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Folders and files

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Firebase Storage

Firebase Storage is based on Google Cloud Storage, a very easy and flexible solution for storing all kinds of files.

Files are stored the same way as in your personal computer, using a tree hierarchy. This means there's a root folder which can contain more folders and those folders can contain additional folders and files.

It is strongly recommended to avoid the use of special characters when naming files and folders.

You will need special care for the slash character (/). I recommend using this helper function to URL encode them:

private function formatUrl(url:String):String
    return url.replace(/\//g, "%2F");

In the context of this guide a bucket is a synonymous to your Firebase project.

Firebase Rules

The Firebase Rules are a flexible way to set permissions on who can access certain files and data.

By default all the data is private and can only be accessed by Authenticated users.

To modify the Rules follow these steps:

  1. Open the Firebase console
  2. Select your project.
  3. Click on the Storage option from the left side menu.
  4. Click on RULES from the top menu.

Default Rules

service {
  match /b/<YOUR-PROJECT-ID> {
    match /{allPaths=**} {
      allow read, write: if request.auth != null;

These rules are very similar to the Auth default rules. They mean that any authenticated user can upload, delete and modify all files from your bucket.

Public Reading and Writing

The following rules allows any user to upload, delete and modify files from your entire bucket. Use this only while developing and testing.

service {
  match /b/<YOUR-PROJECT-ID> {
    match /{allPaths=**} {
      allow read, write;

Public Reading

Use the following rules if you need to host some files that anyone on the Internet can download, such as images, documents, audio and video.

service {
  match /b/<YOUR-PROJECT-ID> {
    match /{allPaths=**} {
      allow read;

The following rules will allow anyone to read but not to write the contents of a folder named public.

service {
  match /b/<YOUR-PROJECT-ID> {
    match /public/} {
      allow read;


Since Firebase returns useful error information we will use the following Event.COMPLETE and IOErrorEvent.IOERROR listeners in all of our requests.

private function taskComplete(

private function errorHandler(

Uploading a File

To upload a file with URLLoader you require to send it as a ByteArray.

If you upload the same file to the same location, it will be replaced with new metadata.

In this example we are uploading a file from a predefined location. A common example is syncing a save game after a game session.

private function uploadFile():void
    var file:File = File.applicationStorageDirectory.resolvePath("");
    var fileStream:FileStream = new FileStream();, FileMode.READ);
    var bytes:ByteArray = new ByteArray();
    var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest("<YOUR-PROJECT-ID>"+"");
    request.method = URLRequestMethod.POST; = bytes;
    request.contentType = "text/plain";
    var loader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
    loader.addEventListener(, taskComplete);
    loader.addEventListener(, errorHandler);

A successful response will look like the following JSON structure:

    "name": "savegames/",
    "bucket": "<YOUR-PROJECT-ID>",
    "generation": "1473948546121000",
    "metageneration": "1",
    "contentType": "text/plain",
    "timeCreated": "2016-09-15T14:09:06.053Z",
    "updated": "2016-09-15T14:09:06.053Z",
    "storageClass": "STANDARD",
    "size": "10450",
    "md5Hash": "7aIjAPS+Sd0DaF5SmGTUYw==",
    "contentEncoding": "identity",
    "crc32c": "DObTDw==",
    "etag": "CKj6iJzGkc8CEAE=",
    "downloadTokens": "7232aa46-f2e1-4df5-9698-d9c77b88ad5f"

Your new file and a savegames folder will instantly appear in the Storage section from the Firebase console.

The contentType doesn't need to be accurate, but it is recommended to set it properly.

Uploading with Progress Indicator

You can also upload files using the upload and uploadUnencoded methods from the File and FileReference classes.

This example will demonstrate how to upload a file from a fixed location and retrieve the upload progress.

private function uploadFile():void
    var file:File = File.applicationStorageDirectory.resolvePath("heavy_picture.jpg");
    file.addEventListener(ProgressEvent.PROGRESS, progressHandler);
    file.addEventListener(DataEvent.UPLOAD_COMPLETE_DATA, uploadCompleteDataHandler);

    var fileStream:FileStream = new FileStream();, FileMode.READ);

    var bytes:ByteArray = new ByteArray();

    var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest("<YOUR-PROJECT-ID>"+"heavy_picture.jpg");
    request.method = URLRequestMethod.POST; = bytes.toString();
    request.contentType = "image/jpeg";


private function progressHandler(event:ProgressEvent):void
    var progress:Number = Math.round((event.bytesLoaded/event.bytesTotal)*100);
    trace("Upload Progress: " + progress + "%");

private function uploadCompleteDataHandler(event:DataEvent):void
    trace(; //Here you will receive the file metadata from Firebase Storage.

It is required to send the file as a String that represents the file bytes and use the uploadUnencoded method.

