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171 lines (154 loc) · 5.47 KB

File metadata and controls

171 lines (154 loc) · 5.47 KB

xml reading helpers


Simple xml DOM Document creator. Throws an runtime exception if there is problem with document creation.

  Document doc = null;
  doc = Xml.document("<root><elem>value</elem></root>");
  doc = Xml.documentFromFile("/tmp/simple.xml");


Xml document Element wrapper. Helps to traverse XML. It hides 'Node' API and manipulates only with element structures.

  Document doc = Xml.documentFromFile("/tmp/simple.xml");
  EW ew = EW.elem(doc.getDocumentElement());
  EW echema = ew.firstElementByTagName("schema");
  if(schema != null)"schema namespace: {}", schema.attr("targetNamespace"))`
  List<EW> elemets = schema.elementsByTagName("element");

EW provides methods for searching elements by tag name and name space value. This implementation takes names and name space names as they are written in XML document. (Do not accept inherited name space)

For example this element


That element can be find by tag 'schema' or by name space 'xs' and tag 'schema' Attribute xmlns:tns="services.mzv.portal" can be accesed by

  EW echema = ....;
  String value = schema.attr("xmlns:xs");
  String value = schema.attr("xmlns", "xs");
  String value = schema.attr("xs");

Attribute version="1.0" can be accesed by

  EW echema = ....;
  String value = schema.attr("version");

It is not possible to access it by name space form even there is default name space defined.

This API is used mostly for parsing simple application configuration files, ehere you can access elements and attributes by simple names only and allows you to ignore namespace prefixes.

For exampla for config file like

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
  <zip file="c:\bak\zippy\zips\" removeMissing="true">
   <source file="c:\project-doc\2012" type="docs"/>
  <zip file="c:\bak\zippy\zips\" removeMissing="true">
   <source file="c:\project-doc\2013" type="docs"/>
  <zip file="c:\bak\zippy\zips\" removeMissing="true">
   <source file="c:\project-doc\2014" type="docs"/>
  <zip file="c:\bak\zippy\zips\" removeMissing="true">
   <source file="c:\project-doc\2015" type="docs"/>
  <zip file="c:\bak\zippy\zips\" removeMissing="true">
   <source file="c:\project-doc\_active" type="docs"/>
  <type name="docs">
    <!--exclude size="+100m"/-->

You can use code like this

 Document doc = Xml.documentFromFile(filename);
 if(doc == null) { ... }

 EW zippyE = EW.elem(doc.getDocumentElement());
 if(!"zippy".equals(zippyE.tag())) { ... }
 for(EW element : zippyE.childrenByTagName("type")) {
     String name = element.attr("name");
     for(EW elem : element.childrenByTagName("include")) {
         String file = elem.attr("name");
         String size = elem.attr("size");
         String time = elem.attr("time");
     for(EW elem : element.childrenByTagName("exclude")) {
         String file = elem.attr("name");
         String size = elem.attr("size");
         String time = elem.attr("time");
 for(EW element : zippyE.childrenByTagName("zip")) {
     String file = element.attr("file");
     String remove = element.attr("removeMissing");
     String verbose = element.attr("verbose");
     for(EW elem : element.childrenByTagName("source")) {
         String fname = elem.attr("file");
         String type = elem.attr("type");
         String sverbose = elem.attr("verbose");
         String prefix = elem.attr("prefix");
         for(EW ielem : elem.childrenByTagName("include")) {
             String ename = ielem.attr("name");
             String size = ielem.attr("size");
             String time = ielem.attr("time");
         for(EW ielem : elem.childrenByTagName("exclude")) {
             String ename = ielem.attr("name");
             String size = ielem.attr("size");
             String time = ielem.attr("time");
         for(EW telem : elem.childrenByTagName("type")) {
             String tname = telem.attr("name");


Simplified Xml API. For simple xml with

  • no declarations
  • no process instrauctions
  • no namespace logic
  • no comments
  • text only in leaves It handle xml as simple data structure, which can be craated, manipulated and searched.

It is possible to create xml using api

 Elem elem = Elem.of("root")
              .addAttr("id", "1212");
              .addChild(Elem.of("ns1:child").text("a text"));

to create xml like

 <root id="1212">
   <ns1:child>a text</ns1:child>

You can search in elements by name

 Elem elem = Elem.parse(new FileInputStream("/tmp/example.xml"));
 List<Elem> surnames = elem.find("book", "author", "surname").all();
 List<String> surnamestexts = elem.find("book", "author", "surname").allText();

Elem addressCityElem = elem.find("address", "city").first(); String addressCitytext = elem.find("address", "city").firstText();

You can modify elements
 Elem elem = Elem.parse(new FileInputStream("/tmp/example.xml"));
 Elem addressCityElem = elem.find("address", "city").first();