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Releases: StackStorm/st2


29 May 21:18
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  • Fix a bug in the remote command and script runner so it correctly uses SSH port from a SSH config
    file if ssh_runner.use_ssh_config parameter is set to True and if a custom (non-default)
    value for SSH port is specified in the configured SSH config file
    (ssh_runner.ssh_config_file_path). (bug fix) #4660 #4661

  • Update pack install action so it works correctly when python_versions pack.yaml metadata
    attribute is used in combination with --python3 pack install flag. (bug fix) #4654 #4662

  • Add source_channel back to the context used by Mistral workflows for executions which are
    triggered via ChatOps (using action alias).

    In StackStorm v3.0.0, this variable was inadvertently removed from the context used by Mistral
    workflows. (bug fix) #4650 #4656

  • Fix a bug with timestamp attribute in the execution.log attribute being incorrect when
    server time where st2api is running was not set to UTC. (bug fix) #4668

    Contributed by Igor Cherkaev. (@emptywee)

  • Fix a bug with some packs which use --python3 flag (running Python 3 actions on installation
    where StackStorm components run under Python 2) which rely on modules from Python 3 standard
    library which are also available in Python 2 site-packages (e.g. concurrent) not working

    In such scenario, package / module was incorrectly loaded from Python 2 site-packages instead of
    Python 3 standard library which broke such packs. (bug fix) #4658 #4674

  • Remove policy-delayed status to avoid bouncing between delayed statuses. (bug fix) #4655

  • Fix a possible shell injection in the linux.service action. User who had access to run this
    action could cause a shell command injection by passing a compromised value for either the
    service or action parameter. (bug fix) #4675

    Reported by James Robinson (Netskope and Veracode).

  • Replace sseclient library on which CLI depends on with sseclient-py. sseclient has
    various issue which cause client to sometimes hang and keep the connection open which also causes
    st2 execution tail command to sometimes hang for a long time. (improvement)

  • Truncate some database index names so they are less than 65 characters long in total. This way it
    also works with AWS DocumentDB which doesn't support longer index name at the moment.

    NOTE: AWS DocumentDB is not officially supported. Use at your own risk. (improvement) #4688 #4690

    Reported by Guillaume Truchot (@GuiTeK)


26 Apr 07:14
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  • Allow access to user-scoped datastore items using {{ st2kv.user.<key name> }} Jinja template
    notation inside the action parameter default values. (improvement) #4463

    Contributed by Hiroyasu OHYAMA (@userlocalhost).

  • Add support for new python_versions (list of string) attribute to pack metadata file
    (pack.yaml). With this attribute pack declares which major Python versions it supports and
    works with (e.g. 2 and 3).

    For backward compatibility reasons, if pack metadata file doesn't contain that attribute, it's
    assumed it only works with Python 2. (new feature) #4474

  • Update service bootstrap code and make sure all the services register in a service registry once
    they come online and become available.

    This functionality is only used internally and will only work if configuration backend is
    correctly configured in st2.conf (new feature) #4548

  • Add new GET /v1/service_registry/groups and
    GET /v1/service_registry/groups/<group_id>/members API endpoint for listing available service
    registry groups and members.

    Also add corresponding CLI commands - st2 service-registry group list, st2 service registry member list [--group-id=<group id>]

    NOTE: This API endpoint is behind an RBAC wall and can only be viewed by the admins. (new feature)

  • Add support for ?include_attributes and ?exclude_attributes query param filter to the
    GET /api/v1/executions/{id} API endpoint. Also update st2 execution get CLI command so it
    only retrieves attributes which are displayed. (new feature) #4497

    Contributed by Nick Maludy (@nmaludy Encore Technologies)

  • Add new --encrypted flag to st2 key set CLI command that allows users to pass in values
    which are already encrypted.

    This attribute signals the API that the value is already encrypted and should be used as-is.

    st2 key load CLI command has also been updated so it knows how to work with values which are
    already encrypted. This means that st2 key list -n 100 -j < data.json ; st2 key load data.json will now also work out of the box for encrypted datastore values (values which have
    encrypted: True and secret: True attribute will be treated as already encrypted and used

    The most common use case for this feature is migrating / restoring datastore values from one
    StackStorm instance to another which uses the same crypto key.

