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SCSS in top languages card #1805

Answered by rickstaa
DrBackmischung asked this question in Q&A
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@DrBackmischung Thanks for your answer. I checked your account and it looks like the data we get returned shows less CSS than SCSS. You can try this out by running the following code in the GraphQL explorer:

query userInfo($login: String!) {
  user(login: $login) {
    # fetch only owner repos & not forks
    repositories(ownerAffiliations: OWNER, isFork: false, first: 100) {
      nodes {
        languages(first: 10, orderBy: {field: SIZE, direction: DESC}) {
          edges {
            node {

With variables:

{"login": "DrBackmischung"}

It gives me 2120 scss byte…

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Answer selected by DrBackmischung
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