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How to design and prototype custom transition animation and gesture interaction in Interface Builder with IBAnimatable

For most of the non-trivial apps, they may have more than one Scene (ViewController). In that case, we need to support navigation. Interface Builder is a great to prototype navigation like presenting or pushing another ViewController from current ViewController. To improve the user experiences, we can display transition animation when navigating from one scene to another. May 30th, 2016 as of this writing, out of the box, Interface Builder only supports a small set of transition animations for Present e.g. "Cover Vertical" and "Flip Horizontal". With IBAnimatable we can configure custom transition animation and gesture interaction in Interface Builder. As of this writing, IBAnimatable is the first and the only one open source library supports those features.

Configuring Present transition in Interface Builder

There are two ways to configure Present transition in Interface Builder with IBAnimatable. The first one is to use AnimatableViewController

Firstly, select a UIViewController then configure the custom class to AnimatableViewController in Identity inspector (Identity inspector)

Transition - AnimatableViewController

Then we can configure Transition Animation, Transition Duration and Interactive Gesture properties in Attributes inspector (Attributes inspector).

Property Description Example
Transition Animation The animation effect when Present or Dismiss a ViewController, you can find all supported transition animations in Transition Animators section. Please notices, The animators named with System*** do not support the Present transition. Fade for fade animation, some animator can support parameters, e.g. Portal(Forward) for portal forward animation, and Portal(Backward) for portal backward animation.
Transition Duration The duration of the transition animation in seconds. The default value is 0.7 0.5 means half a second, 2 means two seconds
Interactive Gesture The gesture used to Dismiss the ViewController, you can find all supported interactive gestures in Interactive Animators section. There is no gesture for Dismiss if it is unset (nil). Some Transition Animator has a default gesture, you can set this property to Default to use the default gesture. You can find all default gesture in Transition Animators Default for FadeAnimator is Pan(Horizontal) gesture which means pan horizontally. And Pinch(Close) means pinch close gesture.

Transition - Present Transition

Once we configure those properties, ALL Transition (please notice it is all, including Present and Exit Segues) for this ViewController will use the configured animation effect. The transition animation will look like this based on the settings above.

Transition - Present Transition

You can see the example in "TransitionsInInterfaceBuilder.storyboard" and play around different configurations. Then open the App and tap on "Playground" button, and tap on "transitions" cell to navigate to Transitions Scene. Tap on "IB" button to see the configurations you made in "TransitionsInInterfaceBuilder.storyboard".

If you want to have separate animation effect for different Present Transition, see the section Configuring Present transition in Interface Builder via Segue.

Configuring Present transition in Interface Builder via Segue

In some case, we may want to have different animation effect for various Present Transition. IBAnimatable provides a set of custom Segues to support that. You can find all supported Segues in Segues section.

To use custom Segue, we can control drag from one ViewController to another ViewController, then select a custom Segue e.g. "present portal with dismiss interaction". Because Interface Builder doesn't support @IBInspectable for Segue, we are not able to change the transition direction, duration and dismissal gesture. There are one or two Segues for each Transition Animator. One is without dismissal interaction, and one's with (if this transition animator has interactive dismissal gesture). For example, for PortalAnimator, we have "present portal" for Portal animation without dismissal interaction, and have "present portal with dismiss interaction" for Portal animation with default dismissal interaction, which is Pinch(Close).

Transition - Present Transition via Segue

After we select "present portal with dismiss interaction", we need to check the Module in Attributes inspector (Attributes inspector). The App may crash if the field is empty. It probably is a bug of Interface Builder. To fix it just simply click on the Module field and hit enter, it should show IBAnimatable. If everything is ready, we can see the transition animation like this as below. We can have more than one Segue within the same ViewController. They will have different transition animation based on the selected Segue.

Transition - Present Transition via Segue

You can see the example in "TransitionsInInterfaceBuilder.storyboard" and play around different configurations.

Configuring Push transition in Interface Builder

To use Push transition, we need to have a UINavigationController. Firstly, select a UINavigationController then set the class to AnimatableNavigationController in Identity inspector (Identity inspector)

Transition - Transition using AnimatableNavigationController

Then we can configure Transition Animation, Transition Duration and Interactive Gesture properties in Attributes inspector (Attributes inspector). Those properties are as same as in Configuring Present transition in Interface Builder section. The differences are we can use System***Animator classes in Transition Animation, e.g. SystemCube(Left) for System Cube transtion.

Transition - Push Transition settings

Once we configure those properties, all Push Transitions inside the NavigationController will use the configured animation effect. We usually don't have different effects inside the same NavigationController, so we don't provide Push Segues to support different transition animations. If you still want to have different transition animations, we can use Apple default API to achieve that. Please check out UINavigationControllerDelegate.

Transition - Push Transition

You can see the example in "TransitionsInInterfaceBuilder.storyboard" and play around different configurations.