    Contributed by Nick Maludy (Encore Technologies) #4547

  • Add source_channel to Orquesta st2() context for workflows called via ChatOps. #4600


  • Changed the inquiries API path from /exp to /api/v1. #4495

  • Refactored workflow state in orquesta workflow engine. Previously, state in the workflow engine
    is not status to be consistent with st2. Other terminologies used in the engine are also revised
    to make it easier for developers to understand. (improvement)

  • Update Python runner code so it prioritizes libraries from pack virtual environment over StackStorm
    system dependencies.

    For example, if pack depends on six==1.11.0 in pack requirements.txt, but StackStorm depends
    on six==1.10.0, six==1.11.0 will be used when running Python actions from that pack.

    Keep in mind that will not work correctly if pack depends on a library which brakes functionality used
    by Python action wrapper code.

    Contributed by Hiroyasu OHYAMA (@userlocalhost). #4571

  • Improved the way that the winrm-ps-script runner sends scripts to the target Windows
    host. Previously the script was read from the local filesystem and serialized as one long
    command executed on the command line. This failed when the script was longer than either
    2047 or 8191 bytes (depending on Windows version) as the Windows command line uses this
    as its maximum length. To overcome this, the winrm-ps-script runner now uploads the
    script into a temporary directory on the target host, then executes the script.
    (improvement) #4514

    Contributed by Nick Maludy (Encore Technologies)

  • Update various internal dependencies to latest stable versions (apscheduler, pyyaml, kombu,
    mongoengine, pytz, stevedore, python-editor, jinja2). #4637

  • Update logging code so we exclude log messages with log level AUDIT from a default service
    log file (e.g. st2api.log). Log messages with level AUDIT are already logged in a
    dedicated service audit log file (e.g. st2api.audit.log) so there is no need for them to also
    be duplicated and included in regular service log file.

    NOTE: To aid with debugging, audit log messages are also included in a regular log file when log
    level is set to DEBUG or system.debug config option is set to True.

    Reported by Nick Maludy. (improvement) #4538 #4502 #4621

  • Add missing --user argument to st2 execution list CLI command. (improvement) #4632

    Contributed by Tristan Struthers (@trstruth).

  • Update decrypt_kv Jinja template filter so it to throws a more user-friendly error message
    when decryption fails because the variable references a datastore value which doesn't exist.
    (improvement) #4634

  • Updated orquesta to v0.5. (improvement)


  • Refactored orquesta execution graph to fix performance issue for workflows with many references
    to non-join tasks. st2workflowengine and DB models are refactored accordingly. (improvement)

  • Fix orquesta workflow stuck in running status when one or more items failed execution for a with
    items task. (bug fix) #4523

  • Fix orquesta workflow bug where context variables are being overwritten on task join. (bug fix)

  • Fix orquesta with items task performance issue. Workflow runtime increase significantly when a
    with items task has many items and result in many retries on write conflicts. A distributed lock
    is acquired before write operations to avoid write conflicts. (bug fix) StackStorm/orquesta#125

  • Fix a bug with some API endpoints returning 500 internal server error when an exception contained
    unicode data. (bug fix) #4598

  • Fix the st2 workflow inspect command so it correctly passes authentication token. (bug fix)

  • Fix an issue with new line characters (\n) being converted to \r\n in remote shell
    command and script actions which use sudo. (bug fix) #4623

  • Update service bootstrap and st2-register-content script code so non-fatal errors are
    suppressed by default and only logged under DEBUG log level. (bug fix) #3933 #4626 #4630

  • Fix a bug with not being able to decrypt user-scoped datastore values inside Jinja expressions
    using decrypt_kv Jinja filter. (bug fix) #4634

    Contributed by Hiroyasu OHYAMA (@userlocalhost).

  • Fix a bug with user-scoped datastore values not working inside action-chain workflows. (bug fix)

  • Added missing parameter types to linux.wait_for_ssh action metadata. (bug fix) #4611

  • Fix HTTP runner (http-request) so it works correctly with unicode (non-ascii) body payloads.
    (bug fix) #4601 #4599

    Reported by Carlos Santana (@kknyxkk) and Rafael Martins (@rsmartins78).

