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324 lines (254 loc) · 10.8 KB


forthebadge forthebadge

The objective of this project is to program a library in C grouping common functions that you will be able to reuse in future projects.

Program name libft.a
Turn in files Makefile, libft.h, ft_*.c
Makefile NAME, all, clean, fclean, re
Detailed below malloc, free

Table of contents

  • Mandatory part

    • Basic Functions
      • ft_isalpha
      • ft_isdigit
      • ft_isalnum
      • ft_isascii
      • ft_isprint
      • ft_strlen
      • ft_memset
      • ft_bzero
      • ft_memcpy
      • ft_memmove
      • ft_strlcpy
      • ft_strlcat
      • ft_toupper
      • ft_tolower
      • ft_strchr
      • ft_strrchr
      • ft_strncmp
      • ft_memchr
      • ft_memcmp
      • ft_strnstr
      • ft_atoi
      • ft_calloc
      • ft_strdup
  • Additional functions

    • Functions
      • ft_substr
      • ft_strjoin
      • ft_strtrim
      • ft_split
      • ft_itoa
      • ft_strmapi
      • ft_striteri
      • ft_putchar_fd
      • ft_putstr_fd
      • ft_putendl_fd
      • ft_putnbr_fd
  • Bonus

    • Bonus Functions
      • ft_substr
      • ft_strjoin
      • ft_strtrim
      • ft_split
      • ft_itoa
      • ft_strmapi
      • ft_striteri
      • ft_putchar_fd
      • ft_putstr_fd
      • ft_putendl_fd
      • ft_putnbr_fd

Mandatory part

Basic Functions

- ft_isalpha: Checks whether a character is an alphabet or not.

[Description ft_isalpha]
 1- Check and return (1) if the character passed by function its a letter
 2- If not return (0)

- ft_isdigit: Checks whether a character is numeric character (0-9) or not.

[Description ft_isdigit]
 1- Check and return (1) if the character passed by function its a number
 2- If not return (0)

- ft_isalnum: Checks whether the argument passed is an alphanumeric character (alphabet or number) or not

[Description ft_isalnum]
   1- Check and return (1) if the character passed by function its a
   	- number calling the function isdgit
   	- letter calling the function isalpha
   2- If not return (0)

- ft_isascii: Checks whether the argument passed can be represented as a valid 7–bit US-ASCII character.

[Description ft_isascii]
   1- Check and return (1) if the character passed by function its simple ascii
   2- If not return (0)

- ft_isprint: Checks whether a character is a printable character or not.

[Description ft_isprint]
   1- Check and return (1) if the character its printable
   2- If not return (0)

- ft_strlen: Calculates the length of a given string.

[Description ft_strlen]
   1- Iterate the string, and return the counter(i)

- ft_memset: Copies the character c (an unsigned char) to the first n characters of the string pointed to, by the argument str.

[Description ft_memset]
   1- Create new string with the value of str
   2- Iterate the new string as many times as indicated by function(len)
   3- Each iteration replaces its characters with those passed by function(c).

- ft_bzero: Function erases the data in the n bytes of the memory starting at the location pointed to by s, by writing zeros

[Description ft_bzero]
   1-  Call the [ft_memset] function and set a 0 as character

- ft_memcpy: Copies n characters from memory area src to memory area dest.

[Description ft_memcpy]
 1- Check if the dst and src exist
 2- Create new string with the value of dst and other with src
 3- Iterates up to the parameter passed by the function(len)
 4- Every iteration copy the value of source inside destination
 5- Return destination

- ft_memmove: Copies n characters from str2 to str1, but for overlapping memory blocks, memmove() is a safer approach than memcpy().

[Description ft_memmove]
 1- Check if the dst and src exist
 2- Create new string with the value of dst and other with src
 3- If dst < src, copy in dest the len of str with memcpy.
 4- If dst and src are equal return dst
 5- If not(dst < src) and not (dst = src) then iterate from right to left of str copying src to dst
 6- Return dst

- ft_strlcpy: Function copies up to size - 1 characters from the NUL-terminated string src to dst, NUL-terminating the result.

