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Generating the PlantUML Icons for AWS

If you would like to have customized builds and/or experiment with PlantUML Icons for AWS, you can generate your own distribution of icons and PUML files for local use.


To generate the PlantUML files locally, ensure the following is prerequisites have been completed:

  • Install Python 3 and packages from the requirements.txt file.

  • Amazon Corretto 11 or OpenJDK 11 installed and available from the command line. Newer versions may also be used but have not been tested.

  • Download the Asset Package which contains both PNG and SVG file formats, unzip, and copy or move the Architecture-Service-Icons_01312024, Category-Icons_01312024, and Resource-Icons_01312024 directories to the source/official directory of this repository. The date may be different depending upon the version of the AWS Architecture Icons being downloaded.

    The folder structure should look like this once the directories have been copied over:

    ├── AWSC4Integration.puml
    ├── AWSCommon.puml
    ├── AWSExperimental.puml
    ├── AWSRaw.puml
    ├── AWSSimplified.puml
    └── official
      ├── Architecture-Service-Icons_01312024
      │   ├── Arch_Analytics
      │   ├── Arch_App-Integration
      │   ├── Arch_Blockchain
      ├── Category-Icons_01312024
      │   ├── Arch-Category_16
      │   ├── Arch-Category_32
      │   ├── Arch-Category_48
      │   └── Arch-Category_64
      └── Resource-Icons_01312024
          ├── Res_Analytics
          ├── Res_Application-Integration
          ├── Res_Blockchain
  • There is now a Architecture-Group-Icons_01312024, but the group icons (in the source/unofficial/Groups_04282023 directory) were extracted from the Microsoft PowerPoint found on the AWS Architecture Icons. If you see a change looking at the .pptx file, unzip it from the command line and look in the ppt/media for the images. These are named image#.svg and image#.png where # and since group icons are early in the deck, they are usually in the first 100 images. Copy and rename the .svg file, and copy, rename, and resize (to 64x64) the .png file.

Configure to Build Icon Set

Configuration File: config.yml

The included config.yml file is a curated file that maps specific file names to AWS categories and then sets the name and parameters for each category or individual file when running the script. The included configuration file is specific for the release of the AWS Architecture Icons and the referenced release tag.

If you are using the config.yml file as the basis to incorporate a newer version of the AWS Architecture Icons, you may see an Uncategorized category of mismatched entries.

For general categories, the Color attribute is set to match the color represented for that category. For example, in the ApplicationIntegration category, the color for Amazon API Gateway is #E7157B, or Cosmos. The color palettes used are in the Defaults section and then reference for the category, or can be overridden per-sprite.

In the curated config.yml file, each AWS service is mapped to it's primary category. This then maps to the specific PUML file referenced by Category/Filename.puml, or are included in the Category/all.puml file.

Next, install the python packages from the requirements.txt file. Depending upon your operating system, this may be through apt, yum, or pip install if using a virtual environment. The requirements are:

For PIP users, simply run pip3 install -r requirements.txt in your environment.

Verify Dependencies and Process

To verify all dependencies are met, run with the --check-env parameter, and if all is good, run the script without any flags.

$ ./ --check-env
Prerequisites met, exiting

Optional Create New config.yml

If you would like to start from scratch, rename the existing config.yml file and run the script to build the config-template.yml file with only the default color and size set. Then rename to config.yml. You can use the renamed original file to get colors and configuration settings if desired.

$ ./ --create-config-template
Successfully created config-template.yml
$ mv config-template.yml config.yml

To process all the files, run the command with no parameters. NOTE: This will take at least a few minutes to complete, and the script with launch multiple Java processes to generate the icons.

$ ./ --check-env
Prerequisites met, exiting

Next, run the same command without --check-env to create all new icons and update the config.yml file.

Other commands

After icons have been created, you can just regenerate the and Structurizr theme files by running the command with the --symbols-only parameter.

$ ./ --symbols-only

The $AWSColor($service) relies on a JSON mapping of category to color ($AWS_CATEGORY_COLORS in AWSCommon.puml). When a new category is added (or colors change), you can generate this JSON structure by running the command with the --create-color-json parameter. You will then need to copy this and replace the version in AWSCommon.puml.

$ ./ --create-color-json

What Happens

From a logical point of view, the following happens:

  1. The config.yml is loaded
  2. Cleanup: all files and directories from dist folder are deleted.
  3. AWSCommon.puml and supporting PUML files are copied to dist.
  4. In the dir_list variable in, the directories are processed from the source/official directory:
    • Matching files will have a Target name, Category, and Color setting applied.
    • Non-matching files be set to Uncategorized with default Target and Color settings.
  5. For each file, the source SVG will be used to generate the TargetMaxSize in pixels as a .png, preserving transparency if set.
  6. A PlantUML sprite is generated.
  7. A <img> tag with a data URL (data:image/png;base64) is generated.
  8. In addition to single AWS services PUML files, a combined PUML file, named all.puml, is created for each category.
  9. A markdown table with all AWS services, image/icon, and the PUML name is generated.

Local Testing

You can used the included PlantUML .jar to run a local server for rendering or download the latest plantuml release from GitHub. This project uses the MIT licensed distribution.

To check the version and license of PlantUML, create a diagram with the following syntax:


Or execute the jar with the -version parameter:

$ java -jar scripts/plantuml-mit-1.2024.3.jar -version
PlantUML version 1.2024.3 (Thu Feb 15 13:40:05 CST 2024)
(MIT source distribution)

To start the local render server:

java -jar scripts/plantuml-mit-1.2024.3.jar -picoweb

If you use Visual Studio Code and the jebbs PlantUML extension, update your .vscode\settings.json as below to use that local server.