  • Fix st2-self-check so it sets correct permissions on pack directories which it copies over
    to /opt/stackstorm/packs. (bug fix) #4645

  • Fix POST /v1/actions API endpoint to throw a more user-friendly error when writing data file
    to disk fails because of incorrect permissions. (bug fix) #4645


15 Mar 14:11
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  • Fix inadvertent regression in notifier service which would cause generic action trigger to only
    be dispatched for completed states even if custom states were specified using
    action_sensor.emit_when config option. (bug fix)
    Reported by Shu Sugimoto (@shusugmt). #4591

  • Make sure we don't log auth token and api key inside st2api log file if those values are provided
    via query parameter and not header (?x-auth-token=foo, ?st2-api-key=bar). (bug fix) #4592

  • Fix rendering of {{ config_context. }} in orquesta task that references action from a
    different pack (bug fix) #4570 #4567

  • Add missing default config location (/etc/st2/st2.conf) to the following services:
    st2actionrunner, st2scheduler, st2workflowengine. (bug fix) #4596

  • Update statsd metrics driver so any exception thrown by statsd library is treated as non fatal.

    Previously there was an edge case if user used a hostname instead of an IP address for metrics
    backend server address. In such scenario, if hostname DNS resolution failed, statsd driver would
    throw the exception which would propagate all the way up and break the application. (bug fix) #4597

    Reported by Chris McKenzie.


07 Mar 07:05
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  • Fix improper CORS where request from an origin not listed in allowed_origins will be responded
    with null for the Access-Control-Allow-Origin header. The fix returns the first of our
    allowed origins if the requesting origin is not a supported origin. Reported by Barak Tawily.
    (bug fix)


07 Mar 05:42
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  • Fix improper CORS where request from an origin not listed in allowed_origins will be responded
    with null for the Access-Control-Allow-Origin header. The fix returns the first of our
    allowed origins if the requesting origin is not a supported origin. Reported by Barak Tawily.
    (bug fix)


28 Feb 00:00
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  • Add support for various new SSL / TLS related config options (ssl_keyfile, ssl_certfile,
    ssl_ca_certs, ssl_certfile, authentication_mechanism) to the messaging section in
    st2.conf config file.

    With those config options, user can configure things such as client based certificate
    authentication, client side verification of a server certificate against a specific CA bundle, etc.

    NOTE: Those options are only supported when using a default and officially supported AMQP backend
    with RabbitMQ server. (new feature) #4541

  • Add metrics instrumentation to the st2notifier service. For the available / exposed metrics,
    please refer to (improvement) #4536


  • Update logging code so we exclude log messages with log level AUDIT from a default service
    log file (e.g. st2api.log). Log messages with level AUDIT are already logged in a
    dedicated service audit log file (e.g. st2api.audit.log) so there is no need for them to also
    be duplicated and included in regular service log file.

    NOTE: To aid with debugging, audit log messages are also included in a regular log file when log
    level is set to DEBUG or system.debug config option is set to True.

    Reported by Nick Maludy. (improvement) #4538 #4502

  • Update pyyaml dependency to the latest version. This latest version fixes an issue which
    could result in a code execution vulnerability if code uses yaml.load in an unsafe manner
    on untrusted input.

    NOTE: StackStorm platform itself is not affected, because we already used yaml.safe_load

    Only custom packs which use yaml.load with non trusted user input could potentially be
    affected. (improvement) #4510 #4552 #4554

  • Update Orquesta to v0.4. #4551


  • Fixed the packs.pack_install / !pack install {{ packs }} action-alias to not have
    redundant patterns. Previously this prevented it from being executed via
    st2 action-alias execute 'pack install xxx'. #4511

    Contributed by Nick Maludy (Encore Technologies)

  • Fix datastore value encryption and make sure it also works correctly for unicode (non-ascii)

    Reported by @dswebbthg, @nickbaum. (bug fix) #4513 #4527 #4528

  • Fix a bug with action positional parameter serialization used in local and remote script runner
    not working correctly with non-ascii (unicode) values.

    This would prevent actions such as core.sendmail which utilize positional parameters from
    working correctly when a unicode value was provided.

    Reported by @johandahlberg (bug fix) #4533

  • Fix core.sendmail action so it specifies charset=UTF-8 in the Content-Type email
    header. This way it works correctly when an email subject and / or body contains unicode data.