Transition Animators

IBAnimatable provide a broad set of Transition Animators / Controllers. We can use them in Interface Builder as Transition Animation as described in Configuring Present transition in Interface Builder and Configuring Push transition in Interface Builder, or programmatically in code. They are all standard Transition Animators / Controllers conform to UIViewControllerAnimatedTransitioning.

You can see all supported Transition Animators in the demo App, open the App and tap on "Playground" button, then tap on "transitions" cell to see all transitions.


Using in Transition Animation

Value Effect Default Interactive Animator
Fade Cross fade Pan(Horizontal)
Fade(In) Fade in Pan(Horizontal)
Fade(Out) Fade out Pan(Horizontal)

Transition - Fade Transition


Using in Transition Animation

Value Effect Default Interactive Animator
SystemCube(Left) Cube effect from left Pan(Right)
SystemCube(Right) Cube effect from Right Pan(Left)
SystemCube(Top) Cube effect from top Pan(Bottom)
SystemCube(Bottom) Cube effect from bottom Pan(Top)

Please notice, it doesn't support the Present transition.

Transition - System Cube Transition


Using in Transition Animation

Value Effect Default Interactive Animator
SystemFlip(Left) Flip from left Pan(Right)
SystemFlip(Right) Flip from Right Pan(Left)
SystemFlip(Top) Flip from top Pan(Bottom)
SystemFlip(Bottom) Flip from bottom Pan(Top)

Please notice, it doesn't support the Present transition.

Transition - System Flip Transition


Using in Transition Animation

Value Effect Default Interactive Animator
SystemMoveIn(Left) Move in from left Pan(Right)
SystemMoveIn(Right) Move in from Right Pan(Left)
SystemMoveIn(Top) Move in from top Pan(Bottom)
SystemMoveIn(Bottom) Move in from bottom Pan(Top)

Please notice, it doesn't support the Present transition.

Transition - System Move In Transition


Using in Transition Animation

Value Effect Default Interactive Animator
SystemPush(Left) Push from left Pan(Right)
SystemPush(Right) Push from right Pan(Left)
SystemPush(Top) Push from top Pan(Bottom)
SystemPush(Bottom) Push from bottom Pan(Top)

Please notice, it doesn't support the Present transition.

Transition - System Push Transition


Using in Transition Animation

Value Effect Default Interactive Animator
SystemReveal(Left) Reveal from left Pan(Right)
SystemReveal(Right) Reveal from Right Pan(Left)
SystemReveal(Top) Reveal from top Pan(Bottom)
SystemReveal(Bottom) Reveal from bottom Pan(Top)

Please notice, it doesn't support the Present transition.

Transition - System Reveal Transition


Using in Transition Animation

Value Effect Default Interactive Animator
SystemPage(Curl) Page curl effect None
SystemPage(UnCurl) Page uncurl effect None

Please notice, it doesn't support Present transtion.

Transition - System Page Transition


Using in Transition Animation

Value Effect Default Interactive Animator
SystemCameralris Cameralris close and open effect Pinch(Close)
SystemCameralris(HollowOpen) Cameralris open effect Pinch(Close)
SystemCameralris(HollowClose) Cameralris close effect Pinch(Open)

Please notice, it doesn't support the Present transition.

Transition - System Cameralris Transition


Using in Transition Animation

Value Effect Default Interactive Animator
Fold(Left) Fold from left Pan(Right)
Fold(Right) Fold from Right Pan(Left)
Fold(Top) Fold from top Pan(Bottom)
Fold(Bottom) Fold from bottom Pan(Top)

FoldAnimator also supports second parameter folds, which sets the number of folds. The default value is 2. We can use it like Fold(Left,5).

Transition - Fold Transition


Using in Transition Animation

Value Effect Default Interactive Animator
Portal(Forward) Portal forward effect Pinch(Close)
Portal(Backward) Portal backward effect Pinch(Open)

PortalAnimator also supports second parameter zoomScale, which sets the origin scale of the scene, the value range is from 0 to 1, the default value is 0.8. We can use it like Portal(Forward,0.5).

Transition - Portal Transition


Using in Transition Animation

Value Effect Default Interactive Animator
NatGeo(Left) NatGeo effect to left None
NatGeo(Right) NatGeo effect to Right None

Transition - NatGeo Transition


Using in Transition Animation

Value Effect Default Interactive Animator
Turn(Left) Turn from left Pan(Right)
Turn(Right) Turn from Right Pan(Left)
Turn(Top) Turn from top Pan(Bottom)
Turn(Bottom) Turn from bottom Pan(Top)

Transition - Turn Transition


Using in Transition Animation

Value Effect Default Interactive Animator
Cards(Forward) Cards effect forward None
Cards(Backward) Cards effect backward None

Transition - Cards Transition


Using in Transition Animation

Value Effect Default Interactive Animator
Flip(Left) Flip from left Pan(Right)
Flip(Right) Flip from Right Pan(Left)

Transition - Flip Transition


Using in Transition Animation

Value Effect Default Interactive Animator
Slide(Left) Slide to left Pan(Left)
Slide(Right) Slide to Right Pan(Right)
Slide(Top) Slide to top Pan(Top)
Slide(Bottom) Slide to bottom Pan(Bottom)

Transition - Slide Transition

SlideAnimator also supports second parameter fade, which set the scene to fade in. If we don't specify the second parameter, it doesn't have a fade effect. We can use it like Slide(left,fade).


