, with the content to right and bottom
    ✓ Should return a flex container, with the content to center and bottom
    ✓ Should return a flex container, with the content to right and center

  12 passing (25ms)

Fácil não?

É mas como que fica o arquivo de testes principal? Pois agora ele está sem aquele teste.

Baaaahhh isso é muito simples!

Como separamos o código e apenas precisamos executar ele podemos colocar apenas essa linha no local de TODO AQUELE CÓDIGO:


E agora podemos executar os testes como antes com npm test além de pode executar apenas 1 teste, bem melhor não?

(bananacss) ➜ (git:(master) ✗) ➜ npm test

> [email protected] test /Users/jeancarlonascimento/www/testes/bananacss
> mocha

    ✓ Should return a vertical and horizontal centralized flex container with one value
    ✓ Should return a vertical and horizontal centralized flex container with two values
    ✓ Should return a flex container aligned to left with one value
    ✓ Should return a flex container aligned to right with one value
    ✓ Should return a flex container, with the content to top with one value
    ✓ Should return a flex container, with the content to bottom with one value
    ✓ Should return a flex container, with the content to left and top
    ✓ Should return a flex container, with the content to left and bottom
    ✓ Should return a flex container, with the content to right and top
    ✓ Should return a flex container, with the content to right and bottom
    ✓ Should return a flex container, with the content to center and bottom
    ✓ Should return a flex container, with the content to right and center

    ✓ should return the fully rendered css

    ✓ Should return a width and height with one specific value.
    ✓ Should return a width and height with two specific values.

    ✓ Should return a top,right,bottom and left with four specific value.
    ✓ Should return a top,right,bottom and left with one specific value.
    ✓ If the value is center, should return a block centered element

    ✓ Should return a gradient with two colors.
    ✓ If the third value is vertical, should return a to bottom gradient.
    ✓ If the third value is hotizontal, should return a to left gradient.

    ✓ Should return the modulo.bnn file imported into the main.bnn file

    ✓ Should return a specific value of a shorthand.
    ✓ If dont exist the especific value, should return the first value of a shorthand.

  24 passing (37ms)

Agora basta fazer o mesmo para todos os outros testes deixando o test/index.js assim:

// Modulo de testes

Pois dessa forma o npm test irá rodar todos os testes e caso você queira executar qualquer teste específico basta executar mocha test/nomeDoArquivo.js.

E aí o que achou dessa refatoração?

O que você sugere que podemos melhorar?

Por favor deixe sua sugestão nas issues

Refatoração by suissa