    Reported by @johandahlberg (bug fix) #4533 4534

  • Fix CLI st2 apikey load not being idempotent and API endpoint /api/v1/apikeys not
    honoring desired ID for the new record creation. #4542

  • Moved the lock from concurrency policies into the scheduler to fix a race condition when there
    are multiple scheduler instances scheduling execution for action with concurrency policies.
    #4481 (bug fix)

  • Add retries to scheduler to handle temporary hiccup in DB connection. Refactor scheduler
    service to return proper exit code when there is a failure. #4539 (bug fix)

  • Update service setup code so we always ignore kombu library heartbeat_tick debug log

    Previously if DEBUG log level was set in service logging config file, but --debug
    service CLI flag / system.debug = True config option was not used, those messages were
    still logged which caused a lot of noise which made actual useful log messages hard to find.
    (improvement) #4557


20 Dec 09:59
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  • Fix an issue with GET /v1/keys API endpoint not correctly handling ?scope=all and
    ?user=<username> query filter parameter inside the open-source edition. This would allow
    user A to retrieve datastore values from user B and similar.

    NOTE: Enterprise edition with RBAC was not affected, because in RBAC version, correct check is
    in place which only allows users with an admin role to use ?scope=all and retrieve / view
    datastore values for arbitrary system users. (security issue bug fix)


19 Dec 19:01
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  • Fix an issue with GET /v1/keys API endpoint not correctly handling ?scope=all and
    ?user=<username> query filter parameter inside the open-source edition. This would allow
    user A to retrieve datastore values from user B and similar.

    NOTE: Enterprise edition with RBAC was not affected, because in RBAC version, correct check is
    in place which only allows users with an admin role to use ?scope=all and retrieve / view
    datastore values for arbitrary system users. (security issue bug fix)


20 Dec 00:59
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  • Added notify runner parameter to Orquesta that allows user to specify which task(s) to get
    notified on completion.

  • Add support for task delay in Orquesta workflows. #4459 (new feature)

  • Add support for task with items in Orquesta workflows. #4400 (new feature)

  • Add support for workflow output on error in Orquesta workflows. #4436 (new feature)

  • Added -o and -m CLI options to st2-self-check script, to skip Orquesta and/or Mistral
    tests. #4347

  • Allow user to specify new database.authentication_mechanism config option in

    By default, SCRAM-SHA-1 is used with MongoDB 3.0 and later and MONGODB-CR (MongoDB Challenge
    Response protocol) for older servers.

    Contributed by @aduca85 #4373

  • Add new metadata_file attribute to the following models: Action, Action Alias, Rule, Sensor,
    TriggerType. Value of this attribute points to a metadata file for a specific resource (YAML file
    which contains actual resource definition). Path is relative to the pack directory (e.g.
    actions/my_action1.meta.yaml, aliases/my_alias.yaml, sensors/my_sensor.yaml,
    rules/my_rule.yaml, triggers/my_trigger.yaml etc.).

    Keep in mind that triggers can be registered in two ways - either via sensor definition file in
    sensors/ directory or via trigger definition file in triggers/ directory. If
    metadata_file attribute on TriggerTypeDB model points to sensors/ directory it means that
    trigger is registered via sensor definition. (new feature) #4445

  • Add new st2client.executions.get_children method for returning children execution objects for
    a specific (parent) execution. (new feature) #4444

    Contributed by Tristan Struthers (@trstruth).

  • Allow user to run a subset of pack tests by utilizing the new -f command line option in the
    st2-run-pack-tests script.

    For example:

    1. Run all tests in a test file (module):

      st2-run-pack-tests -j -x -p contrib/packs/ -f test_action_download

    2. Run a single test class

      st2-run-pack-tests -j -x -p contrib/packs/ -f test_action_download:DownloadGitRepoActionTestCase

    3. Run a single test class method

      st2-run-pack-tests -j -x -p contrib/packs/ -f test_action_download:DownloadGitRepoActionTestCase.test_run_pack_download

    (new feature) #4464


  • Redesigned and rewritten the action execution scheduler. Requested executions are put in a
    persistent queue for scheduler to process. Architecture is put into place for more complex
    execution scheduling. Action execution can be delayed on request. (improvement)

  • core.http action now supports additional HTTP methods: OPTIONS, TRACE, PATCH, PURGE.

    Contributed by @emptywee (improvement) #4379

  • Runner loading code has been updated so it utilizes new "runner as Python package" functionality
    which has been introduced in a previous release. This means that the runner loading is now fully
    automatic and dynamic.