Using in Transition Animation

Value Effect Default Interactive Animator
SystemRotate Rotate 90 degrees None

Please notice, it doesn't support the Present transition.

Transition - System Rotate Transition


Using in Transition Animation

Value Effect Default Interactive Animator
SystemRippleEffect Ripple effect None

Please notice, it doesn't support the Present transition.

Transition - System Ripple Transition


Using in Transition Animation

Value Effect Default Interactive Animator
SystemSuckEffect Suck effect None

Please notice, it doesn't support the Present transition.

Transition - System Suck Transition


Using in Transition Animation

Value Effect Default Interactive Animator
Explode Explode effect None

ExplodeAnimator also supports parameters 0. xFactor: How many pieces in one row when explodes. The default value is 10 0. minAngle: The minimum angle for the pieces when the explode animation runs. The default value is -10 0. maxAngle: The maximum angle for the pieces when the explode animation runs. The default value is 10

We can use them like `Explode(20,-5,5)

Transition - Explode Transition

Interactive Animators

We can use Interactive Animators / Controllers to configure gesture for Dismiss or Pop transition in Interface Builder or use them programmatically, please refer to UINavigationControllerDelegate and UIViewControllerTransitioningDelegate.


Value Gesture
Pan(Horizontal) Pan horizontally
Pan(Vertical) Pan vertically
Pan(Left) Pan from left
Pan(Right) Pan from right
Pan(Top) Pan from top
Pan(Bottom) Pan from bottom


Value Gesture
ScreenEdgePan(Horizontal) ScreenEdgePan horizontally
ScreenEdgePan(Vertical) ScreenEdgePan vertically
ScreenEdgePan(Left) ScreenEdgePan from left
ScreenEdgePan(Right) ScreenEdgePan from right
ScreenEdgePan(Top) ScreenEdgePan from top
ScreenEdgePan(Bottom) ScreenEdgePan from bottom

Please notice, ScreenEdgePan(Vertical), ScreenEdgePan(Top) and ScreenEdgePan(Bottom) are reserved by iOS system. In most of cases, we should not use them.


Value Gesture
Pinch Pinch open or close
Pinch(Close) Pinch close
Pinch(Open) Pinch open

You can play around the configurations in "TransitionsInInterfaceBuilder.storyboard".


To support different animation effect for different Prsent transition, IBAnimatable provides a set of Present Segues.

Present Segues

Value Description
PresentFadeSegue Present segue with fade transition
PresentFadeWithDismissInteractionSegue Present segue with fade transition, using Pan(Horizontal) gesture to dismiss
PresentFoldSegue Present segue with fold from left transition
PresentFoldWithDismissInteractionSegue Present segue with fold from left transition, using Pan(Right) gesture to dismiss
PresentPortalSegue Present segue with portal forward transition
PresentPortalWithDismissInteractionSegue Present segue with portal forward transition, using Pinch(Close) gesture to dismiss
PresentTurnSegue Present segue with turn from left transition
PresentTurnWithDismissInteractionSegue Present segue with turn from left transition, using Pan(Right) gesture to dismiss
PresentFlipSegue Present segue with flip from left transition
PresentFlipWithDismissInteractionSegue Present segue with flip from left transition, using Pan(Right) gesture to dismiss
PresentSlideSegue Present segue with slide to left transition
PresentSlideWithDismissInteractionSegue Present segue with slide to left transition, using Pan(Left) gesture to dismiss
PresentCardsSegue Present segue with cards effect transition
PresentNatGeoSegue Present segue with NatGeo effect transition
PresentExplodeSegue Present segue with explode effect transition

Exit Segues

IBAnimatale provide some Exit Segues to help the user configure Exit / Unwind actions. To do that, we can "control drag" from a button to "Exit" icon (on top of the ViewController), then select the Segue.

Transition - Exit Segue

Value Description
dismissCurrentViewController dismiss current ViewController, it is an exit action for Present transition
popToRootViewController pop to root ViewController, it can directly pop to root of the NavigationController
unwindToViewController unwind to previous ViewController


Great thanks to @tbaranes who ported all transitions from VCTransitionsLibrary and added parameters support for some transition animators.

If you'd like to add more transition animations to IBAnimatable, it is super easy, please have a look at How to develop an animator (animation controller). Let's have some fun 😉. You can also discuss that in Issue 155 - Custom transition animators (animation controllers). If you have any question, please contact @JakeLin.