  "plantuml.render": "PlantUMLServer",
  "plantuml.server": "http://localhost:8080/plantuml/",

To !include the local .puml files via URL: cd dist and python3 -m http.server 8000 to run a local web server. Then, in your .puml file, redefine AWSPuml to use localhost. Alternatively, you can cd dist and python3 ../scripts/ for a server with CORS support (needed to test Structurizr theme).

!define AWSPuml http://localhost:8000

If you use Visual Studio Code, .vscode\tasks.json has task defined for running "PlantUML picoweb 8080", "http.server 8000", and http.server CORS 8000".

Build Notes

Release 18.0-2024.02.06

This release switched to using plantuml-mit-1.2024.3.jar which had no noticeable changes.

Release 17.0-2023.10.23

This release switched to using plantuml-mit-1.2023.12.jar which had no noticeable changes.

Release 16.0-2023.04.28

This is major release due to all icons changing to a new color palette supporting both light and dark backgrounds. Since service icons no longer have gradients, optimized build to just copy the existing *_48.png (64x64) files instead of re-rendering from the .svg. For category .png files which were expanded to 74x74 and included a gray border, used the Pillow library to crop out the center and then add the border back. Added new command line arguments (--symbols-only and --create-color-json). Added about 10 more filename_mappings to avoid breaking changes for low value name changes. This release switched to using plantuml-mit-1.2023.7.jar which had no noticeable changes.

Experimental "dark mode" support. Support for $AWS_DARK was embedded into (vs. using PlantUML themes format) to support swapping Light/Dark images and match contrast/accessibility guidelines. Markdown images references in are generated using GitHub image theme values of #gh-dark-mode-only or #gh-light-mode-only.

Release 15.0-2023.01.31

This release switched to using plantuml-mit-1.2023.1.jar and batik-rasterizer-1.16.jar which had no noticeable changes. Documented color definitions in generated

Release 14.0-2022.07.31

This release switched to using plantuml-mit-1.2022.7.jar which had no noticeable changes.

Release 13.1-2022.04.30

This release added Groups support via a custom styled rectangle using the corresponding AWS Icon and a default label. Since is file driven, and groups like Availability Zone or Security Group do not have associated icon files, a convention using a zero-length file with the .touch extension was implemented. The generation logic uses this file to trigger .puml creation, but will not generate a Sprite / PNG image or have an image reference in the AWS Symbols table. Groups deprecates the GroupIcons category whose macros no longer appear in AWS Symbols table, but the .puml files are still generated for backward compatibility.

Release 13.0-2022.04.30

This release switched to using plantuml-mit-1.2022.5.jar which had changes to default styling and slightly different sprite generation. Because PlantUML native sprites are grayscale and have color is applied to them, the default is now to use PNG files for icons. The included .png icon files were added to the .puml files via a !function (e.g. $APIGatewayIMG($scale="1") which returns a creole <img> tag with a data URL (data:image/png;base64). The definitions of AWSEntity and AWSParticipant were updated to use these images instead of the colorized sprites.

Release 9.0-2021.1.31

This is major release for a couple of reasons. First the 8.0 release was bypassed due to a significant change in directory structure and upcoming re:Invent focus. This required major changes to the build process that previously had embedded parsing of files. Also, the continued changes on .png files sizes and the @2x, @4x, and @5x sizes lead to researching a license compatible SVG conversion library, Apache Batik.

The end result should be a cleaner method to determine directory structure changes and add additional attributes to icons in the future. Hopefully. As this release is one day before the expected April 30th, 2021, release of the icon set, we'll be able to test quickly.

Due a lot of new icons, moved icons, and in some cases deprecated ones, the previous curation approach is being changed. We found that the naming of the PUML files to be shorter, such as SimpleNotificationService to SNS, was not as impactful as first thought. Once included once into a PlantUML diagram, most people aliased these icons. If you feel strongly about this, you can use the 7.0 release. But also let us know in the Issues section!

Here are the significant changes to this release:

  • Minimal curation of icon or category names, with the exception that the GeneralIcons category has been mapped to General as in previous releases.
  • Apache Batik is now use to general all icons from the source SVG. Resource icons which are transparent by default have a white background set to increase the fidelity of the PlantUML sprites.
  • The builder script and supporting class have been changed to extract the parsing logic from different points in the code and placed in a global variable. This will move to a configuration file and command line argument in later releases.
  • Category names with and (or & such as Management and Governance -> ManagementAndGovernance in the older releases) have been renamed without them (e.g, ManagementGovernance). The InternetOfThings category case (Of) has been kept instead of the defaultInternetofThings.
  • The GroupIcons have been removed from the source assets. If there is demand to have these restored, we can look and creating a local set of persistent source files.
  • The process now uses -Djava.awt.headless=true when creating the PUML and PNG files. It will no longer will have the subprocesses take mouse focus.

Release 7.0-2020.04.30

This is a makeover release where all items have moved. Of note:

  • Separate directories for Service icons and Service resource icons
  • Resource icons only have 48x48 pixel icons (Res_48), while Service icons have 16, 32, 48, and 64 sizes. To accommodate 64x64 icons, Apache Batik is used to generate the icons directly from the SVG format files.

License Summary

The icons provided in this package are made available to you under the terms of the CC-BY-ND 2.0 license, available in the LICENSE file. Code is made available under the MIT license in LICENSE-CODE.

The compiled Plant-UML jar, scripts/plantuml-mit-1.2022.5.jar, is licensed under the MIT license in LICENSE-CODE.