    All the available / installed runners are automatically loaded and registering on each StackStorm
    service startup.

    This means that st2ctl reload --register-runners flag is now obsolete because runners are
    automatically registered on service start up. In addition to that,
    content.system_runners_base_path and content.runners_base_paths config options are now
    also deprecated and unused.

    For users who wish to develop and user custom action runners, they simply need to ensure they are
    packaged as Python packages and available / installed in StackStorm virtual environment
    (/opt/stackstorm/st2). (improvement) #4217

  • Old runner names which have been deprecated in StackStorm v0.9.0 have been removed (run-local,
    run-local-script, run-remote, run-remote-script, run-python, http-runner). If you are still using
    actions which reference runners using old names, you need to update them to keep it working.

  • Update various CLI commands to only retrieve attributes which are displayed in the CLI from the
    API (st2 execution list, st2 execution get, st2 action list, st2 rule list,
    st2 sensor list). This speeds up run-time and means now those commands now finish faster.

    If user wants to retrieve and view all the attributes, they can use --attr all CLI command
    argument (same as before). (improvement) #4396

  • Update various internal dependencies to latest stable versions (greenlet, pymongo, pytz,
    stevedore, tooz). #4410

  • Improve st2.conf migration for the new services by using prod-friendly logging settings by default #4415

  • Refactor Orquesta workflow to output on error. Depends on PR
    StackStorm/orquesta#101 and StackStorm/orquesta#102

  • Rename st2client.liveactions to st2client.executions. st2client.liveactions already
    represented operations on execution objects, but it was incorrectly named.

    For backward compatibility reasons, st2client.liveactions will stay as an alias for
    st2client.executions and continue to work until it's fully removed in a future release.


  • st2 login CLI commands now exits with non zero exit code when login fails due to invalid
    credentials. (improvement) #4338

  • Fix st2 key load that errors when importing an empty file #43

  • Fixed warning in st2-run-pack-tests about invalid format for pip list. (bug fix)

    Contributed by Nick Maludy (Encore Technologies). #4380

  • Fix a bug with st2 execution get / st2 run CLI command throwing an exception if the
    result field contained a double backslash string which looked like an unicode escape sequence.
    CLI incorrectly tried to parse that string as unicode escape sequence.

    Reported by James E. King III @jeking3 (bug fix) #4407

  • Fix a bug so timersengine config section in st2.conf has precedence over timer
    section if explicitly specified in the config file.

    Also fix a bug with default config values for timer section being used if user only
    specified timersengine section in the config. Previously user options were incorrectly
    ignored in favor of the default values. (bug fix) #4424

  • st2 pack install -j now only spits JSON output. Similarly, st2 pack install -y only spits
    YAML output. This change would enable the output to be parsed by tools.
    The behavior of st2 pack install hasn't changed and is human friendly. If you want to get meta
    information about the pack as JSON (count of actions, sensors etc), you should rely on already
    existing st2 pack show -j.

    Reported by Nick Maludy (improvement) #4260

  • Fix string operations on unicode data in Orquesta workflows, associated with PR
    StackStorm/orquesta#98. (bug fix)

  • Fix access to st2 and action context in Orquesta workflows, associated with PR
    StackStorm/orquesta#104. (bug fix)

  • st2ctl reload --register-aliases and st2ctl reload --register-all now spits a warning when
    trying to register aliases with no corresponding action registered in the db.

    Reported by nzlosh (improvement) #4372.


15 Oct 22:34
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  • Speed up pack registration through the /v1/packs/register API endpoint. (improvement) #4342
  • Triggertypes API now sorts by trigger ref by default. st2 trigger list will now show a sorted list. (#4348)
  • Update st2-self-check script to include per-test timing information. (improvement) #4359


  • Update st2sensorcontainer service to throw if user wants to run a sensor from a pack which is using Python 3 virtual environment. We only support running Python runner actions from packs which use mixed Python environments (StackStorm components are running under Python 2 and particular a pack virtual environment is using Python 3). #4354
  • Update st2-pack-install and st2 pack install command so it works with local git repos (file://) which are in a detached head state (e.g. specific revision is checked out). (improvement) #4366
  • Fix a race which occurs when there are multiple concurrent requests to resume a workflow. #4369