Uploading a File with Auth

Authorizing requests for Firebase Storage is a bit different than in Firebase Database. Instead of adding an auth parameter in the URL with the authToken, we add it into a header.

private function uploadFile(authToken:String):void
    var file:File = File.applicationStorageDirectory.resolvePath("");
    var fileStream:FileStream = new FileStream();, FileMode.READ);
    var bytes:ByteArray = new ByteArray();
    var header:URLRequestHeader = new URLRequestHeader("Authorization", "Bearer "+authToken);			

    var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest("<YOUR-PROJECT-ID>"+"");
    request.method = URLRequestMethod.POST; = bytes;
    request.contentType = "text/plain";

    var loader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
    loader.addEventListener(, taskComplete);
    loader.addEventListener(, errorHandler);

A successful response will look like the following JSON structure:

    "name": "savegames/",
    "bucket": "<YOUR-PROJECT-ID>",
    "generation": "1473948546121000",
    "metageneration": "1",
    "contentType": "text/plain",
    "timeCreated": "2016-09-15T14:09:06.053Z",
    "updated": "2016-09-15T14:09:06.053Z",
    "storageClass": "STANDARD",
    "size": "10450",
    "md5Hash": "7aIjAPS+Sd0DaF5SmGTUYw==",
    "contentEncoding": "identity",
    "crc32c": "DObTDw==",
    "etag": "CKj6iJzGkc8CEAE=",
    "downloadTokens": "7232aa46-f2e1-4df5-9698-d9c77b88ad5f"

Deleting a File

Deleting a file is very simple, you only need to send a DELETE request with the file you want to delete.

Instead of using a DELETE request we are going to use an alternative but valid approach, the "X-HTTP-Method-Override", "DELETE" header.

The reason to use the header is to have consistency with the Firebase Database guide.

private function deleteFile():void
    var header:URLRequestHeader = new URLRequestHeader("X-HTTP-Method-Override", "DELETE");			
    var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest("<YOUR-PROJECT-ID>"+"");
    request.method = URLRequestMethod.POST;
    var loader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
    loader.addEventListener(, taskComplete);
    loader.addEventListener(, errorHandler);

A successful response will return an empty String.

Deleting a File with Auth

To delete a file with authentication you only need to provide an authToken in the Authorization header and the file path in a DELETE request.

private function deleteFile(authToken:String):void
    var header:URLRequestHeader = new URLRequestHeader("X-HTTP-Method-Override", "DELETE");			
    var header2:URLRequestHeader = new URLRequestHeader("Authorization", "Bearer "+authToken);			
    var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest("<YOUR-PROJECT-ID>"+"");
    request.method = URLRequestMethod.POST;
    var loader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
    loader.addEventListener(, taskComplete);
    loader.addEventListener(, errorHandler);

Updating Metadata

To modify the metadata generated after your upload a file you will only require to JSON encode which fields do you need to update and send them in a PATCH request. This is very similar as updating the Firebase Database data.

Click here for a list of all the fields that can be modified. In the following example we are going to change the contentType.

private function updateMetadata():void
    var myObject:Object = new Object();
    myObject.contentType = "application/binary";
    var header:URLRequestHeader = new URLRequestHeader("X-HTTP-Method-Override", "PATCH");			
    var header2:URLRequestHeader = new URLRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/json");
    var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest("<YOUR-PROJECT-ID>"+"savegames%2F"+"");
    request.method = URLRequestMethod.POST; = JSON.stringify(myObject);
    var loader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
    loader.addEventListener(, taskComplete);
    loader.addEventListener(, errorHandler);

A successful response will look like the following JSON structure:

    "name": "savegames/",
    "bucket": "<YOUR-PROJECT-ID>",
    "generation": "1473948546121000",
    "metageneration": "2",
    "contentType": "application/binary",
    "timeCreated": "2016-09-15T14:09:06.053Z",
    "updated": "2016-09-16T02:46:44.439Z",
    "storageClass": "STANDARD",
    "size": "10450",
    "md5Hash": "7aIjAPS+Sd0DaF5SmGTUYw==",
    "contentEncoding": "identity",
    "crc32c": "DObTDw==",
    "etag": "CKj6iJzGkc8CEAE=",
    "downloadTokens": "7232aa46-f2e1-4df5-9698-d9c77b88ad5f"

Updating Metadata with Auth

To update metadata with authentication you need to provide an authToken in the Authorization header.

You will also require to JSON encode which fields do you need to update and send them in a PATCH request.

private function updateMetadata(authToken:String):void
    var myObject:Object = new Object();
    myObject.contentType = "application/binary";
    var header:URLRequestHeader = new URLRequestHeader("X-HTTP-Method-Override", "PATCH");			
    var header2:URLRequestHeader = new URLRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/json");
    var header3:URLRequestHeader = new URLRequestHeader("Authorization", "Bearer "+authToken);         
    var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest("<YOUR-PROJECT-ID>"+"");
    request.method = URLRequestMethod.POST; = JSON.stringify(myObject);
    var loader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
    loader.addEventListener(, taskComplete);
    loader.addEventListener(, errorHandler);

Downloading a File

To download files from your Firebase Storage bucket you only require to send a GET request with the full path of the file and the parameter alt=media. You will also require the followinv values from the JSON structure.

Name Description
name The path of the file including its name.
bucket Your Firebase Project ID plus the domain.
downloadTokens A String used for downloading private files.
    "name": "savegames/",
    "bucket": "<YOUR-PROJECT-ID>",
    "generation": "1473948546121000",
    "metageneration": "1",
    "contentType": "text/plain",
    "timeCreated": "2016-09-15T14:09:06.053Z",
    "updated": "2016-09-15T14:09:06.053Z",
    "storageClass": "STANDARD",
    "size": "10450",
    "md5Hash": "7aIjAPS+Sd0DaF5SmGTUYw==",
    "contentEncoding": "identity",
    "crc32c": "DObTDw==",
    "etag": "CKj6iJzGkc8CEAE=",
    "downloadTokens": "7232aa46-f2e1-4df5-9698-d9c77b88ad5f"

There are several ways to download files using the AIR runtime, we are going to use the easiest one: navigateToURL().

The following example downloads a public file:

private function downloadFile():void
    var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest("<YOUR-PROJECT-ID>"+""+"?alt=media");

Downloading a Private File

Downloading private files doesn't require the Authorization header. You only require to provide the token parameter and the file path.

The token parameter is the downloadTokens value from the JSON response when you upload a file.

private function downloadFile(downloadTokens:String):void
    var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest("<YOUR-PROJECT-ID>"+""+"?alt=media&token="+downloadTokens);

Downloading Metadata

You can download the information of any file in JSON format without downloading the file itself.

To download the metadata of a public file you only require to send a GET request with the full file path.

private function downloadMetadata():void
    var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest("<YOUR-PROJECT-ID>"+"");
    var loader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
    loader.addEventListener(, metadataLoaded);

private function metadataLoaded(

Downloading Private Metadata

To download metadata from private files you require to provide an authToken in the Authorization header.

private function downloadMetadata(authToken:String):void
    var header:URLRequestHeader = new URLRequestHeader("Authorization", "Bearer "+authToken);         
    var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest("<YOUR-PROJECT-ID>"+"");
    request.method = URLRequestMethod.POST;

    var loader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
    loader.addEventListener(, metadataLoaded);

private function metadataLoaded(

User Specific Files

So far we have worked with the same file ( in the same location (savegames folder), now we are going to step it up and make it so every registered user can have their own folder with their respective file.

The following rules specify that only authenticated users can read and write the file that will be located inside a folder named the same as their uid (localId):

service {
    match /b/<YOUR-PROJECT-ID> {
        match /savegames/{userId}/ {
            allow read, write: if request.auth.uid == userId;

We can use the following rules if we want users to have control over their complete folder:

service {
    match /b/<YOUR-PROJECT-ID> {
        match /savegames/{userId}/{allPaths=**} {
            allow read, write: if request.auth.uid == userId;

The following snippet requires that you already have a valid authToken and a localId.

The localId can be obtained after a successful Sign In, Sign Up or Get Account Info request.

The auth value can be obtained after a successful Refresh Token request.

For more information on these values you can read the Firebase Auth guide.

private function uploadPersonalFile(authToken:String, localId:String):void
    var file:File = File.applicationStorageDirectory.resolvePath("");
    var fileStream:FileStream = new FileStream();, FileMode.READ);
    var bytes:ByteArray = new ByteArray();
    var header:URLRequestHeader = new URLRequestHeader("Authorization", "Bearer "+authToken);			
    var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest("<YOUR-PROJECT-ID>"+localId+"%2F"+"");
    request.method = URLRequestMethod.POST; = bytes;
    request.contentType = "text/plain";
    var loader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
    loader.addEventListener(, taskComplete);
    loader.addEventListener(, errorHandler);

A successful response will look like the following JSON structure:

    "name": "savegames/ktfSpKHar2fW1fcZePigI0Zr0bP2/",
    "bucket": "<YOUR-PROJECT-ID>",
    "generation": "1473948546121000",
    "metageneration": "1",
    "contentType": "text/plain",
    "timeCreated": "2016-09-15T14:09:06.053Z",
    "updated": "2016-09-16T02:46:44.439Z",
    "storageClass": "STANDARD",
    "size": "10450",
    "md5Hash": "7aIjAPS+Sd0DaF5SmGTUYw==",
    "contentEncoding": "identity",
    "crc32c": "DObTDw==",
    "etag": "CKj6iJzGkc8CEAE=",
    "downloadTokens": "7232aa46-f2e1-4df5-9698-d9c77b88ad5f"

You will notice that the localId value has been added to the name.