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安装 CMake


{% hint style='tip' %} Your CMake version should be newer than your compiler. It should be newer than the libraries you are using (especially Boost). New versions work better for everyone. {% endhint %}


If you have a built in copy of CMake, it isn't special or customized for your system. You can easily install a new one instead, either on the system level or the user level. Feel free to instruct your users here if they complain about a CMake requirement being set too high. Especially if they want < 3.1 support. Maybe even if they want CMake < 3.12 support...


Official package

你可以从KitWare下载CMake。如果你在Windows上,这就是你可能会得到CMake的方式。在macOS上获取它也不是很糟糕,但是如果你使用Homebrew (你应该这样),brew install cmake这样会更好。

在Linux上,官网提供了二进制文件,但您需要选择一个安装位置。如果您已经使用了~/.local用户空间包(user-space packages),则以下单行命令1将为您获取CMake2

~ $ wget -qO- "" | tar --strip-components=1 -xz -C ~/.local

You can download CMake from KitWare. This is how you'll probably get CMake if you are on Windows. It's not a bad way to get it on macOS either, but using brew install cmake is much nicer if you use Homebrew (and you should).

On Linux, there are binaries provided, but you'll need to pick an install location. If you already use ~/.local for user-space packages, the following single line command1 will get CMake for you 2:

{% term %} ~ $ wget -qO- "" | tar --strip-components=1 -xz -C ~/.local {% endterm %}


~ $ mkdir -p cmake-3.12 && wget -qO- "" | tar --strip-components=1 -xz -C cmake-3.12
~ $ export PATH=`pwd`/cmake-3.12/bin:$PATH

If you just want a local folder with CMake only:

{% term %} ~ $ mkdir -p cmake-3.12 && wget -qO- "" | tar --strip-components=1 -xz -C cmake-3.12 ~ $ export PATH=pwd/cmake-3.12/bin:$PATH {% endterm %}


并且,如果您想要系统级安装,请安装到/usr/local;这是Docker容器中的绝佳选择,例如在GitLab CI上。不要在非容器化系统上尝试。

docker $ wget -qO- "" | tar --strip-components=1 -xz -C /usr/local

You'll obviously want to append to the PATH every time you start a new terminal, or add it to your .bashrc or to an LMod system.

And, if you want a system install, install to /usr/local; this is an excellent choice in a Docker container, for example on GitLab CI. Do not try it on a non-containerized system.

{% term %} docker $ wget -qO- "" | tar --strip-components=1 -xz -C /usr/local {% endterm %}

如果您在没有wget的系统上,请替换wget -qO-curl -s


If you are on a system without wget, replace wget -qO- with curl -s.

You can also build CMake on any system, it's pretty easy, but binaries are faster.


这也是一个官方软件包,由CMake的作者在KitWare维护。这是一种相当新的方法,并且在某些系统上可能会失败(最后我检查过Alpine不支持,但是它有CMake 3.8),但是当它工作时(例如在Travis CI上)效果很好。如果你有pip(Python的包安装程序),你可以这样做:

gitbook $ pip install cmake

This is also provided as an official package, maintained by the authors of CMake at KitWare. It's a rather new method, and might fail on some systems (Alpine isn't supported last I checked, but that has CMake 3.8), but works really well when it works (like on Travis CI). If you have pip (Python's package installer), you can do:

gitbook $ pip install cmake




And as long as a binary exists for your system, you'll be up-and-running almost immediately. If a binary doesn't exist, it will try to use KitWare's scikit-build package to build, which currently can't be listed as a dependency in the packaging system, and might even require (an older) copy of CMake to build. So only use this system if binaries exist, which is most of the time.

This has the benefit of respecting your current virtual environment, as well.

{% hint style='info' %} Personally, on Linux, I put versions of CMake in folders, like /opt/cmake312 or ~/opt/cmake312, and then add them to LMod. See [envmodule_setup][envmodule_setup] for help setting up an LMod system on macOS or Linux. It takes a bit to learn, but is a great way to manage package and compiler versions. [envmodule_setup]: {% endhint %}


  1. 我认为这是显而易见的,但是你正在下载并运行代码,这会让你暴露给中间攻击的人。如果您处于关键环境中,则应下载该文件并检查校验和。(并且,不,仅仅通过两个步骤执行此操作并不会使您更安全,只有校验和更安全)。 2

  2. 如果您的主目录中没有.local,则很容易启动。只要创建这个文件夹,然后添加export PATH="$HOME/.local/bin:$PATH"到您home目录的.bashrc.bash_profile.profile文件中。现在您可以安装您构建的任何软件包到-DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=~/.local而不是/usr/local 2