[Description ft_strlcpy]
 1- Check if parameter lend_dst its 0 or negative,if its return the len of str
 2- Iterate while source exist and the counter its less to len_dst
 3- Every iteration copy the source in the destination
 4- When the iteration its over close the string
 5- Return the len of the source

- ft_strlcat: Function appends the NUL-terminated string src to the end of dst. It will append at most size - strlen(dst) - 1 bytes, NUL-terminating the result.

[Description ft_strlcat]
 1- Get the len of the destination
 2- If the size is < len of dst
   - Return the len of source plus size
 3- Iterate while
   -(size > 0) and (destination len its smaller than size) and (source exist)
 4- Every iteration copy the source in the destination (warning counters)
 5- Close the string
 6- Iterate while the rest of source exist and plus the destination len
 7- Return destination len

- ft_toupper: Converts a lowercase alphabet to an uppercase alphabet.

[Description ft_toupper]
 1- If char(c) its Lower case substract 32
 2- Return char(c)

- ft_tolower: Converts an uppercase alphabet to a lowercase alphabet.

[Description ft_tolower]
 1- If char(c) its Upper case increase 32
 2- Return char(c)

- ft_strrchr: Searches for the last occurrence of the character c (an unsigned char) in the string pointed to, by the argument str.

[Description ft_strrchr]
 1- Get the len of the str
 2- Iterate while the len >= 0
 3- Each iteration
   -Check if str are equal to the character passed by the function(c)
     -# If its return the rest of te str
 4- Outside the iteration return (0)

- ft_strncmp: Compares at most the first n bytes of str1 and str2.

[Description ft_strncmp]
 1- Check if str1 and str2 are not finished and the n its not 0, if its return (0)
 2- Iterate while (str1 and str2 are equal) and (counter its minor than n) and (str1 and str2 exist)
 3- Each iteration increases the counter(i)
 4- Returns the difference between the str1 and str2

- ft_memchr: Searches for the first occurrence of the character c (an unsigned char) in the first n bytes of the string pointed to, by the argument str.

[Description ft_memchr]
 1- Create new string with the value of s1
 2- Iterates up to the parameter passed by the function(n)
 3- Every iteration check if the vaule of str its equal to
 character passed by function(c), if its equal return the pointer of the matching byte
 4- If no similarity was found returns null

- ft_memcmp: Compares the first n bytes of memory area str1 and memory area str2.

[Description ft_memcmp]
 1- Check if the s1 and s2 exist
 2- Create new string with the value of s1 and other with s2
 3- Check if the bytes(n) for check passed by functions its 0, if its, return 0
 4- Iterate as long as both strings are equal, or as long as there are bytes left to check.

- ft_strnstr: The strnstr() function locates the first occurrence of the null-termi-nated string little in the string big, where not more than len characters are searched.

[Description ft_strnstr]
 1- Create new strings with the value of str and srch
 2- Check if srch its finished, if its Return str
 3- Iterate while (str exist) and the (counter is less than n)
 4- Each iteration
   - Reset the secondary counter(j)
   - Check if str and srch are equal
     -# If its equal
       -## Iterate while are equal and increase the secondary counter(j)
       -## Check if search are finished
         -### If its finished Return the rest of the str

- ft_atoi: Converts the string argument str to an integer (type int).

[Description ft_atoi]
 1- The first Iteration,	"erase" the blanks and special comands from the cont(i) of the string(str)
 2- Detect negative or positive(neg)
 3- Iterate the rest of the string while the cont its equal to a number, and saving it in a new variable * ten
 4- Return the new value with the correct symbol (-+)

- ft_calloc: Allocates the requested memory and returns a pointer to it. The difference in malloc and calloc is that malloc does not set the memory to zero where as calloc sets allocated memory to zero.

[Description ft_calloc]
 1- Create and check a new string, with the parameters passed by function
 2- Call bzero and send ith the new str(temp) and his size (count * size)
 3- Return the new string

- ft_strdup: Function returns a pointer to a new string which is a duplicate of the string s.

[Description ft_strdup]
 1- Get the len of the source for the malloc
 2- Create and check the new string
 3- Copy in the new string the source
 4- Return the new string

Additional functions



Bonus Functions


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