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  • remark-sort-references
  • doctoc and remark should ignore whichever files prettier is ignoring (does prettier have an API to get ignored files? Or do we have to look at .prettierignore directly). That is: use fast-glob to interpret a shared glob and then pass the same files to each program.
  • Needs a special mode where it can run its constituent parts individually based on the extension of the file passed in. Essentially, it can accept and/or has internally a lint-staged.config.js style configuration capable of running on certain formatters
  • Also the ability to run the individual formatters manually


npm install --save-dev @projector-js/plugin-format


CLI Options


Importing CLI as a Module




Further documentation can be found under docs/.

Published Package Details

This is a CJS2 package with statically-analyzable exports built by Babel for Node14 and above.

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That means both CJS2 (via require(...)) and ESM (via import { ... } from ... or await import(...)) source will load this package from the same entry points when using Node. This has several benefits, the foremost being: less code shipped/smaller package size, avoiding dual package hazard entirely, distributables are not packed/bundled/uglified, and a less complex build process.

Each entry point (i.e. ENTRY) in package.json's exports[ENTRY] object includes one or more export conditions. These entries may or may not include: an exports[ENTRY].types condition pointing to a type declarations file for TypeScript and IDEs, an exports[ENTRY].module condition pointing to (usually ESM) source for Webpack/Rollup, an exports[ENTRY].node condition pointing to (usually CJS2) source for Node.js require and import, an exports[ENTRY].default condition pointing to source for browsers and other environments, and other conditions not enumerated here. Check the package.json file to see which export conditions are supported.

Though package.json includes { "type": "commonjs" }, note that any ESM-only entry points will be ES module (.mjs) files. Finally, package.json also includes the sideEffects key, which is false for optimal tree shaking.



Contributing and Support

New issues and pull requests are always welcome and greatly appreciated! 🤩 Just as well, you can star 🌟 this project to let me know you found it useful! ✊🏿 Thank you!

See and for more information.


See the table of contributors.