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How to install Gerrit on Windows

The guide show how to install gerrit on the Windows OS.
Since my OS is 64bit, so if yours is 32bit, please download the softwares in right version.


OS: Windows 7 sp1
Download bellow Softwares:


Please create a folder git in hard drive.
Like E:/git, bellow content based on this example.
1. install git tool
Install it into E:/git/Git

Then leave the defaults setting and intall it.

2. Install gerrit
Move gerrit-2.14.4.war into E:/git/Gerrit/
Press left-shift + Right Click to open the command line in current folder.
Run bellow command: java -jar gerrit-2.14.4.war init -d .

Then many folders will extract and it will generate etc/gerrit.config.
Content as follows:

	basePath = git
	serverId = 6d719b1e-ef1e-4a76-9a01-8a19f0e0e834
	canonicalWebUrl = http://Your IP address/
	type = h2
	database = E:\\git\\Gerrit\\db\\ReviewDB
	type = LUCENE
	type = HTTP
	enableSignedPush = false
	smtpServer = localhost
	user = pyy
	javaHome = C:\\Program Files\\Java\\jre1.8.0_144
	listenAddress = *:29333
	listenUrl = proxy-http://*:8081/
	directory = cache

3. Install httpd
Extract to E:/git/Apache/.
Install the latest C++ Redistributable Visual Studio 2017. Enter into E:/git/Apache/bin/, then open command line in this current path.
Modify conf/httpd.conf file as follows:

ServerRoot "E:/git/Apache"

LoadModule proxy_module modules/
LoadModule proxy_balancer_module modules/
LoadModule proxy_connect_module modules/
LoadModule proxy_ftp_module modules/
LoadModule proxy_http_module modules/
LoadModule rewrite_module modules/
LoadModule slotmem_shm_module modules/
LoadModule socache_shmcb_module modules/
LoadModule ssl_module modules/

DocumentRoot "E:/git/Apache/htdocs"

ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ "E:/git/Apache/cgi-bin/"

Execute bellow command: httpd.exe -k isntall.
It will show bellow message when installed successfully.

Then add gerrit reference things in conf/httpd.conf:

<VirtualHost *:80>  
    ServerName Your IP Address, the same with gerrit.config "canonicalWebUrl"
    ProxyPreserveHost On  
    <Proxy *> 
        Order deny,allow  
        Allow from all  
    <Location /login/>  
        AuthType Basic  
        AuthName "Welcome to Gerrit Code Review!"  
        Require valid-user  
        AuthBasicProvider file  
        AuthUserFile E:/git/gerrit_password  
    AllowEncodedSlashes On  
    ProxyPass / nocanon  

4. Create gerrit_password
Execute the command in the command line: E:\git\Apache\bin>htpasswd.exe -c -b E:/git/gerrit_password USER PASSWORD
It will create the user/password file gerrit_password into E:/git/.

Start Service

1. start gerrit
Execute the command into command line: E:\git\Gerrit\bin> start. You can find the log "Starting Gerrit Code Review: OK" at Git-Bash window.
Or you can check the logs folder, there is a file.

2. start httpd
Execute the command into command line: E:\git\Apache\bin>httpd.exe -k start.
Or you can execute bin/ApacheMonitor.exe to start the service.


You can input Your IP Address into your browser.
If OK, you will see bellow picture: