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File metadata and controls

75 lines (50 loc) · 4.85 KB

Contributing to the project

Hello and thank you for you interest. To keep things in order, please adhere to the following rules when contributing.


  • Please write unit test for new code. We use Catch2 as the test framework. Have a look at the existing unit tests for examples if you are not previosuly familiar with it.
  • Write integration tests for code that can't be fully tested using unit tests. Have a look at those found in the test folder. Also take note of how the integration tests are structured; folder and namespace naming is an important part for proper integration in the build system.


A major goal of Smooth is to ease development which it does by allowing projects to be compiled for, and run on, Linux prior to targeting the ESP32 device. All new code must support this dual platform capability by using (and expanding) mocks such as mock-idf or other abstractions. Hardware mocks should pretend to be functioning (e.g. return success-values), but are not expected to be full simulators. They are however expected to not cause crashes at runtime. All code must compile with the warning levels defined in compiler_options.cmake targeting both native Linux (gcc8) and Xtensa (gcc8).


Modern C++

  • Use modern C++ features, i.e. smart pointers over raw pointers, std::array instead of C-arrays, RAII etc.

Formatting & style

  • Run Uncrustify on your code contributions for general formatting of braces, new lines, spaces etc. A configuration file is found in the root of the project.
  • Follow the same code formatting as the rest of the project, such as:
    • Variables, class members, functions and methods shall use snake_case naming.
    • Do not use Hungarian notation for variables, i.e. warts m_
    • Classes shall be named using UpperCamelCase using characters a-z or A-Z. Digits are rarely used.
    • No multiple return-statements.
    • No goto or jmp-statements.
    • Switch statements are allowed, but no implicit fallthrough. Use C++17's [[fallthrough]] attribute.
    • Prefer positive logic, e.g. if (ready) {...} else {...} over if (!ready) {...} else {...}
    • Do not use exceptions for code flow, i.e. use exceptions only for exceptional uncrecoverable situations. That said, prefer error codes over exceptions.
    • Don't mix condition types without parentheses to avoid unintentional logic errors, e.g. if(a && (b || c)) vs. if(a && b || c)
    • Don't call multiple methods in a condition statement; this avoids unintentional short circuits.
    • Place chained && and || in if-statements at a new line.
    • Source files shall be UTF-8 encoded, no BOM.

Code reviews

All pull requests will be critically reviewed before being accepted so please expect request for changes. Feel free to comment on other's pull requests, but keep things friendly. Code review is about improving code and learning from others, not berating the contributor. Argue your point if you feel the need, learning goes both ways.

Contribution credit

Contributors will be given credit by being listed in the file. Feel free to update this file when appropiate, it eases the acceptance of a contribution and ensures credit is given.


This project is licensed under Apache 2.0 and as such yor contributions must be compatible with this license.

Source file header

Each source file shall have a copy of the Apache 2.0 notice at the top of the file, adjusted to appropriately reflect the copyright of the original author.

Here's a sample for your convenience:

Smooth - A C++ framework for embedded programming on top of Espressif's ESP-IDF

Copyright 2019 Per Malmberg (

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.


This document is a work in progress and updated as needed and at the whim of the author :)