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69 lines (49 loc) · 2.65 KB

File metadata and controls

69 lines (49 loc) · 2.65 KB

🚀 Contributing to the MasterPortfolio Project

Thank you for considering contributing to the MasterPortfolio project! Your help is greatly appreciated. 😊

🤝 How to Contribute

Here are some fun and precise steps to get you started:

  1. Fork the Repository 🍴

    • Click the "Fork" button on the top right of the MasterPortfolio repository page on GitHub. This will create a copy of the project in your own GitHub account.
  2. Clone Your Fork 🧙‍♂️

    • In your terminal, run the following command to clone your fork to your local machine:
      git clone
  3. Switch to the Project Directory 📁

    • Move into the project directory using:
      cd masterPortfolio
  4. Move to Gatsby 🚀

    • If you're working on this task, please help us migrate the project to Gatsby. Make the necessary changes and test everything to ensure it works smoothly.
  5. Add Podcast and Video Sections 🎙️📹

    • We'd love to have sections for podcasts and videos on the portfolio. Create these sections and make sure they look fantastic.
  6. Add Tests for Automation 🧪

    • To ensure code quality, add tests where appropriate. Use test frameworks like Jest or Cypress, and make sure the tests pass.
  7. Set Up Travis Workflow 🤖

    • Implement a Travis CI workflow to automate builds and testing. This will help ensure that changes don't break the project.
  8. Create a Branch 🌿

    • Create a new branch for your changes with a descriptive name. For example:
      git checkout -b gatsby-migration
  9. Make Your Changes 💡

    • Implement your awesome changes and features.
  10. Commit Your Changes 📝

    • Commit your changes with a descriptive message. For example:
      git commit -m "Added Gatsby migration and podcast section"
  11. Push Your Changes 🚢

    • Push your changes to your fork on GitHub:
      git push origin gatsby-migration
  12. Create a Pull Request 🙌

    • Go to your fork on GitHub, and click the "New Pull Request" button. Follow the prompts, and submit your changes for review.
  13. Celebrate 🎉

    • You've contributed to the MasterPortfolio project! Thanks for your hard work and dedication.

📌 Issues

If you encounter any issues or have ideas for improvements, please open an issue and let us know.

🙏 Thank You

We appreciate your contribution and look forward to working together to make the MasterPortfolio project even better! 😄🚀